Zatanna - Law of Averages (Part 2 of 4)

by RenderPretender and Erica V.

Art by RenderPretender --

(Above image is not based on a scene in the story)

Part 2
"Zatanna, are you paying attention?"

Zatanna blinked several times in an attempt to shake off the daydream she'd lost in, "Sorry, zoned out there for a second or two, what were you saying?"

Wonder Woman sighed, "I know you think you're unbeatable, by Hera we all need that type of attitude, but this is important."

"I know Dianna, I'm sorry, just been a bit distracted. Tell me more about this 'Game'."

Wonder Woman rolled her eyes as Zatanna used the 'air quotes' gesture, "The Game," the Amazon corrected the young heroine.

"The Game," Zatanna nodded, "I've never heard of it and there's nothing written in any of my spell books or scrolls."

"No, there wouldn't be," Wonder Woman, Paragon of Justice frowned slightly, "The Game is older than even the gods themselves, if the legends are true."

"Alright, color me intrigued," Zatanna smiled reassuringly, "Promise, you have my full attention."

"I won't go into the Amazon oral tradition regarding the story, we don't have three days to spare or goat's blood on hand."

Zatanna, an animal activist gasped, "Tell me you're joking! You are, aren't you?"

Wonder Woman shrugged off the question, "As I said, The Game predates written history and serves as a cautionary tale, an unwritten rulebook, and a contract between the forces of good and evil."

Zatanna genuinely looked shocked, "...and I've never heard of it?"

"No, but trust that every hero, heroine, and supervillain either has heard of it or unknowingly abides by the rules, with few exceptions.  Meaning, most are inclined to play by the rules even if they don't know what the rules are.  I suppose it's the way the universe keeps balance, so to speak.  If you are born under the sign of magic, occult, or gifted by the gods or mutated and given powers, if you answer the call of the mantle for good or evil, you are part of The Game."

Zatanna had a hard time believing in a universal rule set, "What about, let's say Batgirl or Batman?  They don't have any powers, are they part of The Game?"

Wonder Woman smiled, "Have you ever noticed how quickly they heal compared to what we would consider normal humans?  How fast they are, how gifted they are with speed, reflexes, intelligence?  When they answered the calling, someone or something sponsored them into The Game."

"Sponsored? Someone? Something?" Even for a magic user this was a bit much to believe, "Seriously Dianna?"

"Do you think the Greek, Roman, or Christian gods are the only ones who sponsored champions?" Wonder Woman laughed, "Even Zeus is sponsored by a higher power, that's how it works and has worked since time began."

Zatanna shook her head, "Myth?  Legend? Folk tales, right?"

Dianna Prince looked Zatanna up and down while frowning, "I'm a myth and you cast magical spells by speaking backwards."

Zatanna couldn't argue those points, "What about aliens? Superman, Power Girl, Supergirl?"

"The same rules apply, they are aware of The Game.  It is universal."

Zatanna shrugged, "Fine, what about a murderer, a child molester, a bank robber?"

"Not usually, the act of evil itself or even good doesn't mean the person involved in the act of good or evil answered a calling," Wonder Woman looked for some understanding in Zatanna's eyes.

"How do I know who's called and who isn't," Zatanna asked.

"The recurring enemy, one obsessed with you, a nemesis, an organization devoted to your downfall?  They've been specifically called against you.  The burglar, the drug dealer, the corrupt politician?  Likely not, though a few exceptions exist."

"Alright," Zatanna sighed, "The Game exists, we play by rules that aren't written down and heroes and villains abide by these rules even if they don't know they do, right?  So, what are the rules?"

"We don't kill each other," Wonder Woman said flatly, "Rule number one.  That doesn't mean we can't die, that doesn't mean someone can't break the rules, it certainly doesn't mean normal mortals are safe and won't be killed by either side."

Zatanna scoffed, "Has anyone told Joker this?"

"Why do you think he hasn't managed to kill Batman, Batgirl, or Robin?  Why do you think Batman can't kill him?" Dianna asked while placing her hands on her hips.

Zatanna thought long and hard, looking for a logical answer, "Every scheme foiled, every murder attempt thwarted, every trap escaped?"

Wonder Woman replied, "Yes, and somehow they can't keep Joker in Arkham, right?"

Zatanna nodded, "They move around like pawns, dancing on strings."

Dianna softly said, "We all do."

"We do get killed," Zatanna reminded the ancient heroine of legend.

"When that happens, what becomes of the murderer, Zatanna?"

Zatanna knew the answer, destruction.  Heroes would rally and toss out their rules regarding killing in most cases.

"So, what then, what is the reward for villainy? It sounds like an empty pursuit, doesn't it?" Zatanna asked.

"What was Hercules reward for villainy?" Dianna asked with a blank expression.

"He was a hero!" Zatanna exclaimed.

"Was he?  He and his men bound, raped, and enslaved the Amazons for years.  History and mythology may call that a hero, but I don't."

Zatanna felt horrible, she'd forgotten that particular "conquest" as it was later called in lore.

"They want power over all life, ours especially, and if they can't kill us they take... other things when they win," Wonder Woman glanced down at the Lasso of Truth.

Zatanna wasn't exactly following along, "For instance?"

"Your dignity, your pride, your virtue.  It's a drug and it fuels their side, even their women.  They crave your defeat, your submission, it gives them power," Wonder Woman thought of several times she'd been defeated and humiliated by the villainess Cheetah, "Though, when all hope is lost and the situation is impossible, and they've done their worst to you it is possible to..."

Dianna stopped, even unsure herself how to explain it.

"What? Possible to what," Zatanna hung on every word, "Escape, win? Triumph!"

Dianna, Amazon goddess smiled softly at the young, beautiful, and naive spell slinger, "No dear, defeat is defeat and it is inevitable.  It is possible to experience pleasure, a gift of The Game."

Zatanna was floored and completely stunned, "You aren't saying..."

Wonder Woman sighed, "... That I've enjoyed defeat, humiliation, slavery?  No, don't be ridiculous.  However, our bodies are special. They will adapt and compensate.  The pleasure is a defense mechanism."

Zatanna, still stunned, stood silently for several moments, "...adapt to what?"

Dianna was stoic in her answer, "Minotaur, Cyclops, harpy, centaur, satyr, giants, dragons...". Wonder Woman was about to add the villain Cheetah to the list but decided against mentioning more recent defeats, "...Cerberus."

Zatanna blinked, choked on a breath of air she'd inhaled sharply, then coughed, "Cerberus.  The dog?"

"Three headed guardian of the Underworld," Dianna corrected the young heroine.

"That... Doesn't make it better." Zatanna mumbled.

"Stop being a child!" Wonder Woman's voice rose in commanding fashion, "You've never tasted defeat, obviously, but you will and when you do trust that your body will compensate and adapt.  It will be a small respite from the ordeal, but it makes it survivable."

Zatanna stood close to a state of shock.  She believed all Wonder Woman said but there was little comfort in the Amazon's counsel.

"Be careful though, when it happens your body will attempt to betray you, your thoughts will become clouded," Wonder Woman put a hand on Zatanna's shoulder, "Don't fall into the trap of seeking it out or becoming addicted."

"Addicted?" Zatanna asked, completely puzzled by the thought.

"Others have, like Batwoman," Dianna nodded, "It is a difficult drug to defeat once it has control."

"... You, Dianna?"

The Amazon looked Zatanna in the eyes, "I was much younger then and had never before tasted defeat, much like yourself now."

Zatanna was angry and visibly shaking, "What about make heroes?  What price do they pay?  Are they abused in the same way?"

Wonder Woman looked towards the upset heroine and then looked to the ground, "You don't truly believe Bane broke Batman's spine by merely bending him over his knee, do you?  Do you Zatanna?”


“Zatanna,” Parker whispered in the heroine’s ear, through the latex mask covering her head, “Zatanna, that is you, isn’t it?  Moan once if it is.”

Zatanna’s heart leapt with hope and joy, the officer standing on stage next to her finally understood that she wasn’t a sex addict or fetish freak and that she was in real trouble, “… Mmmmm…”

The heroine’s electronically altered voice relayed the message perfectly, much to the heroine’s relief.

The three other officers stood away from the stage and watched as Officer Parker, the seasoned veteran, took control and assessed the situation.  Parker tossed a, -thumbs up-, to the other three officers and smiled.

“I told the other three I was going to get to the bottom of this little situation.  This isn’t a sex game, is it?  You’re in real trouble, trapped right?  Moan once if I’m right,” Parker continued to whisper.

Zatanna’s heart skipped a beat as freedom danced only inches away, “… Mmmmm…”

Finally, the heroine thought, real communication.  The nightmare was nearly over.

“No, I didn’t think so,” Parker uttered softly before he suddenly raised his voice so the other officers could hear, “Are you sure?  Moan once for us.”

Zatanna happily complied, “…Mmmmm…”

“… And this is what you want,” Parker asked, again loudly, “You’re completely sure?  Louder, so they can hear you.  Moan twice for me.”

Zatanna became frustrated as she wondered why it was so hard to believe she wanted to be free of the trap she was in, “...Mmmmm… Yes!”

The voice altering device again transmitted loud and clear.

Parker sighed deeply and spoke even louder this time, “Zatanna, you know what this means and what you’re asking us to do.  We need to be sure, given the situation and what this might do to your career as a respected member of the crime fighting community.  If we do this, you’re admitting defeat.  Moan once more if you understand, please.”

Zatanna’s eyes, glued shut and stuck to her mask as they were, managed tears of frustration.  Loudly she moaned, “…. MMMMMM!”

Parker stood from his crouched position and looked down the stage towards Officer Rodrigo, “You get all that on your camera Dom?”

Dom held up his I-Phone and smiled, “Yes sir, just like you asked.”

Parker then looked down towards the two junior officers, “Any doubts now?”

“Nope!” They both answered together.

A defeated heroine or hero was a rare occurrence and Zatanna knew that certain precautions existed, and that Gotham had a special police unit to deal with situations of this nature, but the heroine was confused by the formality of the questioning.  Still, the magic user was overjoyed at the thought of the officers freeing her from the mask and gag so she could cast first a spell of freedom followed by a memory erasing spell for the officers.

“Hey Dom, come up here and give me a hand.  Parker, Petersen, you two stay there.”  Parker ordered as he motioned to his long-time partner Officer Rodrigo.

Dom climbed up on the stage and stood under the spotlight with Parker and Zatanna as the heroine continued to hang upside down.

“What’s up Park, we really doing this?  She’s trapped in there, like you thought, right?” Dom whispered while Zatanna struggled to hear the conversation. 

“It’s like I thought,” Parker nodded and whispered a reply, “Someone wants us to do this, but it isn’t her.  This is our chance, Dom.  She’s not a stripper, not a prostitute, not a real whore on Sixth street we’re fucking tonight.  This is USDA Prime, superheroine select, Grade A ass.  We’re safe too, you’ve got it on video.” 

“She wants us, she begged for it, didn’t you bitch?” Parker spoke loud enough for Zatanna and the two other officers to hear.  “Don’t you?”

Parker raised his hand and softly massaged Zatanna’s latex covered love mound before finding her clitoris an instant later and giving it a hard pinch, “We’re fucking a super heroine tonight boys!  This slut wants it hard and kinky!”

Zatanna’s breath escaped her chest and refused to return.  She instantly felt numb inside as the shock and reality of the situation came crashing down on her encased body like a ton of bricks.  The officer, her rescuer, had tricked her and now the other officers thought she wanted sex.

“Mmmmm… Yes!  Mmmm… Ahhhh….!” Zatanna’s altered voice called out in what sounded to everyone like excited sexual groans and cries, “Ahhhh… Yes!  Yes!”

“Dom, this is one of those gimp type suits the weirdos at the sex clubs wear.  If you run your fingers over the holes, they’ll open.” Parker smiled as he hopped off stage, “She’s all yours my friend.

Dom smiled, “You’re the expert Park, you’d know.”

Zatanna again shifted and bucked as she hung upside down, in her mind she was crying for help, screaming even, but the voice that played for the officers replied, “Yes!  Mmmmm…”

“Fuck her already, we don’t have all night.  We’re on the clock, give it to her good.” Parker called back over his shoulder as he ushered the other two officers to his side, “You two will get your turn, let’s see what Dom has in mind first, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Petersen grinned, “Shit, this is crazy.  A real superheroine.”

“Fuck yeah,” Jackson adjusted his already hardening cock, “Oh fuck yeah.”


Dom leaned down and whispered in Zatanna’s ear, “You’re going to give me the best blowjob I’ve ever had, do you hear me?  I know you don’t want this, but frankly, I don’t give a shit.  This can go easy for you or it can go rough.  Do you understand me, bitch?”

The officer’s hands were quickly fondling Zatanna’s latex covered breasts and pulling at her newly acquired nipple rings.  The heroine cried out in protest, but the voice implant changed her voice as it had the entire night, “…More…”

Officer Rodrigo’s cock was thick and hard as he pulled it from his pants.  His trousers hit the ground around his ankles and the officer got down on his knees.  From her suspended position, upside down, Zatanna’s face was at the perfect height and the tip of her nose tapped against the officer’s penis as she swayed slightly in the bondage apparatus.  Dom slowly fingered the mask at the mouth opening, found the seam between the ring-gag, and slowly slid his cock through the opening.

Terrified and horrified, Zatanna moved her tongue while trying to avoid contact.

“I said, this can go easy or it can go rough, slut.  Now suck my cock, this is your last chance bitch!”

Zatanna attempted to pull her head away as the tip of the officer’s penis loomed just inside of her mouth but had failed to make any contact.  In response, Officer Rodrigo pulled Zatanna’s head forward with both hands as hard as he could and suddenly his entire shaft was shoved into Zatanna’s mouth.  The tip of the officer’s cock danced along the back of the magician’s throat and she gagged while her nose pressed hard against Dom’s pelvis.  Still, Zatanna managed to keep her tongue from touching her rapist’s cock.

“Fine,” Dom stood with his fully erect member in view of his colleagues, “Listen guys, she really wants the rough stuff.  She’s kinky, real kinky.”

“Give the girl what she wants.  This is her fantasy, right?” Parker grinned wickedly up at his partner on the stage, “She probably needs some motivation and these heroine sluts like anal sex, a lot.  You always were a pleaser, so please her.”

Zatanna howled a frantic disapproval into the mask, a shriek that only sounded like, “…Mmmmmmmm…. baby…” to the officers around the stage, “…Fuck me, fuck me hard… Ahhhh…yes!”

“Fuck, she’s crazy!” Petersen shook his head, “Wow.”

“Damn…” Jackson grinned, “…Oh, I’m gonna give her some ass sex, just you wait.”

“That’s the spirit boys.  That’s the spirit,” Parker smiled like a proud parent, “This will be a night none of us will ever forget.”

As Parker, Petersen, and Jackson cheered him on and as Zatanna continued to struggle Dom moved around the stage looking for the perfect toy, or toys, to force the heroine into submission.  All across the stage various devices for pleasure and pain sat waiting to torture the superheroine magician.  Dom leaned down and picked up two nipple clamps, alligator teeth at the end with small vibrating cylinders at the bottom and eyed them closely.  “This will make for a good start, yeah.”

The Hispanic officer moved quickly to Zatanna and before the hooded heroine realized what was happening she felt a sharp pinch first on her right nipple followed a second later by a painful pinch on her left nipple.  The heroine’s eyes watered again, despite being completely shut and glued to the mask, and she screamed into the mask in a moment of pain, disbelief, and total discomfort. 

“…Mmmmm… Yes… More… Fuck me baby!...” Zatanna sorrowful cries were translated into words of encouragement as sounds of sex dripped out of her gagged mouth, “… More!”

Zatanna was openly sobbing, frustrated, and worst of all the devious voice chip forced the heroine to beg for her own rape.  The situation was completely unbearable even as Dom turned the vibrating clamps to the on position and a sudden wave of tingling started in the heroine’s latex covered nipples, vibrated through the nipple piercings, and pushed through her core.

Still sobbing, uncontrollably Zatanna’s voice projected, “… Mmmmm… Baby…. Yes!”

All four officers now had undeniable raging hard-ons as they watched Dom and Zatanna perform on stage.  The effect of The Game was magical as all four men were now being drawn in by their actions and the effect those actions were having on the helpless heroine.  It was as if a drug flowed through each man’s body, more than simple endorphins or adrenaline, as if the heroine herself had cast a spell on each of them.

This effect wasn’t Zatanna’s doing, however, and each officer had no way of knowing they were being influenced by The Game which had been played for thousands of years to this point and Zatanna was just the latest victim.

Zatanna did her part to fight against her bindings even though the devious nature of the body suit had completely strained and sapped all her strength.  She had become one with the latex suit now, the technological second skin refused to give the heroine even a centimeter of free movement.  By design, the heroine had become a true sex doll and could only be positioned, moved, and manipulated by outside forces.  If ever a more complete trap had been created with a specific heroine in mind, Zatanna couldn’t think of it.


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