Debt Slaves  (2 of 3)

by DarkStalker1 --

‘I’ve been here for three days now!’ Staci sobbed as I cradled my sister’s trembling form in my arms. ’They told me about this debt that mom is supposed to have, said she’d been embezzling from this guy and that he’d found out. They told me I was being held as a hostage until mom paid the money back and then… and then that woman came and told me mom wouldn’t be able to pay the debt and it meant I’d have to pay it for her!’

She pressed her face into my shoulder as a series of wracking sobs overwhelmed her. I felt her tears on my bare flesh and I hugged her tighter, whispering soothing words to her but all the time struggling to keep my own grief and despair from engulfing me. Staci stirred in my arms and began to speak again.

‘She didn’t tell me mom was dead then… that came later, after she told me what they were going to do with me! How I was going to be trained as a sex slave and either sold or hired out to anyone who could meet the price they put on my ‘services’!’

I felt my own tears start to spill down my face.

‘I slapped her across the face,’ Staci continued, ‘but she just smiled at me. The next thing I knew two men had grabbed me from behind. They didn’t do anything but hold me still whilst she got a pair of scissors from a desk drawer and then literally cut my clothes off of me. I struggled, I screamed, I spat at her and all the time she just kept smiling at me and cutting. She had the men tie my hands behind my back and then she took the shredded pieces of my panties and forced them into my mouth to gag me. One of the men handed her a roll of tape and she ripped a couple of pieces off and stuck them across my mouth so I couldn’t spit the material out!’

She fell silent again and I kissed the top of her head, my lips pressing against the dampness where my tears had soaked into her hair.

‘She left me then… alone, bound and naked with the two men! I fully expected them to rape me there and then but all they did was stand by the door sneering and laughing at me. After a short time the woman returned with a package. There was this really skimpy pair of panties in the package which she put on me with the help of the men. Then there was a veil and after that some jewelry. Once she’d finished putting this stuff on me she said that I was going to have my first lesson that very night but that I needn’t worry unduly because my participation wasn’t required. All I had to do was watch and learn how things were going to be in the future.

‘They took me to another room. It was completely different from the first room, all done out to look like it was Arabian or something. I was forced down onto my knees in the middle of the room and told to just wait and watch and then they left me there.’

She paused again and I stroked her hair soothingly.

‘I don’t know how long I waited before I heard footsteps outside the door,’ she continued, ‘I know I held my breath as it opened and two people came in. First in was a big coloured man. I mean, he wouldn’t have looked out of place on a basketball court. He looked down at me and smiled as he came in but he didn’t say anything. Then he stepped aside and this naked Chinese girl followed him in.

‘He led her to the bed and got her to kneel on top of it. As she passed me I realised her hands were tied behind her like mine. She wasn’t gagged but she never spoke a word whilst she was in the room.

‘The man began to strip his clothes off right in front of me. I turned my head away but he bent over and pinched one of my nipples and demanded that I watch like I’d been told to. As he started to lower his pants down his legs I looked away again and he slapped me hard across my breasts with his open hand. I think I screamed but the gag muffled everything. I couldn’t believe the pain a single slap could cause but my breasts burned from it and then my nipples grew hard. He laughed at me and told me it looked like I was in the right place, then he finished undressing in front of me as I watched.

‘The bed was set in this alcove so that there was only one way to get on or off of it. He got onto it and then sat with his back against the wall and his legs spread in front of him. He grabbed hold of the Chinese girl by her hair and pulled her towards him at the same time as he forced her head down into his lap.’

Staci’s speech was getting faster as her story progressed and I felt a sudden flush of embarrassed surprise as I realised I could feel her nipples hardening and pressing against my own flesh. I thought she’d realised what was happening when she shifted her position but I was in for an even bigger shock when I saw her slip a hand between her thighs. She seemed totally oblivious of what she was doing as she continued with her tale.

‘There she was, kneeling on the bed, her head down in his lap and her arse sticking up in the air. One of his hands stroked down her back and over her butt and then he began to finger fuck her. She began to gasp and groan but all the time she was licking at his cock as it was getting bigger and harder and I couldn’t stop watching. I couldn’t believe it but I was getting turned on!

‘As he grew more and more erect she stopped licking him and took the head of his cock in her mouth. I didn’t dare look away! The memory of his slap on my tits was still fresh in my mind so I continued to watch and… the more I watched… the more turned on I became!

‘Everything seemed so surreal… like an erotic fantasy come to life. I kept telling myself that it was all real, that I was there against my will and wasn’t going to wake up in my apartment but it didn’t seem to matter! My pussy started to tingle and I felt a flush go through my entire body. My nipples got harder than I can ever remember them being before, so much so that they ached but…oh was a delicious ache! And all the time, he just sat there looking at me with this knowing smile whilst she bobbed her head up and down, devouring his cock.

‘She was taking about half of his length in her mouth with each dip of her head which was impressive considering his size but then he spoke to me saying,

‘Watch closely!’ and he used his free hand to push down on her head.

‘She didn’t resist, she just let him press her down right into his crotch. She didn’t even gag on it but I could see her throat muscles working as she swallowed his entire shaft! And then he held her there for what seemed an age, her face impaled on his enormous dick, her throat entirely plugged so that she could only breathe through her nose which was pressed hard against his thigh! I could see her jaw moving slightly so I guess she was still working on him with her tongue. Eventually she gave a distressed moan and he took hold of her by her hair and pulled her up off his cock. She took a few deep breaths and then she actually smiled as he pushed her down again!

‘I almost climaxed as she parted her lips and let him into her mouth again, slowly ingesting inch after inch of flesh and muscle as her head was pushed down. I actually found myself wondering how it felt to be used like that… gods what’s wrong with me, sis…I still want to know!’

I couldn’t answer her question but my body was responding to her words. I have a vivid imagination and her narrative had conjured a vibrant graphic representation in my mind.

‘He was still fingering her during all of this and I could see her wriggling her hips and pushing herself back onto his fingers.

‘My crotch was on fire by now and the ache from my nipples was becoming unbearable. I was actually desperate to come! It didn’t matter what the circumstances were anymore, I just had this urgent, despairing need to climax. With the visual stimulation I was receiving I thought it was inevitable but it just wasn’t happening and I was going through a world of sexual frustration because of it.

‘His smile was infuriating. I could see that he knew what I was going through and he was enjoying it immensely. I think I started crying then because his expression changed from one of amusement to one of pity.

‘I’m truly sorry!’ he said. ‘It’s all part of your training! They’ve given you something so that you can’t orgasm!’

‘I literally screamed with frustration but the gag just muffled the sound and then that goddamned smile was back on his face.

‘The girl was back to giving a regular blowjob, her head dipping up and down with short regular strokes but then, suddenly, she stopped moving as he let out a groan. His cock jerked spasmodically but she managed to keep her lips locked on his shaft as he ejaculated into her mouth.

‘That’s it, bitch!’ he gasped. ‘Remember what I told you!’

‘I wasn’t sure if he was talking to her or me but it didn’t seem to matter.

‘Once he’d finished emptying his balls he pulled her up by the hair again and raised her torso until she was just kneeling beside him. There was a dreamy look in her eyes and a half-smile, half-grimace expression on her face.

‘I watched in amazement as he lifted himself from the bed and stepped towards me. He was still as hard and rampant as he had been throughout the course of the deep throat massage the girl had given him. I wondered…no, heaven forgive me…I hoped he was going to use it on me so that I could use the extra stimulation to defeat the drug they’d given me and finally find my release. As pitiable as it sounds I thought the very act of my violation would give me a small degree of triumph over my captors and that I could steal from them something that they obviously didn’t want me to have. Jesus, I can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually wanted the bastard to rape me.

‘He leant forward and ripped the veil away from my face and then he tore the tape from my mouth in one swift motion and I actually felt disappointment as I thought he was only going to plunder my throat. He pulled my panties free of my mouth and beckoned the girl over.

‘I watched, slightly confused as she shuffled off the bed and stepped towards us.

‘Do it!’ he commanded.

‘She knelt down beside me and leant forward so that her face was directly in front of mine then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head violently back. I opened my mouth and cried out in pain which was what he wanted. She was on me instantly! Her mouth over mine, opened wide and trickling his salty jism into me. I spluttered briefly as I realised what was happening but by then her head had dropped lower and she’d clamped her mouth over mine in a grotesque parody of a lover’s kiss. Her tongue invaded my oral orifice, depositing more of his spending in my mouth and then swirling around to spread it liberally on any surface it came in contact with.

‘I tried to twist away but his grip on my hair made it impossible so that I was forced to endure this act of violation that I had neither foreseen nor desired. I began to cry again as the kiss continued but then he dragged her away from me and forced the panties back where he’d plucked them from. Fresh tape was pressed over my lips to seal my mouth shut. I had no options now but to wait with his ejaculate in my mouth, hoping my sodden panties could absorb it, or throw whatever pride I had left to the winds and swallow.

‘Having pulled the girl away from me he now took hold of her and threw her, facedown, onto the bed. In a moment he was upon her, thrusting his still enflamed member into her from behind. Even then I could see her thrusting back towards him in an effort to drive his cock deeper within her own submissive body.

‘She looked straight into my eyes and I could see the desire burning there. Slowly and deliberately she extended her tongue, still smeared with some of his juices, and licked her lips lasciviously. She continued to watch me as he pounded his cock into her.

‘I could see it coming… her eyes glazed and her mouth let out a long cry of satisfaction as she climaxed. Within a minute he gasped and pulled out of her, spraying her arse and lower back with several thick streams of semen. He collapsed across her back, pinning her to the bed beneath his weight. He whispered to her but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. All I was really aware of was the beatific look on her face as she gazed back at me from beneath him.

‘My pussy still throbbed with need, my tits were all but numb from the ache in my nipples but all I could think of was… I want to be her!’

With a start I realised that my right hand was massaging my clit and I was in a state close to orgasm. It took an effort to stop myself as I hugged Staci guiltily.

‘What happened next?’ I asked with a tremor in my voice. I barely heard her whispered reply…

‘I swallowed!’


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