by Aletessa -- check out her brand new blog at

Natalie lay face down on the bed, limbs sprawled out wide, bedclothes and nightclothes both cast aside in the warm Tuscan night; the only thing between her skin and the air were her socks, almost the exact shade of red as the villa's tiled roof.  She slept deeply, insensibly, worn out from the day.


Florence was amazing, everything Natalie had hoped for when she planned her trip.  And the accommodation she'd found... she wasn't even in a hotel; the family who'd owned it had liked her so much, they'd invited her to stay in an apartment on the top floor of their own villa by the sea.


The moonlight pooled over Natalie's body, faintly illuminating the particles of dust that drifted above her.  As she slept on, the particles gradually drifted together, almost suggesting the outline of a man.  A few particles spiralled downward, as if the illusory man's arm were reaching down.  Natalie rolled over onto her back; had he moved her, or had she rolled over, feeling a breeze against her arm?


They hadn't made Natalie sign anything to cover the change in arrangement, and as the taxi brought her to the villa, she reflected that it was possible there was no paper trail at all to where she was now.  And in truth, she was rather excited at the idea of being alone in a strange country where no one who knew her would be able to find her; anything could happen to her...


Natalie woke abruptly, feeling something on top of her.  Her eyes registered nothing but dust drifting in the air, but Natalie had the sense of a man pinning her to the bed.  She tried to struggle, but her arms and hips were pinned down by nothing she could see, and her legs thrashed helplessly.


Lucia laughed lightly when Natalie voiced the thought.  "That is the beauty of a journey like this one.  To take yourself out of the world, into mystery, possibility, and perhaps even a little danger.  My own days of danger are behind me, but at least I can offer it to younger beauties like you."


Natalie tried to scream, but a choking pressure invaded her mouth, making her cough; both scream and cough were silenced, swallowed by the cloud above her.  It was a man, his hands clamped over her wrists, his mouth over hers, his hips over... please, no...


The pair had reached the villa's kitchen door, and as Lucia led the way inside, Natalie turned once more to look at the bushes and trees nearly glowing in the summer sunlight.  It wasn't easy to imagine danger in a place like this.


The man thrust his cock into Natalie, driving the breath out of her, to be swallowed by his mouth.  Again and again he pumped her, every movement pressing her deeper into the bed, the force of it emptying her lungs a little more.  Natalie fought to take a breath, but his mouth was unyielding, sealing her in a deadly kiss.  And still he thrust into her; it seemed that with every penetration, every morsel of stolen air, he grew more solid and defined.


The family treated Natalie to a meal that she was quite sure would forever leave her pointing and laughing at any establishment back home that billed itself as an Italian restaurant.


He was feeding on her, somehow, Natalie knew:  sucking out her life along with her air; she felt her body growing cold, bruising under his growing solidity.  The last thing she saw before he turned finally opaque and filled her view was the red smudges of her socks marking where her legs still kicked feebly.  Her mind began to blur, whirling through the events of the day.


The day was drawing to a close, and Natalie bid her hosts goodnight and headed upstairs to the apartment.  As she soaked in the bath, she wondered at the luck that had brought her to such a gorgeous place rather than a regular hotel room.


They'd lured her here, Natalie realised.  Given her to this ghost or whatever it was.  A sudden jolt of fury made her renew her struggles, but it was too late, and her body was too weak.  The man, flesh now, came inside her, driving one last breath from her, which he drank down. Natalie's last thought was registering the warmth of him against her skin, and then her mind went out.


After her bath, Natalie stripped down.  The night was scarecely any less warm than the day, and she was exhausted.  Still in her socks, she climbed onto the bed, more than ready to enjoy her first night's sleep in the apartment.  


Lucia opened the apartment door, and saw her husband on the bed; it had worked, he had returned to her!  In her joy, she almost ran to him. He shoved Natalie's cooling body off of the bed to make room for her; Lucia joined him there, and they embraced and kissed like young lovers together for the first time.


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