Debt Slaves  (1 of 3)
by DarkStalker1 -- 

There was darkness all around. Not the usual dark you get in the middle of the night... no, this was utter and total blackness!

Suddenly there was a flash of light, a pinprick of white in the all encompassing black. But it was gone before I had a chance to make any sort of effort to reach it. More time passed as I hung there, seemingly suspended in this void, that one, momentary flash of luminescence the only thing that convinced me there was anything else but the yawning emptiness.

After an indeterminate passage of time the light reappeared and this time stayed steady and constant in its intensity.

I tried to move towards it but I could feel nothing around me. There seemed to be nothing beneath my feet and yet I believed I was moving forward.

Soon the light was growing in size before me so I tried to accelerate towards my goal. Within a few more minutes the light was filling my vision, getting brighter as I drew closer until I had to close my aching eyes in order to proceed. And then I heard the sound of voices.

I tried to call out for assistance but my voice seemed garbled and incoherent. Still with my eyes closed I pressed onwards.

The voices grew louder. Loud enough for me to realise that i couldn’t understand what they were saying.

Abruptly I became aware of something solid and hard pressing against my body all the way down my right side. As this sensation filled my mind other realisations seeped back in. I wasn’t moving! Either that or the object pressing against me was also moving! There was no sense of my body rubbing against this surface but that didn’t make sense!

Then came the taste in my mouth! Rubber!

I tried to move my tongue around and encountered resistance! Something was filling my mouth!
My eyes flew open only to clamp tight again as they were flooded by the dazzling light.

Awareness was rushing over me now and it terrified me!

I was lying on my side on a cold stone floor. My arms I now realised were bound behind my back and my mouth was filled by a rubber ball-gag.

The voices were still speaking in the foreign language that I couldn’t identify. The speakers didn’t seem to reaise that I was conscious. Cautiously I opened my eyes a fraction, trying to see what was gong on around me. Two pairs of feet were close to me wearing dirty work boots. The pants above the boots were equally worn and dirty. Beyond them the stone floor led to an ancient wall with several arched openings through which I could see a bright blue sky flecked with wheeling and soaring birds.

I forcibly willed myself not to panic. It was obvious i’d been kidnapped but my family has money so there was no doubt in my mind that any ransom would be paid without delay. But then I glanced along the length of my body and let out a clearly audible gasp at what I saw myself dressed in.

The talkers obviously heard me and one of them moved away whilst the other crouched down beside me.

He was the ugliest man I’d ever seen... small, squinty eyes, a nose that was large and bulbous and had obviously been broken several times so that it’s length seemed to meander from side-to-side down his face. His mouth was wide open in an almost toothless smile and then, as terror truly took hold of me, he laughed down into my face.

I cowered away from him, knowing I was helpless to resist if he did anything and that what I was ‘wearing’ would encourage rather than dissuade him.

I couldn’t remember anything about how i came to be in this situation. The ‘outfit’ was certainly nothing I’d ever seen before and the fact that i was wearing it raised certain questions, not least of which was who dressed me?

His laughter had become a contemptuous chuckle and his eyes were roaming over my body when his hand began to move tentatively towards my breasts.

I tried to move away from him as I had before but his other hand grabbed me by the shoulder and held me still. The other hand moved again towards my chest and then a female voice rang out commandingly and he sprang upright and staggered away from me.

I lay there trembling but with relief rushing through me, and then the woman and the second man were in front of me. They both looked down with appraising eyes and I felt shame and humiliation sweeping my relief away.

They towered above me as I lay helpless before them. The woman was beautiful... exotic. Her hair was dark and long, falling about her shoulders and framing a face some super-models would envy. Large amber eyes, a slender nose and a wide mouth with full red lips. She was the absolute opposite of the ugly man.

Her companion was ruggedly handsome with broad shoulders. He smiled down at me but the gaze from his eyes was ice cold.

The woman turned her head towards him and spoke in that same unknown language I’d heard before. He nodded and moved towards me.

I cried out through the gag and shuffled away from him.

‘Don’t resist!’ ordered the woman in perfect English, ‘He’s only going to help you to your feet!’

I had no way to know whether she was telling me the truth but with my situation as hopeless as it seemed I decided I had very few options.

He stepped over me and then crouched down. Holding me by the shoulders he lifted and turned my body into a sitting position and then, thrusting a hand beneath each armpit, he lifted me.

I staggered a little trying to get my feet flat on the floor.

The woman looked me up and down, appraising me again.

I looked too. Gazing down at my body clad in a red leather corset that stopped below my breasts leaving them bare, and a tiny pair of panties that barely covered anything.

The woman laughed at my obvious distress.

‘Get used to it!’ she said.

I shook my head and looked at her, pleading with my eyes. She laughed again and then stepped closer, reaching out with her hands and cupping my breasts in her palms whilst her thumbs rubbed at my nipples. I tried to pull away but the man was still behind me and her fingers began to close around my tits, squeezing tighter and tighter.

‘Never resist!’ she snarled. ‘You will only make things worse for yourself... and her!’

Her eyes looked down to my left and I followed suit only to cry out through the gag when I saw another bound female figure lying there. I recognised the crazy, tumbling locks of hair though I couldn’t see her face. It was my sister, Sheri!

I turned my gaze back to the woman and glared at her with equal parts anger and fear.

‘She’s been with us for a couple of days now,’ the woman grinned, ‘so she’s already heard what I’m about to explain to you!’

A couple of days?! I hadn’t even been aware that Sheri was missing!

‘There’s a reason why you are here! It has to do with a great deal of stolen money... and the woman who stole it!

‘This woman embezzled a vast amount of funds from her employer and, when the act was discovered and she was confronted, she decided that rather than pay back what she had taken she would take her own life! She did this despite the extraordinarily generous terms her employer offered her.

‘That woman was your mother!’

It took a moment for the words to sink in but when they did my knees buckled beneath me and, it was only the man holding me from behind that stopped me from collapsing back onto the floor.

The woman stepped forward and waved a bottle of smelling-salts under my nose, shocking me back to full awareness. Surprisingly she looked sympathetic when I lifted my eyes to her face.

‘I’m sorry!’ she said, ‘Truly I’m sorry for your loss! But that is why you are here! Your mother managed to secrete the money where we can’t find it and, with her death, there is no way of getting that information from her. We realise that you and your sister are totally unaware of your mother’s actions but we are left with a situation where the wronged party, your mother’s former employer, wants to regain his money but has no means of doing so. Except through you!

‘By his rights as the wronged party he has commissioned me to bring you both here and give you training so that you can be placed in positions that will allow him to get his money back through you... or rather, through your sale as fully trained sex slaves!’

This couldn’t be real! She had to be lying! There’s no way this sort of thing could really happen!

‘There’s a very good market in the east for young, white women! You’ll both fetch a very good price once we’ve finished with you!’

She stepped close again and reached out to run her fingers through my hair. I tried to pull away from her but the look in her eyes had me immobilised as she teased at my straight blonde hair.

By now Sheri had been raised to her feet by the ugly man and was sobbing gently to my left. I could see that she was dressed in an outfit that, though different, had distinct similarities to mine. Her small breasts were bare above a red and black corset that then managed to accentuate their vulnerability by means of three straps that rose up between and around them to a strap around her throat. Her panties were more generous in their concealment than mine but they were still brashly obscene in the way that the 'waist-line' dipped provocatively into a vee shape pointing directly between her thighs.

The woman smiled at me and then moved towards my sister, reaching out with the same hand she’d just brushed through my hair... only it wasn’t Sheri’s hair that she touched.

With finger and thumb she pinched and pulled at one of Sheri’s nipples.

I could only watch as my sister tensed and cried out through her gag.

‘I think she’s enjoying this!’

There was a despairing whimper from Sheri and then she slumped to the floor, lost in the delirium of an orgasm brought on by nothing more than the woman pinching her nipple.

I wondered what they’d done to her in the time she’d already been here. She wouldn’t look at me once she’d calmed down from her climactic high. She struggled to her feet unaided and looked down at the floor instead but I could see the shame and humiliation in her posture.

‘Tomorrow your training begins!’ said the woman, ‘but tonight you can rest with your sister. I’m sure you must have a lot to talk about!’


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