The Malapropos Mid Evil Misadventures of Victory Maiden   (Scene 6)   

by Nyctophobia11 -

‘You’ll never get me to talk, knave!’ 

‘Actually, I can’t believe I had to waste an entire device just to shut you up! That will teach me to ask open-ended questions about origin stories.’

‘So, are you saying you learned something from me? Dammit!”

‘Ah never mind. I’ll ask the questions around here. Now. Why were you trying to sneak into my tower?’

‘Because it was tall and thick and seemed like a solid place. And it was right there for the taking! I’m pretty sure you have some family jewels lying around here somewhere!’

‘This is what I get for living in a phallic symbol. Now let’s try that again, <pinches a nipple>, Why are you here?’

‘Is that an existential question? If so, the answer is...’

‘No! Oh God no! I meant why were you sneaking into my tower! And this time, the truth.’

‘I’m hurt! That was the truth! But you’ll never learn the alternate truth unless you… *wink wink*’

‘<pinches the other nipple>’

‘No! My only (other) weakness! Fine! I’ll tell you! I’m looking for the Eye of Amarra!’

‘Erm, that’s two towers down that way. But be warned though, the wizard is not there at the moment and had delegated that quest to someone else some four years ago and I think they just recently found it.’

‘Quests take that long!? I don’t have that much patience! So what do you have here?’

‘Let’s see. I have the Eye of Tamara.’

‘And is it secretly a hottie?’

‘Sigh. The Eye of Tamara is the glass eye of the warrior, Tamara. That was the first and last night I tried out that BnB thing. Though I think she left it behind when she bolted. It’s in that jar right there.’

‘Ok. So what does it do? Like special powers and all?’

‘It’s a glass eye, what did you think it was going to do?’

‘Dammit! That’s what I get for not listening to all the dialogues!’

‘Here, you can take it if you want. I’m getting tired of heroines wandering in here all the time, asking for the other wizard! Sheesh! I run a clean establishment here and all they keep asking for is zaps!’

‘Well, you did zap me and I do see some cobwebs in that corner.’’

‘It’s just a spell! And that's the ambience!’


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