Zatanna -- Law of Averages (Part 4 of 4)

by RenderPretender and Erica V.

Art by RenderPretender --

(Above Image does not appear in the story)

Part 4

The corrupt officer circled the captured heroine like a predator while admiring her amazingly tight and fit body from all angles.  Zatanna, unable to see, could hear Parker circling and feel his eyes all over her body.  She wanted to scream but knew that any sound she made would only come out twisted.

Parker grabbed the leash and unhooked the collar, letting the bondage gear fall to the floor.  Zatanna held her breath, wondering what the man had in store next.

Parker ran his hand over the heroine’s back while she was still chained to the odd-looking bondage horse, a prop from one of the heroine's magic tricks.  Zatanna shook with anticipation, unsure how the man would violate her body.

The corrupt officer finally spoke, "I'm going to undo that posture collar around your neck.  I want you to answer my questions, but if you try to escape, I'm going to hurt you in ways you've never imagined."

Having been glued into a latex body-suit, bound, tortured, orally and anally assaulted already, Zatanna had already been subjected to things she'd never imagined. To think that things could get worse almost made the heroine cry.

"Moan once if you're going to be a good girl," Parker's hand caressed the heroine's latex covered ass.

"Mmmm..." Zatanna moaned.

As promised, Parker unfastened the second collar around Zatanna's neck.  The sudden weight of the heroine's head surprised Zatanna, she hadn't realized how tired and spent her muscles were.  She hoped, beyond all reason, that Parker would be foolish enough to free her weary and aching arms as they pulled mercilessly down on her shoulders.

"No tricks," Parker warned. "Now that you can nod, nod once if you understand."

Zatanna still couldn't manage a trick if she tried.  With her arms in the binder, her mouth gagged by the ring and mask, and blinded by the latex mask she could do little in the way of escape.  On top of that, her ankles were still locked to the bondage horse.

"Do you know who did this to you?"

Zatanna shook her head slightly, as much as the suit would actually allow.

"Do you have any ideas who might have done this?"

Again, Zatanna shook her head no.

"Do you know what is changing the sounds you make into sex sounds?"

Zatanna knew where it was and had a guess as to what it was. She nodded a yes.

"Is it magical?"

Zatanna shook her head no.

"Technology?" Parker asked.

Zatanna nodded yes.

"Is it in your mask or in your throat?" Parker had seen voice disguisers before but never one that perfectly mimicked someone's voice.

"Nnnnnn... Mmmmmm..." Zatanna moaned, as if sex were dripping from her tongue and oozing out of the mask.

"In your throat." As Parker suspected. "Someone must hate you."

"Mmmmm..." Zatanna moaned seductively.

Parker circled the trapped heroine again, like a shark circling in bloody waters.  The bulge in his pants grew as the blue pills began to work as advertised. Parker, while very interested in taking the heroine sexually, wondered if there was a way to further take advantage of Zatanna's predicament.  She could, with a single spell, grant any wish and the corrupt cop's mind raced with possibilities.

As Zatanna remained bent over the bondage horse, ass in the air, head down, and arms straight back behind her, she couldn't help but shiver with anticipation.  Her mind raced over all the possible objects lying within reach of her tormentor.  She'd heard the things they mentioned already and could only imagine the devices that hadn't been used yet.  Her already sore ass was the victim of at least one devious device, and a large black cock, and she hoped there wasn't more where that came from.

Zatanna also knew, just by what had happened already, that Officer Parker was particularly cruel and sadistic.  If she didn't find a way to escape, he'd go through with his threat to sell her to Two-Face and, from there, it might be weeks, or months, before she'd get a chance to escape.

The magical heroine was an escape artist but to this point she'd been at an extreme disadvantage.  First, she was blind.  Whoever had designed the mask not only made it with no eyeholes, but they'd glued her eyes shut to the mask itself. Cruel, but doubly effective.  The latex suit was also glued to her entire body and her arms were hopelessly locked in the arm-bag built into the suit itself.  With her jaw locked open by the ring-gag and a digital voice box implanted in her throat hijacking any sound she made, casting spells was impossible.  Lastly, her legs were fastened to the bondage horse by the straps around her ankles.

However, she had been released from the posture collar and she could freely move her head and neck, something impossible only minutes before. To truly affect escape, the heroine needed either her arms free or she needed the ability to cast spells.  Zatanna told herself that if she remained calm and patient, Parker would make a mistake, but she shuddered with fear at what he'd do to her until that mistake was made.

Parker wanted to fuck Zatanna and his fully erect cock throbbed with anticipation but still he hesitated.  When he prodded the bound heroine's gagged mouth, she moaned, and it sounded like she enjoyed tasting his fingers.  When he swatted her ass, the voice box begged for more.  When Parker's thumb pressed against the heroine's back door button, she didn't beg him to stop.

"Mmmm... More... Yes!" Zatanna's -not- voice cried out through the mask.

Despite his blue pill induced hard-on, the officer grew more frustrated at the situation.  Someone else was in control here, not Parker.  The officer shook with anger as he realized he was a part of someone else's plan for the heroine and not his own, and that he’d never truly get what he wanted out of this situation.

"Fuck!" Officer Parker yelled. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Each curse was followed by a hard swat to Zatanna's backside.  Each time the voice box made it sound like the heroine enjoyed the spanking, but Parker knew better.  He wanted to be in control.  He wanted to hear the heroine beg him, an average guy, for mercy.

Parker wanted to hear the super-whore cry out like the prostitutes and call girls on his old vice beat did when he took what he wanted from them.

Zatanna knew, just from Parker's outburst, that something was wrong, but the paddling she'd received cemented her conclusion.  It hurt, but each spanking she received was another moment the rapist cop wasn't shoving his penis inside her.  The heroine quickly realized it was the sounds she made through the mask, her "not voice", that frustrated the corrupt police officer.

"Mmmm... Yes!  More!  Nnnnnn... Ahhhh..." Zatanna called through the mask, testing her theory.

"Shut up whore!" Parker screamed.

"Mmmm..." Zatanna hummed, "Yes. Ohhhhh..."

Even with Viagra pumping through his system, Parker began to lose his erection. "Fuck!  I said shut up!"

He brought the paddle hard against Zatanna's firm ass harder than before.  The thin layer of latex glued to the heroine's backside did little to cushion the blow and she yelped in pain

However, Parker heard, "Ooohhhh... Baby!"

"Baby?" Parker hissed, "I'll show you baby!"

Officer Parker was seeing red and had finally grown tired of playing someone else's game.  He knew the voice box was in Zatanna's throat and he knew, from Zatanna's "conversation" earlier that it was electronic and not magic.

After tossing around several tables and stage props, Parker found what he was looking for and he huffed heavily in triumph. "Now we're going to hear your real cries, slut!"

In his hand he held a TENS unit, a device normally reserved for minor electrical medical treatment and stimulation.  The device could be used to send electrical stimulation through its wiring and into sticky leads attached to areas of the body.  However, when applied to sexual organs or nipples, the stimulation could be modulated, and pleasure or pain could be given to the recipient.

Parker chose pain for Zatanna.

Zatanna, blinded and bound, had no idea why Parker explored her latex covered neck until he asked, "Where is it?  Here? Here?"

Zatanna, both frightened by whatever the officer had planned and excited at the chance to be rid of the device, had no way of knowing the man's actual plan.  Once he pressed his finger to the spot in Zatanna's throat that held the tiny voice altering device, she nodded several times.

"Good!" Parker said as he slapped the heroine's masked face.

"More!" Zatanna's fake voice cried, despite her screaming in shock.

"Yeah, we'll see.  You'll change your tune, literally."

Parker placed all four leads around the heroine's throat and, before she could comprehend what was happening, he activated the TENS unit.  Volts of electricity jolted the unprepared heroine's throat and mind, and her vocal cords seized while her larynx closed.

Zatanna was helpless and she had no control over her breathing, let alone her vocal cords.  She was convinced this is how she would die, murdered by a rapist cop while dressed as a fetish doll.

"More! Yes! Baby! Ohhhhh... Mmmmm... More!" Zatanna's mock voice cried as Parker continued turning up the voltage.

Parker, half crazed and sexually frustrated answered, "More? You want more?  You got it!"

The small device was powerful and had obviously been modified to be more effective than an off-the-shelf model.  Parker's smile widened as he watched Zatanna twitch and squirm as he continued to torture her with electricity. 

Zatanna was close to passing out. Her brain was short circuiting and her already restricted air supply was now completely cut off as the electric current closed her throat.

"Mooor... Esss... Nnnnnn..." Zatanna howled and even in her weakened and near unconscious state, she could tell Parker was successfully shorting out the voice box.

"What's that?  You like it?  Let's see how you handle this!" Parker laughed as he turned the device all the way up.

Zatanna screamed, "Aaaiieeeee!!" in her own shrieking voice.

The small electronic voice box implanted in her throat had been destroyed and Zatanna had only a half-second to rejoice in that fact before she passed out.


"Wake up, slut!"

Zatanna snapped back to consciousness, her mind swimming in a fog thick with pain and confusion. 

"Arrrhhhh..." Zatanna moaned through the mask and ring-gag. "Hnnnnggg..."

She recognized, instantly, the sound of her own voice. 

Parker did too, "Much better, much, much better.  Now that I can properly hear you plead, cry, and moan, I can finally give you what you deserve."

"Nnnnggg," Zatanna pleaded. "Nmmfff Mmah Rahh."

"Let you go?" Parker laughed while he unzipped and pulled his pants down. "Why would I do that?"

Zatanna knew she didn't have much time and that Parker would be on top of her, raping her, in mere seconds.

"Rrruuchh," Zatanna muttered into the ring-gag as it effectively and literally kept her tongue-tied and unable to cast spells, "Rrucchh."

Parker paused, hard-on stiff in his hands as he stroked it, "What?  Rock? Rick? Rich!"

"You want to make me rich?" Parker moved behind Zatanna and began stroking her latex-laden backside. "Is that what you said?"

"Arff," Zatanna nodded desperately. "Arff!"

"Wow," Parker smiled as he pushed the object in his right hand against Zatanna's asshole, "You're already going to make me rich when I sell you to Two-Face."

Zatanna bit down on the ring-gag and squealed into the mask as Parker shoved an inflatable butt-plug into the heroine's magical rabbit hole. As Zatanna feebly fought against the insertion, her already swollen and abused asshole ached while the villain behind her pushed the small but thick rubber device in as deep as it would go.

"Nmmmfff!" Zatanna moaned as the device fit snug inside her.

"Oh darling, we're just getting you warmed up," Parker sneered as he began pumping the black bulb to the inflatable plug in his large fist.

Zatanna howled in disbelief as the inflatable device expanded with each squeeze.  As the device grew larger, Zatanna felt as if she were being split in half from the inside out.  Just when the heroine felt as if she couldn't take anymore, and her howls of protest turned into soft cries and whimpers, Parker stopped inflating the plug.

The villain dropped the bulb and let the tubing dangle there as the plug sat, stuck tight, inside Zatanna's ass.

"I figured a slut like you, getting all that super cock, must have a pretty loose pussy.  Fucking you is probably a lot like throwing a hot dog down a hallway."

Parker laughed as Zatanna struggled against not only her bindings but against the immense pressure in her anus.  As her ass wiggled and shook, trying to squeeze out the invader, a familiar sensation began to slowly grow within the heroine.  That same sensation she experienced before, when she was forced to suck Officer Domingo's penis while also being violated by a giant dildo in her ass.

She'd been denied a release, the promise of respite and clarity that Wonder Woman promised would happen in situations where heroines were...

Parker grinned. "So, you do like ass-play, I thought so."

The officer grabbed the chain above Zatanna's head that once suspended the heroine upside down from the rafters earlier in the evening when she'd first been discovered by Jackson and Petersen.  He wrapped the chain around the arm-bag that trapped Zatanna's arms behind her back and locked the chain in place.  Parker then picked up the lift controller and pushed the button as the chain ascended towards the rafters above the stage again. Zatanna's arms were painfully stretched above her back to the point that she was lifted slightly off the ground to the tips of her toes.  Just when she thought her shoulders would dislocate, Parker let the control box go.

"Nnnnnnmmmfff…" Zatanna whimpered. 

Bent over the bondage horse, face down and ass up, Zatanna's weight now rested almost entirely on her shoulders and toes. Only her ankles touched the bondage horse where they were locked in place with ankle strap cuffs.  The position was incredibly painful, even for the athletic, flexible heroine and her displeasure was expressed through a series of grunts and moans through the ring-gag trapped in her mouth.

"I'm not going to let you enjoy this," Parker whispered in Zatanna's latex covered ear. "You're here for my amusement."

"Nnnggg!" Zatanna defiantly muttered through the gag and mask.

Her punishment for defiance was swift.  Parker pulled the heroine's hair where it flowed out of the top of the mask.  This forced Zatanna's neck to bend back harshly and further subjected the heroine's shoulders to intense pain.  Zatanna was about to scream, but, without warning, Parker had shoved his Viagra fueled penis through the mask's latex slit over the mouth ring, past the ring-gag itself, and deep into the heroine's mouth.  The unnaturally erect penis barely fit through the ring as the veins in the officer's cock bulged and his engorged cock throbbed with every heartbeat.  Zatanna had already been orally raped twice and, as Parker's member bounced off the back of her throat, she fought back the urge to vomit.

Zatanna could taste, and feel, Parker's pre-ejaculate as he face-fucked her as hard as he could manage.  Zatanna felt as though Parker was going to break her neck at one point as he held her hair tight with each thrust.

"That's right whore," Parker sneered. "What's it like to get fucked by a regular person?  You like that?"

Zatanna again struggled for air and she did everything she could not to focus on the plug shoved deep in her ass.  Each time she tried to force her mind somewhere else, Parker only thrust harder, gripped tighter, and reached deeper with his cock.

Just before the officer exploded, he pulled out and sighed heavily.

“No,” Parker said as he backed away and pulled another inflatable plug from the stage floor. “You’re not getting off that easy.”

Zatanna barely had time to process that Parker hadn’t finished when he shoved a second plug through her mask, beyond the bondage ring in her mouth, and began inflating it.  It expanded into impossible proportions, completely filling her oral cavity, pushed into the back of her throat, and cut off her airway to the point that breathing through her nose had become impossible.  Zatanna couldn’t make a single sound as the complete panic of the situation kicked in and her body flooded with adrenaline.

“I saw one of your shows once, a slut that can hold her breath for five minutes, isn’t that what you told the audience?”  Parker laughed. “Your five minutes, starts now.  Let’s see who lasts longer, you or me.”

Zatanna couldn’t even muster a grunt and, in her physical and emotion state, she knew she couldn’t hold her breath for even one minute in her current condition.

With his captive plugged at both ends, that only left Zatanna’s unmolested pussy which, until now, had gone ignored by the other officers.  Parker moved behind the stretched, spread, and defeated heroine and rammed his cock home as hard as he could.  Zatanna’s body rocked back and forth with each pounding but otherwise offered no resistance.

“Thirty seconds,” Parker taunted. “Fuck, your pussy is amazing.  It’s like you’ve got a fist in there squeezing my cock. God damn!”

Zatanna’s mind raced and her thoughts grew foggy.  She felt as if she were having an out of body experience and was watching everything from outside as it happened.

Parker continued pounding away, stroke by wicked stroke.  “One minute,” he called out as he looked down at his watch. “You still with me?”

Zatanna was.  She could feel his manhood spreading her, poking her, exploring her insides just as she felt the plug in her ass and mouth causing both pain and pleasure.


Zatanna’s head felt as if it was going to explode as the lack of oxygen took its toll on the heroine’s brain. 

Parker smashed his cock into the heroine time and time again. “I wish I could keep your whore ass. This pussy is unbelievable.  Two…ahhhhh… minutes and… unnffff… thirty seconds!”

Zatanna would have cried out if she could. She would have begged for her life if she could. But instead the doomed heroine felt her life slipping away.  She felt like she was underwater; her lungs burned for oxygen that was no longer available; her muscles cramped and ached.  Still, despite it all, she felt…


It started in her chest as the nipple clamps, still going and vibrating, made her nipples suddenly feel as if they were being stroked by light currents of electricity.  That feeling grew and spread towards her mouth where the inflatable dildo gag lodged deep in her throat and prevented a breath of air from escaping. Then her ass felt as if it was filled with feathers, tickling her insides and threatening to make her orgasm.  But it was Parker’s rock-hard cock that was truly causing the heroine’s insides to flutter, dance and lubricate.

“Four… minutes…” Parker huffed, “Ten…sec…ahhhhhhhhhh…Yes!  Fuck yes!  Take it.”

Zatanna did take it.  She felt the evil officer spray his juices deep inside her pussy and her body responded by granting her the promise.  Several orgasms, deeper and longer than any she’d ever experienced and imagined shook Zatanna’s body to the core.  Her pussy and ass dripped with sex and as everything went completely dark from the lack of oxygen, the heroine passed out completely and utterly spent and satisfied.



Zatanna opened her eyes and blinked several times, disoriented and completely confused.

“Hey, wake up.  We’ve got to get you out of here.”

“Wha-what?” Zatanna asked as she held up her hands and looked for any signs of still being encased in latex. However, her skin was perfectly fine and she was completely naked, “Where am I?”

Batwoman replied, “Two-Face’s lair, come on girl.  Your mouth is free of that gag he had on you, cast a spell and get us out of here.  Hurry, before they realize I’m here.”

“How long?” Zatanna muttered.

“Almost a month. He’s had you almost a month.  Now come on, seriously, we’re out of time.  We can talk about it later.”

Zatanna, confused, managed to cast the spell and, in a flash of light, the two heroines were transported back to Zatanna’s apartment overlooking Gotham Park.

“… a month?” Zatanna sobbed before opening and crying. “I was just at the auditorium with them, the-“

“I think he kept you drugged, at least your safe now and you live to fight another day.  Now let’s get you in the shower, then to the hospital.”

Zatanna nodded her compliance as the shower ran, washing away most of her memories of the last thirty days away with it.  However, one name stayed on the heroine’s mind.



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