Sleeping Beauty (Part 1 of 3)

Story by by DestroXXIV -

Sleeping Beauty Ch. 1

She jumbled her keys as she pulled them out of her purse. It was freezing outside, and she wanted to get inside as quickly as possible. She swore that her fingers might fall off at any moment.

"I hate cold weather...I know here is a great idea!"
"You should just move to the beach, Rylie! It probably never gets cold on the beach!" The young girl muttered as she chastised herself out loud.

Of course, she would find out that winters on the beach can get very cold, especially if said beach is in the state of New Jersey. This particular night it was below freezing, and she could see her breath so clearly that you would think she just inhaled a chimney. Texas girls hated cold weather, and they are not used to dealing with it. It's one of the perks of living in the Southernmost American state, with very few cities located next to large bodies of water.

She finally located her keys and inserted them in the lock. After she turned the key, she rotated the knob and pushed the door and. Nothing, the door didn't budge one bit.

"Oh, you have got to be freaking kidding me!"
"The stupid door is jammed again! For the love of..."Rylie yelled out loud with her hands raised to the sky.

She ran her hands above the top of her head before taking a couple of deep breaths. The door jammed from time to time. For anybody with a decent build and a little bit of muscle, it might have taken only a small amount of effort to push the door open. She possessed more of the slight model build, so this was never an easy task. So, she was going to have to give it her all.

She turned the knob and jumped into the door shoulder first. The door still didn't give, as she figured it wouldn't. If she didn't get in fast, she was sure her eyelashes would freeze! She jumped into the door again and again. Finally, after her fourth attempt, the door flew open. She nearly tumbled to the floor as the door opened up, but luckily she held onto the knob tightly.

Rylie kicked and cursed at the door before she slammed it shut and angrily turned the lock. She turned around and threw her belongings on the couch, along with her skinny and inefficient sweater. She rested her elbows on her kitchen counter before resting her head in the palm of her hands. She couldn't figure out if she wanted to cry, scream, or just break something. In the end, she decided to do none of the above. Instead, she took another deep breath before she raised her head and walked to her bedroom. She approached the full-length mirror affixed to the wide-open door of her closet.

She tied her long raven hair into two braids for her shift at work today. She stood slightly to the side as she held the bottom of her braids in her fingertips; while she looked at her reflection in the mirror with her stunning blue eyes. Her soft white skin accentuated the intense blue hues of her eyes. She always wanted to be a model, and her body was built. She was the perfect height, with firm tits and curvy hips. She possessed an amazingly plump, perfectly shaped rear end. If you laid her down on a bed, you could probably set a cup of water on that ass without worrying about spilling a drop.

She brought her hands down underneath her white tank top and rubbed them across her perfectly flat stomach. Then, she slightly pulled up the bottom of her orange shorts and ran her hands down the upper half of her long, lovely legs. They were the type of legs that seemed endless and illicit endless drooling, especially when if they were sporting a set of stiletto heels. They were not any less attractive in the white sneakers and white ankle socks that adorned her pretty feet.

Her beauty was enough to spark the lust in any man who laid eyes upon her. It's what the Greeks must have felt like when they set their gaze upon Helen of Troy. Rylie had that sort of face. One that could set sail to a thousand ships, and some ground troops, along with a fair amount of air support to boot!

There was no doubt about it; she looked like a model...No; she looked like a supermodel. Ever since she could remember, that was all that she ever wanted. Nothing could change that. Not all of the academic awards, not the fact that she was her high school's valedictorian, not even the full ride to Harvard University!

She told her parents that she would forego College and move to LA to pursue her modeling and acting career. They didn't understand, of course. They all told her she was crazy, and no one believed in her. Not her parents, not her family, not even any of her friends. Not that she had many friends. People were always jealous of the cheerleader with the gorgeous looks and razor-sharp brain from a well off family. She only had one real friend named Julie, and she passed away a few months ago in a car accident.

"How can you turn down a free ride to Harvard to try and get into modeling? Don't you know how reckless that is? Rylie, please. Think about your future!" They all pleaded.

Rylie Garrett didn't care about their opinions, and she told them that much. Of course, this didn't sit well with her parents or anyone else who knew her. So she told them to all go to hell, and she did so right to their faces. If Julie's death taught her anything, it was that life was too short to not follow through on your dreams.

So, Rylie packed her bags, drained her savings account, and decided to pursue her dreams. She paid cash for a hotel for a few nights, and it was there that she decided to alter her plans slightly. While researching the hotel's public computer, all the data pointed to New York as her best option. So, she decided to move to The Big Apple. She never told her parent's acquaintances about her change of plans. Why even bother? They would never understand.

What her research failed to mention, however, is the cost of living in New York City. Not to mention the difficulty in finding a job to pay the bills, much less a career as a model/actress. So she found a dirt-cheap place on the outskirts of Jersey. She thought it would be nice to get a spot on the beach, but the house she lived in was anything but pleasant.

It was an old, slightly decrepit abode located on the edge of the beach. Residents vacated most of the other houses on the beach long ago, and there were very few neighbors anywhere in sight. Rylie initially thought that the lack of neighbors would be a nice change of pace, but she admitted it got a little lonely at night. Not to mention that spending your nights in an old house surrounded by very few people could get a bit spooky from time to time.

The heater worked, albeit barely, but the locks on the windows didn't work at all. Rylie called the landlord several times, but the old Asian lady never responded. Rylie always heard the term "slum lord," but she never knew what it met until she started living here. Still, it was all she could afford with her minuscule savings, and it was close enough that she could catch a bus to her new place of employment.

That place of employment was yet another headache in a long list of headaches. After all of Rylie's fiery speeches to her parents about becoming a legitimate model and award-winning actress, Rylie found herself working as a waitress at Hooters.

She thought she would be posing for photos on the covers of magazines. Instead, she was posing with perverts for birthday pics and holding her tongue as they grabbed a handful of ass right when the flash went off. As if dealing with all of the pinchings, molesting, and ass-grabbing from the customers wasn't enough, her boss was even worse.

His name was Joseph, and he was a 6'3 225 lb burly half Irish, half Italian brute. He seemed nice enough when Rylie first started working at Hooters. She needed a job to pay the bills, and Hooters was the only place she could earn enough money to survive in this expensive area. Rylie was more accustomed to the cheap cost of living in Texas, and the prices in New York and New Jersey were an unexpected shock to her.

Joseph hired her on the spot and was a perfect gentleman during her first shift. He even consented to her desire to go by an alias at work without even blinking.

"We have a lot of girls who go by aliases here," Joseph said.
"Most of them just don't want their parents to find out about them working at Hooters. I keep telling them that Hooters is a nice family chain, but none of em' seem to think that way! I am the only one who knows all their real names. Most girls here go by their aliases even when they are around the other girls."

"So, what do you want me to call you, anyway?" Joseph asked the black-haired beauty.

"How about, Sandra...Sandy, for short!" Rylie said.
It was the only name she could think of at the moment, and it seemed fitting when she imagined the beach shore next to her house.

Her first shift went horribly. They had her run food to get her acquainted with the tables' numerical labeling. Rylie had never worked before, much less waited tables. Balancing heavy trays of food wasn't exactly a subject taught in high school. Her second shift didn't go any better, as she bungled and mixed up countless orders. She was sure that she had managed to make an enemy of every waitress in the restaurant in a matter of hours.

She wasn't wrong, either. The girls didn't take too kindly to new drop-dead bombshells that walked in the door, especially not ones who were the hottest girl in the building as soon as they walked in. Yet, that was what happened the moment Rylie got hired. The fact that she was terrible at her job only made matters worse. Once again, Rylie found herself in an all too familiar situation. She was the pretty girl who everyone was jealous of and with no friends.

Joseph seemed to sense her anguish and offered to buy her a drink at the local pub next door to cheer her up. At least, that's what Rylie thought at the time.

While they were there, Rylie made the biggest mistake of her life. She spilled her guts to Joseph and told him everything. She told him about how she was from a very influential, very Baptist, Texas political family. She spilled the beans about her using an alias because if people back home found out that she worked at Hooters, it would cause a scandal for her family. She was worried that such exposure would lead to her family trying every trick in the book to get her to move back to Texas. That would crush her dream of becoming a model, and that would be the worst outcome of them all.

Little did she know at the time, but confiding in Joseph would be one of the biggest mistakes of her life. The next day, Joseph called her in his office and told her he planned on blackmailing her.

"You are going to be my own personal assistant/toy, and you will do whatever I tell you," Joseph said
"If you don't, mommy and daddy are going to receive a copy of your file in the mail. Maybe I will send it to every news outlet in that podunk home town of yours!"
"Every local news station from channel 4-12 will be talking about Senator Elizabeth and Mayor Mike Garrett's little girl's life gone wrong!"
"I wonder how that will affect the polls? I mean, it is the election time, right?"

Rylie put her hands up to her mouth. She was petrified. What did she do! She trusted the wrong man, and now she was going to pay dearly for that mistake. She may have cut off ties with her parents, but she still loved them. She would hate herself if she destroyed their political careers. Her brain scrambled as it raced to find a way out of her predicament. However, she failed to find a solution. It seemed he had her in a corner. She merely looked at him and solemnly nodded her head up and down to let him know that she understood.

"Good then! We have an agreement!" Joseph said.
"Let's shake on it, like civilized people."

Joseph slowly walked over with his hand extended as if he wanted to exchange a firm handshake. Instead, at the last moment, he took the palm of his hand and slapped it over her mouth.

"MMMPHHH!!!" She exclaimed as Joseph took his other hand and kneaded and messaging her breasts. He then ran his hand down to her female sex and stroked it a few times before running his hand underneath her tank top and bra and groped her naked breasts.

"Don't worry; I am not going to fuck you just yet!"
"I am going to get to know and taste every inch of your body first, and then, when I have pawed ova' every inch of this magnificent body...Then I am going to fuck you. I am going to Fuck you real good, toots!"

He then removed his hand from his mouth and used the opportunity to force a kiss upon her, sliding his disgusting tongue down her throat with little regard for thoughts on the matter.

"MMBLLL!!!" Rylie choked while trying to hold back the urge to vomit on the spot.

That was four months ago. In the meantime, Joseph took full control of her life at work. He repeatedly pulled her from the floor to satisfy his animalistic urges and making sure he fully controlled her income. The last thing he wanted was for her to achieve financial freedom from him. He also spread unsubstantiated rumors about her to the other girls at work. He thus ensured that she was completely isolated from her fellow colleges.

Every day was a new sort of hell. Joseph pulled her in the office away from prying eyes. He forced his lips upon her for several minutes, followed by intense groping and fondling sessions. Finally, Joseph ended each session with some role play. He would have her try on various outfits. Sometimes it was a slutty schoolgirl. Other times it was a slutty cheerleader, and of course (his personal favorite) the slutty Wonder Curia. When it was all said and done, he commanded her to perform fellatio to cap off the day.

"You are not the best at giving head, are bitch?"
"That's OK, though, and we will get you there."

Yesterday was the worst day of her life. Rylie showed up early for work and went straight into Joseph's office like every other day. Joseph made sure that both of their work shifts took place at the same time.

"Rylie, I want you to come here and help me type something," Joseph said in an ominous tone.
There was something about his tone that sent shivers down her spine. He was always creepy, but today he was giving off worse vibes than ever.

"We are out of chairs, but you can sit right here!" Joseph said while pointing to his lap.

Rylie did as commanded and sat down on her manager's fiendish lap. She braced herself for whatever it was that was to come next.

"Now, I want you to put this on!" Joseph said while pulling an object out of his pocket.

Rylie's eyes went wide at the scene in front of her. The object in Joseph's hand was a big white ballgag.

"He can't be serious!" She thought to herself.

"Well, I am waiting!" Joseph said while waving the ball gag back and forth in front of her face.

Rylie reluctantly grabbed the ball gag and inserted it in her mouth. She clumsily fastened the buckle behind her head. The ball gag was enormous, and it hurt like hell. The gag pried her mouth open so wide, Rylie feared that her jaw might break at any moment.

"Now..."Joseph said in a hushed tone.
"Start giving me a lap dance."

"MMMPHH??" Rylie grunted inquisitively before looking at the drop-dead serious look on Joseph's face.

Rylie did as she was told and started grinding her ass on Joseph's manhood. She rubbed against his pelvis in a slow circular motion before taking a few moments each turn to rub back and forth.

"Put your arms behind your head," Joseph commanded.

Rylie once again did as instructed. She put her hands behind her head like a suspect who was apprehended by the police. Meanwhile, she kept massaging Joseph's loins with her ass.

As she put her hands up, Joseph massaged her titanic tits.


He slowly worked his hands down her sides before using his two fingers to stroke her female sex for several seconds.

"NNNGHHH!!!" She cried out.

He would then put his attention back towards her breasts for several more moments. Then he gave her another order.

"Now, strip! And do it real sexy like," He said matter of factly.
"I hope for your sake you wore that thing that I told you to wear today."

She stood up and took off her top while shaking her ass for him. Once she pulled off her top, she bent over and slowly pulled down her shorts while shaking her ass again. He smiled when he saw the tiny black thong reveal itself as her shorts slowly lowered. As far as Rylie was concerned, the fact that she wasn't facing him allowed her to hide the humiliation on her face.

SMACK! Joseph took advantage of Rye's bent over position to give her ass a good hard spank.

"OHHHHWHH!!!" Rylie screamed as she winced in pain.

He demanded she climb back on his lap while she faced him. Her folded legs laid on top of the seat of the chair frog style. He placed her arms back against the chair's front arms and arched her back so that her head was facing the ceiling and her tits were sticking out. In the meantime, she kept grinding up against his lap. He took his right hand and slowly moved it up her flat stomach and up to her breasts for another squeeze before taking a moment to pinch her nipples.

"OHHHWWW!!!" Rylie yelped in pain.

"Now, Rylie, I want you to look to the left to the TV, but don't you dare stop dancing...Or Else." Joseph said.

"NNNNGHHHHHH!!!!" Rylie screamed out loud while shaking her head back and forth.
Staring at Riley was a live feed of her giving Joseph a lap dance. This bastard planted cameras in his office. The only question is, how long have these been here. If it has been since the very beginning..."

Rylie was terrified, yet the whole time she managed to maintain her pose and her lap dance.

As if he could hear the question rattling around in her brain, Joseph spoke yet again.

"I have captured every humiliating thing you have done for me these past two months on my trusty little camera."
"That means I have enough blackmail, and I officially own you!
"I wonder what your parents would think about this? And you can kiss modeling goodbye."
"You belong to me now and forever, Rylie Garrett!"

"NNNGHHHH!!!! PLGGHHH!!!! DHHHNNNTTT!!! Rylie pleaded with him through her ballgag while maintaining the lap dance.
Joseph then used both his hands to begin groping both of her breasts in earnest.

"You are going to move in with me tonight officially!"
"We will come to your place and grab all your things tomorrow morning."

"NNNGHHH!!!! NNNGHHH!!! Rylie said, shaking her head while looking at the ceiling.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I have been broadcasting all of the videos, including this one to the darknet!" Joseph explained.


"They have been getting tons of hits! I could sell this little video to one of those super freaks on VBAY!"
"Those sick bastards love watching bound and gagged bimbos get worked over."
"You know I used to run with one, right?"
"I was a lackey for the Head Mistress and part of her 'Student Body'!"
"She dismissed me for meeting the monthly kidnapping quota by one freaking bitch! Can you believe that?!?"

"NNNMMMPHHH!!!!" Rylie cried out! Just who the hell was this freak!

"I was the top guy for two years straight, but one bad month and she would do me like that?"
"So I tried to get out and get a real job, but the only place that would hire me was freaking Hooters!"
"But low and behold, destiny would deliver the woman of my dreams right to my lap...Literally!


"Don't worry, Rylie; I know you had your heart set on modeling and acting, but that ain't going to happen now." Joseph teased.
"But, from every loss comes an opportunity."
"You will then be my little bondage fuck toy for the rest of your days, and you will quit this job and start your new one...In porn!"
"And remember if anything happens to me...."

"MMMPHHHHH!!!!! NMMMMPHHHH!!!! Rylie screamed in disbelief!

Later, Joseph bent Rylie over his desk, so the upper part of her body laid on the large desk with her hands extended outward toward the end of the desk. Riley's rear end was sticking out, just as if it begged for him to toy with it. So, Joseph obliged. He caressed the inside of her thighs before rubbing her female box and then pinching her scrumptious derriere a few more times. He followed this up with a few more swats to her backside.

"UMMMPHHH" Rylie moaned.

Joseph then ground his manhood up against her ass and pussy. He turned Rylie's head toward the TV and forced her to watch her entire plight on the screen.

"NMMMMPHHH!!!" She sobbed into the giant ball gag.

"I told you I waited to fuck you. Well, that wait ends tonight."
"But first, I am going to make you earn it."

Soon Rylie found herself in an entirely new position. White ropes tied her ankles and calves to each leg of the chair. Another length of hemp rope tied her thighs to the seat. Ropes encircled her the top and bottom, in between and around her bosom. Her arms were folded and secured behind her back by ropes that tied her wrists and forearms together. More rope pulled her biceps toward each other, causing her chest to stick out. A crotch rope dug into her pussy, but it was what was directly underneath the crotch rope that was the worst of it all. A pair of nipple clamps attached by a chain added to her discomfort. A purple vibrator sat rat underneath her pussy; as it hummed away and drove her to the peak of orgasm.

Not that Joseph was going to give her that satisfaction. He set the vibrator to low. It was just enough to get her horny but not enough to finish her off. Joseph explained that he had made the knots easy enough to reach. He also told her that everyone in the restaurant went home for the night, so no one would be coming to set her free. She was to get loose and then get dressed and walk immediately to where he parked his car a thousand feet away from Hooters. Joseph would be watching on the camera, and there was to be no delay.

"All right, I am about to head out and wait for you, but before I do..."
"It's important that we stick to tradition."

He walked over and pulled the ball away from her mouth, thus turning the ball gag into a highly effective ring gag. He then thrust his male rod into Rylie's velvety mouth and rammed it back and forth. He raped the inside of her mouth with reckless abandon, and she choked and chortled while desperately trying to grasp for air between each thrust.

To rub it in further, Rob pulled out his camera and showed a live closeup of Rylie's face as he violated her orally. When she wasn't squinting while having his penis ram into her oral cavity, she could only look at her visage on the TV in horror.

"ACCKKK!!! AGGH!!!! UNNGHHH!!! MMMBBLLL!!! Rylie's mumbled words intermingled with the sound of the male phallus plunging in and out of her mouth.

Once he finished, Joseph squirted his white-hot seed against the back of her throat. Rylie had no choice but to taste his vile cum as she swallowed. He then fastened the ball back into the gag, giving her no choice but to swallow his sperm.

"That was great, but I can't wait to stick in the real thing tonight."
"I am thinking about also doing anal. What do you say?"

"NNMMMPHHH!" Rylie groaned while shaking her head from side to side.

"Sounds like a plan then..Well, see ya soon!"
"Make sure you turn off the lights and lock the doors on the way out!" Joseph said in a mocking tone.
He then shut the door and left Rylie on her own.

"NNNGHHHH!!!! UMMMPHHHH!!!" She screamed while shaking her body and struggling against the hemp ropes. She could indeed feel the knots, but the vibrator was making it hard for her to concentrate. Additionally, feeling them was one thing. Unknotting them was entirely another.

Rylie wrestled against her bonds for hours while the vibrator rattled against her female flower. She broke into a sweat profusely while she fought against the bonds and her desire to cum. A passion that would not be answered thanks to the low setting on the vibrator. Joseph no doubt wanted Rylie's subconscious to beg for him to finish her off.

She strained and bucked against the course ropes biting into her skin. She moaned and screamed out loud, hoping to attract someone's attention. At this point, the agony of the vibrator temporarily overriding her sense of humility.


Once again, she was positioned directly in front of the TV, forced to watch herself struggle. Furthermore, the camera kept switching positions. That bastard planted more than one camera in this office. One particular camera angle would show a close up of the vibrator humming away at Rylie's vagina, and another showed a close up of her nipple clamps. These camera angles were the most uncomfortable for her to see, and it caused Rylie to squirm around in her bonds with greater ferocity. It was made even worse by the fact that Rylie knew Joseph (and countless other pervs on the darknet) were watching her struggle. She couldn't believe this was happening, and he was trying to turn her into a porn star.

After five long hours, Rylie hadn't been able to make any progress on the ropes that restrained her in that sturdy wooden chair. She could only shake her head and grunt in frustration as the drool began to seep out of her mouth.

"GRRRGGGHH!!!" Rylie growled in frustration as the vibrator continued its assault on her most sacred area and clamps that pinched her nipples!

"GGHHHDDD DHHHHM HHHHTTTT!!!!" She looked up at the ceiling and screamed while in anger while rocking the chair back and forth.

She bowed her head, completely exhausted and exasperated. Her chest was on fire from exerting so much energy while having her breathing restricted by that infernal ball gag. Not to mention the mental toll that the vibrator and the nipple clamps took on her. What kind of batteries does this thing have anyway? It was no use, and she couldn't escape. She fell asleep while still bound and gagged in the chair, and the vibrator still shaking away below her.

Her eyelids felt heavy. After 5 hours of intense struggling, it seems she reached her limit. She fell asleep while still bound and gagged in her chair.

She awoke to the sound of her cell phone alarm blaring. Still somewhat groggy from her cat nap, Rylie reached out and grabbed her phone. That's when she saw the ropes hanging off her arm and realized that someone came in while she slept and cut her loose. She looked at her alarm and realized that some set it only a mere fifteen minutes ago. A look at the note lying in front of her on the desk cleared up her confusion. She could recognize that handwriting anywhere.

"I got tired of waiting, so I cut you loose a few minutes ago. Get dressed and get out to my car, we have some fucking to do. Love, Joseph."

She took the message and shredded it. The last thing she wanted was proof of this night to get out to anyone.

Drenched in sweat and her chest was covered in drool, she quickly got dressed and walked toward her destination. She stared at the ground while lost in thought. How could her life go so wrong?

Suddenly, she noticed flashing red and blue lights in front of her and what appeared to be Joseph's car in front of her. She could see him in front of her. Lying on the ground, dead!

She ran over to the side of the building and puked.

"Ma'am! Do you know this man?" an officer came over and asked her.

"Yes, yes I do!" She answered.

The cops pulled her aside and eventually took her in for questioning. She explained that she was a co-worker of Joseph's and that she had been working late. She was on her way home when she saw the crime scene. Fortunately for her, she lived in the direction she was walking, so her story checked out.

She did gleam one crucial thing from the conversation with the police, and they found nothing in his car. Which means they found no camera. That also means that they didn't see her file.

That was early this morning. Rylie didn't make it home from the station till this evening when the police finally cleared her as a witness.

Rylie finished staring at herself in the mirror. Joseph's final words echoed in her mind and haunted her.
"If anything happens to me, sweety, don't be surprised if the contents of those recordings wind up in the hands of your parents."
Rylie had no idea if that was a false threat or not, but she had an empty feeling in her stomach just thinking about it.

She brushed those thoughts out of her mind and peeled off her uniform. Rylie undid her braids and let her silky dark hair fall to its natural shape. Rylie put on a tight white graphic tank top and a pair of black women's underwear. Finally, she pulled on some pink socks that came up just below her knees. They would help keep her warm since she couldn't rely on her piece of garbage heater.

She crawled in her bed and decided to put the events of the past few weeks behind her. It was hell, and she had no idea what would become of her after today. Still, she drifted asleep. As she did so, she found comfort that at least Joseph never fucked her, and he also never made her his bondage slave.

Exhausted from the events of the past day, Rylie swiftly fell into a deep slumber. A slumber so deep that she never hears the window to her living room as it screeches open, and she never hears the footsteps of the man who opened the window as he enters the house.


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