Zatanna: Law of Averages (1 of 4)

by RenderPretender and Erica V.

Art by RenderPretender --

The last thing Zatanna remembered was opening the present left for her backstage.  The small package, ornately wrapped in gold wrapping paper with a black bow and black ribbon, looked like any other gift left by an adoring fan after a show.  The box sat on a small table backstage among the various boxes of chocolate and several floral arrangements, also gifts from fans.  The box was lovingly and carefully wrapped and at the time Zatanna thought it would be a crime to tear open the beautiful packaging.

After a few moments of admiration, the spell casting heroine tore into the present.  It had been a particularly good show to end the night and Zatanna couldn't wait to see what one of her fans left for her as a, "thank you".

With the gold packaging torn into and removed, the box itself seemed ordinary by comparison.  The box couldn't have been larger than four inches tall and wide and just about the same across.  The heroine opened the lid and peered inside.


Zatanna thought it was a terrible joke as she set the gift box down and moved towards a box of Swiss chocolates, hoping that it too wasn't empty.  A few short seconds later and Zatanna's head spun wildly and her legs felt heavy and unresponsive.  She attempted to utter a cleansing spell but only managed a single syllable before falling unconscious.

Now, as the fog dissipated from her brain, Zatanna found herself in some type of elaborate trap.  Many villains took up the challenge of devising a trap that the "Mistress of Escapes" couldn't find a way out of and to date, they'd all failed.  The spell caster had in fact defeated every single device, trap, and predicament she'd faced and that usually meant she'd also defeated the villain in the process.

Zatanna assumed this trap would be no different and she confidently kept her composure for about two seconds.  It was at that point Zatanna realized this wasn't an ordinary trap.

Immediately she was aware of several distressing things at once.  That master magician had been blindfolded and gagged since every villain in Gotham and elsewhere knew the secret of Zatanna’s real power came from speaking incantations.  However, the heroine quickly realized that it was no ordinary gag keeping her from uttering a release spell.  When that realization hit home the heroine flailed, attempted to kick, and uncharacteristically panicked as her mind processed what her body felt all at once.

Horrified, the super heroine surmised that she was dealing with a pervert, a fetishist, or some other form of sexual deviant.  This left little time for Zatanna to think on, or worry, about the things that had already been done to her.  Now was the time for escape and the heroine’s mind was racing towards solutions to existing problems.  Big problems.

From the audience’s point of view, if there had been an audience, the stage was lit with a single spotlight, pointing straight down, which bathed a small area in bright white light. Suspended upside down was what at first glance appeared to be a strange piece of modern art.  A single long chain hung from the walkways above the stage and the thick silver links were attached to a spreader bar measuring four feet across.  The bar was seven feet from the ground and its thick silver construction easily held the weight of the woman suspended upside down from it. 

The magnificent body of the woman left dangling by her ankles was covered in thin, very shiny, black latex material.  Despite every inch of her skin covered by the material, little could be left to viewers imagination.  The suit had been custom ordered, designed, and fitted to the woman beneath the form gripping material as each curve, fold, and crease only existed to showcase her heavenly body.  The entire black gimp suit seemed to be made of one conforming restrictive piece as no seams, zippers, or stitching could be easily identified.

The woman beneath the costume was literally encased, from head to toe, in latex as she hung upside down.  The black latex hood covering her head and face opened at the top and allowed her long black hair, pulled through an opening, to flow straight down to the ground.  Absent were any eyeholes and the beautiful creature under the tight, fiendish, black mask was blinded by the material covering her eyes.  Tiny, extremely small, nostril holes purposely designed to restrict oxygen flow were the captive's only lifeline as her mouth was also covered by the latex material. 

On closer examination, a strap under the mask ran around the victim's face and was firmly fastened behind her head.  The strap itself would have been harmless if not for the large gag ring it was attached to in the woman's mouth.  Looking at the mask and the level of creativity and design, it was obvious that the only way to remove the ring gag and strap would be to remove the mask first.  Even with the mask attached to her head, it was also obvious the captive's mouth was spread wide open, at least two inches open and across. The silver ring sat wedged, just behind her front top and bottom teeth, making it impossible to speak clearly or shut her mouth.  The final, most troublesome feature of the mask was the seamless enclosure stretched across the mouth and attached inside by small loops to the ring inside the victim's mouth.  This meant that the mask could be opened at the mouth and penetrated through the ring without revealing any if the captive's skin, without allowing her to speak, and the portal could be resealed at any time.

The mask ran down the victim's neck and immediately, again with no visible seams, met with the actual body of the gimp suit.  The latex was so tight that the captive's nipples, belly button, small stomach muscles, and fold of her vagina were both readily identifiable.  The victim's aureoles were rock hard and perky while her raisin sized nipples were completely erect.  Her nipples were pierced through the costume by one large silver ring each.  The swollen, erect, nipples were obvious through the costume, squeezed to perfection by the tight latex and frozen in place by the nipple rings.  The casual observer would note that the rings passed through the latex suit and would need to be removed before the suit could be safely taken off, but the rings had no obvious locking mechanism and would likely need to be cut off with pliers.  However, it would be difficult to focus solely on the nipples and rings when the captive's firm, perfectly sculpted, D-cups were encased in shiny latex.  Despite their size the victim's breasts seemed to defy gravity as even suspended upside down they remained impossibly defiant regarding gravity and both supple and firm.

Moving down the gimp suit the crotch was also devious in design.  Another body piercing ring, the same one-inch diameter as those attached to the captive's nipples, ran through the suit where the clitoris would be.  Again, the ring attached to the wearer's clitoris would need to be removed before the suit itself could be removed; assuming there were no more tricks up the gimp suit designer's sleeve.

That would be a wrong assumption, of course.

The vagina and anus could be easily accessed via hidden folds carefully and lovingly sewn into the latex gimp suit.  The stretchy material would reseal around the exposed genitals providing a vacuum seal fit for extra pleasure, for anyone other than the wearer. 

The legs of the black latex gimp suit were all part of the original outfit and highlighted every curve, muscle, and line of the wearer.  The captive stood five foot nine, normally, when her legs weren't stretched four feet apart and the suit certainly did her long, firm, legs justice.

The boots, also all attached to the costume, were fashioned into six-inch stiletto heels, complete with high arches and pointy toe tips.  Built into the ankles of the suit were fastening rings which were attached to the spreader bar high above the captive's head, making an easy escape impossible.

Despite how incredibly well put together the gimp suit was and despite the design achievement it represented; it was the arms of the suit that truly set it apart.  The arms were fashioned into one incredibly uncomfortable sleeve positioned directly behind the wearer's back.  Her hands, clasped together, were fitted with a tight mono-glove that ran straight up her arms and into the back of the latex body glove.  For truly, if a body glove existed, this was the perfect example.  The victim’s arms pointed straight back and down at a forty-five-degree angle if the captive was standing.  While the captive was suspended the arms hung painfully upwards, with little to no ability to support their own weight.  The glove surrounding the clasped hands also had a ring built into it, in case the captor or captors chose to creatively chain the captive by her arms while standing up.

The latex body glove, catsuit, gimp suit hybrid costume was a masterpiece of design and ingenuity and the creation of a truly wicked and evil mind.

Zatanna continued struggling against the one-of-a-kind bondage suit as the heat of the spotlight above the stage interacted with the costume she was forced to wear.  Her skin stopped sweating underneath the latex as the suit heated up and an odd smell passed through the restrictive breathing nostrils.  Zatanna bucked and thrashed wildly against her binding-suit as it literally turned into second skin, binding itself seemingly forever to her body.

The trap was now complete.  The rubbery glue that had been secretly and maliciously applied to Zatanna’s unconscious body mixed with the sweat on her skin and the heat of the spotlight above to form a shiny, thin, tightly restrictive and flexible latex skin...

...Permanently attached to her body.  Even her arms would remain forever useless, pinned behind her back, unless she could devise a way free and cast a restorative spell on herself.

Whoever had done this to Zatanna had made her a living, breathing, sex doll but even the heroine was unaware of the suit's special features.  Yes, she was painfully aware she'd been pierced and that her nipples and clitoris were wearing jewelry, but the heroine had no idea her mouth, vagina, and anus came complete with easy access openings. 

Zatanna howled into the mask that was now permanently glued to her face and the rest of her body as panic, frustration, and stress washed over her body.  She'd be unable to reverse the situation until she could get her mouth and tongue free, a fact that was painfully obvious to the magician.  A simple magic spell would easily remove the otherwise permanently attached gimp suit but while the mask was attached to her face and the ring remained in her mouth, Zatanna would be unable to utter incantations of reversal and healing.

For nearly fifteen minutes Zatanna squirmed, suspended above the stage, as the latex second skin continued to tighten and squeeze her body with each motion.  Another part of the ingenious design, the material seemed to sense movement and would stiffen and squeeze the wearer until the movement ceased.  Zatanna found herself exhausted, her muscles refusing to cooperate as the suit fought against her every motion as if she’d been swallowed by a great python.

With no energy left the heroine decided to stop fighting, at least for the moment.  Zatanna assumed one of two things would happen and either her captor would reveal himself or rescue would arrive.  Yes, rescue would be humiliating but it was better than most quickly deduced alternatives.

Patience was difficult to muster but Zatanna fought her instincts to struggle and relaxed her body while suspended just above the stage. 

It was up to luck now, which seemed in short supply to the sorceress.

The darkness of the mask eventually became terrifying. With her eyes sealed shut and the mask glued to her face, even her closed eyelids, the heroine knew what real blindness felt like.  Every noise, sound from the stage, and bump from surrounding auditorium made Zatanna jump.  Would it be her attacker or her stunned rescuers, the heroine’s mind raced?

Zatanna had never been forced to concentrate so hard on breathing.  The restrictive design of the mask's nostrils coupled with how tight the latex second skin squeezed her diaphragm made getting enough oxygen difficult.  To make matters worse, she'd been suspended upside down for a at least an hour and her circulation was suffering.  All the blood was in her head and her lungs felt heavy and strained.

Zatanna jumped again at a loud noise at the other end of the auditorium and she heard the distinct sound of a door shut, followed by what seemed to be police radio chatter.  The mystical heroine’s heart raced as rescue loomed thirty yards away. 

Finally, she though, this ordeal was coming to an end.

"Dispatch, we're 10-23," Officer Jackson called into the radio.  "Door was open, investigating."

"Roger," the woman's voice replied.

Officers Jackson and Petersen clicked their flashlights on and spread out across the auditorium, checking each row of seating for a vagrant or thief.  Ten rows back from the main stage Petersen finally saw Zatanna.

"Holy shit!" Petersen called out, "What the fuck is that?"

Jackson's flashlight beam met Petersen's on Zatanna's suspended midsection and both rushed the stage in disbelief.

Zatanna, hearing them and sensing freedom began squirming and wiggling to show proof of life.  She was overjoyed at the rescue at attempted to speak through the ring gag and mask.

"Mmmmmm..." Her voice called out oddly.

Zatanna instantly froze and the two officers looked at each other in disbelief.

Zatanna tried again, "Mmmmmm..."

No matter what sound she attempted to make, even a scream, the audible result sounded like a moan of pleasure.  Zatanna realized that her captor must have placed a voice disguising microchip either in the gag or in her mouth or throat.  Her mind raced wondering what her attacker had hoped to achieve by doing this.

Panicked, she thrashed in her bindings and tried to scream, "Ahhhhh... Mmmmm.... Ohhhhh..."

Jackson looked at Petersen in shock, "... The fuck?"

Before the two officers, suspended upside down from the stage, was the body of a latex covered goddess.  Every inch of her body was dripping with sex and each curve screamed for attention.  She was completely encased without a patch of skin showing and now, it seemed to the officers, she was begging for something more.

"Pete," Jackson said as he flashed his light around the stage, "Look."

Just outside of the spotlight's reach lay an untold number of sex toys, from vibrators to giant dildos and from whips to paddles.  The stage was covered with so much rubber, plastic, and lube it appeared as if a sex toy shop had exploded on stage. 

"I think this is Zatanna," Petersen replied as his beam of light found her trademark fishnets, her skimpy tuxedo, and her signature top hat folded nicely just out of reach of the spotlight, "I've heard she's a freak, but damn."

Zatanna protested and screamed again, however the chip planted in her throat intercepted the distress call, "Mmmmmm... Ahhhhh..."

"We better call this in," Petersen said as he turned back to Officer Jackson.

Zatanna wanted to respond with a "DO IT!" but instead it came out as, "Nnnnnn..."

"Wait," Jackson, the large black officer replied, "She doesn’t want us to call this in.  I think she wants to get her freak on."

"What? Are you sure?" Petersen replied, completely stunned, "I'm mean, I’ve heard she’s a slut like most of these heroines, sure… but this-"

"Think about it man!" Jackson exclaimed, "She obviously called in the anonymous tip.  Look, the phone is right there.  I bet if we check the call log-"

Zatanna pleaded into the mask, this couldn't be happening. Not to her! Not police officers!  She cried out in despair, "Mmmmm... Ooohhhhh... Yes!"

"Dude," Jackson pointed at the heroine, "This is mother-fucking-Zatanna.  We won’t get another chance like this and she wants it bro.  Come on, I'll lock the doors, you call it in all clear.  Call Dom and Parker too, they know more about this freaky shit than we do."

Zatanna sobbed, her sealed shut eyes managed to drip with tears though this fact was lost on the officers who only saw a living sex doll hanging in front of them, "Ohhhhh... Ahhhh..."

"Fuck Pete, what a freak, she wants it bad!" Jackson keyed his mic for the hesitant Petersen, "Dispatch, we're 10-24.  Going on break."

The radio replied, "Roger," and Jackson directed Petersen to lock the doors while Jackson grabbed his phone to call Officer Rodrigo and Parker over to the party.

Zatanna didn't dare open her mouth or move as she didn't want to accidentally encourage their bad behavior.  No, the heroine decided that she would wait for backup to arrive and maybe one of the other officers would come to his senses.

It had been less than five minutes as Zatanna waited silently for reinforcements to arrive.  The first two responding officers kept their distance, away from the stage, and whispered between themselves. Zatanna couldn't hear what they were discussing but she figured that was likely for the best.  Their first instincts about the situation had been grossly wrong and she worried they were planning something terrible.

A knock at the front doors of the auditorium signaled the arrival of the cavalry.  Again, Zatanna's heart leapt as she sensed freedom from the humiliating experience was near.

Petersen and Jackson filled in Officers Rodrigo and Parker at the entrance and all four approached the stage together.  Indeed, as Petersen and Jackson explained, the figure of a beautiful woman, bound in latex, was suspended from a spreader bar with her head just above the stage. 

"Wow, I thought you were shitting me," Rodrigo stated.

"This bitch is freaky, you sure this slut is Zatanna," Parker asked?

The officers were directed to Zatanna's unmistakable uniform neatly folded on the floor.

"Yep," Petersen and Jackson answered in unison.

Zatanna remained quiet and still, hoping that playing dead might lead to a speedier, and correct, resolution.

"You sure she's alright," Rodrigo asked, "She hasn't said anything."

Parker had been on the force a long time and had seen his fair share of costumed freaks while undercover in the fetish clubs with Vice and raped his fair share of prostitutes while on for patrol.  As the "expert" he walked forward and tugged on Zatanna's clitoris ring.

Zatanna's mouth bit down hard on the ring gag attached to her face, mask, and lodged behind her teeth.  She screamed in shock, pain, and disbelief but the officers heard, "Ahhhhh... Ohhhhh... Mmmmm..."

Parker smiled and turned to the others, "You don't get kinky piercings like that if you're a sweet, innocent virgin. That's some serious hardware, she's probably fucked so much super-cock she can't get off without a little rough stuff and role-play."

"Yeah," Rodrigo added, "These super-slut-heroines are into some fucked up shit."

Officer Rodrigo pointed his flashlight and the beam bounced off a rubber paddle laying on the ground, then moved to a dog collar and leash combo, and finally landed on fifteen-inch-long, thick black rubber cock. 

"Jesus," Petersen said in disbelief, "This is crazy!"

"Yeah," Jackson added, "Sure as fuck is."

Again, Zatanna tried to communicate that she was in peril. She shook her body and swung it back and forth while suspended upside down, but to the officers it looked as if the latex encased heroine was signaling she needed something entirely different then rescue.


  1. Sounds like Zatanna's "rescuers" are as kinky as they think she is. What is modern policing coming (or should that be cumming) to?


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