Babysitting Gone Wrong (Finale)

by BondageFictionTales -

Babysitting Gone Wrong Part 6



The night passed quickly as the two girls slept soundly in Maggie’s bed. Rachel, having spent the entire previous day in and out of captivity, woke up the next morning fully rested. She had slept peacefully throughout the night in Maggie’s warm embrace, as the younger girl held her tightly from behind and cuddled her. Rachel slowly opened her eyes as the sun peaked through Maggie’s window. At some point her sleeping mask must have slid off, for it was no longer covering her eyes, but instead in the floor beside the bed. More likely though, Maggie had deliberately removed it at some point during the night when they were sleeping and tossed it aside. At last though, it was Sunday, and her weekend of ‘babysitting’ Maggie was almost over. She looked at her wrists, still bound together in front of her with soft rope and tethered to the corner bed post. She flexed her ankles, but those were also still restrained. Having finally woken up, she instantly became conscious of the large and bulbous gag in her mouth, fixed as it was to a leather panel that had been strapped across the lower half of her face and fastened behind her head with little leather straps. She also felt the pink collar around her neck, a pressing reminder that she was a captive, even more so than all the other aspects of her state of helplessness combined. The beautiful girl closed her eyes again and then reopened them as if to magically wake up in another place and under better circumstances, but she found herself in the same spot as before, bound and gagged in her new bikini in Maggie’s bed. Rachel felt Maggie’s arms still around her waist as the young girl snored into the back of her head.


“mmmppphhh….” Rachel groaned as she twisted her body.


Maggie let out a loud snort from behind her and slowly unfolded her arms from across her waist. The young girl rolled over on her side away from Rachel and continued snoring.


‘MMMPPPHHH!!!” Rachel moaned as she pulled her wrists.

Rachel yanked her wrists several times and tried to tear herself free from the bedpost, but she was expertly secured to it. Her struggle caused the bed to rock back and forth, and Maggie finally woke up from her slumber.


“Wha...” mumbled Maggie.


She rolled over to her side again facing Rachel’s back as the older girl partially rolled on her side as well. Rachel turned her neck to look back at Maggie.


“MMPPHH!!!” Rachel moaned into her gag as she pulled her wrists again.


The ropes stayed firm. Rachel held up her bound wrists as much as the slack would allow so she could show them to Maggie in an effort to communicate with the young girl.


“MPH!” Rachel quipped as she raised her wrists.


“Good morning, cutie.” teased Maggie. “Did you sleep well?”


“MMMMPPPHHH!!!!” Rachel roared as she pulled at her wrists again.


“I bet you want out, huh?” Maggie asked mockingly.


“mph hmph.” stuttered Rachel.


“Okay, cutie.” said Maggie as she rolled off the far side of the bed.


The young girl walked around her bed and stood beside Rachel, staring down at her beautiful captive as she laid patiently on the bed awaiting her freedom to be restored. Maggie slowly reached her hand down and placed it gently on Rachel’s shoulder. The young girl slowly ran her fingers down Rachel’s arm to her elbow before bringing them back up to her shoulder.


“You have to go home today...” said Maggie disappointingly. “It’s no fair!”


Maggie continued stroking Rachel’s arm as the older girl stared up at the young girl that had kidnapped her.


“I don’t want you to go.” Maggie stated. “I wish I could keep you forever.”


“mmmpppphhh...” Rachel moaned into her gag.


Rested though she was, she was still tired of this treatment from Maggie. She was ready to go home and try to resume a normal life, far away from this girl that had brought so much mayhem on her. Maggie ran her hand up and down Rachel’s arm, then up and down her side. The young girl then stepped to the left as she ran her hand down Rachel’s side and onto her thighs. Maggie stroked Rachel’s leg two or three times before stepping back.


“Okay, cutie.” she said. “I’ll untie you.”


Rachel held her wrists forward as Maggie took them in her hands. The young girl briefly did nothing at first. She held Rachel’s bound hands in hers and gave them a light squeeze. The bound babysitter stared at her while she waited to be released.


“I’ll remember this weekend, always!” Maggie said. “You’re the perfect girlfriend for me!”


“mmmpppphh...” Rachel tried saying in protesting.


The large gag she wore muffled her sounds even more than the ball gag from the previous day. Maggie finally began untying her wrists and then began untying her ankles. While Maggie worked on setting Rachel’s legs free, the older girl brought her hands behind her head and unfastened the gag. When the little buckle had been undone, Rachel immediately spit the gag out and let it fall into the floor.


“Ridiculous!” exclaimed Rachel as soon as she regained her voice.


Maggie had finally freed her legs from the rope that restrained them to the bed.


“What’s ridiculous?” asked Maggie.


Rachel said nothing else. She flung herself off the bed and stormed out of the room, leaving Maggie standing in her bedroom confused and alone. She didn’t understand Rachel’s anger and frustration. Maggie had been a kind and loving girlfriend to Rachel. She had held her and kept her safe all night. Why was Rachel so mad after having been taken care of so lovingly by Maggie? The young girl knew very little about dating and relationships, but she had assumed that she was doing everything right. She had expected Rachel to have fallen in love with her by now, especially after the way she had cared for her and held her as she slept. Isn’t that what people are supposed to do for their cute girlfriends? Don’t pretty girls like it when they’re cuddled to sleep? Maggie didn’t understand what was going on. Rachel should have been hers by now, but she felt like they were as far apart as they had ever been so far that weekend.


The young teen was unwavering in her determination. She surmised that she had done nothing wrong, and that she was still on track to win Rachel’s heart. It must be that it takes more than a weekend to make someone fall in love, so Maggie was determined to just carry on and continue her efforts in trying to win Rachel. Her babysitter was worth it. No matter how hard she would have to try or how far she would have to go, Maggie was resolved to conquer Rachel. Her beautiful babysitter would be worth every bit of effort, no matter the cost. Maggie was determined that Rachel would eventually accept her role as Maggie’s girlfriend, even if it took years. With a renewed sense of purpose, Maggie clenched her fists and walked out of the room and went downstairs. She found Rachel sitting on the couch, having already changed clothes from her overnight bag. Now she was wearing a gray shirt and blue jeans. The pink bikini and the matching collar were on the coffee table in front of her.


Maggie looked at Rachel as she came down the stairs, but the older girl did not return the stare. Rachel was texting on her phone, and couldn’t be bothered to look at the young girl that had held her hostage all weekend. Maggie walked over to the table and took the bikini and collar.


“I’ll go hide these in my room so my parents don’t see them.” she said.


Rachel said nothing. Maggie turned and walked back towards the stairs, but she stopped before ascending them. She turned back to Rachel.


“Or you can take them home with you.” she said. “They’re gifts after all. Do you want to take these with you so you can wear them at home?”


Rachel continued ignoring Maggie. Defeated, Maggie bowed her head and walked up the stairs in disappointment. When she made it back to her room, she picked up the leather panel gag from the floor and put it back in the nightstand, followed by Rachel’s bikini and collar. Maggie then untied the ropes from her bedposts and hid them in the closet. Her room was back to normal, and there was nothing there that could possibly indicate that she had taken her babysitter to sleep in captivity the previous night. Maggie was still wearing nothing but her underwear, so she decided to get dressed for the day by throwing on a pair of jeans and a pink shirt. She pulled her hair back in a ponytail and went back downstairs. Rachel was still sitting on the couch engrossed in her phone. Maggie walked over and plopped herself on the couch beside her babysitter.


“What a weekend!” she exclaimed.


Rachel said nothing. The older girl callously stood up and moved across the room to sit in a large chair that matched the rest of the living room set. She stayed glued to her phone and ignored Maggie completely.


“Is something wrong?” asked Maggie.


Rachel didn’t respond. By now, Maggie’s feelings were hurt.


“Why are you ignoring me?” she asked. “Did I do something wrong? I didn’t hurt you did I?”


Her babysitter ignored her further. Hating being ignored and thinking Rachel was upset, Maggie started to cry. She wiped tears from her eyes with her arm.


“Whatever it is, I’m sorry, okay!” she exclaimed. “Don’t be mad at me! I thought I was being a good girlfriend to you!”


Rachel slammed her phone down into the chair.


“Just stop it!” she exclaimed. “We’re not girlfriends, and you’re messed up!”


Maggie stormed out of the room and ran upstairs crying. For her, everything was happening exactly the opposite of what she had expected. How could Rachel be so mad at her? Throughout Rachel’s weekend captivity, even at its worst, Maggie saw it as nothing more than good fun. At its best, it was important emotional bonding between two girls in a brand new relationship. What was all the rage about? Maggie ran into her room and flung herself on her bed. She folded her arms across her face and cried into her pillow for a while, then slowly raised her head up. Between sniffles, she saw a long strand of Rachel’s brown hair on the pillow beside her. It reminded Maggie of how much she loved Rachel and wanted to possess her.


The young girl gently lifted the hair from the pillow and held it against the light from the window. It’s soft brunette color reminded Maggie of everything she loved about Rachel. Downstairs on a chair sat the prettiest girl she had ever known. Normally she’d be too nervous to even talk to a girl as pretty as Rachel, but having known Rachel all her life, it was much easier to be open with her about her feelings. Acting on them, however, had taken much more courage. Maggie expected her feelings to have been reciprocated by now, but Rachel remained as aloof as ever. Maggie released the strand of hair and let it fall to the floor. She lost sight of it as it blended into the carpet.


Fine!  Maggie thought angrily. If she doesn’t want to be my girlfriend, I’ll just have to keep trying!


If Rachel didn’t want to be with her willingly, she’d have to be forced. Maggie decided that she’d take over Rachel’s life completely from that point on. The young girl clenched her fists and pounded them into the bed. From that moment on, Maggie was determined that Rachel would become her official girlfriend. Maggie prepared to embark on a long and challenging venture to break Rachel down and train her from the ground up. Maggie would teach her how to be a proper girlfriend.


The infuriated teen collected herself and allowed the tears to dry from her eyes. When she was composed, she returned downstairs to see Rachel still sitting in the chair, only now her bag was sitting on the coffee table and was fully packed. Maggie walked past her and into the kitchen, not saying anything. Rachel looked up from her phone and let her eyes follow Maggie as the young girl walked by, ignoring her as she had ignored Maggie earlier. Maggie disappeared into the kitchen and began fixing herself a snack while Rachel carried on with her phone. As Maggie ate in the kitchen with Rachel in the living room, a car rolled up into the driveway.


“Finally!” exclaimed Rachel as she jumped up from the chair.


Rachel walked briskly through the living room and picked up her bag she passed it, then went outside to meet Maggie’s parents. Maggie became frightened at the speed at which Rachel went outside. Why didn’t she wait for her parents to come in? What if she’s telling them all about the weekend and the things she did to her? Maggie ran into the living room and peered out of the window. She saw her parents unloading the trunk with Rachel standing beside them. Rachel’s lips were moving, but Maggie couldn’t make out what was being said. Her parents were smiling and nodding, and after a moment, her dad handed Rachel a sum of money before Rachel went to her car and got in. Without ever looking back towards the house, Rachel drove off and disappeared. Maggie took a step back away from the window as her parents approached the front door. They came inside and put their suitcase off to the side.


“How was your weekend?” her mom asked.


“Oh,” said Maggie. “It was good! We had fun!”


Maggie was trembling and close to breaking out in a sweat. She was nervous that the jig was up and that she was about to get busted. What punishment would her parents dish out to her? How could they even know what punishment would even be appropriate for kidnapping her babysitter. Maggie assumed that she was about to be grounded for the next year at least.


“Rachel said as much.” her father said. “She said you guys had a good time, and that there were no issues.”


“Oh!” Maggie exclaimed excitedly. “She did? Yeah, we watched movies and had makeovers and went shopping.”


Maggie’s parents chuckled as the young girl described with excitement how tame yet entertaining her weekend was.


“That Rachel is such a sweetie.” Maggie’s mom said. “I’m glad she was available to babysit.”


“Me too!” exclaimed Maggie.


“You know what?” Maggie’s father said. “In two weeks we’ve got that conference to attend out-of-state. We’ll be gone a full week. We were going to take you with us since we thought that a week was too long for anyone to babysit, but I think Rachel did such a good job. I don’t think it would be unreasonable to ask her to sit for us again. We could pay her extra since it would so such a long time for her.”


“I think that’s a great idea.” added Maggie’s mom. “Although a full week is such a long time. Do you think she’d do it?”


“Oh yes!” Maggie chimed in. “She will...I know she will.”


“Alright then.” said Maggie’s father. “I’ll ask her in a few days if she wants to babysit for us again.”


Maggie’s parents began unpacking as the young girl ran upstairs. She texted Rachel, who by now was probably home and in her room given how close she lived.


“Hey!” Maggie wrote.


Rachel didn’t respond, but she opened the message and left it on ‘read.’


Maggie waited a few more minutes and then sent one of the pictures she had taken of Rachel bound and gagged.


“What do you want from me?” Rachel replied. “Please leave me alone!”


Maggie wrote back, “In a few days my dad is going to ask you to babysit me again, and you’re going to say ‘yes.’ Got it?”


Rachel left her on ‘read’ again. Maggie responded by sending another pic, this time it was the one where they had kissed.


“Stop it!” demanded Rachel.


Maggie wrote back. “I said you’re going to say ‘yes.’ Got it? If you don’t tell me right now that you’re going to come babysit again, I’ll tell my friends about how I kidnapped you!”


“Fine.” replied Rachel. “Just don’t share anything…please! I’ll come back and babysit you again. But this time...this time there’s going to be strict rules I’m putting in place.”


Maggie replied with a wink and closed the conversation.


There will be rules alright… she thought. My rules!




A few days later, Maggie’s parents reached out to Rachel just as Maggie had warned her they would. Diligently obeying Maggie in order to prevent pics from being leaked, Rachel agreed to babysit for them a second time. Rachel sighed as she committed herself to a full week of being alone in Maggie’s house with the crazed young teenager. What would Maggie subject her to this time? What new tortures and humiliations would she have to endure? Rachel spent the next two weeks trying to come up with some way out of this mess, but she couldn’t figure out a way to relieve herself of this burden. Meanwhile, Maggie texted her nonstop over the course of those two weeks and teased the poor girl. She’d text her pics from the weekend she had kidnapped her, she’d send messages that read: “I love you so much, cutie!” And she’d also hint at fun new kidnapping scenarios that she wanted to try without going into details. Rachel knew she was in for a miserable time at Maggie’s place, but nothing could be done to escape the obligation and coercion.


The night before she was meant to go babysit Maggie, Rachel received a final text from the girl that she knew would be kidnapping her the next day.


“Be sure to pack that cute blouse and skirt!” Maggie wrote. “And don’t forget to bring a pair of heels! My mom is taking hers on their trip so I won’t have any for you. See you tomorrow, cutie!!!”


Rachel rolled her eyes at the message but made sure to include her blouse and mini-skirt in the suitcase she had prepared. Maggie had grown very attached to Rachel in her blouse. Given that it was the first outfit she had worn when Maggie decided to tie her up for the first time, there was a certain sentimental value Maggie placed on the outfit. Not to mention, it was probably the cutest thing Rachel owned anyways. The poor girl tried to get some sleep that night, but she tossed and turned while dreaming of the coming week. Maggie haunted her and gave her nightmares as she lay in her bed. Down the street, Maggie lay fast asleep and had similar visions, but what was a haunting nightmare for Rachel was a wonderful dream for Maggie. She couldn’t wait for her girlfriend to come spend an entire week alone with her. Even though Rachel was technically coming to babysit, Maggie knew that she’d be the one to have to look after and care for Rachel given how much time she planned on keeping Rachel in captivity. With the beautiful girl bound and gagged at her disposal, Rachel would be completely helpless, and Maggie would have to take it upon herself to protect her. Maggie welcomed the challenge. If she could handle one weekend of keeping a beautiful girl captive, surely she could manage a full week, right? Rachel and Maggie would just have to find out together.




Rachel woke early the next morning at sunrise. She was dreading the day more than she could describe. And even when the day ended, she’d just have to deal with the next day, the day after, and on an on until Maggie’s parents returned from their long trip. Rachel took a shower and ate some breakfast, then returned to her room to get dressed and pack her suitcase. She put on a pair of khaki shorts and a red t-shirt, followed by a pair of white sandals. She then began filling her suitcase. She included some typical clothes like jeans, shorts, and t-shirts. Hesitantly, she also included some summer dresses, a romper, tight-fitting workout clothes, and of course, the white blouse and black mini-skirt. She put her sandals, tennis shoes, and heels on top of all the clothes and closed the suitcase. When it was nearly time to go to Maggie’s, Rachel rolled the suitcase down the hall and towards the front door. By this time, her mother was awake and sitting on the couch in the living room watching the early morning news.

“Have fun babysitting Maggie.” she said. “Call me if you need anything. I’m just down the road.”


“I will.” replied Rachel insincerely. “Bye!”


Rachel left her house and drove over to Maggie’s a short few blocks away. She arrived to see Maggie’s parents packing the car, so she pulled her car alongside theirs so they would have room to back out. They greeted Rachel as she turned off her engine and exited the car.


“Well,” said Maggie’s father. “You’ve got our number in case you need us. You girls have fun!”


“Don’t worry!” said Rachel. “We’ll have lots of fun this week!”


Rachel didn’t divulge to Maggie’s parents how Maggie would be the only one to have any degree of fun over the coming week. Maggie’s parents finished loading their car and got inside. The middle-aged woman in the passenger seat rolled down her window as Rachel opened the trunk of her car to get her suitcase.


“Maggie is up in her room.” said the woman. “Go right on inside!”


“Okay,” replied Rachel. “Thanks.”


Rachel stood in the driveway and watched Maggie’s parents disappear down the road. Did they have even the slightest idea as to their daughter’s inclinations towards Rachel, or other girls in general for that matter? Did they have any idea that Maggie was a demented little brat that enjoyed kidnapping girls regardless of whether or not they were much older than her? Rachel assumed that they didn’t, otherwise they wouldn’t be acting so normally. Furthermore, if they knew how miserable Maggie made Rachel, they would have been so embarrassed by their daughter’s behavior that they could have never asked Rachel to babysit a second time. Rachel knew that Maggie’s parents were completely in the dark. It was amazing to Rachel how people can be so disconnected from those they claim to be closest to them. The brunette girl turned and faced Maggie’s house.


Okay… thought Rachel. Here we go again


She rolled her suitcase up the sidewalk and onto the small landing at the front of the house. Reaching out her hand, she paused at the door handle before pushing the lever down and opening the door. It creaked as it slowly opened, and Rachel took a step inside. She rolled her suitcase into the living room and looked around. There was no sign of Maggie, but Rachel recalled that her mother had said that the young girl would be in her room. Rachel had half a mind to leave her up there and see how long she could go before Maggie realized she was there, but Rachel assumed she heard her come in. Rachel slowly ascended the stairs towards Maggie’s room. The door was cracked and the lights were on inside, but no sound came from the room. Rachel slowly approached the door and knocked twice.


“Maggie?” she said. “I’m here...”


Rachel slowly pushed the door open, but no one was inside. She stepped into the room and looked around, but Maggie was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, Rachel heard several loud and rapid footsteps coming from behind her where a second guest room was across the way from Maggie’s. She spun around just in time to be tackled by Maggie. The two girls fell into the floor with a loud *thud.


“Gotcha!” cried Maggie as she pinned Rachel to the floor.


Maggie held several coils of rope in her hands.


“You’re mine!” she declared.


Rachel squirmed underneath Maggie.


“Get off of me!” she shouted. “I don’t want to do this right now!”


Maggie struggled to keep her babysitter pinned.


“Too bad!” exclaimed Maggie. “Cause I want to!”


The two girls wrestled in the floor but it did not take long before Rachel had managed to shrug Maggie off of her and push her away. Rachel stood up and straightened out her shirt.


“We’re not doing this again!” she exclaimed. “I’m here to babysit you, and that’s that.”


Maggie stood up and straightened her own shirt out. She was wearing a light-green shirt and jeans, with her hair pulled back into a ponytail as usual. Maggie laughed as she picked the rope up off the floor.


“You still don’t get it do you?” she asked. “I don’t care that you’re older and stronger than me. Just because you can push me off of you doesn’t mean you’re not my captive!”


“I’m not letting you tie me up this time!” Rachel declared. “You took things way too far last time!”


Rachel realized how silly she sounded trying to assert her authority over Maggie. It was borderline disingenuous, and she knew that it was merely a stall tactic at best. She knew full well that she’d be bound and gagged within the next half hour. Maggie casually walked past Rachel as she headed towards her bedroom door.


“Whatever.” she said. “I don’t want to tie you up in that anyways!”


The young girl ran down the stairs and saw Rachel’s suitcase in the living room. She ran over to it and turned it over on its side, then unzipped it and began rifling through Rachel’s clothes. Rachel came downstairs to see the young girl pulling her clothes out one by one and tossing the items over her shoulder.


“Hey!” cried Rachel. “Stop that! You’re making a mess!”


Maggie continued digging through the suitcase.


“Did you bring your cute skirt?” she asked.


The determined girl reached towards the bottom of the suitcase and pulled it out.


“Got it!” she exclaimed triumphantly. “Now where’s the blouse?”


Rachel stood back as Maggie collected the white blouse, black mini-skirt, and the pair of black heels with ankle straps that Rachel had brought.


“You’re such a good girlfriend!” exclaimed Maggie. “You did so good to bring these! I knew you’d bring them!”


Rachel rolled her eyes but realized there was some truth to what Maggie had said. What was the worst that could happen if Rachel had decided to just leave the blouse at home and tell Maggie she didn’t have it with her? Would Maggie leak pictures over something so small? Rachel didn’t know, but it didn’t really matter.


“Get dressed up in this, babe!” said Maggie as she tossed the clothes over to Rachel.


The hopeless girl caught the clothes and huffed out a frustrated sigh as she began removing her sandals, shirt, and shorts.


“Cute!” cried Maggie as Rachel stood in her underwear.


She had worn a set of black panties and a matching bra.


“At some point I’ll want to tie you up just in that!” exclaimed Maggie as she admired Rachel’s body.


Rachel said nothing as she stepped into her skirt and put on her short-sleeve blouse. She buttoned the shirt down tucked it into the skirt, then slid into the pair of heels and fastened them at the ankles.


“Okay.” said Rachel. “I’m all dressed up. You happy?”


Maggie grinned.


“Almost.” she said. “You still need to be tied up! Turn around and put your hands behind you.”


Rachel stood there motionless. Maggie frowned as she realized Rachel may require some light threats before complying. The young teen was disappointed at Rachel’s hesitancy. A few weeks ago, when Maggie would order her to cross her wrists behind her back, Rachel would do so upon command. And towards the end that weekend, Rachel would submit to being tied without even needing to be told to do so. Now, Rachel had become non-compliant after too many weeks away. Maggie realized that Rachel would require constant training through the years to ensure that she stayed obedient. To the young girl, it was just further proof that she needed to stay involved as an active part of Rachel’s life.


“I don’t want to deal with this!” exclaimed Maggie. “Either you obey me or I start sending pics to people!!!”


Rachel sighed and slowly turned around. She bowed her head in shame and brought her arms behind her, crossing her wrists. Maggie walked up and began tying Rachel’s wrists together. Wearing heels and being several years older than Maggie meant that Rachel stood almost a foot taller than the young girl. With Rachel’s wrists crossed behind her back, Maggie had an easy time tying them together with some rope, as they were at the level of her chest directly in front of her. All she had to do was reach forward and take Rachel’s feminine wrists in her hands. Rachel kept her head bowed in shame as the younger and shorter girl tied her wrists behind her back. When she had finished, Maggie turned Rachel around and took her by the arm.


“Let’s go to the couch!” she said.


Maggie walked forward and dragged Rachel along the way by the arm. Rachel quickly caught up to the young girl as her legs could cover nearly twice the distance in one step whereas Maggie had to take more strides. Rachel’s heels clicked and clacked as the two girls walked to the couch, Maggie holding Rachel by the arm the whole way.


“Sit!” instructed Maggie.


Rachel complied and sat on the center of the couch. Maggie knelt down and tied her babysitter’s ankles together, and then stood up again over her captive.


“Wait right here!” exclaimed Maggie.


The young girl ran up to her room and came back down. She held two different gags in her hand, both familiar to Rachel. In one hand Maggie held the bright red ball gag, and in the other, she held the black panel gag with the huge bulbous mass in the center of the panel. Maggie stood in front of Rachel and held them up in front of her.


“I’m a good girlfriend!” declared Maggie. “I’ll let you pick which one you want.”


“How about neither?” said Rachel. “You know what, screw you Maggie!”


Maggie frowned when Rachel cursed her. She expected her captive to submissively select a gag, but instead she spewed insults.


“If you don’t pick one...” said Maggie. “I’ll take off my panties and shove them in your mouth first before choosing one myself.”


Rachel’s eyes widened. The bound girl knew that Maggie’s threats were credible.


“Ball.” said Rachel.


“Good girl.” said Maggie as she discarded the panel gag.


Maggie sat on the couch cushion on her knees beside Rachel as the older girl instinctively turned her head to the side.


“Say ‘AAAAHHHH!’” Maggie teased.

Rachel opened here mouth and obeyed.


“aaahhh..mmpphh!” she muttered as Maggie pulled the ball gag between her teeth.


The young girl buckled the gag behind Rachel’s head and straightened her hair out over the strap. She wobbled off the couch and stood in front of Rachel. Maggie clasped her hands together and jumped up and down several times.


“YAYYYY!” she exclaimed as she jumped excitedly. “I’ve got her!!!”


Maggie clapped and jumped as she laughed.


“I’ve got Rachel for the whole week!”


Rachel rolled her eyes and pulled at the rope biding her wrists, but it stayed tight. There was no slack and no compromise anywhere to be found in the ropes that Maggie had so skillfully tied her with. All she could do is look back at Maggie while huffing and puffing in displeasure.


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