Sleeping Beauty (2 of 3)

Story by  by DestroXXIV -

Sleeping Beauty Ch. 2

Bobby "Haymaker" Henry was freezing despite the best efforts of his leather jacket, black jeans, and his leather gloves to shield him from the cold air. The ski mask covered up his short, spiky black hair pulled up above his face. It didn't matter that he endured much harsher cold weather while spending his entire life in the tri-state area. It didn't matter that he braved ice and snow during his morning runs back when he was an up-and-coming boxer. Back when his life was simple, and he was a former bully who decided to channel his need for violence with dreams of big-money boxing paydays dancing around in his head. He hated cold weather with a passion, and he was never going to get used to this shit!

His prominent Italian nose felt like it might fall off at any moment, but he didn't want to risk pulling down the ski mask early and drawing unnecessary attention to himself. He already had a duffle bag hoisted clenched in his right hand, decked out in all black. He parked right in front of the house he cased the past few nights. Bobby hadn't made out who lived there, but he was pretty sure he or she lived alone. He checked out the dilapidated neighborhood as well, and it was near vacant. This particular house was the only one in a row of six occupied at the moment. It was for this reason that he felt reasonably confident parking his single cabin truck right out front.

That was about the only thing that made Bobby confident. He still had no idea how he got himself into this situation, but he had little choice at this point. Bobby needed the money desperately! He tried his best to calm his nerves and stop his hands from shaking. After all, it wouldn't be the first time Bobby made it a point to take someone's money. In school, all he did was take from people. He beat up kids and then took their money. He called it providing protection, and he loved every minute of it. He tried to channel that same emotion, but that version of him seemed like another person in another life now.

However, it seemed like just a short while ago that the 6 ft. 1 inch 200 lb former cruiserweight won the National golden gloves tournament. It also seemed like it was only a few days ago that his pro career got off to a promising start by winning his first ten matches—all of those victories by way of knockout via his signature right hook.

The ferocity of that single punch earned him the moniker "Haymaker," along with the big fight promoters' attention. It seemed like just yesterday, and he confidentially strolled into the ring to square off against the champ, visions of being the real-life Rocky Balboa swimming through his skull. Then again, that's the only thing he remembers about that match. Getting brutally knocked out 25 seconds into the first round will do that to you.

No, the sad reality was that his life as a boxer ended years ago. After that embarrassing knock out, he was never the same. He lost 5 of his next six fights. He suffered knock out losses in four of those five fights, and he turned into something of a laughing stock. It wasn't before long before the only fights offered to him were from high ranking boxers looking for a tomato can opponent. Someone they figured they could knock out with ease to pad their win total.

However, all of that was in the past, and he didn't have time to dwell on it. Instead, he needed to focus. His goal was to get into that house and get his money. Sure it was an old, beaten down neighborhood, but he figured a beach house still can't be cheap. Whoever lived there had money; he was sure of it!

In a perfect world, he would have cased out the house long enough to find a time when the person living there wasn't home. Then he would just break in during that time. As it turns out, getting off work at the meatpacking plant that employed him turned out to be more challenging than trying to go one round with the champ. He could only case out the place at night for a few days, and whenever he arrived, he noticed the lights were on.

Bobby reached into his duffle and grabbed hold of a length of rope to pull it out and take a look at it. He brought some rope and some duct tape along with him. Ideally, whoever lived in that house would be in a deep sleeper, and he would be in and out without them even noticing. If they did wake up, well, then Bobby would have to make sure they couldn't leave or call for help.

Bobby pulled down his ski mask and walked around the house when he suddenly noticed something. One of the windows was slightly cracked open. It seemed like the window's framing warped over time, and therefore it didn't shut properly. Whoever lived at the house must just not have noticed. This was one of the few strokes of luck that he had in a while, and he wasn't about to let this opportunity pass him.

Bobby crouched down as they approached the window. He knew the neighborhood was mostly empty, but he didn't want to be spotted by any vehicles that happened on the way. He slowly pushed open the window, wincing at every screeching noise the panes of glass made as they crept upwards.

By this time, his heart raced. Bullying people and taking their money as a kid was one thing, but this was entirely another. Getting caught robbing a house could get him sent up the river for a large amount of time! As he finished opening the window, Bobby's heart was beating so fast that he thought it might explode out of his chest. He wanted to turn around and run away, but he couldn't! He didn't have a choice but to go through with this. After all, a lifetime in jail is still better than no life in a grave.

After taking a deep breath, Bobby tossed his duffle bag into the house. Then, he climbed through the window and made his way into the house. His feet made a dull thud once they hit the carpet of the very modest abode. He grimaced as the thud lightly echoed through the walls of the house, seemingly causing the wall to vibrate a little. He ducked down and waited for a light to go on. Nothing happened.

Bobby slowly unzipped his duffle bag and grabbed the hemp rope and his roll of duct tape. He made his way over to the hallway that led to the bedroom. Once he was there, he spotted a door that was slightly ajar. He panicked when he saw the light shining through the doorway, and he pressed himself against the wall. He listened carefully for a voice. If he heard a voice that sounded even remotely like it was on the phone with the police, he planned on crashing through the window and jumping into his truck and hauling ass. He would figure out what to do about the money afterward.

Instead, his ears met with was mostly silence. He slowly slid along the wall toward the doorway and peered into the bedroom. The first thing he saw was the source of the light that was emanating from the room. The bathroom's light remained on, but he had a clear view of the bathroom, and he could see that it was empty. He slowly slid his field of view towards the bed. He spotted a leg covered by a long pink sock.

Not only did this person not hear Bobby enter the house, but they were also fast asleep. Bobby gripped the rope and the tape even harder before gently pushing the door open. He silently made his way into the room and laid eyes on the homeowner for the first time. Once again, his heart was beating a million miles an hour, but this time it was for an entirely different reason.

Lying on the bed in front of him was the most stunning girl he ever saw. She laid flat on her back with her arms laid out beside her head in an L shape and her hands tucked underneath her pillow. She folded one of her legs slightly over the other one, and her chest heaved with every breath. She was a thin white beauty with perfect tits, a tight, juicy rear end, long luscious legs, and black hair that was the midnight sky's color. She was wearing a small white tank top that was slightly pulled up and showed her flat stomach. The skimpy underwear wrapped around her waist barely contained her plump, juicy behind. The light from the doorway shined on her angelic face and plump lips.

Bobby couldn't think straight, but that's because the blood from his head rapidly rushed to his head in between his legs. He quietly tossed the rope and duct tape on the bed, and he slowly crawled on top of the sleeping beauty. He made his way up the bed till he was positioned a mere few inches right above her. His face is located directly above hers. He was completely mesmerized, and it took all of his willpower to stop himself from raining kisses down upon her.

She started to stir ever so slightly, probably because she could feel Bobby's hot breath upon her face. She remained fast asleep, and Bobby took a moment to drink in her beauty from head to toe. He was wrong earlier; that open window wasn't his only stroke of luck. Finding this girl in this house of all places, it's like destiny finally smiled upon him for once.

He gently placed his hand on her right leg and moved it up her incredible stomach before taking a few moments to massage her perfect breasts. His touch was not enough to immediately rouse her from her slumber, but it did begin the process of her awakening. Bobby knew he didn't have much time left before she was entirely up and alert, so he took his hand and slapped it over her mouth.

"UMMMMMPHH!!!!" Rylie screamed as her baby blue eyes exploded open the moment she felt the coarse leather press against her perfect lips!

She saw the visage of the man hovering a few mere inches above her, and she panicked!

"No, not again! This must be a nightmare!"
"I just escaped one maniac! "This has to be some nightmare brought on by stress!" Rylie screamed inside her head.

She knew better, though, because everything down to the taste of the leather glove, to the smell of the masked man's breath, was too real for a dream. She thrashed around while still silenced by her captor's grip.

She yelled into the man's massive palm as she tried to lift him off her. Rylie pressed her hands up against Bobby's massive chest, but the burly man didn't budge. Rylie then clenched her fists and swung her arms punched at him.

Bobby merely brushed of this sloppy attack and grabbed both her wrists with his free hand. He pinned Rylie's arms above her head, and she couldn't move, and he sat on top of her legs and limited their movement. Rylie was now completely pinned and unable to move more than a few inches. Any attempts to attract a would-be passer-by cut off by Bobby's massive mitt sealing her voice.

"SHHHH!!!!! Quit struggling bitch! Bobby growled at his breathtaking captive menacingly.
He flipped her over and shoved her face in the pillow to keep her cries muffled.

Rylie gasped with her face buried into her pillow. She thought she might suffocate to death, but suddenly her attacker let go of her head and allowed her to catch her breath.

He grabbed his rope and secured her limbs. In a matter of moments, the former boy scout tied her wrists together, along with her elbows. He smiled while thinking about how pulling her elbows together forced her ravishing rack to stick out.

"PPPLEAASEEE! Don't hurt me!" Rylie begged while still trying to catch her breath.
Amid her begging, Bobby quickly tied her ankles.

Rylie protested as Bobby lay down on top of her and quickly handgagged her again.
She could feel the stiffness of his male member as it pressed against her backside. It was the same feeling that she felt only a night earlier when Joseph laid her face down on his desk.

In the meantime, Bobby's hormones kicked into overdrive without him even noticing. He ground his pelvis against Rylie's mouth-watering backside. He slowly rubbed the side of her leg, and he sniffed her neck and whispered in her ear.

"I am going to take a look around, and while I do, I am going to need you to be very quiet."
He reached over and grabbed a pair of panties that Rylie left lying on the bed from when she was doing her laundry. He crumpled them up into a tight ball and then removed his hand from her lips. Rylie tried to scream, but before she could, he shoved the panties inside her mouth.

The panties completely stuffed Rylie's mouth and suppressed her tongue.
Bobby used his forearm to keep her in the panties inside her mouth and used his two free hands to rip the duct tape off its role. He wrapped the tape around her mouth. Bobby stopped periodically and adjusted her hair, so it didn't get caught in the tape. He pressed down on the silver tape over the area above her lips. Bobby wanted to ensure the duct tape would do an adequate job of sealing her lips shut. He wrapped the tape around her head four times before he tore it from the role.


Once Bobby was finished, he groped her ass a few more times before leaving to rummage through the house. He swatted Rylie's cherry ass with his hand's palm a few times before he did this.

"Once I get done looking around, I will be back."
"Don't you dare think about trying to get free while I am gone because doing something like that will turn out very bad for you," Bobby sneered!

For a few moments, Rylie lay on the bed in sheer terror. How could this be happening to her two nights in a row! No, it wasn't just the last few nights; this has been going on for the previous few months. Ever since that night at the bar with Joseph, Rylie endured some humiliating form of bondage day after day! Now that she gained freedom from that man, she founds herself in the hands of this psychopath the very next night.

He hadn't raped her yet, but Rylie knew it was coming. She felt the carnal lust oozing out of every pore of his body. It was an insatiable hunger she saw in his eyes, and she felt the heat on his breath. She wondered if Joseph ever knew she was a virgin? Either way, she was lucky that Joseph never got around to taking her virginity from her before he died. She was going to be damned if she let herself turn around and lose it to some other lunatic the very next night.

Rylie moaned, rolled around on the bed, and struggled against her bonds. She laid back on her belly and kicked out her feet repeatedly. She hoped that it might loosen the ropes which ensnared her ankles. As she did this, her perfect ass shook every time her legs made contact with the bed.
She also wrestled with the hemp that encircled her wrists. She twisted and pulled away at it in a desperate bid to slip out of the ropes.


She growled in anger as she started to realize it was no use. Whoever this thief was, he knew how to tie a knot. Rylie couldn't loosen the ropes one inch, much less find a knot to work. Her eyes darted around her room to find something, anything that she could use to cut away at the ropes. Unfortunately, her room was in shambles.

Joseph kept her occupied nonstop the past few months. She usually never made it home until well after midnight, and she was usually so mentally drained and distraught that she would toss around clothes and undergarments all over her room. As soon as her clothes came off, she passed as she dreaded the hell that awaited her the next day. If only a pair of scissors were lying around, yet they were likely buried underneath a pile of clothes. Rylie chewed on the panties inside her mouth as her blood reached its boiling point.

Rylie yelled through her tightly taped lips, and she furiously kicked her legs while rocking her upper body up and down in utter frustration. She looked like she was in the middle of the world's most unsuccessful attempt at doing the "worm" while bound and gagged.

After she composed herself, Rylie decided on one last gambit. She was determined to hop out of this room and out of the front door to safety. She heard her attacker rummaging through her kitchen, so it was now or never! Rylie rolled on her back and slid towards the edge of the bed.

Rylie struggled to move her body as she frantically attempted to put her plan into motion.
Once she was on her back, with her firm backside and toned legs and she created the necessary force and slid to the side of the bed. Once she arrived, she let her legs hang off the side of the bed.

Rylie groaned as she exerted herself to get to a sitting position. Slowly she wiggled her sexy body as she balanced herself as she slowly rose standing position. While Rylie steadied herself, her apple-shaped ass swayed back and forth like the world's sexiest wind chime. Her first attempt failed, and she quickly fell on her back.

"FHHHKKK!!!" Rylie wailed in fury as she kicked her legs out once again.
Slowly she made it to her feet once again. When she finally gathered herself, she hopped towards her doorway.


Rylie grunted with each jump. Her ample bust and tight butt jiggled every time she jumped and again when she landed. Rylie's long, raven black hair fell in front of her piercing blue eyes. She threw her head back to get her long, flowing locks out of her field of view. She was one mere hop away from the door. That was her first goal, and if she could make that, her next goal would be the front door.

Rylie wobbled before she caught herself. She readied herself for one more hop and imagined what freedom would feel like once she made it out the door. In her mind, the door was the only thing stopping her from completely escaping. She took a deep breath through her nose and bent her knees as she lept in the air one more time. Out of nowhere, time slowed down, and everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. It felt like she hung in the air forever, and she could have sworn she took the time to look around the room before she landed. When she turned her head back to the door, she was met with the ghastly sight of a six-foot figure clad in black, standing directly in her path.

Rylie shrieked as Bobby caught her in midair. He grabbed her forcefully by the shoulders and turned her back towards the bed. Then he bent down and menacingly whispered in Rylie's ear.

"I thought I told you not to try anything stupid!"
Bobby pulled her close to him, and he wrapped his arm tightly around her waist as he pressed his crotch up against her rear. Then he placed his lips right next to her ear.


Rylie whimpered as Bobby pressed his hand over her tape gagged mouth and further muted her cries.
"Looks like I am going to have to teach you a little lesson."

Bobby groped her heaving chest and alternately rubbed her labia. After he indulged himself in a few handfuls of Rylie's boobs and snatch, Bobby tossed her back on the bed. Bobby followed up by quickly jumping on top 'of her.

Rylie yelped as he ripped off her tape gag. Bobby then took his two massive fingers and forced them into Rylie's gullet.
"ACKK!!! ACCKK!!!!
Rylie's gag reflex kicked in as Bobby pulled out the soaked panties that from her mouth. Rylie coughed and deeply inhaled as she tried to gather her breath.

"Now! I need you to be a good little girl, and tell me where you keep all of your money!"
"I-I don't have any money...I swear!" Rylie murmured as she shook with fear.
"Don't lie to me bitch! WHERE IS THE MONEY!!!"
"I...I swear! I don't have any money!! Now, please!!! Please just leave! I won't tell the police I promis-MMMPHHH!!!"

Bobby once again cut off her words and slapped his hand over her plump lips. Her baby blue eyes widened as she stared at the masked face right above her. He looked furious, but most of all, Rylie could see that lustful look in his eyes. She already knew it was coming right before it happened.

"STUPID CUNT!!" Bobby said as he pulled down her underwear with his free hand. Once he slid her underwear down to her thighs, he removed his hand and pulled down his pants.

Rylie implored him through her handgag. She bucked and wiggled her body, but it was no use. She was pinned to the bed by the weight of his massive frame. She shook her head like a woman possessed to try and slip his iron-like grip.


She pushed her body further into the bead when she felt the tip of his massive penis push into the folds of the lips of her vagina. She futilely hoped that she could force herself to fall through the bed and then keep falling for as long as it took to escape her fate.

Rylie squealed while she rapidly shook her head "no" from side to side.
That's when she felt his shaft as it slid through her lips and penetrated her most sacred area.

"UMMMPHHH!!!!" Rylie responded in disbelief.
"Damn, you are one tight bitch!" Don't tell me you're a virgin!?!"

This prospect excited Bobby Henry. Bullying kids weren't his only childhood passion. He raped his first girl when he was 15, and she was his high school art teacher. She was a blonde bombshell who was a former Ms. New Jersey. He broke into her house, tied her up, and violated her while wearing a Ronald Reagan mask. He bound, gagged, and sexually assaulted four more girls (two cheerleaders and two college girls) during his senior year. There were dozens more in the years following, and he always managed to escape without getting caught. He stopped while he pursued his boxing career; he didn't want his passion for raping bimbos to cause his career to go up into flames as it did for Mike Tyson.

The bed shook, and Rylie's headboard slammed against the wall in her bedroom. Rylie's body shook violently with each thrust Bobby made inside of her. He fired away at an increased pace with each following minute. Soon he pounded away on Rylie's pussy like a jackhammer.

Rylie grunted as her body was rocked by the constant hammering of Bobby's manhood. After a few moments, Rylie orgasmed for the first time.


Rylie screamed as she arched her back, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She felt rage and humiliation at that moment. Most of all, she felt betrayed by her own body as the waves of unwanted pleasure washed over her. Afterward, she collapsed back on the bed, but her ordeal hardly stopped there.

Bobby continued to plow away at her clitoris. He was like an animal unleashed; for the first time. He felt that same sense of power he felt way back when. Back when he was a king of the hill instead of some washed-up loser on the bottom of it. With his free hand, he kneaded away at her breasts. He would pause in between to suck on her boobs while licking her nipples with his tongue. While he devoured her tasty tits, Bobby continued to pump away at her female box.

"NNGHHH!! Rylie cried as she closed her eyes and turned her head to the side in shame.

Bobby forced her gaze back toward him, and her eyes opened wide with fear at the thought of what might come next. Without warning, Bobby removed his hand and shoved his tongue down Rylie's unsuspecting throat.


Rylie mumbled as yet another unwanted visitor probed her mouth for the second time in two days.

"God!!! Who was this girl?" Bobby thought as he continued to force a kiss upon her unwilling lips.
He raped so many women over the years, but he never saw a girl who looked this good. He never kissed a girl who tasted this good, and, more importantly, he never fucked a girl whose pussy felt this good!

Bobby continued to kiss Rylie while he thrust in and out of her. Meanwhile, he wrapped his arms around his back and pulling her closer to him.

"MMMMPHH!!! Rylie squealed as her senses were under attack by the tongue that slid around her throat and the rock-hard dick shoved itself inside of her.

After several minutes, Bobby finally removed his tongue and replaced it with the familiar handgag!

Rylie was forced to look her rapist directly in the eye yet again.

"Good Lord, I love this girl!" Bobby thought to himself.
"I should wrap her up and take her with me!"
"I could tie her up and gag her and leave her in my basement, and that way, I could take her whenever I wanted!"

"She would be mine and no one else's, and I could keep living this moment forever!" Bobby smiled as he pictured that thought.

He continued his rampage for two hours before he finally blew his load inside of Rylie's sacred flower in a moment of sheer ecstasy.

"AHHH!!! AHHH! AHH!!! He moaned and came inside her. He rolled off of her and collapsed while he kept his hand pressed over her mouth.

"UNNGHHHH!!! She yelled as he pulled his phallus out of her.
She looked to the side away from him and fought back the tears. Her sacred virginity was something she wanted to save for her wedding day. That's when she imagined giving it away to the man she would spend the rest of her life with. She lost the one thing that was most precious to her. She wouldn't care if she had a million dollars, and he took it from her as long as left her virginity intact.

Without warning, Bobby flipped her over and jumped on top of her. He kept her firmly handgagged as he pulled her head up and nibbled on her ear. Unbelievable, this still wasn't satiated.

She felt his manhood as it slid in her ass, and she panicked more than ever!

"NNGGHHH!!! NGGHHHHHH!!!! NNNNGHHHH!!!! She shook her head and screamed into his hand as loud as she could to no avail!
"Not there!!! NOT IN MY ASS!!!" She thought to herself.

It was too late. Bobby plunged his erect organ deep inside her anus, and he pulverized her plump backside.

Rylie shrieked as Bobby pillaged her ass repeatedly.

"I think I am going to have to wrap you and take you with me, babe!" Bobby said to Rylie
"Your body is like a god damn drug. I swear your pussy and your ass must is better than heroine!"

Rylie was horrified by his words.

With each push of his male member, Rylie's forehead came dangerously closer to ramming into the headboard. Bobby continuously stabbed her ass hole with his long thick sword. The sound of skin slapping on skin echoed throughout the walls of the rundown beachfront property, along with the cries of Rylie as she desperately waited for this nightmare to end.

It finally ended, but not before Bobby savagely fucked her in the ass for another two hours! He was completely bushed at this point. He laid on top of her and kissed her up and down her neck. At the same time, he fondled her body. He grabbed and pulled at Rylie's breast before bringing his hand down as he furiously rubbed her pussy!

What more did this man want! He came into her house and taken her in every manner possible! Why couldn't this maniac just leave her alone now!

Bobby was utterly exhausted, but he still craved Rylie's body. He wanted to continue to nibble away at every inch of flesh with his tongue and his paws. He would wait there for as long as he needed until he was ready to give it another go. He raised his head to work his way over to the other side of her neck; when he caught a sight that made him panic!

It was a sight that jolted him back to his senses and reminded him of something essential that he forgot. It was the whole reason Bobby broke into this house in the first place! The reason he rampaged through the house even though the sexiest girl alive lay on a bed bound and gagged just a few feet away from him.

Bobby blew what little money he earned from his fighting days on booze, drugs, and cheap hookers. He had a hole in his soul, and he tried every vice he could think of to fill it. Not only did he not fill that chasm, but he drilled one in his wallet as well. If he didn't come up with money fast, his home was going to get repossessed.

That's where "Twilight" came in. His real name was Terry East, but they called him "Twilight" because he and his crew looked like they were rejects from that shitty teen movie series a few years back. Terry himself was a slightly built man with an English accent who stood no taller than 6' even. He wore his golden blonde hair in a fashionable Pompadour that never seemed to move out of place. He always wore a black leather jacket and a white undershirt. A cigarette usually hung out of his mouth, and he always rolled his jeans above his brown suede boots. His crew was more or less cut from the same cloth.

Twilight and his posse may have looked and sounded like a joke, but he was far from one. Anyone who crossed them found themselves either missing or brutally murdered. The last person to challenge Twilight was found dead at a warehouse off the Pier. He wasn't alone, the bodies of his crew members strewn beside him. Someone had ripped their heads completely off their bodies and drained them of their blood.

After that, a rumor circulated that Twilight and his men may be Vampires. Twilight seemed to delight in this rumor. He even filed his teeth, so they resembled Vampire fangs.

Of course, most normal people laughed at that assertion. What was no laughing matter was that Twilight gained a great deal of influence, and he ran all of the other loan sharks out of the city. If you needed money and you couldn't get a loan from the regular bank, you went to Twilight, and you paid whatever price he wanted.

The price Twilight extracted from Bobby was to convince a boxer friend to throw a fight. Bobby couldn't deliver, and now he had until 6 AM to pay up...Or Else!

When Bobby raised his head, he caught a glimpse of the clock in Rylie's room. It was now 5:30 AM! He spent the last four hours fucking Rylie, and he didn't even realize how much time had flown by. Now he had no money and approximately thirty minutes to find out how to get Twilight the money he owed him, or Bobby was a dead man!

Bobby sat up on the edge of the bed and propped Rylie up on his lap while he kept her handgagged.

"UMMPHHH!!" Rylie gasped as she struggled in Bobby's grip
Once again, she found herself on the lap of some stranger who used her body for his pleasure. She was desperate to get free that she failed to notice that her struggling caused her ass to grind up against Bobby. She essentially gave him a lap dance. Just like she did for Joseph a night earlier.

Bobby grabbed a few more handfuls of her boobs, reached into his pocket, and pulled out his phone. He got an idea. It was a Hail Mary, but it was all that he had at this point.

"Hello! Twilight! It's me, Bobb-"
"I know who you are, Bobby, but what I don't know is whether or not you have my money! I trust that you are calling me to give me the good news."
"I don't have your money! Not yet! But Twilight-"
"Oh, what a shame Bobby, and the thing of it is...I, really, actually liked you! I mean, I was like, totally rooting for you, man! It's just too bad!"

Bobby: "W-Wait! Listen, I might have something else for you. A girl! You still running a white slavery business on the side?"

Rylie's ears perked up when she heard that last line. She screamed as she kicked out her legs and shook her upper body like a madwoman!

"I trust that gagged whimpering I hear in the background is her then, mate? Alright, I'll bite, no pun intended! What ya got for me, bloke?"
"Alright, listen, this one is a real stunner! I mean, hottest bitch you ever laid eyes on! Dark hair, perfectly shaped ass, flat stomach, killer tits, long legs that go for miles, plump lips, white skin, and the bluest eyes you ever saw! On top of that, the girl has the face of an angle."

"Wow...She does sound impressive, mate. If you called me a few days earlier, you woulda had yourself a deal. Unfortunately, no dice, my friend. Not today! I am afraid I need my money more!"
"What! Why? At least let me send you a pic of the girl before you say no!"
"Oh, I believe you that she is something else, I really do! It's just that we are fully stocked on white pussy. Now, if you had a Latina, a Muslim, or a Hindu girl. Then we could talk!" Especially if you had yourself a Superheroine, but what your offering is..."

A sudden thought popped into Twilight's mind. It's as if a light bulb went off and illuminated the dark corner in his mind. It was a corner that housed an object he almost forgot about.

"Wait...How old is she mate?"

Bobby grabbed Rylie's purse off the floor and rummaged through it with his free hand. He pulled out the license and gave it a quick look.

"STTMMPHHHH!!!" Rylie murmured in anger.
She had no idea what he was looking for, but she had a bad feeling about this.
"According to her license, she is 18 years old! Name is Rylie Garrett!" She lives by herself, and I went through the text messages on her phone earlier. Her parents have been trying to reach out, but she has been ghosting them. It turns out she left and didn't tell anyone back home where she was going!"


The gravity of the situation dawned on Rylie. She knew that there was a risk her career gambit could come back to haunt her, but she didn't know it would be like this!

Bobby flipped through a few more cards, and he stumbled upon another gem.
"Get this; she just graduated last year according to her old high school ID!"

The expression on Twilight's face changed. Suddenly he was interested. Very interested indeed. After a slight pause, Twilight once again spoke into the receiver.

"Alright, Haymaker, you got yourself a deal. I think I have just the right customer for her" Consider us even...Provided you make it here with the girl before I change my mind, that is!"

Bobby thanked Twilight profusely before hanging up the phone. In the meantime, Rylie heard enough. She realized what her rapist had in mind and screamed like a banshee in desperation.


Bobby grabbed the still moist panties and the roll of tape from the bed. He balled up the panties and once again shoved them into Rylie's mouth.


This time he tore off two strips of tape and applied each one to Rylie's lips. He pressed down on the tape to make sure it adhered itself properly to her mouth. Bobby grabbed another length of rope and tied it to her ankles before securing the other end to her wrists. Rylie was now effectively trussed up and hogtied like a calf at the Rodeos she used to attend back in Texas. She was utterly humiliated.

Bobby stroked her face for several moments as she attempted to avoid his roaming hands. He quickly got up and walked to her closet. Soon, he emerged with a duffle slightly smaller than his. The duffle bag featured Rylie's high school mascot (The Panthers) and belonged to her when she was a cheerleader. Bobby rummaged through her closet, as well as her drawer, and stuffed several of Rylie's undergarments into the bag.

"We got to make sure you have the right wardrobe for your trip, babe!"
"NNMPPPHH!!!" Was Rylie's only rebuttal as she shook her head side to side.

Bobby then grabbed Rylie's chin and planted a few kisses on her gag. He picked her up and hoisted her over his shoulder. She kicked out her legs and howled as he walked her out to the truck.


Bobby quickly walked out over to his vehicle. It was early morning, and the beach was bound to start attracting joggers at this time of day. Luckily, they were in a secluded enough area that he still had some time to stash her in the passenger seat of his single cabin truck. The vehicle was an old 1972 brown Ford F 100 with yellow trim. This truck was built on a fifth-generation chassis and was known for its extreme durability and heavy-duty steel frames. It was a frame that could withstand a significant collision and limit noise from inside the truck.

He carefully laid her down in his truck and then checked her bonds to make sure the knots still held fast. Laying Rylie down ensured that no one would be able to look into the passenger seat and see her while they were on the road. Rylie was unable to kick at the car door or get the leverage she needed to sit up, thanks to the strict hogtie. Once Bobby properly secured Rylie, Bobby pulled a little surprise out of his front pocket.

He opened up his hand and revealed a purple vibrator that Joseph forced her to sit on while tied to the chair! She quickly stuffed it in her purse when she left Hooters late last night without even thinking about it. The man must have found it when he was rummaged through her bag earlier. Rylie's eyes shot wide open when she saw that vibrator. Bobby grabbed another strip of tape and affixed it to the devious sex toy. Rylie already knew where this was going, and she tried to appeal to her kidnapper for mercy.

However, it was not enough as Bobby pulled down the front of her underwear, taped the vibrator to her snatch, and turned it on the highest setting.


Rylie screamed as her body contorted in response to the vibrator's high setting.

Bobby slowly closed the passenger door of his truck. Once the door was fully closed, it would shield her gagged screams from the outside world.

WHAM! was the sound made as the thick steel door closed. A few moments later, Bobby turned the truck on and turned up his radio as loud as possible. He drove off with his loan repayment in hand.



  1. Nice one. I'll be waiting for
    new chapter 😬

    1. I sure hope Destro will write and post another one that I can share here :) It IS a great story!


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