Descent into the Flesh Pits: Rey- 05

art and story by  Samsa23 --

  With one final decisive tug, Rey's arms and legs were pulled away from her. She nearly fell, balanced precariously on the tips of her high heeled boots. She let out a loud cry of surprise as her strength failed her. Again for the first time. The tentacles wound tight around her arms and legs. Then they got to work, moving in tandem the tentacles below her waist tore through her leggings. The shreds of white fabric that remained seemed to be quickly absorbed by the pit. The tentacles on her arms readjusted themselves. And for the first time Rey felt the slimy tendrils on the bare skin of her thighs and arms.

    The slime was the worst. It stank and made Rey felt disgusting. Worse than that, but stung. Like dozens of hot needles being pressed into her skin. The strange part was that the slime left her skin feeling ultra sensitive. Every touch by them felt as though it was stroking a part of her she hadn't thought of for a long time. Not since those cold lonely nights on Jakku when she'd this was nothing like that! This was a violation! A torment! An outrage! She couldn't be enjoying this! It was impossible!

       "Let go of me you wretched...thing!" Rey demanded. "H...hey...stop that! StoPPPPAAAHHHNNN!!" Rey's demand quickly devolved into a surprised yelp as the offending tentacle suddenly pushed into her clit. It was a feeling she had never felt before. Her hymen tore from the attack and suddenly the thing was inside of her. She felt as though it was going to fill her up from the inside. She expected it to be the worst thing she'd ever felt. To some degree it was. But at the same time it was also a dream. A dream she'd had long ago alone on a desert planet. To feel something like this.

    It stole her breath away.


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