Artwork and A Story Today!

Crimson Cat in The Wild, Wild Wager - Part 13

by SatinSilverweb --

The Missaprehension of Vicky

by Aletssa --

Vicky paused after leaving the club, savouring the chill of the night air on her skin.  She set off across the square; not the quickest way home, but the most scenic.  She found her steps still keeping time with the beat of the last song she'd danced to... the memory distracting her in the crucial seconds.

The guy seemed to come out of nowhere, grabbing her in the same moment she saw him; his hand was over her mouth before she could scream.  She looked helplessly back at the club as he hauled her into the back of a van, but no one seemed to have noticed her plight; how could no one notice?  But then she was in the van, trapped with the man who'd taken her.  But it wasn't a man, it was men, two of them; they pushed her quickly to the floor, binding her hand and foot, and gagging her with a length of tape.  Heart pounding, she tried to roll away from them... too conscious of her dress hiking up her thigh as she bumped into the van wall.

Eddy had lost the toss; he made his way to the driver's seat, leaving Rob to show their captive what they had in store for her.  He crouched down beside her, and-

The realisation crashed onto him like falling bricks.  "Eddy, wait!" he called.  "It's not her!"

"The hell?"

"It's the wrong girl."

Eddy came back into the body of the van; wide-eyed, the bound girl looked back and forth between them.  "You grabbed the wrong girl?" Eddy repeated.

Rob didn't bother replying; he turned his attention back to the girl.

"I'm going to untie you, then step back from you," said the guy crouching over Vicky.  "We've really messed up, but we're not going to hurt you.  But please let us explain before you start screaming."  True to his word, he untied Vicky's wrists and ankles, then backed off.

She pulled the tape off of her mouth.  "What's going on?" she asked.

"We were hired..." he began.

The other guy picked up the thread; "A girl hired us to kidnap her, and... erm, have our way with her."

"She hired you?" Vicky pressed.

"Yes.  She did.  But you look like her, and you're in the right place, wearing blue.  Blue was her signal that it was ok to grab her."

"How can I believe all that?"

"Would we untie you and let you go if we weren't telling the truth?"

He definitely had a point there; and looking at their faces, Vicky thought she did believe them.  Which meant...

"What if you don't let me go?" the girl said.

"Erm, what?"  Much of the conversation thus far had consisted of things Eddy wished he'd misheard, but this was more simply unexpected.

"You guys really need to make this up to me.  So if you're hired for this kind of thing, give me a freebie as an innocent bystander caught up in the kidnapping."

Eddy looked the girl up and down; she looked like she was serious.  And she was definitely cute.  He looked at Rob.  "I think we can work with that."

With that he pounced, holding the girl down while Rob tied her back up and gagged her again.

The guys left Vicky alone once they'd restrained her, returning to look out for their real client.  She struggled against her bonds, relishing the helpless feeling.  Was she being crazy?  They could just be a couple of psychos who'd spun her a line; but her instincts trusted them, and each time her mind came back with its doubts, the conflict just sent another tingle through her.

Rob saw another redhead crossing the square; she was dressed in a blue top and jeans, she had to be Adele this time, right?  But he still looked at Eddy for confirmation.

Eddy nodded and headed for the van door.

"I still won the toss," Rob protested.

"And grabbed the wrong girl," Eddy said.  "Now it's my turn."

"Fine."  Rob looked at their existing captive.  He still felt queasy from the mistake, and wondered if the news that they'd tossed a coin over abducting her would change her mind about playing along... but it didn't look like it.  They'd been lucky, and now they'd been lucky, he could certainly see the fun to be had.

Eddy slipped out of the van, ready to intercept their actual client.  Adele was walking with an air of nonchalance, and didn't react as Rob pulled the van up a little ahead of her.  Eddy waited for his moment then lunged out out of hiding, pinning one of her arms with his own as he wrapped it round her body, and covering her mouth with his free hand.  He dragged her struggling form into the van; Rob captured her loose arm and and they forced her down, binding and gagging her.  Eddy went forward to the driver's seat and started the engine up again; it was definitely time to get out of here.

Adele's eyes went wide as she registered the other girl in the van with her.  For a few seconds her blood froze as the thought ran through her mind, that maybe Rob and Eddy had turned the game into an abduction for real.  But the look in the girl's eyes was one of excitement rather than fear; and she had on a glittery blue dress, and looked a lot like Adele herself.  Adele almost laughed as she realised what must have happened.

Rob pulled the two girls to the van wall and sat them side by side; he crouched in front of them and took each of their jaws, turning their faces toward him.  "Now you're going to get what's coming to you," he said to Adele, his tone a good impression of a kidnapper's snarl; "You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time," he added to the other girl, "but we're not going to waste the chance of some fun with you."

He let go of Adele's jaw, and undid her jeans, slipping them slowly down her hips, exposing her; she raised herself a little, cooperating with the movement while voicing frantic, muffled protests through her gag.  Rob planted one hand over her breast, the other over her exposed crotch.  He alternated between rough squeezes in keeping with his role and gentler fondling, letting the contrast build her.  Adele wriggled beneath his hands, trying to both get away from him and open herself up to him; his touch on her captive body sent jolts of arousal through her as she struggled.

With one of the guys driving and the other molesting the new girl, Vicky was left to her own devices for the moment; she struggled against her bonds, the same movements also letting her grind her thighs together, mixing her sense of helplessness with a little stimulation of her labia and clit.  At the same time, squirming her arms flexed her chest in and out, rubbing her hardened nipples against the inside of her bra.

But after a little while, he transferred his attention to her, planting his hands over her breasts and rolling them back and forth in his grip, while pressing his thumbs over her nipples.  Vicky squeezed her thighs, wishing he'd reach between them like had the other girl's, but he seemed reluctant to go that far yet.  Still giving her a chance to change her mind, she guessed, though she'd have no way of telling him that through her gag; that last thought sent another pleasurable pulse through her.

Rob alternated between the two captives, playing with their bound bodies, building and arousing them; he could feel his own trapped erection as he worked, they were such a hot pair... and looked almost like they could be sisters.

The van stopped, and Rob looked round out of the windscreen; they'd arrived at the rented cottage.  He opened up the back door, then picked Adele up in his arms, carrying her out into the early-morning air; behind him Eddy picked up the other girl and followed.  They carried their prizes into the cottage and up the stairs to the main bedroom; they'd cleared most of the contents and furniture out earlier, to make it look more like a cell.  The bed was fortunately a double with a barred frame, so tying both girls to it wouldn't be a problem; he put Adele down on one side of it.

Eddy set his own burden down across the bed from Rob, and began to untie her while Rob did the same to Adele.  He didn't remove the gag before he pulled her back to her feet.  "Strip or we strip you!" he ordered in his best impression of a thug making a threat.

He was relieved when she began to remove her dress; Eddy wasn't sure he and Rob could have forcibly gotten it off of her without damaging it.

Adele on the other hand shook her head, backing away from Rob.  But she was wearing a much more durable T-shirt and jeans.  Eddy rounded the bed, and he and Rob closed on her; she tried to dodge round Rob, but Eddy caught her by the arms, lifting her off the ground as Rob grabbed her legs.  Rob pulled off her shoes and slid her jeans the rest of the way down, before taking hold of her round the waist; then Eddy removed her top and bra, before they both shoved her onto the bed.  They tied her wrists to the frame above her head, then pulled her legs apart and bound them in place too.

Adele struggled and protested as they undressed and restrained her; might as well make them work for it, and get her money's worth. Her efforts still ended with her tied to the bed.  Across from her, the other girl stayed still; maybe playing frozen with fear?  Or she just didn't want to interrupt by running.  Rob and Eddy pushed her onto the bed next to Adele and bound her in the same position; only then did they pull the girls' gags off.

"What do you want with us?" she asked, wincing a little at the corny line.

"We don't want anything with you," Rob answered; "we just want you."

Eddy approached her, placing his hand on her now-naked mound, dipping a finger between her labia and rubbing his thumb over her bud; she tried to squeeze herself around him, but her bondage kept her thighs apart... the feeling of the ropes mixed with his touch sent more pulses of desire through her.  He rolled her nipple between the fingers of his other hand, before undoing his trousers and letting his erection show.

"Please," she whispered, unsure if she was begging him to get on with it, or playing at begging him to stop... or maybe both.

Eddy pushed another finger into her, pressing her clit and nipple again, making her gasp.

Vicky pulled at her bonds as one of her captors, the one who'd been at her in the van, ran his hand slowly up her thigh, finally reaching her mound.  He cupped it, and she shivered as he squeezed her; her nipples were hard and she was sure he'd be able to feel she was wet.

"You get all up in our business, this is what you get," he said.  He clambered on top of her, kneeling between her legs and freeing his cock. Beside them, the other guy was doing the same to the other girl.  The two men slid into their captives at the same moment; their rhythms drifted apart as they thrust in and out of the two helpless girls.  Vicky closed her eyes, shutting out the couple next to her, losing herself in the sensation of her kidnapper filling her; she started to moan in time with his grunting... she kept struggling, letting her bondage keep building her.

Rob pumped back and forth, revelling in the feeling of the girl's passage clenching around him; it occurred to him that they'd never told each other their names, though in a way they were already experiencing a more powerful introduction than that.  Holding himself up with one hand, he used the other to play with her breasts, kneading and squeezing, and tweaking her nipples.

Eddy thrust hard into Adele's captive pussy, picturing her as victim rather than lover, imagining her soft squeals as sobs of violation instead of pleasure.  The fantasy built him up quickly, and he slowed slightly to give her time to catch up to his arousal.  But it didn't take long, she was deep within the same illusion; he saw and heard and felt her orgasm just as he reached his own point of no return, and his climax plunged down through his body.

Adele tipped over her threshold, squealing once more as pleasure flooded through her body; she strained at her bonds again, wanting to mix the sensations.

Rob bit his lip as he felt himself on his edge, then past his edge, spasming as he came into the body of his prisoner.

Vicky arched her back as her orgasm took her, letting out a long ragged breath, and another moan as she felt her captor's own a moment later.

For a few minutes, all four of them basked in their mutual afterglow.  Then the two guys slowly untied the two girls, and helped them sit up and massage the feeling back into their limbs.  No one spoke as the girls got dressed again.  Then:

"I'm Vicky.  Hi."

"Rob; this is Eddy, and Adele."

"Are you here because these two dimwits thought you were me?" Adele asked.

"That's right.  Dimwits," Vicky answered.

"Less of that," Eddy said.  "Remember, we've got this place rented for another two days, and I doubt you want to spend all of it gagged."

"Maybe not all," Vicky and Adele said together. 


  1. Like this one has heard many times, its better to be lucky than good! In this case its better to be lucky and good! And this one is sure they both are very, very good and the guys way too lucky!

  2. Like this one has heard many times, its better to be lucky than good! In this case its better to be lucky and good! And this one is sure they both are very, very good and the guys way too lucky!


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