The Crusaders - Plight of the Bunny Girls 15

art and story by  Samsa23

"MMGPHH! MMMPHH! HMMMPH!" the bed creaked as Black Squirrel squirmed atop it. Her hands flexed within the tight duct tape mitts that encircled them. She hated how her protests were turned into weak little squeaks by the gag over her mouth.

        "You look like you could use something to relax," Pizza Guy made his way closer to the writhing Latina. His greasy hands slid up her long legs. "Oh baby, you really work these legs out huh? Got a great pair of thighs on you!"

        "BBTTHHTTDD! LHHH MMMGHH GHHH!" Black Squirrel whined. She shook as his hands went to her breasts and squeezed.

        "Don't worry, babe, I've got the perfect thing to get all that stress out of you," Pizza Guy winked. "Just as your friend. Besides we have to celebrate! I found your two missing teammates outside, they're sleeping now thanks to my special pizza recipe, but don't worry you'll see them soon. But first..."

    Black Squirrel's eyes widened as they settled on his massive erection, "MMMGPH??!"

       "Impressed? Trust me this is gonna be a lot better than a slice of pizza let me tell you!" Pizza Guy grinned, spanking the heroine enough to make her yelp in pain. When she squirmed he pulled her ass off the bed and hauled her closer to him. "Want to see something fun? I had this little surprise put into your little suit."

    He pulled away the crotchpiece of Black Squirrel's bunny suit. The curvaceous Latina moaned, how had he managed to hide that in her suit?! Had the costume store owner been in on this? How many steps ahead was he?!

        "Just relax, try to have some fun why don't you?"



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