Babysitting Gone Wrong (Part 5)

by BondageFictionTales -- Tales

Babysitting Gone Wrong Part 5


Poor Rachel struggled to continue dancing for Maggie as the younger girl casually sat in her chair and ignored her. Rachel estimated that she had been dancing for at least half an hour, maybe more. She assumed that each song she danced to had been about three to four minutes in length, and there had been at least ten songs so far. Her arms and legs had grown weak, and her movements had become less pronounced as her dancing grew sluggish and formless. Maggie looked up from her phone to scold her older captive.

"You're not trying hard enough!" she yelled.

Rachel stopped dancing.

"Please," the older girl pleaded. "I'm exhausted."

Maggie got up from her chair and turned the music off. She looked back to Rachel.

"You're pathetic!" she said. "You'd never make it as a pole girl. You'd get fired from the clubs on day one."

"Just please don't make me dance anymore..." Rachel said in defeat.

Maggie showed Rachel some mercy, something she had come to do with decreasing frequency.

"Okay," the young girl said. "You can stop."


"Thank you..." Rachel replied meagerly.

Maggie retrieved the rope she had used to restrain Rachel and came over to where the older girl was tied to the pole.

"Turn around for me, love." she said. "Let's get you tied up!"

Rachel was out of strength and had no will to resist. She submissively obeyed the demanding teenager and turned around, bringing her hands behind her back. Before she could cross her wrists, Maggie grabbed her hands aggressively and pulled them into position. She skillfully crossed the rope between Rachel's wrists and tied it off in a knot outside of the reach of Rachel's fingers. Next, Maggie took the bright red ball gag and brought it around Rachel's head.

"Say 'AHHH!'" she jeered.

Rachel hesitated before she opened her mouth.


She was cut off as Maggie pulled the gag into her mouth and buckled it behind her head. Maggie had to stand on her toes to effectively gag Rachel, and she then straightened her new girlfriend's beautiful brunette hear over the leather straps that held the gag in place.

"Wait there a sec." Maggie said.

She pushed the reclining chair back into its place and shuffled some pillows around on the sectional couch in front of the big T.V.

"How about we cuddle and watch a movie?" asked Maggie.

Rachel shook her head.

"nmph..." she moaned.

"Oh, okay." Maggie said. "I guess instead I'll take you upstairs and see how many spankings it takes to make your bum as red as the gag!"

"NMPH! NMPH" Rachel violently shook her head.

"" teased Maggie.

Rachel consented.

"mph hmph." she nodded.

Maggie skipped over to Rachel and unlocked her collar from the leash that tethered her to the pole. Maggie reached up and pulled her finger through the silver ring in Rachel's pretty pink collar.

"This way!" she said.

Maggie pulled Rachel towards the couch. Rachel had to hunch forward some as Maggie dragged her along. Maggie then pulled her into the couch and let go, letting Rachel uncomfortably flop into the cushions. Maggie then tied Rachel's ankles together with more rope. The young girl took the T.V. remote and plopped down beside Rachel as the unfortunate babysitter made herself more comfortable as best as she could.

"Bring your feet onto the couch." Maggie ordered.

She struggled at first but managed to fulfill the request. Maggie put her arm around her gorgeous captive and pulled her down onto her lap. She took a couch pillow and placed it between her legs while forcing Rachel's head down on it. Rachel curled her legs to keep them on the couch while Maggie teased her.


"See," she said. "Isn't this nice?"

Rachel strained her head to meet Maggie's eyes.

"Nmph!" she groaned.

"Shhh..." said Maggie while forcing Rachel's head in a forward facing position. "Just relax cutie, and let me take care of you."

Maggie turned on a fantasy movie that featured a captured princess. Throughout the movie she'd tease Rachel every time the damsel was in distress.

"That's you!" she laughed.

Every time the damsel was saved by a prince, she'd continue teasing.

"...and that's me!"

Rachel rested her head on the pillow in Maggie's lap and sighed. Maggie enjoyed having her babysitter bound and gagged in a bikini and strung out on the couch with her head on her lap. She would softly pet her captured girlfriend and continue teasing her.

She would say phrases like: "I'll always take care of you," as well as "You'll be mine forever..."

Rachel cringed with every word. While trying to ignore her words proved to be difficult, ignoring her hands proved to be impossible. The young girl ran her hand down Rachel's arm from shoulder to wrist and teased the older girl by tugging at the knot. This was a mental tease that showed Rachel how little control she had. Maggie would also caress Rachel's breasts and run her hand down Rachel's side. The pink bikini offered no protection from this inquisitive girl. Maggie kept her other hand on Rachel's head, stroking her hair with her fingers and brushing it behind her ear. Rachel felt very humiliated receiving this treatment.

"mmmph..." she moaned.

"shhh..." cooed Maggie. "I know you're having a good time, baby."


Maggie continued petting Rachel and stroking her hair with her one hand, but her other ceased exploring Rachel's body. Maggie had fondled Rachel's breast for a time and eventually allowed her hand to simply rest in place. Her hand had declared Rachel's breasts its home, and it parked there for the remainder of the movie. Rachel felt Maggie's cold and icy touch overtake her as Maggie cupped her breast. The young girl slowly moved her thumb in small circles over Rachel's skin. The older girl closed her eyes in a vain effort to pretend she wasn't in this predicament, but then her eyes shot open as Maggie's fingers slid underneath the bikini top.


"MPH!" she quipped while trying to sit up.

"SHHHH!!!!" hushed Maggie as she pressed her hand down on Rachel's head, forcing her back into the pillow. "It's okay, cutie. Just relax. Let me enjoy you..."

Rachel looked around the room in fright as she felt Maggie's fingers scissor her nipple and give it a playful pinch. She knew not to struggle or else she would bring on some kind of painful punishment for herself, so she decided to just accept her situation, no matter how disgusted she was by it. If she could live with everything that's happened so far, she could live with this too. After all, she had been intimately kissed by this girl several times already. Maggie kept her hand in the bikini for the remainder of the movie while she continued stroking Rachel's hair. After a while, Rachel grew accustomed to having Maggie's slender hand resting on her breast. She tugged at the rope that secured her wrists together, and it proved to be just as tight two hours after Maggie had originally tied it.

"I think you're ready for bedtime, cutie." said Maggie.

Rachel was tired, and Maggie was right.

"mph hmph..." Rachel sighed.

Maggie lifted Rachel's head and helped her sit upright as Rachel brought her feet back down to the carpet. Maggie untied Rachel completely and removed the ball gag.


"Now go get ready for bed." Maggie ordered.

"Can I change into my pajamas?" Rachel asked. "Please don't make me sleep in this."

Maggie thought it over for a moment.

"Okay," she said. "Here's the deal. I'll let you decide what you sleep in, but what you decide affects how you'll be tied up tonight!"

"I don't understand." admitted Rachel.

"You get to choose how comfortable you'll be in what you wear, but it determines how comfortable you are in how you're restrained!" said Maggie, delighted.

"But," continued the young girl. "You won't know how I'm going to tie you up until after you've decided!"

"Well," said Rachel. "I'm really uncomfortable in this. Does that mean you'll let me sleep more comfortably if I stay in this?"

"Yep!" affirmed Maggie.

"And if I choose my pajamas, which I AM comfortable in, it means you'll tie me up in some uncomfortable way?" asked Rachel.

"Now you get it." said Maggie.

Rachel went upstairs without saying another word. She found her volleyball shorts and t-shirt from the night before and took them into the bathroom with her. She brushed her teeth and did her full bathroom routine. Right when she was about to take off her bikini and change into her pajamas, she felt the leather collar around her neck and realized that she had grown so accustomed to it that she had forgotten it was even there until just now. She brought her hand up to her neck and traced the pink leather collar with her fingers. A bright pink collar...a symbol of her captivity. She realized in that moment the extent of the influence Maggie held over her. She realized that Maggie did not even have to coerce her or threaten her to get ready for bed. After Rachel had been untied, Maggie didn't attempt to blackmail her or threaten her if Rachel tried to flee or overpower the young girl. Instead, Rachel had found herself asking Maggie for permissions and privileges before doing exactly as she was told by getting ready for bed. Rachel understood that the compromising pics she had of her ensured that things would never be simple between them. She understood that Maggie had complete control and wielded ultimate power over her, and there was nothing she could do about it. She didn't like it, but it giving into Maggie was easier than dealing with the devastation that Maggie would bring upon her social life if she felt the need to leak those photos.

As Rachel stared at the collar around her slender neck, she thought about how uncomfortable she would be if Maggie tied her up in some ridiculous manner. She had already been robbed of sleep from the night before, having been tied to the bed spread out and left in the cold. Rachel desperately needed a good night's rest, especially after having to spend an entire full-length day as Maggie's captive. She was tired, and it affected her decision on what to wear for the night. Although she much would have preferred to wear her pajamas, Rachel conceded that she was just too tired to endure two nights in a row of being tied up uncomfortably. She hated it with every fiber in her being, but she realized that she would have to wear the collar and bikini for the night. Maggie had won yet again; it seemed she always got her way...

Rachel emerged from the bathroom still wearing the bikini and leather collar, much to Maggie's surprise.

"Oh...My...GOSH!" yelled Maggie as she covered her mouth with both hands.

"You're not in your pajamas?!" she asked, confused.

"No." said Rachel. "I want to sleep comfortably tonight, whatever that means."

"Oh...okay." continued Maggie. "Well, to be honest I don't know what that means either, haha. This was the last thing I expected. I had plans that involved you wearing pajamas. But this is much better!"

Maggie could barely contain her excitement.

"I guess just go wait for me in my room while I get ready for bed, too." said Maggie.


Rachel went to Maggie's room and sat on her bed. She looked around the room and took note of everything inside. Boy band posters, goofy pictures on the dresser, clothes scattered everywhere...there was nothing in this room that indicated that Maggie was anything more than a normal teenager. After a time, Maggie came into the room.

"Put your wrists together in front of you." she commanded.

Rachel obeyed and watched as Maggie tied her wrists together. Next, Maggie knelt down beside the bed and tied Rachel's legs together as well.

"Now lay down on the bed." ordered Maggie.

Rachel laid on her side as Maggie pulled her bound wrists in front of her. Maggie tied her wrists to the bed post and left a little bit of slack.

"I don't get it." said Rachel. "You're giving me your bed?"

Maggie looked puzzled.

"No." she replied. "I'm taking you to bed tonight. We can sleep together. You belong in my bed anyways as my girlfriend."

Maggie pulled her shirt off and stripped down to her underwear.

"No, wait...Maggie, please." Pleaded Rachel. "Let me sleep in a bed by myself. This isn't...."

Maggie pressed her finger against Rachel's lips.

"Hush, baby." she said. "I'm taking you to bed, and that's final."

Rachel was so stunned by Maggie's firm tone that she was unable to respond when Maggie lifted her finger. Even if she had managed to respond, Rachel would have been quickly silenced as Maggie leaned in to give her a loving goodnight kiss. The quirky teen held Rachel's head in her hands as she pressed her lips against her captive's. Rachel closed her eyes and accepted the kiss while also testing the rope that kept her wrists tied to the bed post. She quickly found that she was entirely helpless to stop Maggie from stealing a kiss from her.

Maggie broke the kiss and pulled away from Rachel. She produced a black leather blinding mask and pulled it around Rachel's eyes. The last thing Rachel saw before being submerged into darkness was a lingerie-clad Maggie licking her lips and savoring the kiss she had just taken. Before she could think of anything else, Rachel felt Maggie's hands grip her head again and hold her steady facing upwards as Maggie's lips plunged onto Rachel's once more. The young girl wasn't satisfied with just one kiss and decided to have another. Rachel lost herself in Maggie's embrace as she curled her bound legs close to her body. She tried curling her arms against her chest but was greatly restricted by the ropes tying her to the bed post. Maggie savored Rachel for a moment before pulling away.

"Sweet girl..." she whispered as her lips left Rachel's.

Rachel felt something odd and bulbous going into her mouth. It was a similar size to the ball gag from earlier, but not as uncomfortable. It had a leathery texture that felt more agreeable than the harsh ball gag. While she was trying to figure out what Maggie had just inserted into her mouth, Rachel felt a panel of leather go across her cheeks, covering a large portion of the lower half of her face. She instinctively lifted her head as Maggie brought the straps behind her and tightened the new gag in place. Once secured, Maggie straightened Rachel's hair over it.

The bound, blinded, and now gagged girl fidgeted in the bed and tried to find a comfortable resting spot as she heard her young mistress walk across the room. Rachel heard the flick of a light switch, but there was no difference to her behind the blindfold. Maggie returned to the bedside, and Rachel felt the bed shake as Maggie crawled onto it. She pulled the covers over her and Rachel while slithering in closer. Rachel felt Maggie's body nestle into her back as the girl buried her nose into the back of Rachel's neck.

"Goodnight, cutie." whispered Maggie as she planted a gentle kiss on Rachel's neck.

Rachel could only utter a soft "mmmmph..." from behind her gag as Maggie wrapped her arms around her waist and hugged her tightly from behind while cuddling her.

Underneath the sheets and cradled by Maggie, Rachel loathed her position in bed. Despite being the older of the two, she was being kept for the night as Maggie's possession. It was both awkward and uncomfortable for her, but nonetheless, she was so tired that she quickly fell asleep in the young girl's embrace despite the presence of rope around her wrists and ankles, and also despite the presence of a blindfold, gag, and pretty little collar around her neck. She could do nothing but lose herself in the warmth of Maggie's grip, taking some measure of comfort knowing that Maggie would at least look after and protect her that night as she rested in a state of helplessness.

Maggie held her girl tightly. She breathed in deeply against Rachel's neck and wrapped her legs around Rachel's. Though she was much smaller than her babysitter, that didn't stop Maggie from taking Rachel into bed as the little spoon. The young girl would never let go of her new girlfriend. As long as Rachel remained captured by Maggie, it was Maggie's job to look after and care for her sweet babysitter. Cherishing Rachel and reminiscing about their day together, Maggie closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber while cuddling her beloved babysitter.


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