Karen on the Hidden Beach

by Aletessa:  http://deviantart.com/aletessa

The beach had grown secluded very suddenly; the way Karen had picked through the rocks hadn't seemed very long or opaque, but as she looked back it was hard to even picture the presence of the crowded stretch of sand she'd come from.  The little cove she'd found was quiet; it seemed a little darker too, and cooler, as if hours had passed and it was getting close to nightfall.  Karen shivered, her black and purple bikini no longer seeming like enough protection from the elements.  But even so, she didn't feel like going back yet; there was something in the air that compelled her to explore, that filled her mind with thoughts of magical finds.

The sand was still warm underfoot as Karen padded further into the cove.  On her right, the rocks rose up into a cliff face that seemed to cut off any route back to civilisation but the one she'd come; her surroundings felt more like part of the sea than the land, as if the waters had only just receded to allow her entrance.

To lure her, she thought for a moment.  Though she'd proven willing enough to be lured.

There was a huge boulder near the waterline, dark green and wet-looking.  It was easily the most distinctive and dominant feature of the cove; everywhere Karen looked it was if she could see it from the corner of her eye, and soon she found herself walking toward it as if on autopilot.  Closer up, she thought she could see shapes in its surface; they almost looked like carvings, creatures...

The attack was as vast as it was sudden.

The surface of the sea erupted into a wall of water that hit her like the edge of a storm.  It blinded her so much that she didn't see what was behind it until it was too late; vast, impossibly long tentacles, reaching for her from beneath the waves, coiling around her wrists and ankles, lifting her bodily off of the ground.  Belatedly she began to struggle, but they were too strong; they held their prize easily as they bore her to the rock and stretched her out upon it.

Instinct made her scream, even as her head told her no one would hear.

Was anyone even nearby?  Had she come further than she'd thought?  She had to have; surely she would have seen that cliff from the main beach otherwise.  How had she not realised?

The Call, she knew, somehow; the Call had been in her mind from the beginning.

A huge body rose out of the water, long and scaled like a dragon, four clawed limbs flexing and grasping at her... was it moving on it own or were the tentacles lifting it too?  Before Karen could tell which, it had descended over her, trapping her, blotting out any sight or sense of the word beyond its presence.

Something scraped at her mound, separated from her flesh only by the think fabric of her bikini bottoms.  Karen strained at her organic bondage, but she was helpess in the monster's grasp.  She felt rather than heard the material tear as something, something cold and wet and scaled, entered her; but it didn't stop, it kept sliding into her, an impossible size filling and stretching her.  What would Karen the Summoner do, a mad part of her mind thought.  Summon something that would help her, of course; but the real Karen had no help to summon as her tormentor's length began to thrust back and forth.

Its motion filled Karen's whole passage; she could feel each push all the way down into her womb.  And yet... there was no pain; slick with its own slime, the creature's phallus moved through her easily.  Karen could feel her own wetness responding to it, though her arousal felt as tiny before this monster... this... this god... as the rest of her.

When had her screams become moans?

It continued to thrust into her, each time seemingly deeper than the last, as if her body was being remade to receive it.  Her body, and her senses... every penetration filled her with the pressure of the ocean depths, matched only by weight of its body above her, that could so easily crush her own frail form against the rock beneath.  But she knew it wouldn't... she had answered its Call, and now it would answer hers.

When had her moans become screams again?

Its final thrust touched every part of her, its seed as it came invading every cell and particle of her being.  Her own explosion followed in an instant, the currents of her body coming together in a whirlpool of power and pleasure that drove all sense of the world away from her.

Karen was still lying on the rock when she awoke, but nothing restrained her now; the sky above her had darkend into night.  She sat up, not really surprised to see that there was no cliff, only more rocks like those she'd climbed, and a glimpse of the town's lights and roofs beyond; no cove really, just a stretch of the same beach, now largely deserted.

Had any of it really happened?

Karen ran her hands over herself.  She wasn't hurt as far as she could tell... but her bikini bottoms were torn, her mound and thighs soaked.  She shivered, telling herself it was the cold.  But her gaze still turned out toward the ocean, as if called. 


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