The Librarian Perils (pages 61-70)

by AmazonArrow and

 Librarian Perils #61 - Not Your Fantasy

"Alright, I've had about enough of this lesbian erotica bullshit. This isn't your fantasy, Ms. Kent.... It's mine!"

"Whu? OWWW! You're hurting me!"

"Oh, you'll be nice and sore before we're through here, you can count on that. Stay close and took a good look while I put Denise's lights out." 

Pizza Guy is the OC of :iconpizzanerd1:
Denise is :iconcuria-dd:

Librarian Perils #62 - Chloroform Kiss

"Why don't you get a little closer, Ms. Kent?"

"No! Wh... what are yoooooohhMMMmmMMPHPHH!!!"

"I said I wouldn't put the rag on your I'm putting your face on the rag! Hahaha!"


Librarian Perils #63 - Going Out Fast


"Oh, this won't take long at all. You're as weak as a kitten and poor Denise is already a rag doll. She's going out fast, Ms. Kent. If you're going to escape, you'd better do it quickly."


"Say good night to Denise, Ms. Kent. 

"...nnn... mm..."

Librarian Perils #64 - She's Finished

"Denise is finished, Ms. Kent, and so are you."


"See how sleepy and peaceful she looks? That could be you. Just take a deep breath and close your eyes... that's when the fun really begins."


Librarian Perils #65 - Helpless

"Sleep tight, bitches..."

Librarian Perils #66 - Extra Rope

"It's a good thing I brought along the extra rope... Now it's time to put it to good use."

Librarian Perils #67 - Rude Awakening

"Oh, God, Chryseis... wake up..."

"Hnnnn? ...Dennnnnisssse?"

"You have to wake up RIGHT NOW!"

Librarian Perils #68 - Signature Topping


"So nice of you to rejoin us, Ms. Kent. You've become the signature topping on my latest creation.... the Double-Dipper-Deep-In-Denise Pizza! I can't wait to take my first bite!"

"Holy fuck! Don't you dare touch me, you psycho! SOMEBODY HEEEELLLP!!!"

"Scream all you want, you stupid bitch. The library's all locked up for the night and there's no one around to hear you."

Librarian Perils #69 - Here's Your Tip

"Thanks for the delivery, pizza boy, now here's your tip.... NEVER forget that this is MY library!"

Librarian Perils #70 - We've Been Rescued!

"Well, well, well... what have we here?"

"Oh, thank goodness! Chryseis! We've been rescued!"

"Uhm, Denise... I, uhhh... I don't think we have."

"Ms. Kent is right, my dear... your troubles are far from over. I'm absolutely famished and I understand that the Two-For-One Special tonight is quite delicious."

"Oh... my god...."

If you thought the Pizza Guy was a handful, what chance do you think you two will have against a Pizza Woman? Hahahahaha!!!"


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