Debt Slaves (3 of 3)

by DarkStalker1 --

The woman, who Sheri and I were later instructed to address as Mistress, was present the next morning as we were dragged, naked, from the cage in which we'd been imprisoned overnight.

She was dressed in an extravagant outfit that, whilst looking quite formal in some respects, was obviously designed to display her womanly attributes. Her torso was adorned in a deep crimson, hip-length jacket of some velveteen material. The lapels of the jacket, rather than plunging in a vee between her breasts, were so wide that they followed the outer curve of her tits. Consequently her breasts were squeezed together slightly, accentuating her already generous cleavage. As for the breasts themselves, they were partially contained within a flimsy lace covering that could have been a bra or might even have been a part of the jacket itself. Beneath each breast was a column of four large gold coloured buttons but these appeared to be purely ornamental. From the back of the jacket a long length of the velvety material fell to the floor leaving her stocking clad, booted legs exposed at the front. Her crotch was hidden beneath a pair of latex panties.

She supervised the two men who tightly bound our wrists behind our backs and then secured further bonds above our elbows, pulling the ropes tight and drawing our protesting arms together. This forced our shoulders back and had the desired effect of thrusting our chests forward.

The Mistress walked around us slowly, a soft chuckle the only sound in the room. She stopped behind me and ran her fingers through my long, straight hair stroking it gently and then, suddenly, she grasped a handful of locks and yanked my head back violently.

I screamed in pain and shock at the sudden assault but little sound escaped as, the moment my mouth opened, it was filled by a length of rubber cock attached to the inner surface of a leather pad that was pressed tightly over my lower face and then strapped in place. I choked and gagged on the oral intruder for a few moments and tears sprang to my eyes, more from the surprise at its sudden insertion than from an inability to accommodate its length. The Mistress continued to pull my head back by my hair as I took a deep breath through my nostrils and tried to regain some sort of composure.

The first thing I noticed once my hair was released was that Sheri and the two men had gone and, despite my own situation, I felt a desperate concern for her. The tale she'd shared with me the night before was no doubt tame compared to whatever our captors had in store for us as our 'training' progressed.

The Mistress walked around me again, her left hand extended towards me so that her fingertips brushed across my flesh. As she moved behind me again she stopped once more and I felt both of her hands caressing the firm globes of my arse cheeks.

I felt her breath on my neck as she rested her chin on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

A tremor ran through my body at this ominous announcement which she must have felt because her hands began to squeeze my buttocks, gently kneading the firm flesh.

She continued to murmur in my ear but her words slipped by me as I found myself concentrating on what her hands were doing. The rhythmic constriction and release of her fingers on my buttocks continued for a few moments but then she slid her hands around my body, brushing them across the crest of my hips and continuing on until the fingers interlocked over my belly and pulled me back towards her.

My bound arms were trapped between us as her body pushed against me but still she pulled me back. I could feel her erect nipples through the lace that cupped her breasts as they were pressed against my upper arms.
She moved her hands again, sliding them down until they reached the junction between my crotch and my thighs. With a little effort she pushed the fingers of both hands between my legs, forcing them apart so that her fingers could reach my slit and all the time she kept whispering in my ear. I didn't understand a word she said, as she used the foreign language but the sound of her voice was gentle and soothing and I found myself relaxing in her grasp. My legs began to feel weak as her fingers stroked and teased at my crotch, gently enticing my clit to show itself. I couldn't help myself as a humiliating groan of arousal escaped around the gag and then I felt new depths of degradation as I realised that I was sucking at the rubber phallus with all of the endeavour I would have put into bringing a lover to climax.

Her fingers continued to worry at my now fully exposed clitoris, brushing against it, stroking around it and occasionally trapping it between two digits and gently rolling it back and forth.

It wasn't long before the inevitable happened and I found myself tumbling headfirst into the throes of orgasmic ecstasy. Tears of shame spilled from my eyes and coursed down my cheeks as the Mistress abandoned my throbbing cunt and tightened the grip of her arms around my trembling body, still whispering into my ear but now using English.

'Just relax,' she murmured, 'It's pointless trying to resist the desires of your own body!'

I cursed her inwardly, desperately wanting to deny the truth of her words whilst realising the hypocrisy of such a denial. Hadn't I just climaxed at the end of her damnably skilful fingers and wasn't it true that, despite the fact I was being used against my will, I had found pleasure from the orgasm. I shook my head and groaned as another truth dawned on me. My arousal had begun not as she'd begun her assault on my clit but earlier, as my arms had been bound behind me. I couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it, but it was none the less true.

As I made this disturbing journey of discovery the Mistress led me back into the cell and sat me on the edge of one of the cots on which Sheri and I had slept. She left me there and moved to a cabinet against one of the walls outside the barred confines of the cell. A moment or so later and she had returned to clamber unceremoniously onto the cot and position herself behind me. I couldn't believe it when she started to gently brush my hair with long, languorous strokes that gently teased out the knots and tangles that had formed in the time since I'd last attended to it before my kidnapping. Once she'd finished with her brushing she proceeded to arrange my hair into a bun, high at the back of my head. Apparently happy with her work she left me and returned to the cabinet. This time when she returned she stood in front of me with her hands behind her back and ordered me to kneel before her.

I could see little point in refusing so I dropped to my knees and settled back with my buttocks resting on my heels and my thighs slightly parted.

She walked around me and sat on the cot in the place I'd just vacated then, leaning forward, she took me by the shoulders and pulled me back, parting her legs so that I came to rest against the edge of the cot. One of her hands beneath my chin tipped my head back so that I was looking up into her inverted face as it smiled down at me. With a swiftness that indicated fully how familiar she was with the procedure, she fastened a leather collar about my throat and attached a leash to it. Without relinquishing her hold on my lead she pushed me forward, stood and walked around until she stood in front of me.

My eyes couldn't resist watching the sparkle of the overhead light as it reflected from the shining chrome chain that stretched from her hand to my throat. Abruptly I realised that my nipples were throbbing and cursed myself for this further display of my own perverse nature.

The Mistress smiled knowingly down at me and then turned and began walking towards the stairway. The chain pulled taut but she continued walking and I was forced to shuffle forwards on my knees until I was able to force myself up onto my feet. She glanced back at me over her shoulder and continued onwards, ascending the stairs.
As we reached the next floor I saw several other girls, all naked but for the ropes and chains that bound them, some to walls and some to pillars all gagged and all whimpering in their own world of fear. I knew instinctively that these girls were only now awakening to this situation. As if in confirmation one of the girls suddenly cried out and began to struggle franticly against her bondage. I didn't see what happened next because the Mistress continued up the next flight of stairs but as we ascended I heard running feet and then some sounds I couldn't identify followed by yelps of pain.

There were four men awaiting us on the next floor up.

My heart skipped a beat as my mind raced ahead and painted a number of scenarios, all of which prominently featured my impending rape.

There were three white men and one coloured man, all well built and actually quite good looking. The coloured guy was much taller than the other three and I wondered whether this was the man that Sheri had encountered. All of them were dressed in white tee-shirts and blue jeans and all were smiling in a manner I convinced myself was purely lascivious.

As we approached them my mind continued to torment me with images from my darkest nightmares. I tried to struggle against the forward motion we were making, turning slightly and pulling away from the Mistress, but she pulled on the leash with such force that I stumbled towards her once more.

The Mistress stopped in front of the men and spoke to them in the foreign language.

I watched with mounting fear as they nodded towards her and stepped forward.

One of them took the leash from the Mistress' hand; two of them took position beside me, one on either side, whilst the fourth moved behind me.

The Mistress stepped towards me once more, looking me straight in the eye. Her right hand pressed between my legs and her fingers examined the cleft of my vagina. When she withdrew her hand and lifted it in front of my face it glistened with my own juices and yet another wave of shame and humiliation washed over me. But even worse, she then went to each of the men in turn and offered her hand for them to lick at the moistness and taste my intimate essence. She stepped away then and nodded to them again.
I tensed as I felt the presence of the man behind me draw nearer but I was surprised when he began to untie the ropes that bound my arms together, first the one at my elbows and then the one around my wrists. The men on either side of me then moved closer and each took hold of one of my arms.

The Mistress moved to each of them and handed them objects that clicked metallically. Within moments metal cuffs had been fastened about my wrists.

They continued to hold my arms whilst the man from behind me walked to the Mistress and handed her the ropes from my arms, now neatly looped and coiled. In turn she handed him another cuff and then passed a fourth to the black who'd been holding the leash, which he now relinquished to her.

As you'll have guessed, the new cuffs were quickly closed about my ankles.

The Mistress now stepped forward again and unhooked the leash from the collar around my neck then nodded to the men once more.

I didn't resist as the men holding my arms manipulated me down onto the stone floor and spread my arms out. I noticed that I was lying in the centre of a square, the corners of which were marked by stone pillars. As the men spread my legs apart, an act that set my heart racing, I realised that they were pointing my limbs in the direction of the pillars. I turned my head when I heard a metallic chinking sound to my left and watched as a chain was attached to the wrist cuff. The chain rose up at an angle from the cuff and disappeared through a hole in the side of the pillar. With trepidation I watched as similar chains were attached to each of the other cuffs.

The Mistress stood over me and I couldn't help but notice that she held a vicious looking riding crop in her right hand.

'You are going to be a good girl, aren't you?' she asked, mockingly.

Five faces looked down at me. The men all grinned lecherously whilst the Mistress merely watched me intently.

My eyes moved from face to face, searching them for anything that might give me hope... the merest flicker of pity or remorse... but it was a futile quest. The men obviously lusted after my defenceless body and the woman saw me only as a creature she must train before selling it on to a new master.

The Mistress turned slightly to her left and pointed a remote device at the pillar my left wrist was chained to. With her thumb she pressed a button on the surface of the device.

The relative quiet of the room was shattered by the whirr and whine of several motors and a cacophonic clattering as hidden gear wheels turned.

The effect on me was instantaneous as each of the chains attached to the cuffs on my limbs was wound back into its respective pillar, activated simultaneously by the device in the Mistress' hand.

I screamed around the gag as I felt the chains pulling at my arms and legs and then there was a feeling of relief as the tugging became less intense. It took a moment before I realised that the reason for this slackening was that the coloured guy had lifted me from the floor and was holding me, draped across his arms, a few feet above the stonework. However, the clanking of the winches as they wound in the chains continued to reverberate around the room and I could already feel my dangling legs and arms being raised towards the horizontal again. As the remaining slack disappeared my back was pulled taut and straight, lifting it from the black's arms, and yet the winches still turned through three more clicks before the Mistress saw fit to turn them off.

So there I was, spread-eagled between the four pillars, stretched as taut as a bowstring with my ankles, wrists, shoulders and hips racked with pain and a throbbing ache along the length of my stretched spine. My unsupported head dangled back between my shoulders but I had to keep raising it in order to breathe easier. The third or fourth time that I lifted my head I saw the men waiting in line, their grins broader than ever.

Another sensation began to sweep through me, dampening the pain. More tears of shame began to form in my eyes and, as I lifted my head once more, I cursed the sight of my nipples standing proudly erect from my breasts. I was aware too of a rising heat in my splayed crotch and once again found myself unable to reconcile the way my body was reacting to the situation I was in.

One of the white guys stepped between my legs.

'At last!' I thought. 'Let's just get this over with!'

But instead of dropping his pants and thrusting himself into me he dropped to his knees and began to lick at the juices that were seeping from my open cunt. Occasionally his tongue would slip into the wide cleft and probe deeper into my humid hole and at those times his upper lip would nudge against my aching clit and send electric thrills shooting through my stretched and strained body. I could feel an orgasm building within me, waiting for the final stimuli to set it ripping through my body but, as I felt the moment approaching, the Mistress barked a command and the man stood up, turned and left me.

Several minutes passed during which I know I moaned in humiliating frustration.

The Mistress stood beside me and stroked at my breasts with her left hand but it was my cunt that craved attention. Then, with remarkable swiftness, her right hand waved towards my crotch and I screamed in pain as the tip of the crop flicked against my exposed clitoris.

More time passed and then the second man took his place between my splayed thighs. Like the first he dropped to his knees and proceeded to use his tongue on my naked genitalia. He licked, probed and nudged at me like his predecessor and the result was the same. My climax grew within me but, again, it was thwarted by the Mistress dismissing the man from between my legs. I sobbed in frustration unable, at this time, to comprehend the fact that I was now inwardly begging the men to rape me.

The Mistress moved to my side once more and repeated her earlier actions, caressing my tits for a while before striking out at my clit with the crop. The pain was excruciating but mercifully short-lived as the third man commenced his oral assault on my pussy and pulled my aching desire back into the light.

This time I screamed when the Mistress dismissed the man.

She looked at me closely as I sobbed with abject disappointment whilst shaking my head in pointless denial
Fixed immovably between the four stone columns I wanted nothing more than to have my sodden slit filled to the utmost with hot cock so that I could achieve the release that the Mistress seemed determined to deny me.

She turned then to the black man and spoke to him in the foreign language. He quickly turned and walked away leaving me alone with her. Standing alongside me she once again toyed with my tits, concentrating more on my achingly hard nipples this time.

As seconds stretched into minutes I began to anticipate the impact of the crop on my most sensitive flesh but it didn't come. Instead, without anyone touching me there, I felt my pussy beginning to pulse and throb with expectation of a different nature.

The Mistress smiled down at me.

'You're nearly ready!' she said.

She gently laid the crop atop my body with the wicked tip that had brought me such pain, nestled between my heaving breasts. Her, now unencumbered, hand reached for my quivering cunt lips, teasing at them with her fingers and drawing even more moisture from my depths.

Maybe this was what she wanted! Maybe it was her plan all along to bring me to my final release with her own fingers!

No sooner had that thought entered my head than she stopped and moved away from me, leaving me so close to the edge of release that my body wanted to twist and writhe with abandon whilst the chains held me so rigidly in position that barely a tremor disturbed my tightly stretched frame.

She clapped her hands together loudly and called out in the foreign tongue.

My neck ached from constantly having to raise my head from its hanging position so that I could breathe more freely but I lifted it again to see what the Mistress intended for me next.

The black man had returned but he wasn't alone.

I sobbed as Sheri stepped out from behind him.

She stood naked before me, her arms behind her back and her head bowed forwards so that I couldn’t see her face properly. Her hair fell forwards to further obscure her face but in turn revealed a black leather strap running front to back across the top of her head, which told me she was gagged similarly to the way she had been when I first saw her on the previous day.

The Mistress lifted the crop from my body and moved away, walking around the pillars so that she could approach Sheri and her escort.

I slumped back to rest my straining neck for a few moments before raising my head again.

The black was gone and the Mistress was standing behind my sister apparently stroking her ass with gentle motions of her hand.

‘Do you remember what I said to you yesterday about punishments?’

Without waiting for me to even try to reply the Mistress took hold of Sheri’s left shoulder and turned her so that her back was towards me.

I could see the tight ropes that tied my sister’s wrists together and could see too a pair of studded leather straps, placed about her upper arms several inches above her elbows, which were linked together by a solid black bar that was short enough to require that her shoulders were pulled back.

The Mistress now pressed down on Sheri’s shoulder and made her bend forwards. She then took hold of my sister’s bound wrists and lifted them from her back.

Sheri’s buttocks were on full display to me and I let my head fall back as tears spilled from my eyes.
‘Spread your legs for me, my sweet.’ she said to Sheri who quickly shuffled her feet apart.

‘Look at her!’ the Mistress demanded of me.

I blinked back my tears as I raised my head. My eyes rested once more on my poor sister’s red striped ass cheeks. As I watched, the Mistress stroked them gently, her fingers tracing the course of the reddened stripes where Sheri had been beaten.

‘This happened because you defied me earlier!’ she stated simply.

Suddenly the Mistress took hold of Sheri’s buttocks with both hands and spread the cheeks apart to display my sister’s wet vagina to me.

‘It looks as if she enjoyed it, doesn’t it?’

I let my head drop again, sobbing forlornly. When I next raised myself Sheri was standing upright again and the Mistress was apparently fitting a pair of leather panties on her.

She walked around to stand beside me again, flexing the crop in her hands. She shifted the grip to her left hand and reached for my crotch with her right. Once again her fingers teased at my pussy lips and once again my excitement mounted inexorably towards its climactic peak and then, once again, she cut me off from my fulfilment.

‘It’s time, little one!’ she said quietly.

Sheri turned towards me and my eyes widened as I saw the dildo that protruded from the front of the panties she now wore. She looked at me, pleadingly and I realised she was begging for my forgiveness.
They’d put her in an impossible situation. A situation in which, whatever choice she made, I would be the victim and she would be left to face the consequences of her decision.

]Her head bowed dejectedly as she stepped towards me.

My cursed body thrilled at the first touch of the dildo against my slit and worse, my mind pleaded for her to thrust the implement deep into my aching body and release me from the torture of denial.

Her tears spattered down on my belly as she took another step forward and the plastic cock slid further into me.

I moaned appreciatively as it filled me, mind and body savouring the unnatural invasion and sweeping aside any other considerations.

Sheri heard me and recognised the sound for what it was. Her eyes lifted, met mine and saw the desperate state of need I was in. As if this freed her from any fears she thrust her hips forward and gave me what I needed.

My head fell back again, my orgasmic scream spilling around the edges of the gag to resound from the stone walls.

Sheri stumbled back in shock and the dildo slipped free but I no longer cared.

I’d attained the release that I craved above all else and, no matter the circumstances, I had my sister to thank for that liberation.

Tonight we will cry in each other’s arms again and beg forgiveness for our respective sins against the other. But even if that forgiveness is forthcoming, how long can we live with ourselves, knowing what we have done to each other already and recognizing that we will be faced with more of the same dilemmas in the coming days?


  1. great story. i guess the girls will have a new career ahead of them, thanks to their mother.


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