Agents v. Angels #32 

art and story by  Samsa23 - -

"UNNNGPHH GHHHD FMMKKKGHHHDD!!!! PLLFFFF PLLFF!!" Agent Snow's gagged wails carried over the sound of the pumping fuck machine, it's gear forcing a crimson dildo in and out of her at a steady pace. The vibrator that Angel Pawn had pressed just over Snow's sore pussy was set to the max. The cell the pair were in was cramped, barely enough space for the chains that held the thrashing ivory haired heroine in place.

         "Oh come on, you've only cum thirteen times, you've got another fifty to go before we put you back into your Module," Pawn said, licking her lips. She did feel jealous of the rebellious bitch, it'd been a long time since she'd been allowed to orgasm. And here this heroine came along getting fucked more than once and she was UNGRATEFUL about it.

    Snow shook her head, her hair whipping from side to side, her small but perky breasts bouncing ever so slightly, "PLLFFF! PLFFF DHNNTHH PLLF!! UNNNNGGPH!"

    She quaked as another orgasm washed over her. She spasmed beneath its crashing influence, her sex on fire as it continued to be abused by the uncaring dildo. After so many hours of constant cumming, she had to admit it was beginning to get to her. Her life as an Agent. Her rescue from the Organization at Swyft's hands. All of it seemed like a dream...or a lie she'd told herself. She'd never left, all she'd done was make her new owners upset, and now they were going to rip away her mind for her offence.

    Things were slipping away, small things. Her girlfriend's name, all she could remember was her fiery red hair. Snow's own mission: why had she been down in that tunnel in the first place? What her old outfit looked like: was it green armor or pink? She knew soon enough even her own name would be alien to her, and she'd be given a new one.

    Another orgasm eroded her thoughts, pounding away at her mind as the fuck machine did her cunt.

        "UNNNGPGHHH! GGNNNNGGHHH!!" she whined.

        "You're a loud one! We haven't had a good screamer in here in a while!" Pawn laughed. "I like it so much I'm thinking we up your orgasm count to 80 more, what do you say?"


        "I knew you'd agree!"


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