Babysitting Gone Wrong (Part 3)

by BondageFictionTales -- Tales

Rachel laid in Maggie's guest bed, her arms and legs restrained to each of the four bed posts. She was blinded by a sleeping masked and gagged with a black leather panel, fastened by a small buckle behind her head. She breathed heavily, trying to relax and think about her situation. She had long since given up on trying to escape. The professional-grade leather restraints that secured her wrists and ankles couldn't be beaten.


After several hours of lying there uncomfortably, Rachel grew tired enough to fall asleep. Once asleep, she didn't really notice the restraints. Her mind raced with exciting new thoughts. Just that morning, she could never have imagined finding herself in a situation like this. She never would have thought that some punk teenage girl would even flirt with her, let alone kidnap her and force to her to be some kind of bondage live-in girlfriend. She couldn't believe it was even real. Rachel had a vivid dream of everything that had happened that evening. She dreamed of coming to babysit Maggie, of Maggie tying her up and making out with her, and also of Maggie restraining her to a bed. But it couldn't be real, could it? Rachel woke up quickly and pulled the restraints, confirming that the dream was nothing more than an actual recent memory. It was real, and she was really a captive. She squirmed some more and grunted into her gag. Nothing could free her except Maggie. She laid there in limbo waiting for Maggie to come set her free. Finally, she heard the door swing open.


"Up and at 'em, love!" cried a jolly Maggie.


Maggie skipped over to the bed and yanked the sleeping mask from Rachel's eyes. Light flooded the room and overwhelmed Rachel, giving her a slight headache.


"mmpphh..." she snarled as she squinted her eyes to reduce her exposure to the light.


It must have been 6 or 7 in the morning by now.


"I have a fun day planned for us." said Maggie.


The young girl was wearing a pair of bluejeans and a red t-shirt, her hair pinned back in a cute ponytail.


"Today is shopping!!!" exclaimed Maggie as she threw her hands up. "Mom left us some money for food and stuff, but I think we should spend it at the mall instead. What do you think?"


"mmppphh...." grunted Rachel.


"I knew you'd understand."


Maggie unfastened the gag and pulled it from Rachel's mouth.

"Maggie, you need to listen to me right now." said Rachel. "This has gone way too far. You need to release me."

"I was going to." said Maggie.


Maggie loosened the restraints from all four of the leather straps, and Rachel pulled herself free. She quickly jumped off the bed and took shelter in the corner of the room away from Maggie, holding her wrists.

"Just like that?" she asked in Maggie's direction.


"Just like that." confirmed Maggie. "Get a shower and get dressed, and we'll go shopping!"


Maggie left the room, leaving Rachel with her thoughts. She wondered what had just happened. After an entire night of being held captive and being restrained, having every escape attempt thwarted, she was suddenly free. Rachel cautiously left the room and walked down the hall to the living room. Maggie was there on the sofa playing on her phone.


"Your clothes bag is over there." she said pointing to the floor away from her.


Rachel retrieved her bag and walked towards the bathroom, looking back over her shoulder at Maggie suspiciously.


"Don't worry so much!" said Maggie. "Just go!"


Rachel locked herself into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. She was completely flabbergasted at how easily she had been let off the hook. She was certain that her torment would continue in the morning, and now she had been set free. Rachel enjoyed a long, hot shower, and dried her hair with a hair dryer afterwards. She changed into the same outfit she had worn the day earlier, a thin blue shirt tucked into some khaki shorts. She slid on her sandals and went to meet Maggie in the living room.


"You look stunning, babe!" said Maggie.


"Please don't call me that." replied Rachel.


"What?" asked Maggie. "Babe?"


"Yes. That." said Rachel.


"I'm sorry, dear." said Maggie.


"Or that." said Rachel. "You don't get to give me pet names."


"Um...yeah I do." said Maggie. "If you're going to be my girlfriend, I'm going to call you by pet names, haha. You can call me whatever you want too!"


Rachel watched Maggie place her phone on the coffee table before sliding back into the couch. Rachel stared at it intently, and then stared at Maggie. She glanced at the phone one more time.


"Oh by the way," said Maggie. "While you were in the bathroom I emailed all the pics and videos from my phone to myself. I can access them on any computer now, so taking that phone won't do you any good. I promise they won't get out unless you force my hand, but they're not just on that phone anymore."


Rachel steadied herself on the couch before sitting down. She couldn't believe it. All of those incriminating pictures were now on the internet in Maggie's email box. She could get them anywhere she wanted. Even if Rachel got them off the phone, Maggie could access them on her laptop, on a friend's laptop, on her parents' laptop...


"So are you ready to go?" asked Maggie.


"" stuttered Rachel.


"Yup!" exclaimed Maggie. "You have to drive though. I'm not old enough! Haha."


The two girls got in Rachel's car and made it down to the mall just in time for the opening.

"Okay," said Maggie as they got out of the car. "Here's the plan. I'm taking you in there as my girlfriend, alright. Consider this our first public appearance. The mall is just opening, so no one we know is going to be here. Just relax, okay."


"What do you mean?" asked Rachel.


Maggie took Rachel's arm with two hands and laced her fingers through Rachel's cupping her hand in hers.


"We're going in there as a couple, as we ought to." explained Maggie. "And I'm going to treat you to something nice. You'll never be able to say I was a bad girlfriend, haha!"


Rachel felt like she had no choice. She would rather go in the mall at an uncommon hour and hopefully not be seen by anyone of consequence rather than have Maggie destroy her with those pictures. She held Maggie's hand firmly, much to Maggie's delight.


"Come on!" squealed Maggie. "Off we go!"


Maggie skipped through the parking lot dragging Rachel behind her.


"Hey slow down!" said Rachel.


They entered the mall and visited several stores, smelling scented candles and trying new lotion samples. After a few hours of goofing around, Maggie took Rachel by the hand and led her into Victoria's Secret.


"Now we get to have some fun." said Maggie. "Pick out several things you like, and I'll do the same. We'll have you try them all on and see what we walk out of here with. Ready? Go!"


Rachel watched Maggie fly through the store tossing different clothing items over her arm. She took new lingerie, bikini's, and revealing underwear. Rachel just stood there watching her.


"Hey, where's your clothes?" asked Maggie.


"I don't want any of this stuff." said Rachel defiantly.


"Well, I want you to have something." said Maggie. "Oh well, let's at least go try on what I picked out for you."


Maggie took Rachel by the arm and led her into a fitting room. She pushed Rachel inside and locked the door behind her. Maggie tossed all the clothes onto the little wooden bench fixed into the wall.

"Maggie, listen...I don't want to wear any of..." Rachel began, only to have Maggie throw her finger up.


"Hush!" exclaimed Maggie. "I want a kiss now."

"What?" said Rachel.

"Remember last night? I get a kiss anywhere and any time I want one. That is of course, unless you want a picture or two leaked."


Maggie crossed her arms and gave Rachel a smirk. "Come on, babe."


Rachel stood there silently. Maggie grabbed her arm and pulled her down onto the bench, and then straddled her lap facing her. She took both of Rachel's hands and pressed them against the wall above her head. Next, she leaned in and kissed her defiant yet coerced girlfriend. Once Maggie broke off the kiss, Rachel attempted to say something, but was interrupted by Maggie.

"Again, baby." she said as she landed another kiss on Rachel's lips.

"mmmmhhhppp" moaned Rachel into Maggie's kiss.

Rachel curled her feet and clinched her fists, still held above her head by a determined Maggie.

Maggie pulled away from Rachel and stood up again.

"Okay," she said. "Ready to model some underwear for me?!"

"No." said Rachel. "I don't want to wear any of that."


"That's too bad." said Maggie. "Because I think you'll look great in all of it. I'll be right outside. When you change into something, let me know when I can come back in."

"Let's just leave." said Rachel.

"If you don't behave, I'll make you change in front of me." declared Maggie.

Rachel inwardly shrieked at the thought of Maggie watching her strip down so she could try on different clothes for her.

"Okay, just get out." said Rachel.

"That's a good girl." replied Maggie as she left.

Rachel looked over all the skimpy items Maggie had chosen for her. There were thongs, lingerie, bikinis, lace was all very promiscuous. She took off all of her clothes and put on a matching bra and thong underwear set in solid pink.

"Ok." said Rachel.

Maggie, who was standing guard outside of Rachel's door, came back into the fitting stall.

"" exclaimed Maggie.


She was completely smitten by the sight of the beautiful brunette standing in front of her.

"I'm crushing on you so hard right now..." continued Maggie.

Rachel blushed. "Okay so you've seen this one. Get out so I can do the rest of them so we can go home."


"Not so fast." said Maggie as she reached into her pockets.


She pulled out a coil of rope and a bright red ball gag with a white strap.

"NO!" exclaimed Rachel.

"Yes..." said Maggie. "We need to see how you look tied up in that. That's the reason why we're here. Tonight you'll be tied up in whatever we buy."


"Absolutely not!" said Rachel.


Maggie folded her arms and didn't say anything. She didn't have to. She could convey with her eyes that she would get what she wanted, or else Rachel would pay the price in social humiliation. The two girls stood there in the fitting room facing each other. Neither spoke. Finally, Rachel let out a long sigh.

" do you want me?" she asked Maggie.

"Turn around." ordered Maggie.

Rachel turned around to face the wall, and Maggie took her arms in her hands. The determined teenager pulled Rachel's arms behind her and crossed her wrists, then tied them with a section of rope. She then stood on her toes to hold the ball gag in front of Rachel's face.


"Open up, dear." said Maggie.


Rachel obeyed and opened her mouth. Maggie pulled the ball gag in and tightened it behind her head. The young girl went back to being flatfooted and stared at her tied up girlfriend as Rachel turned back around. There was a mirror in the fitting room, and Maggie held Rachel's arm as the two girls stood in front of it. Rachel stared at herself and regretted how helpless she was. She stood a head and shoulders taller than Maggie and was her senior by several years, and yet this girl, barely into her teens, had managed to both get her into a pair of Victoria's Secret underwear, and tie her up and gag her in a public space.

"Spin around for me, babe." ordered Maggie as she put her hands on Rachel's shoulders and began to turn her.

Rachel complied and followed Maggie's direction, completing a full turn in front of the mirror. Maggie admired the older girl's body as it slowly rotated in the mirror for her private enjoyment. Rachel was an active girl who worked out frequently, and had the body to show for it. Everything about Rachel captivated Maggie. Her long, brunette hair, her gorgeous face, her beautiful brown eyes, her defined body tone, her perfectly proportioned and muscular legs, her toned arms with their delicate and feminine hairs from shoulder to wrist, and her full breasts that aroused both desire and envy in the younger and still developing girl. Rachel came to a stop as Maggie put her arm around her waist.


"Let's just savor this moment, okay." she said. "I won't even take a picture."

"mmmpphh..." sighed a defeated Rachel.

The girls were startled by the adjacent stall door slamming closed. They could see someone's feet just below the dividing wall.

"MPH!" grunted Rachel in protest.

"Shhh..." hushed Maggie.

Maggie took the ball gag from Rachel's mouth.

"Act normally." said Maggie. "So yeah, I think this one looks great!"

Maggie carried on a normal conversation as she untied Rachel's wrists. "What do you think?"

"Yeah!" said Rachel. "You're right. Let's get it."

Maggie darted out of the fitting stall, and Rachel emerged a few seconds later in her original outfit, she held all the clothes Maggie gave her. Maggie took the pink underwear set and pointed to a discard bin where clothes were waiting to be re-shelved. Rachel dumped the remaining outfits in the bin and joined Maggie at the cash register.

"$35.99" said a cheerful girl working the register.

She bagged the underwear set as Maggie handed her a $50 bill.

"So who's the lucky guy?" she asked.

Maggie looked at Rachel with the most obnoxious smile.

"Oh, these are just for me..." said Rachel.

Maggie frowned and pinched Rachel's arm.

"Ow!" cried Rachel.

The cashier gave Rachel the bag who started walking away once she had it.

"Actually they're a gift from her wonderful girlfriend, ME!" said Maggie as she darted away from the cash register to catch up to Rachel.

She took Rachel by the arm and looked back at the cashier with a smile. The cashier put her hand over her mouth and giggled, probably just thinking it was a cute joke.

"You're very immature, do you know that." said Rachel.


"Not immature enough to be dating you!" came the reply. "Come on! Let's get you home!"

The girls stopped at a drive-thru on the way back to Maggie's house and ordered some lunch, and then went home. They ate their meals in the living room floor over the coffee table and talked. Rachel tried to get a better idea as to why she was being blackmailed.

"We need to talk about all this girlfriend stuff." said Rachel.

"What's to talk about" said Maggie as she crumpled up her food wrappers and stuffed it in the paper sack.

"You don't actually see us as a couple do you?" asked Rachel.

Maggie raised one eyebrow. She stood up over Rachel and collected her trash as well as her own.

"You're cute!" she said.

Maggie planted a quick kiss on the top of Rachel's head and skipped to the kitchen to throw away the trash.

"Hey, I mean it!" said Rachel.


Maggie leaned over so she could be seen in the doorway. She came back into the living room looking more serious.


"Well, yeah." said Maggie. "I like you, and you agreed to be my girlfriend, and we kissed. How are we not a couple?"

"You don't see how I was forced to do all of that?" said Rachel.

"Of course I do. That's the whole point." said Maggie.


"Okay, now I'm confused." replied Rachel.


Maggie explained. "Look, I'm not an idiot, alright. I know a 20 year old isn't going to want to date a 14 year old. That's why I had to extort you. It wasn't personal, but I really do think you'll thank me for it in the end."


"Thank you?!?! For all that you've done to me?!" exclaimed Rachel.


"Yes." continued Maggie. "If I didn't do any of that, you never would have given me a chance. You may not have a choice right now, but soon you'll come to like me the same way I like you, and then you won't even need a choice. You'll WANT to be my girlfriend, and then we'll be together for real. But since it's guaranteed that you'll fall in love with me, it makes sense to just be girlfriends now, too. Don't you think?"

"No." said Rachel. "I don't agree with any of that."

"See," clarified Maggie. "That's my point. You don't agree right now, which is why I have insurance, but one day soon, you'll see it my way. But from now until then, you're still my girlfriend, understand?"


Rachel didn't say anything. It was useless arguing with Maggie. She was too stubborn and nonsensical.


Maggie chirped up. "Hey! Let's see you in the new underwear I bought you!"

"Please don't make me do that." Rachel pleaded.

Maggie flopped onto the couch and snapped her fingers.


"Chop, chop!" she said.


Rachel snatched the bag from the floor and stormed off into the bathroom, slamming the door. She emerged a few minutes later wearing the pink thong and matching bra. She kicked her sandals off and presented herself before Maggie.


"There!" she said while smacking her hands on her hips. "You happy?"


Maggie put her hand to her chin. "Hmmm...almost."


The younger girl sat up on the couch and dug the rope and ball gag from her pockets.


"Please don't tie me up in this. I don't want to be tied up wearing this."


Rachel begged her young captor to spare her the torment of being held captive in such a vulnerable state.

"This is part of it, my love." replied Maggie, determined to have Rachel tied in her new under garments.


"You've already been tied up in them at the store." said Maggie. "And now we're home. I'd think you'd much rather have it happen here than there."


"I'd rather it happen nowhere." retorted Rachel.

Maggie laughed and beckoned Rachel to turn around and kneel. Rachel got on her knees and instinctively brought her arms behind her, which pleased Maggie tremendously.


"See!" she jeered. "You're learning!"

Maggie crossed Rachel's wrists behind her and tied them. She likewise tied her ankles together. Lastly, she gagged her helpless captive with the red ball gag.


"Come sit against the couch, babe." ordered Maggie.


Maggie grabbed Rachel's arms and wobbled her over to the couch. Rachel wormed her way over as best as she could, and finally Maggie propped her up in the floor with her back against the sofa. The young teenager then took Rachel's phone from her shorts' pockets that were laying in the floor. Maggie laid down on the couch above the older girl being forced to be her girlfriend, and brought her head up close to her ear.


"I need your pass code." said Maggie.


"NMPH!" protested Rachel.

Maggie pinched Rachel's arm.


"MPH!" squealed the older girl in pain.

"I'll pinch you harder next time. What is it?"

Rachel bowed her head. After a moment of silent, she muttered "thrph..."


"Three?" asked Maggie.


"yymph..." confirmed Rachel.

"Okay, what's next."


"3-9-3-1?" asked Maggie.

"yymph..." murmured Rachel.

Maggie opened Rachel's phone and brought the screen down in front of them. She opened the camera and took a selfie of them both, Maggie smiling and Rachel pleading with her eyes.


"There." said Maggie. "Now you have one to keep. When we're not together, you can pull it out and think of me and how I take care of you..."


Maggie browsed through Rachel's phone, completely violating her privacy.


"What's this?" Maggie said inquisitively. "You have like 5 dating apps on this thing. That won't do."

Rachel watched in horror as Maggie opened each dating app and proceeded to delete all of her profiles. The young girl teased Rachel by sarcastically reading the prompts.

"Are you sure you want to delete?" Maggie read aloud. "This process cannot be undone...uh YES PLEASE!.....and delete."

"MPPH!!!" screamed Rachel as Maggie deleted profile after profile.

When she opened the last one, she noticed a new message from a cute boy.

"Oh, he's cute!" said Maggie.

The boy in question was a 24 year old graduate student, about to complete his engineering degree. Maggie scrolled through their conversation.

"You've been talking to him a lot." Maggie noted. "Oh, and look! He wants to take you out on a date! Isn't that adorable!" Rachel looked up at Maggie and begged her with her big brown eyes.

"Plllphm...nmph..." she tried saying.

"Do you have his phone number?" Maggie asked.

"...nmph." Rachel replied honestly.

If she had his number, she wouldn't be messaging him still on the dating app.

"Good." replied Maggie. "...and DELETE!"

"NNNMMPPHHH!!!" squealed Rachel in terror.

She cried at having likely lost her crush forever.

"Don't cry, babe!" said Maggie. "You should be happy. I'm getting rid of everything that could come between us. You don't need them, you have me."

Rachel sniffled as she held back tears.

"You belong to me now, and I'm not going to share you with those boys. I'm going to keep you all for myself." Maggie stroked Rachel's hair.

"Those boys don't deserve you. No one out there deserves a pretty girl like you. I'm going to keep you safe from them. If I even think you're talking and flirting with someone behind my back, I'll share all those pics. I promise you, I'll do it. You're going to be my faithful girlfriend, loyal to me. And in return, I promise to take care of you and protect you. I'll be a really good girlfriend to you if you just allow me to."

Rachel cried as Maggie continued stroking her hair.

"This is my promise to you." whispered Maggie in Rachel's ear. "I'll keep you safe, and I'll treat you right. You won't ever feel neglected with me."

Rachel sulked while Maggie toyed with and teased her. She hated this. She hated being tied up. She hated being forced to wear a thong for Maggie's amusement. She hated this rubber ball in her mouth that kept her from talking. And most of all, she hated how Maggie was ruining her life through her threats. Maggie finished cleansing Rachel's phone of dating apps or anything she thought might threaten her new relationship with Rachel.

"There," she said in triumph. "I think that should do it."

Maggie tossed Rachel's phone aside and continued petting her. Rachel turned her head to face Maggie. Their eyes met, while Maggie smiled at her helpless girl.

"So sweet..." she whispered.

Maggie leaned in and kissed Rachel's nose.


"mmph..." moaned Rachel as she turned away again in disgust.


She stared into the interior of the living room. She pulled at her wrists but the rope held them together.

"No, no..." said Maggie reassuringly. "No fighting it...just accept it."

Maggie began running her hand down Rachel's chest and arms. Rachel leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She imagined herself in some far away place, away from this crazed teenager who was obsessed with her. But no matter how hard she tried to pretend she wasn't there, she couldn't ignore the wandering hand that kept exploring her exposed body.


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