The Crusaders - Slimed (22)

art and story by  Samsa23 --

The slime reacted to her challenge. It reacted fast.

    Tendrils swarmed her, wrapping around her legs and arms. It pulled her, spread her legs wide and clamped her tightly in place.

       "Is this really what you do to get a woman to stay with you?!" Racer cried out, trying to push aside her fear and embrace her anger. "Wrap her in disgusting sludge and tie her up! Some man you are!"

    It was when a new tendril shot up from below her piercing her bodyslime and pushing into her sex that she got her answer. Her body was rocked by it. Every part of her echoed with the slime's response on how wrong she was.

    She WAS facing him. The slime WAS him, not just an extension of him or controlled by his mind. No he was everything, everything around her, on her...IN her...

    She cried out as his lust, his arousal, became hers. She nearly came from their combined libido.


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