Babysitting Gone Wrong (Part 2)

by BondageFictionTales -- Tales

Rachel remained bound and gagged at the foot of Maggie's bed for quite some time. All the while, Maggie relaxed on the bed just above her and continued petting and admiring her. Every so often she would chime in about how she was so happy to have a new girlfriend, and that as long as they were together, she would look after and protect Rachel. The older girl just huffed through her gag and rolled her eyes, occasionally trying to test the restraints that held her, but it was no use. Maggie apparently knew how to kidnap a girl, and Rachel wasn't going anywhere until Maggie released her.


"Do you want me to take you into the living room so we can cuddle on the couch?" asked Maggie. "HMPH!" grunted Rachel.


"I'll take that as a yes." Maggie jumped down from the bed and knelt beside Rachel.


The nimble younger girl unfastened the belt that tied Rachel's ankles together, and then retied them, only not as tight. There was some slack in the belt that allowed a few inches of leeway.


"Okay, upsie daisy" said Maggie as she stood up over Rachel.


She grabbed Rachel's arm with both hands and helped the poor captive to her feet.


"I'm going to take you into the living room. Don't trip, okay!" said Maggie.


Rachel struggled to keep her balance as she inched forward. Her steps were small, as Maggie had not given her enough slack in the belt. She scooted forward and looked ridiculous. Maggie continued holding her arm with both hands as she walked beside her.


"Careful!" she would say whenever Rachel looked like she might lose balance.


When they got to the stairs, Rachel had to sit down and scoot down the stairs like a toddler. Maggie guided her all the way down to ensure she didn't experience any mishaps. At the stairway landing, Maggie hoisted Rachel up again by her arm and continued walking through the house. With Rachel wearing heels, the height difference between the two girls was greatly exaggerated. Rachel felt absolutely humiliated being taken by a girl half her size and several years younger. She towered over her captor as she was led into the living room. Maggie led her to the couch and spun her around, and then pushed her down. Rachel flopped onto the sofa, and Maggie sat beside her. The infatuated teen softly caressed Rachel's upper arm with the back of her hand. Having a soft, feminine hand stroke her arm aroused a sensation in Rachel that made her blush.


"Enjoying yourself?" asked Maggie. "I know I am."


"nnmmphh..." snorted Rachel in disgust.


"I bet you're lying." declared Maggie in protest. "I'll take your gag out if you admit it."


Rachel was in a dilemma. She didn't want to admit to anything of that sort, but she was desperate to have the gag removed so she could flex her jaw. Finally, she agreed.


"mmphh..." she purred as she lowered her head to Maggie.


Maggie unfastened the belt and allowed Rachel to spit out the sock.


"There." said Maggie. "Now admit it. You're enjoying being my captive!"


"No way!" said Rachel. "This is ridiculous. Maggie, you need to untie me. I won't tell your parents or anything."


"That's not why I took your gag out. Admit that you like it or it goes back in!" yelled Maggie.


Rachel grumbled. "Okay, fine. I like it. You happy?"


"What do you like? Be specific." said Maggie. "Tell me you like being my captured girlfriend!"


Rachel sighed. "I like being your captured girlfriend."


Maggie grinned and pulled her phone out from behind the couch pillow. She replayed the recording back to a mortified Rachel.


The four second video was music to Maggie's ears but hell to Rachel's. "I like being your captured girlfriend."


"How did you...?" asked a perplexed Rachel.


"Just one more piece to add to my collection! HAHA!" laughed Maggie. "I bet you want that video to stay on my phone and not get shared, right?"


"Obviously." Rachel said sarcastically.


"Well, that'll cost ya one kiss my sweet!" Maggie quipped.


"Are you serious?" said Rachel. "You're disgusting. Let me go!!!"


Rachel thrashed and kicked her feet trying to fly off the couch. Maggie pounced on her and held her down. Maggie hopped onto Rachel's lap and faced her. She put her hands on Rachel's shoulders and shoved her into the couch.


"You're not going anywhere. You're mine!" she declared. "But that was a mistake! Now it'll cost ya as many kisses as I want, and trust me babe, I'm going to want a lot."


"What are you saying?" demanded Rachel. "Just let me go!"


"Look," said Maggie. "Here's the new rule, and you have no one to thank but yourself for it. If you want me to keep that video and those pics a secret, you'll let me kiss you as often as I want. Every time you resist me, I'm going to text a pic to one of my friends. Do you understand?"


"What?" asked Rachel confused.


"I said, do you understand?" said Maggie.


"Yes..." conceded Rachel. "I understand you."


"Good." said Maggie. "Time for a kiss!"


Maggie violently pressed her face into Rachel's. Their lips met in such a fury that Rachel had no time to prepare herself. She tried pulling her legs apart but the belt offered no additional slack aside from a few inches. Her wrists were still just as bound as they had been all those hours ago when Maggie first seized her. Maggie brought one hand up to Rachel's head and grabbed a fistful of hair, pulling Rachel's neck back. The young girl continued kissing the helpless beauty. Suddenly Maggie's tongue darted into Rachel's mouth, adding a new surprise to Rachel's situation. Maggie explored Rachel's oral cavity with her tongue while she held her down into the couch. Rachel stared into the ceiling while a single tear flowed down her cheek. She wanted nothing more than to scream and run out of this place, not stopping until she made it home. She wanted to hurl herself onto her bed and cry into her pillow, but instead she found herself the helpless victim of a crazed and apparently sexually determined teenager. She could feel Maggie's tongue dancing around in her mouth, exploring her vulnerability and making itself at home. Maggie put her other hand around Rachel's neck to solidify her grip, holding Rachel's head firm in place while she continued tormenting her babysitter. All of this was quite new to Maggie, and she wanted to maximize her experience with Rachel as a test subject. The poor older girl would just have to accept that this was how things were going to be for her. At long last, Maggie let go of Rachel's hair and neck, and broke off her intimate kiss.


"You're amazing!" she said to Rachel. "Did you like it?"


Rachel didn't respond as she held back tears.


"Hey, don't be sad." said Maggie trying to comfort her.


Maggie tried to cup Rachel's chin in her hand but Rachel turned away. Maggie grabbed her chin and forcefully made her captive face her.


"I said, did you like it?" Maggie repeated. "Answer carefully..."


Rachel fought back tears.


"Yes." she said without any other choice. "I liked it."


"Good girl." said Maggie.


The quirky teenager kissed Rachel's forehead.


"One more quick one, okay?"


"Please," begged Rachel. "I don't want to."


"It'll be quick, I promise." said Maggie. "Close your eyes."


Rachel obeyed and closed her eyes. She felt Maggie's lips against hers once again delivering a soft and loving kiss. Maggie pulled away after a moment, much to Rachel's relief.


"There," said Maggie. "That wasn't so bad."


Rachel ignored her.


"And look," continued Maggie. "Another souvenir for us." Rachel looked at Maggie's phone which she now held in her hand. On the screen was her and her 'girlfriend,' eyes closed, savoring a kiss.


"Delete that!" cried Rachel.


"It's going to be my new background, haha!"


"Maggie, please delete that!" Rachel begged.


The pic was just a close up of them sharing a kiss. Anyone who saw it would not be able to see that she was tied up and that Maggie was forcing her. It would be devastating to have that pic be seen by anyone at all.


"Okay, how about this..." said Maggie. "I won't make it my background, but I won't delete it either. Deal?"


"Please..." begged Rachel a final time. "Please just delete it."


"I want a pic of us kissing." declared Maggie. "I'm sorry."


Maggie could tell that Rachel was becoming very upset.


"Hey," said Maggie. "I won't share that one, not even if you do something that deserves it, okay? All the others are still fair game. But that will be the one I never share."


Rachel didn't feel any better. "I just want to go home..."


Maggie stroked Rachel's hair while still straddling her lap.


"I know you do sweetheart." she said. "You'll get to go home Sunday, don't worry. In the meantime, we're going to have a lot of fun together."


Maggie rolled off of Rachel's thighs and sat beside her.


"You know, it's getting pretty late." she said. "And I bet you want out of that sexy blouse."


Rachel sniffled and nodded her head.


"Okay," said Maggie. "I'll be right back."


Maggie ran off to get Rachel's clothes bag. She rifled through them and found Rachel's pajamas, a tight-fitting t-shirt and some gym shorts. Maggie thought about how cute Rachel would look in them. She return to the living room to find Rachel exactly where she had left her, with no signs of attempted escape. Maggie was happy that her new girlfriend was finally learning to accept her place.


"Want to change into these?" Maggie asked holding up the skimpy clothes.


Rachel nodded her head.


"Okay." Maggie said walking over to her.


Maggie untied her ankles and tossed the belt aside.


"Turn around." she ordered.


Rachel complied and allowed Maggie better access to her bound wrists. Maggie opened up her phone and composed a new text message. She added three or four contacts, and then added one of the compromising pics of Rachel tied and gagged from earlier.


"If you try anything, anything at all..." said Maggie. "All I have to do is hit this little green arrow. You can't stop me fast enough. The message is ready to go. Please don't try anything stupid."


"I won't." conceded Rachel. "I promise."


Maggie untied her wrists just enough to where Rachel could finish it herself, giving Maggie time to grab her phone and run to the other side of the room. When Rachel was finally free, Maggie held her phone close.


"Okay," she said. "Now change into those clothes and go get ready for bed. I've already put your bathroom stuff in the one down the hall. I'll be standing right here ready to send the pictures, so please just do what I want."


Maggie knew that Rachel could pummel her if she wanted to. The pics were the only leverage she had on the older girl. She hoped that Rachel wouldn't call her bluff. Thankfully, Rachel didn't. She got her clothes and went into the bathroom. Several minutes later, she reappeared. She put the short-sleeve blouse, black mini-skirt, and heels on the couch and faced Maggie.


"You can sleep in our guest room tonight, down the hall." said Maggie as she pointed.


Rachel didn't say a word. She turned and walked down the hall towards the bedroom.


"Which one?" she asked.


"Third door on the left." replied Maggie.


Rachel turned around to see Maggie standing close, but not too close, still holding her phone in her hands. Rachel rolled her eyes and opened the door, and nearly fainted at what she saw. In the guest room was a four-post bed, a mattress with only one sheet, and four leather cuffs attached to each post. Rachel looked back at Maggie in disgust.


"I got them online. Do you like them?" she asked.


"You can't be serious?" said Rachel.


"I can't trust you not to try something in the middle of the night." replied Maggie.


Maggie held her phone up in a threatening manner.


"Go in there and restrain your feet first. I'll come behind you and tie your arms down." she said. "Maggie,


I'm not doing that." said Rachel defiantly.


Maggie held up the phone.


"I won't tell you again." she said.


Rachel fought back tears as she stomped into the room. She climbed onto the bed and slid both of her feet through the leather straps. She fastened each one tightly to ensure she couldn't move. She knew Maggie would check them and be angry if she found them to be too loose, which would suggest that Rachel had plans to escape. She was still sitting upright when Maggie appeared in the doorway.


"Okay," said Maggie. "Now lay down and stretch your arms out."


Rachel did as she was told and laid down on the bed, reaching towards each bed post to her left and right. Maggie galloped over and put the phone down on the nightstand. Rachel immediately lunged towards it, but Maggie jumped on the bed and sat on top of her stomach. The two girls struggled, but Maggie had the upper hand. Rachel kicked but her feet were hopelessly strapped to the bed. The younger girl eventually succeeded in gaining hold of both of Rachel's wrists, and she pinned the girl's arms down on the bed above her head.


"Stop it!" cried Maggie.


"You're a bitch!" yelled Rachel. "Let go of me!"


Maggie held Rachel down for several minutes until Rachel's resolve to fight had drained away. The beautiful brunette breathed heavily under her young captor while being held down. She was too weak to continue the fight. Maggie climbed off of Rachel and grabbed one of her arms with both hands and pulled it to the bedpost.


"No, I won't let you!" Rachel cried as she turned and tried to pull her arm away, but Maggie's grip held firm.


In an instant, Maggie had slid Rachel's hand through the leather strap, and she fastened the buckle tight against her captive's skin. Maggie ran around to the other side of the bed while Rachel brought her free hand across in a vain attempt to free herself. She tugged at the strap for a second before Maggie was on her again, leaning across the bed and grabbing Rachel's arm with both hands.


"Please stop!" yelled Rachel as she realized the struggle was over.


She tugged one final time against Maggie's grip, but the young girl had a strong hold on her. Rachel had failed, and she resigned herself to Maggie's will. The devious teenager slid Rachel's last free limb through the leather cuff and fastened it against her wrist. Rachel looked at her right hand, and then her left. She clinched her fists and pulled against the restraints, but they didn't budge.


"You can't get out of those." said a victorious Maggie.


"Let me out!" yelled Rachel.


"Just be quite and go to sleep." said Maggie. "It's past your bedtime."


"My bedtime?!" screamed Rachel. "Let me out this second!"


Maggie sighed. "I really didn't want to have to use this on you, Rachel, but you left me no choice. You won't be quiet, and you need to be punished for fighting me."


"What are you talking about?" demanded Rachel.


Maggie opened the drawer in the nightstand and pulled out a leather panel gag with a protruding bulb piece on one side.


"Online." giggled Maggie.


"What is that thing?!" cried Rachel. "That's not going in my mouth! No way! I won't..."


Rachel was cut off by Maggie pressing her lips into hers. The young girl pushed her into the bed as she stole another kiss from her captive. Maggie pulled away with a loud smooching sound, and Rachel stared at her dumbfounded. Before Rachel could protest some more, Maggie shoved the plastic bulb into her mouth and brought the panel across her lips. She buckled the little strap on the back of Rachel's head.


"MMMPPHH!!!" grunted Rachel.


"What's the matter?" said Maggie. "Don't like being sealed up with a kiss? haha!"


Maggie reached into the nightstand a final time and produced a black sleeping mask. She placed it across Rachel's eyes and released the strap against Rachel's head, plunging her into darkness.


"MMMPPH!!!" Rachel roared into the gag as she twisted and turned.


The restraints held her firmly in place.


"Just calm down and get some sleep." said Maggie standing over her. "I'm not tired yet so I'll stay up a few more hours, but you need your beauty sleep, haha! Oh, and yes, I will be taking several pics of you tied down on the bed."


"NPPPHH!!" screamed Rachel.


The helpless girl thrashed some more, but it was futile. After a few minutes, she heard Maggie skip out of the room and flip the lights off, followed by her closing the door. Rachel was alone. She struggled some more but gave up after a few minutes. Nothing could be done to loosen the restraints holding her to the bed. She had to wait until morning when Maggie would hopefully release her. The poor girl tried falling asleep but couldn't. She was too uncomfortable laying on the bed spread out, and the gag filled her mouth causing further discomfort. Maggie had not covered her with anything, and she was getting cold. She considered the fact that she may have to spend the entire night unable to sleep. Rachel laid there for what felt to her like several hours. It was at least two or three hours, because Rachel could hear Maggie watching an entire movie during the time she was laying there. After a while, the sound ceased, and Rachel had assumed Maggie went to bed herself. She laid there in total darkness and complete silence, and then suddenly she heard the faint squeak of the door being slowly opened. She heard Maggie's soft footsteps on the carpet. Maggie was being as quiet as she could in order to not wake her sleeping beauty.


Maggie quietly approached her captive and gently placed her hand on the girl's arm. Her touch was warm to Rachel's skin, but soft enough to where it would not have awoken Rachel had she been asleep. Rachel didn't stir, and she kept her breathing steady. As far as she could tell, Maggie mistakenly believed she was fast asleep. Maggie kept her hand on Rachel's arm for a minute or two before retrieving it. She leaned over her restrained babysitter and gently kissed the girl's forehead.


"Goodnight, my sweet angel." she whispered.


Maggie left the room as quietly as she had entered, leaving Rachel alone once again.


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