Rachel-Bridges has created her own world -- The Madame-verse -- on DeviantArt where the evil Madame Shackle torments a host of Rachel's superheroine OCs, including Sunburst, who was the subject of a story and 14 pics that ran on the Blog (courtesy of Rachel) several months ago. Things still are not going well for Sunburst (or her friends) . . . 

Trophies (6 images and story text below)

by Rachel-Bridges - https://www.deviantart.com/rachel-bridges

Was it days? Weeks? Months? Sunburst had no way of knowing how long she had been displayed – no, displayed wasn't the right word – mounted- was more appropriate - mounted like a trophy – by this fiendish foe. Only that she soon realized she wasn’t alone. With a groan, she weakly now saw that she was just one display among the others . The room she was in had begun to fill with other victims – superheroines – as far as her limited ability to see could determine. Some were friends she knew, others only by name and reputation – but it became clear to her she was not the only defeated heroine – whomever was doing this was wiping them all out – and displaying them to his people.

A familiar sound made her turn and realize they had gotten poor Vanessa – Crimson Bolt – as well. Crimson Bolt had never wanted to be a superheroine, and only became one to rescue her sister. But now, she was included among them and suffered from the same fate. Seeing Vanessa mounted by her, Sunburst now fully understood how their bodies were being displayed - mounted was the right word - like some perverted hunting trophies.

Sunburst had no way of knowing why she had been captured, what happened, was the earth invaded? was this some mad collector? Only that she and several other heroines - more than several - maybe all? Were now all in some madman's custody - like some museum display This hadn't been the first time Sunburst had been taken like this- she had been defeated and displayed by various foes in the past - but in the pit of her stomach she felt that this time, this time, she was not going to escape or be freed for a very very long time.......


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