Babysitting Gone Wrong  (Part 1)

by BondageFictionTales -- Tales

Rachel was a 20 year old college junior, and she was home for the summer staying with her parents. To pass the time and generate a little extra cash while waiting for school to start back, she took up some babysitting jobs around town. Her hometown was small, and everyone knew everyone else, so Rachel already had a lot of credibility among the town's families as a reputable babysitter. She was browsing her social media one night when she received a message in her inbox from a woman that lived a few miles away. In it, the woman told Rachel about a business trip that she and her husband had to take, and they would be unable to take their 14 year old daughter Maggie with them. Rachel knew Maggie well. She had babysat her several times in the past, but that was years ago when she was a teenager and Maggie was much younger. She wondered why a girl Maggie's age needed babysitting at all, but she wasn't about to question the easy money. Maggie's parents were very successful and had a nice house. They had a lot of money and would pay well, so Rachel was quick to take up the offer. The job was pretty simple: Rachel would go over to their house on Friday afternoon to meet with Maggie's parents, and then they would leave to go to the airport. They would be back by Sunday evening at the latest. Rachel gave her phone number to Maggie's mom through the messaging system, and then looked forward to the coming weekend.


On Thursday, Rachel was watching T.V. when her phone vibrated. She didn't recognize the number. Rachel answered the phone and heard a young girl's voice on the other end.


"Hey! It's Maggie! Mom gave me your number."


Rachel replied, "Oh, heyy! How are you?"


"I'm good," replied Maggie. "Are you ready for the weekend?"


"Oh yeah!" said Rachel. "We'll have fun together. How have you been though? I haven't seen you since you were little."


"I'm good." said Maggie. "And yeah, I know right! I've gotten a lot bigger haha!"


"Oh I bet," said Rachel. "So what are you up to these days?"


"Oh, not much." replied Maggie "I've been getting into fashion and makeovers lately now that I'm a teenager, haha. Want to help me when you come over? I know you're good with that stuff."


Rachel was flattered that Maggie asked her for help. It would feel like a mentoring moment to help show a younger girl how to do makeovers and whatnot. Rachel had long flowing brown hair, matching brown eyes, and a great sense of fashion. She thought about Maggie's physical attributes. The younger girl was shorter than Rachel by several inches, but like Rachel she had flowing brunette hair which she often wore in ponytail. Maggie had green eyes from what Rachel could remember. She'd be an excellent test subject to apply her beauty skills on.


"That sounds like a lot of fun." said Rachel. "I'd love to show you a thing or two."


"Oh great!" exclaimed Maggie. "Hey, could you also bring over some cute outfits to model for me? I'm going to get new clothes over the summer before school starts back. I need some ideas."


"Oh absolutely!" said Rachel. "I've also got some older outfits that I've outgrown that are still in style. I could bring those too if you want to have a look."


"Yes please!" said Maggie.


They spoke for a few more minutes before hanging up. Rachel went to sleep that night looking forward to the weekend with Maggie.


Friday afternoon came, and Rachel dressed herself in some typical summer clothes. She wore short khaki shorts, a light-blue shirt, and some tennis shoes. Rachel tucked her shirt into her shorts and wore a thin white belt to complete the look. She packed a bag full of clothes that she would try on for Maggie, plus some of her old outfits that she might give her. When she was ready, she set off to Maggie's house.


Rachel rang the doorbell and was greeted by Maggie's parents. They motioned her inside and went over a list of instructions. Rachel exchanged a look with Maggie that suggested that they were both thinking the same thing: all of this is a little excessive. In Rachel's opinion, Maggie didn't even need a sitter, but she was happy to take the money. After waving Maggie's parents goodbye, the two girls made themselves comfy in the living room.


"Nice place you got here." said Rachel teasingly.


Maggie threw her arms around Rachel and gave her a hug. "I'm glad you came!" she said. "We're going to have so much fun together."


"Sure thing!" said Rachel. "What do you want to do first?"


"Let's just start with a movie! What do you think?" asked Maggie.


Rachel said, "yeah, that sounds great!"


The two girls watched a movie and had supper afterwards.


"Okay!" said Maggie as she clapped her hands together. "Makeovers!"


Rachel and Maggie spent an hour in front of the vanity mirror in Maggie's room making themselves look very beautiful. There was no question that Rachel was the superior beautician, but she had no doubt that Maggie would one day be as skillful as she.


"Wow." said Maggie once they were finished. "You're so pretty! You have to teach me that."


"Oh don't worry." replied Rachel. "I definitely will."


"You should put on a pretty outfit to go with it!" said Maggie.


"Alright." said Rachel. "You should too. Here, come take a look at what I brought and see if anything appeals to you."


The two girls rummaged through Rachel's clothes.


"Oh wow! I really like this one!" said Maggie as she pulled out a floral Summer dress.


"That was one of my favorites when I was your age. Try it on!" said Rachel.


Maggie stripped down to her underwear and bra, and then put the dress on. She twirled around and admired the dress.


"It's amazing!" she said.


"It's yours if you want it!" said Rachel.


"Really? Thank you!" came the reply. "Let's get you in something!"


"Okay," said Rachel. "What should I wear?"


Maggie looked through Rachel's clothes and found something she liked. She chose a white blouse and black mini-skirt.


"This will do nicely!" she said as she handed the clothes to Rachel. "I want to see you wear this one!"


"Okay." said Rachel as she changed into the outfit.


With her recent makeover, Rachel looked stunning in the blouse. The buttons held the fabric tight against her chest, and the fit accented her curves and features. The mini-skirt was a little on the short side, revealing Rachel's feminine thighs.


"One more thing!" said Maggie as she ran out of the room. She came back a moment later with some black heels. "These are my mom's. Put these on!"


She tossed the shoes to Rachel who slid them on her feet. "Well," she said as she did a half twirl to the left and then centered herself in front of Maggie. "What do you think?"


"You're beautiful!" cried Maggie. "I bet the boys go crazy for you!"


"Haha," giggled Rachel as she blushed. She was indeed very popular with the boys. She was single for the moment but was hoping that would change soon.


"Do you ever get scared that someone will try to kidnap you?" asked Maggie.


"Haha, what?" asked a confused Rachel. "What do you mean?"


"Mom always tells me that girls get kidnapped a lot, and that we have to be extra careful. You're so pretty, don't you ever worry that someone might try to kidnap you one day?"


"Haha," laughed Rachel. "I've never really thought about it."


"I wonder what that's like, getting kidnapped." said Maggie. "I wonder if it would be really scary or kind of exciting."


"I would think scary." replied Rachel. "How could it be exciting?"


"I don't know." said Maggie. "I just see it in the movies all the time, and sometimes when you know the good guys will win and save the girl, it looks more exciting than scary. But I know the real world isn't like that. There are bad people in the real world, so it would probably be more scary in real life."


"Yeah," said Rachel. "Probably so."


"But I bet it could be super exciting if it was just pretend, like if you know everything is going to be okay, but you still get kidnapped anyways." Maggie went on. "Like if it was just a prank or something but you knew about it. I bet that would be a lot of fun!"


"Yeah, maybe so." said Rachel. "It's never really crossed my mind."


"Want to try it then?" said Maggie.


"You want me to pretend to kidnap you?" asked Rachel.


"No no no," said Maggie. "I'm going to kidnap you! What do you think?"


"Well, I guess that could be fun." replied Rachel.


"YAY!" cried Maggie as she jumped and clapped. Her new Summer dress bounced with her as she jumped around the room. "I get to kidnap Rachel!"


"Alright." said Rachel. "What's first?"


"You're the beautiful girl and I'm the bad guy. I'm going to walk out and then come back in as a robber." said Maggie. "When I do, be scared and we'll start."


"Okay," said Rachel. "I don't think that will be a problem."


"Great!" cried Maggie.


She ran into her closet and grabbed a couple of her belts. Then she left the room. Two seconds had not passed before the door flung open again.


"Alright missy! This is a robbery!" exclaimed Maggie.


Rachel pretended to look surprised. She threw her hands up.


"Please don't hurt me!" she giggled but tried to stay serious. "I'll do whatever you want! Just take what you want and leave."


"Oh I will!" said Maggie. "But what I want is you! You're my prisoner now!"


"Oh please, not that!" cried Rachel. "Please don't!"


Maggie stormed up to Rachel. "Sit down now!"


Rachel obeyed and sat on the bed. "Please, just leave and I won't say anything!"


"Put your hands in front of you!" demanded Maggie.


Rachel complied and brought her hands in front of her and pressed her wrists together. Maggie took one of her belts and fed her wrists through the opening. Maggie tightened the belt and wrapped it around her wrists two or three times and tied it off. She did the same to Rachel's legs.


"Now you're mine!" yelled Maggie. "But I can't have you call for help."


"I won't call for help!" pleaded Rachel. "Please just go!"


Maggie ran over to her sock drawer and pulled out two clean socks. "This will shut you up."

Rachel understood what was about to happen.


"Wait, Maggie. you can't be serious about...mmmmppph" She was interrupted by Maggie shoving two socks in her mouth followed by her hand holding them in place.


"Not another word from you!" said Maggie.


"mmmppph!" cried Rachel through Maggie's hand.


Maggie grabbed another belt and tied it around Rachel's head and between her teeth, effectively gagging her and keeping the socks in her mouth. Maggie stepped back to admire the now bound and gagged Rachel.




"lmph mmp ggmph!" Rachel grunted as she thrashed around. She brought her bound hands up to her chin to try and pull the belt out of her mouth so she could spit out the socks.


"Hey stop that!" Maggie demanded as she pounced on Rachel. She grabbed the older girl's wrists and brought them down against her legs. "That stays in."


"nnphhm!" protested Rachel.


"Yes." replied Maggie. "You have to play along. You agreed, remember. And captive girls don't talk!"


"NNPPPHHH!!!" screamed Rachel into her gag.


She thrashed some more kicked her feet, causing one of the heels to fly across the room. The stiletto impaled the drywall.


"See what you've done now!" exclaimed a frustrated Maggie. "You'll be punished for that one!"


"hmph?!" Rachel's facial expression was one of shock.


"I need different heels. Wait here and I'll get some with laces that you can't just kick off so easily."


Maggie ran out of the room. Rachel took the opportunity to pull the belt out of her mouth and spit out the socks. The belt holding them in now dangled on her like a necklace, and she pulled that off as well. She started to unfasten the belt on her ankles when Maggie returned.


"Whoah! What do you think you're doing?!" cried Maggie.


"Maggie you little bitch! Untie me right now!" demanded Rachel as she continued working on the belt keeping her legs together.


"I'm disappointed in you, Rachel." said Maggie. "I thought we were having fun. Do you really want me to untie you? You've only been tied up like 5 minutes."


"Yes!" said Rachel. "Untie me this instant."


"Shame..." said Maggie as she walked over.


She dropped the new pair of heels and knelt down beside Rachel who was now squirming in the floor from her recent failed escape attempt.


"Give me your hands."


Rachel held out her hands for Maggie. The younger girl slowly unfastened the knot in the belt and began unwrapping it from Rachel's wrists. Once loose, Maggie pulled it free. Rachel immediately went to untie her legs as Maggie crawled behind her.


"That wasn't fun." said Rachel. "You took it too far."


"Not far enough." said Maggie deviously as she grabbed Rachel's arms from behind.


She quickly pulled Rachel's arms behind her back and grabbed her wrists, holding them tightly.


"You're my prisoner for the weekend. I wanted you to want it too, but oh well." said Maggie.


"Hey!" said Rachel as she jerked and yanked her arms, but it was no use. "Let me go!"


"I can't do that, Rachel." said Maggie. "You belong to me now."


Maggie retrieved a belt and skillfully secured Rachel's wrists behind her back, even as she attempted to resist.


"Maggie I'm not kidding. You let me go right now!" demanded Rachel.


Her demand was met with the socks going back in her mouth.


"mmmpphh!!" she grunted as Maggie gagged her again with another belt.


Rachel thrashed and squirmed, trying to wiggle one of the belts loose so she could make an escape. Maggie scooped her up from behind and held her in a tight hug.


"Just calm down!" she yelled.


"lmph mmp ggmph!" cried Rachel.


Rachel kicked her feet and the other heel flew off, and she thrashed some more in Maggie's arms until fatigue set in.


"There, there." teased Maggie as she straightened the older girl's hair out. "Are you done yet?"


Rachel couldn't fight her anymore and relaxed herself, sinking into Maggie's embrace. The younger girl held her prey tightly and spoke softly into her ear.


"Listen," said Maggie. "Let's go over a few things. First off, I don't need a babysitter. I'm 14 now. I can look after myself. I especially don't need you to look after me. I mean...look at you. It took me two seconds to tie you up and make you completely helpless. If anything, I'm the one that needs to be taking care of you!" Maggie continued. "And lastly, I've always wanted to kidnap a girl. I've started liking girls now, you know. I wanted to kidnap this girl from my school but I didn't think it was a good idea. I didn't want to get in trouble or anything or get embarrassed by everyone. But this won't follow me to school. This is our little secret."


Maggie kissed the back of Rachel's head when she finished her monologue. Rachel surrendered herself for the time being and wondered when this ordeal would be over.


"But in order for this to work," said Maggie. "You have to behave. You have to be a good girl for me. Are you going to be a well-behaved princess for me, Rachel?"


Maggie slid her arms through Rachel's and caressed her sides, sliding them up her body and resting them on Rachel's breasts. Maggie gave a light squeeze.


"MPH!" squeaked Rachel. She kicked and thrashed some more.


"I guess that's a no." said Maggie disappointingly.


Maggie pushed Rachel off of her and moved in front. Rachel rested her back against the side of the bed and stared at Maggie with rage.


"Let's get these on!" said Maggie as she retrieved the new pair of heels.


"Nmph!" grumbled Rachel as she coiled her legs trying to keep her bare feet away from Maggie. "Oh, don't be difficult. This is needed to complete the look. You'll be a proper lady once I get these on."


Rachel resisted at first but eventually Maggie succeeded in securing the heels to Rachel's feet. Maggie buckled the little leather strap above Rachel's ankles to ensure she couldn't kick them off as easily.


"Perfect!" said Maggie. "You're an absolute doll! And you're all mine!"


Rachel snorted in disgust. She watched Maggie get her phone from the vanity mirror where she left it a while back.


"And now, how about some mementos!"


"MMMPPPPHH!!!!" exclaimed Rachel as Maggie snapped several pics.


"That's right, baby! Pose for me!" Maggie jeered. "Show me your legs!"


Rachel tried turning away but Maggie moved beside her and took several more pics. Rachel began to tear up in humiliation. After a few more pictures, Maggie stopped.


"Calm down, Rachel." These are just for me.


Maggie sat down beside Rachel and held the phone above them.


"Say cheese!" she exclaimed while giving the 'v' sign with her fingers.


She took a triumphant selfie and showed it to Rachel.


"Wow, we look great in this! Our makeovers held even though you tried to escape on me, haha!" Maggie said mockingly.


Maggie threw her arm around Rachel's shoulder and held her close. She swiped through all the pics she had just taken to show her captive what she looked like from her perspective. Rachel looked on in humiliation as she saw image after image of herself helplessly bound and gagged in the floor.


"Don't be embarrassed." said Maggie. "You're a knockout! You're so pretty, and getting kidnapped is nothing to be ashamed of. It could happen to anybody." Maggie gave Rachel a quick kiss on the cheek before jumping off the floor. She stood over Rachel looking down on her.


"Here's the rules: you do everything I say and these pics stay between us. I won't share them with anybody. But if you give me anymore trouble..."


Maggie glanced at the hole in the wall from where Rachel kicked the shoe.


"I'll send these pics to all my friends and upload them. Got it?"


Rachel nodded her head in defeat. There was nothing she could do...she was beaten. She didn't like her predicament, but if those pics started circulating, she could never recover from the embarrassment. Those pics would become her legacy, and it would haunt her forever. Until she could figure out a way to escape and get that phone, she was compelled to do anything Maggie wanted.


"I'm glad we understand each other." said Maggie as she knelt down beside Rachel again.


Maggie softly placed her hand on Rachel's thigh causing an instinctive reaction from Rachel to curl her legs against her body. The mini-skirt offered no protection for her exposed skin that was subject to Maggie's soft caressing.


"I can take the socks out of your mouth now if you want." said Maggie with empathy.


Rachel merely nodded and bowed her head to give Maggie easy access to the belt buckle behind her head holding the socks in her mouth. Maggie unfastened the belt allowing Rachel to spit out the socks.


"This is so messed up." said Rachel. "You're dead, you know that."


Maggie reached behind Rachel and placed her hand on Rachel's back.


"Sit up for me." she said as she applied pressure, forcing Rachel upright.


Maggie took the belt used to gag Rachel and she wrapped around Rachel's arms twice, and then tied it to the bedpost against which Rachel had her back. Once Rachel was tied to the bed frame, Maggie let her rest against it again.


Maggie placed her hand on Rachel's thigh again, slowly massaging Rachel's legs.


"What are you even doing?" demanded Rachel.


"You're single, right?" asked Maggie.


"What?" said Rachel.


"Answer the question or I'll slap you across the face." declared Maggie.


Rachel's eyes went wide with shock. She could tell Maggie was being serious.


"Yes." said Rachel not wanting to endure physical abuse. "I'm single."


"Me too." said Maggie. "You'll make a wonderful girlfriend I bet. What if I said we should go out?"


"Huh?!" exclaimed Rachel. She couldn't believe the words coming out of Maggie's mouth.

"Seriously." said Maggie. "You could be my girlfriend. Think about it. You're super pretty, and I'm into you. It's perfect."


"You're joking. Maggie, look at this," said Rachel nodding her forehead towards her bound ankles.


"You'll come around." said Maggie. "Don't you think I'm pretty, too? Do you not want to be my new girlfriend?"


"Maggie, you're 14, and I'm 20. And HELLLO! You tied me up against my will and took pictures of me. So screw you!"


"I'm disappointed." said Maggie. "But you can be my new girlfriend or my new slave. The choice is yours. But I warn you, it's basically the same thing, only a slave gets treated a lot worse. Trust me, if you become my girlfriend, I promise I'll take care of you and look after you!"


"This is insane." said Rachel.


"I will share those pictures if you don't pick one. I have complete control over your life right now." declared Maggie.


Rachel didn't say a word.


"Choose. Right this second." said Maggie as she reached for her phone.


"Okay okay!" said Rachel. "Just stop. I'll be your girlfriend, okay. Are you happy?"


Maggie smiled. "So...we're dating now?"


Rachel rolled her eyes. "Yes, we're dating now. I'm your girlfriend."


Maggie's face beamed with delight. "I think it's time we had our first kiss, don't you?"


"NO!" said Rachel. "I'm not going to let you kiss me!"


"Oh yes you are." said Maggie definitively.


Maggie leaned in slowly. "Accept me, Rachel. Your girlfriend wants a kiss."


Rachel leaned back to reject Maggie's attempt to kiss her.


"I'm going to share those pics if you don't accept my kiss." said Maggie.


Rachel gave up. She couldn't risk Maggie destroying her life. She leaned forward and closed her eyes. Maggie's lips met Rachel's as Maggie held down on Rachel's thigh. Rachel wiggled her bound wrists in a last-ditch effort to see if she could break free of her predicament, but she was secured. The young girl held her tight as she savored her first kiss, and Rachel realized it was the longest kiss she's ever received. Maggie was an inexperienced kisser, but she was quickly learning on Rachel's helpless lips. Rachel kept her eyes closed throughout the ordeal, and finally Maggie broke off her lengthy kiss.


"Maggie..." Rachel said as she opened her eyes.


Maggie placed her finger across Rachel's lips.


"Shhhh..." she shushed Rachel. "Not another word sweetheart. We just had our fist kiss."


Maggie smiled at Rachel as she grabbed the socks again.


"No, Maggie...please...I..." she was cut off by Maggie stuffing the socks in her mouth once again.


Maggie placed the belt between her teeth and fastened it behind her head, effectively gagging her again. She hopped onto the bed and brought some pillows over to rest at the foot of the bed, allowing her to comfortably lay down above Rachel. She reached down and stroked Rachel's hair from above.


"My new girl...all mine." she said tenderly.


Rachel tilted her head and stared up at Maggie. She stared deep into the piercing green eyes of the younger girl who was currently holding her captive and who had just stolen a passionate kiss from her. She tested her belt restraints one last time, but both her ankles and wrists remained secure. Her eyes pleaded with Maggie, but the younger girl was not about to give her up so easily.


"Don't worry," cooed Maggie. "I'll look after you and keep you safe. You're my girlfriend now, and I'll take care of you."


Maggie leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Rachel's forehead from above, and then returned to stroking Rachel's beautiful brown hair.


"mmmphhh..." Rachel purred in somber resignation as she accepted her fate. There was nothing she could do except accept the fact that she was no longer single.


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