--- Originally published Feb 2017 ---  This was a story for a contest sponsored by DestroXXIV - https://www.deviantart.com/destroxxiv -- which was removed by the dA Admins.    Quiver is an OC of Destro's

It was a closed trial, mostly so the public didn’t get to know what was happening within it, and so the defendants teammates couldn’t be involved in the outcome. It had taken a lot of work, false evidence, paid off cops, intimidated witnesses, specially selected jury and corrupt judges, but finally it had all paid off.

She blinked back a tear, she promised herself she wouldn’t cry, but knowing what was about to happen she was finding it very hard. She stood in the dock, her arms chained, having heard the miscarriage of  justice. The foreman, the brother of a criminal she’d help catch, read the unanimous verdict, “Guilty,” all that was left now was the sentencing. The judge rose to address her.

“Quiver,” The judge pronounced, “it is the will of this court that you be taken from this place and held for five years in Whitgate Maximum Security Prison, with no chance of parole. Hopefully this institute can return you as the being we all want to see.”

With a little laugh he indicated for the guards to show her out. They did so, shoving her whenever possible, loading her into a waiting van. She was shut in the back of it, arms and legs chained to the side of it so she couldn’t move, and the doors closed leaving her in total darkness. She had no idea how long she’d been left there, she knew some of the time there was driving, but mostly it wasn’t, it felt like hours. It might have been longer. She was cold, hungry, tired and scared. 

Finally the door burst open and she was blinded by the bright lights. She saw two men, big and burly, they seemed to be wearing grey prison uniforms. She figured these must be the guards. They unchained her and dragged her out. She was never given the chance to get to her feet. She was forced to crawl along behind the guards, passing rooms full of inmates that were jeering as they saw her. Quiver went bright red beneath her mask. Finally she reached processing. She hoped things would be easier now she was there but before she’d even got up she was ordered to strip. Quiver hesitated.

“You can’t wear that costume in the prison,” the guard behind the processing counter told her, “you need to be put in your prison gear, that means you have to strip.”

“Can’t I do it in a private room?” Quiver asked hopefully, “I’d rather not have everyone watching me.”

Everyone in this case was the guard behind the desk, the two that had dragged her in here, as well as a quartet of others who all had their cameraphones out. They were also by a window that looked out onto the prison yard below, but Quiver was unsure about how many people could see her from down there. The guard at the desk understood her plight. He smiled kindly to her.

“No,” he said plainly, “now get on with it before one of my men helps you strip.”

A couple of men stepped forward to volunteer,  they did not look like they planned to be gentle with her. Quiver sighed sadly, knowing she didn’t want them touching her, as such, unless she planned to fight them all and escape, she knew all she could do was go along with it. 

“You can leave your mask on,” she was assured by the desk guard, that was something at least.

She began her reluctant striptease by sitting on the floor and rolling down her thigh high leather boots, revealing the soft, delicate skin underneath. Finally she popped them off, revealing the perfect petite peds beneath the hot leather. Instinctively the toes wrinkled and curled as they were given fresh air once more. Once she was barefoot, she unzipped the black cape she wore, sliding it off her arms like a jacket, letting it fall to the floor behind her. She then stood up, hoping that that was enough, that she could keep her skirt and bustier on. The looks on the the guards faces told her she could not. 

Another defeated sigh escaped her lips as she slid her skirt down her shapely legs, stepping out of it, revealing the black thong underneath and the perfectly formed peaches that were here butt checks. She then unzipped the bustier round the back and let it fall away, showing the sports bra she wore underneath. She was sure she didn’t need to take anything else off to put on a prison uniform, but she could see she was expected to by the guards.

“I don’t need to strip naked,” Quiver protested, “just give me my prisoner uniform so I can get dressed again.”

“You might be concealing weapons in your underwear,” came the response, “we wouldn’t be doing our job right if we didn’t take everything from you.”

“You are joking right.”

As if to prove they weren’t joking, one of the guards behind her reached out and ripped her bra from her. Quiver screamed out in pain and surprise, but she had to be impressed by his ability, a testament to how often he’d stripped a prisoner in his care. He knew exactly where and how hard to pull to take the bra off in a single motion. Instinctively Quiver’s hands covered her firm, round, perky breasts, but she knew she couldn’t conceal them and take off her thong too. She also knew that if she didn’t take it down, one of the guards would. Sadly she let her hands slip down, letting all those watching see her surprisingly hard nipples, as she grabbed the top of her thong. She looked round for a last second reprieve, but none was coming. She pulled down her thong, revealing her womanhood for the room. 

She was blushing heavily, simply wanting to take her new outfit and put it on. She was surprised when one wasn’t offered. She was even more surprised and disheartened by what she was told when she asked for one.

“Oh it’s only just the start of the processing, you don’t get your outfit until the end.”

She blinked back the tears as she realised she’d have to spend the whole of the processing wearing nothing but her mask. The guard at the desk was filling out the paperwork as the others ogled her. She didn’t know what to do with herself. The guards probably had some ideas, but she thought she’d better not ask. 

Once the paperwork registering her had been done, and Quiver was sure that took longer than it should, by far. The guards moved her on to the next section of the processing process, dragging her into a small room with a shower cubicle. She was relieved that, at least, there wasn’t room for an audience here, just the guards that dragged her in there. They pulled her lithe body under the showerhead and started the water falling. Quiver gasped in desperation as she felt the icy chill of the water. She felt her nipples harden from the cold, which got much jeering from the two guards. One of them then threw her some soap.

“Time to get clean you filthy whore,” he told her.

She began to use the soap, grateful that they weren’t doing it for her, in her weakened state, hungry, cold and frightened, she wasn’t sure she’d have been able to resist at all. Soon the shivering beauty of African descent was out from under the water. She’d expected a towel to get her dry but nothing was offered. She muttered that she hoped the puddles would rot the floor as she was taken through a corridor, giving plenty of people the chance to see her in her drip-dry glory. Finally she was led to the laundry room where she was given a pair of pants and a shirt, both of which were two sizes too small. She was going to complain, but she was just grateful to have something to cover up with. She raced to put them on, letting her still wet body cling to the tight fabric. She felt better now she was clothed, but still not much was left to the imagination. 

She then allowed them to cuff her again and lead her out into the main room of the prison. So many of her fellow prisoners were in the hall below, sat at desks, playing ping pong, lifting weights and a number of other activities. They all came to attention as they saw Quiver above them, ready to go down the steps and join the other prisoners.

“This is the new inmate,” the guard began, “she’s a superhero, she calls herself Quiver, but I think you’ll soon know her better as Felicity Henry.”

To Quiver’s great shock he then reached out and tore her mask from her face, revealing who she was to all those in the prison. She opened her mouth to protest but found another guard had quickly pushed her own thong back into her mouth, silencing her and letting her taste her own womanhood. She was then led down to the waiting crowd below.

She felt hands groping her as she passed, she tried to maintain her dignity as she tried to keep pace with the officer holding her cuffs. It was then that a woman, almost six foot tall and rippling muscles under her prison garb, stepped out in front of the guards. She was staring at Quiver, looking like she might hit her right there. She raised a fist to her but Quiver didn’t even flinch.

“Leave her Walker,” the guard instructed, “we can’t turn a blind eye in a situation like that.”

She continued to stare, it seemed unclear how she’d react to this. Finally she stepped back in line, giving Quiver the signal that she’d be watching her. Quiver ignored her and marched onward. This seemed to annoy the large woman even more, but that didn’t matter to Quiver anymore. She was more concerned with the new location she’d arrived in. It was her cell. The door was open and a woman was lying on one of the beds. 

“Carter, on your feet,” the guard barked.

“Ah, ah, ah,” came a reply, accompanied by a wagging finger, “you didn’t say please, manners cost nothing you know, even in here.”

“You’ve got a new cellmate.”

“Really,” she sat bolt upright in her bed, a big grin on her face.

She had long red hair tied up in pigtails and bright red lipstick, she looked to be in her twenties, but she carried herself with a sense of childlike wonder. Her prison uniform was cut off to make them look like a pair of hotpants and unbuttoned to show lots of cleavage. 

“Hi roomie,” she rushed over and hugged Quiver, “we’re going to be the absolute bestest friends, sharing clothes, talking about boys, the whole nine yards, maybe even ten yards.”

She kissed her forehead to show how happy she was, leaving a lipstick mark there. Quiver looked up at it then back down at this strange woman. She glanced to the guards to see if they were serious about leaving her with this mad woman.

“Don’t say much, do ya? And it’s totally no wonder you silly girl.” She pulled the thong out of Quiver’s mouth. “These aren’t for eating, these are for going under your clothes, I bet that’s why they call them underwear, you know. Oh and sometimes they’re for sniffing.” She sniffed them, “but you seem to have sucked all the goodness out of these, greedy. The next time you bring a cell warming gift, try not to enjoy it all yourself.” 

She sauntered back into the cell and jumped back up to the top bunk she was previously lying on.

“You are kidding, right?”

The guards pushed her inside and closed the cell door before walking away. Quiver brushed herself off as best she could in the cuffs before walking over to her cellmate, hoping to make the best of it.

“Hi,” Quiver offered her hand up to shake, “I’m Quiv… I’m Felicity Henry.”

She grabbed her arm and pulled her up to the top bunk with her, hugging her tightly.

“Hi Fliss,” she giggled, “you don’t mind me calling you Fliss do you? Knew you wouldn’t. I’m Tammy Carter, but folks tend to call me Scatterbrain. Not totally sure why.”

Quiver rolled her eyes, she had a pretty good idea why. 

“So did you come up here to talk or to snuggle?”

“Talk,” she looked aghast at the very idea of snuggling with this strange girl, in every sense of the description, “just talk.”

Scatterbrain looked disappointed. 

“You’re boring, I mean look at you, you’re all covered up. Want me to give you an outfit like mine?”

“I think I’m fine like this for now. I hopefully won’t be here long. I’m not supposed to be here.”

Scatterbrain giggled.

“They all say that on their first day. You and me will be together for a long time to come. I promise.”

Quiver didn’t like that idea. She quickly decided it was best to leave it there and get some sleep. Climbing down she got into her bunk, hoping that she could get some sleep in her new home. She found it surprisingly easy to drift off. 


The next morning a strange noise woke Quiver. She opened her tired eyes, not knowing where she was for a moment. That was why she jumped a little as she saw Scatterbrain’s head hanging down from the top bunk. She had clearly whistled to wake her up. She was grinning happily. She clamped a hand over Quiver’s mouth before she could shout in surprise.

“Morning sleepyhead,” she looked just as lively now as she did the night before, “the guards are on their way to take us for a shower. Looks like you’re ready for it already.”

It was then that Quiver realised she had managed to shake herself out of clothes. She blushed heavily as she pulled it back on. Scatterbrain thought this was hilarious, giggling happily as she released Quiver’s mouth.

Moments later, as Scatterbrain had told her, the guards came to take Quiver and her cellmate to the shower block. Scatterbrain resisted slightly, just enough to get the guard to use a little force. She sighed happily at that and let him take her to a different block to Quiver. Quiver ended up in a small room with four shower units. There was only one other occupant. An older woman with dark black hair, she smiled as she saw Quiver. 

“The Blue Queen does know my type,” the woman said as she licked her lips. 

“Whatever you’re planning; don’t. I’m not having a good day, I just want to have a shower and get back to my cell.”

“Oh playing hard to get, I like that too.”

She walked over to her, not caring about the fact she was naked, totally happy in her own skin. She reached out to try and strip Quiver. Quiver knocked her hand away. She tried again but was again rebuked. She then reached to hug Quiver, hoping to warm her up to the ideas she had in mind. Quiver pushed her away. Getting frustrated with this the woman simply reached out and grabbed Quiver's big breasts. Instinct kicked in and Quiver swung her forearm into the woman’s face. She fell to the ground, her nose bleeding from the strike. She looked at Quiver with disgust and rushed away. Feeling pleased with herself, Quiver showered alone happily. 

Now she was clean she was taken back to her cell, her breakfast was brought to her, the plates left on the floor just to make it a little trickier for her. After the fight in the shower it was decided she was probably safer away from the others for the moment. That changed in the afternoon though. She was shuffled out with the rest of them for exercise out in the drizzling rain. Quiver didn’t mind so much, at least she could pretend she was back at HM6 headquarters, it always rained round there too. 

It was basic practice to take the prisoners out into the yard in cuffs, there were a lot of dangerous criminals together, it was thought they were better not able to work together with free hands if they wanted to escape. Once they were in the different areas of the yard, behind heavy metal doors, they were uncuffed. The line to be uncuffed in Quiver’s area was surprisingly long, but just as she was about to get to the front the guard hid behind the big mesh door, locking it behind him.

“Wait,” Quiver protested, “what are you…”

She then realised as she felt a fist in the back of her head. Turning she saw the woman, Walker she thought, from the previous day. She had her cuffs off and was taking advantage of Quiver being in a less able state. She punched her again. She hit very hard, it was clear she had some form of superstrength. Before she could hit her again, Quiver struck back with a kick to the gut. She then backed off to the door.

“She’s going to brutalise me if you don’t unlock these cuffs,” she stated to the scared prison guard.

The guard was unsure what to do. He was used to just following orders, whether from other guards or the prisoners, this was essentially the first time he’d had to choose who to help. Another kick bought Quiver a few more seconds, just long enough for the guard to reach through the gap in the door and unlock the cuffs. This time when Walker ran at her, Quiver was able to grab her by the lapels of her prison uniform and flip her over. This let Quiver roll away and get in a better position to fight back. As she did the other prisoners began gathering round, clearly looking at it as both entertainment and as a chance to get some cheap shots in on both women. Quiver was not willing to become a sideshow.

“AVEGA PINAKA!” she shouted, holding her left hand above her head. 

Thunder rolled in the background, lightning flashed, framing the imprisoned heroine as her silver bow appeared in her reaching hand. She flicked her right hand and a glowing, white arrow appeared in that hand. She loaded the arrow into the bow and aimed at her attacker. 

“I’m sorry it’s come to this,” Quiver told her as she loosed the arrow.

It hit Walker in the middle of her chest and seemed to explode. Walker fell backwards, she was totally unconscious from the attack. The crowd that had gathered were in shock, they’d never seen her get owned in a fight like that, even by women with chivs and other weapons. Some looked ready to attack Quiver, which led to her drawing the bow again, with another arrow powered by her spirit ready to fire. Others seemed ready to run away. Most just wanted to see what was about to happen next. What it was was the guards storming in, in force, grabbing Quiver and dragging her off.

They snatched her bow off her and wrapped a dirty cloth round her mouth so she couldn’t summon it again, they then dragged her off to see the governor. He was an older man with a handlebar moustache, and he was not happy. He told her he expected a heroine to cause less trouble and do more to try and fit in. It was implied that that meant letting others molest her and beat her. She agreed to try but had no intention of letting herself be treated like that. She was then returned to her cell, free from her gag, where Scatterbrain hugged her excitedly as soon as she entered. 

“Your first meeting with the governor,” she gushed, “you must be so thrilled, it’s like a rite of passenger or whatever they call it. You’re well on your way to becoming one of us.”

“Listen Scatt,” Quiver sighed, “I know you’re only trying to help, but I don’t want to become one of you. I shouldn’t be here and I really just want to be left alone until they let me out.”

Scatterbrain began to pout a little, but before Quiver could make it better or worse a guard entered the cell insisting he was to take Quiver to cell 100. This instantly cheered Scatterbrain.

“And now you’re going to meet the Blue Queen,” she told her, “you are so lucky today, maybe I should start beating up people, that sounds like fun too. Just kidding guard man, I won’t really do that, I’ll be a good girl for you. A very good girl if you come back after lights out. Oh can I come to see the Blue Queen too?”

“The invitation was for only one,” the guard rebukes as he puts the cuffs on Quiver again. 

She was then dragged from her cell and through the corridors until she was outside the door to the Blue Queen’s cell. A pair of big and burly women were stood outside it. Quiver knew she could take them if she had her bow, but with her hands tied like this she figured it might be a lot harder. She then had a gag pressed into her mouth and tied behind her head. She was informed it was because she was there to listen, not to talk. The bouncers let her pass and she was thrown inside. She looked up at a woman with black hair and a blue prison uniform. She had a regal stance and everything about her told Quiver to obey. She stayed on the floor.

“If you aren’t the big powerful superheroine,” the Blue Queen’s voice was commanding and powerful, “it took a lot of effort to get you here. I can see I was right to make you my newest recruit. The thing is, I can’t have you messing up my prison, I can’t have you fighting my enforcers, unless you’re willing to replace them. I won’t allow you to beat my supporters either. The next time you’re in the shower with her you will let her do anything she wants to you. Now I know that won’t be tomorrow, you need to be conditioned first. But we will see to that. In fact I will see to that personally. This is a superpower prison, I’m sure you’ve noticed already. Want to know my power? I can create vibrations. Some powerful.” She touched a glass by her bed and it shattered into dust. “Some pleasurable.” She put a finger on Quiver’s breast.

As she did a sensation passes through her. A low vibration that instantly made her nipples harden. Her eyes widened in shock but she couldn’t help but let out a small moan, it did feel good. She tried to move away but the Blue Queen’s other hand grabbed the back of her head to stop her going far. She grasped the breast and let her vibrations drive Quiver wild with lust. She felt herself getting wet from the sensation as she moaned into her gag. Still she tried to resist as best she could. It didn’t last long. Now instead of trying to pull away, she was trying to push her breast forward into the grip. That was when the Blue Queen stopped. Quiver looked saddened by this. She glanced to her, hoping the sensations would return. The Blue Queen had a wicked grin on her face.

“You want more?” She teased her prisoner, “I will only let those of you loyal to me cum in my presence. When you’re willing to do as you’re told I will give you the biggest orgasm of your life. Until then… that’s going to do for today.”

The guard came back in and dragged Quiver out. He dragged her back passed the crowds again, this time she didn’t mind so much when hands reached to grope her, and dumped her back in her own cell. Scatterbrain jumped off her bunk and ran to hug her where she knelt. 

“I bet you had so much fun,” Scatterbrain smiled, pressing her friend’s head into her breasts, “the Blue Queen is such a good woman to have running the prison, right?”

Quiver didn’t answer, she just knelt there, her head rubbing against the cleavage it now was against. Scatterbrain seemed to understand.

“She vibed you, didn’t she?”

Quiver just nodded.

“But she didn’t let you cum?”

Quiver shook her head.

“Now you’re feeling so horny, and you want me to finish the job.”

Quiver looked like she was trying to speak, but Scatterbrain made no effort to move the gag. In the end all Quiver could do was nod. Scatterbrain smiled and pulled her to the bunks. She climbed up to the top bunk and then pulled Quiver up with her. As soon as they were both up there Scatterbrain kissed her. As she did Quiver felt her hands starting to strip the heroine until she was totally naked. That was when Scatterbrain shuffled down and locked her lips over her cellmate’s pussy. It didn’t take long before Quiver was cumming for her skilled cellmate, moaning as loudly as the gag would allow.


The next morning Quiver woke up back in her own bunk, still naked aside from her gag, only this time her suit was still up with Scatterbrain. Scatterbrain was awake but sat on it and pretended to not know what Quiver was talking about when she asked for it back. These fun and games ended when the same guard that took Quiver to see the Blue Queen came back again, this time to take her for her shower. She barely had time to grab a towel to put round herself as she was cuffed and taken from the cell. She expected to be heading back to the same shower block as the day before but was surprised to find that wasn’t the case. Instead she was herded down nearly to the Blue Queen’s cell. They stopped at a small shower room. The room only had one shower head, but it also had a strange contraption on the ceiling, a hook hung down from a bar, the end of the hook inside the bar seemed to be on casters, letting whatever was hung be moved in and out of the shower. Quiver realised it must have been to help them with dangerous criminals that had to stay cuffed, even in the shower. She then realised they planned to use it on her. 

She was lifted up and her cuffs were hung from the hook. She tried to shout her protests, but the gag muffled the noise too much, no one would hear her, even if they could. The guard then tossed the towel aside, leaving her hanging naked, he then cuffed her feet together for good measure. She was then moved into position, under the shower head and the water turned on. The guard just left her there, her body getting soaked and nothing she could do about it. The water seemed to be alternating from too hot to too cold at random intervals making it even more of a torture. After a few minutes of this fluctuation, it settled into a nice temperature. 

That was when she heard someone joining her in the shower. She tried to turn and see who it was but she couldn’t move round far enough. She soon found out however as two hands wrapped around her breasts and she felt a familiar vibration. Against her better judgement, she closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation. The Blue Queen smiled, seeing the effect she’d had on the heroine already. She took her hands away. Quiver was relieved that it seemed to be over so quickly, she didn’t want to enjoy what Blue Queen’s hands were doing to her. That relief was short lived as she felt a hand on her ass. She moaned loudly at this touch, suppressed only by the gag, making the heroine blush even more.

“So heroine,” the Blue Queen whispered in Quiver’s ear, her lips nearly carressing it, her own big breasts rubbing on Quiver’s back, “ready for another step towards being mine?”

Quiver shook her head, but she wondered if she really meant it, the conditioning did feel good. It was like the Blue Queen could sense these doubts as she squeezed her ass again, laughing at the heroine trying to resist. She laughed even more when she saw the wide-eyed reaction to the next touch. The Blue Queen reached round and placed her hand on Quiver’s pussy. The sensation was too much for the heroine, her body went limp as the vibration passed through her clit, if she’d been standing, her legs would have buckled. Quiver hardly noticed the words of submission the Blue Queen began muttering into her ear as she kept her hand hovering over her pussy, keeping Quiver on the verge of cumming. 

“Feels so good to submit to powerful women,” she muttered, “you are weak and want to be used. You are here to learn to serve.”

These instructions, along with the water pouring over her body and the vibrations keeping her on the edge of bliss, continued for almost an hour. Once it was done the Blue Queen just left her hanging there, feeling dazed and confused and so very horny. She hardly even noticed being lifted down from the hook and being taken back through the corridors, still totally naked aside from the gag she had spent the last hour moaning into, and returned to her cell. She simply crawled across the floor and back onto her bunk. She just lay there trying not to think about what was happening to her. Just as she was drifting off to sleep Scatterbrain returned to the cell.

“Oh look at you,” she giggled, “have you been waiting for me?”

It took some effort but Quiver reached up and pulled off her gag.

“Scatt…” she muttered, struggling to find her voice, “Blue Queen… showered with me… vibed my… my…”

“You can call it your pussy if you want,” Scatterbrain grinned, “or cunt, I won’t judge you if you do.”

“Made me wet…” Quiver continued, “but not into girls…”

“Why not, they’re all soft and sensitive and they know just how to touch you. Like I did last night. Oh do you want me to do that again, let you lose your frustration?”

“But… don’t want to… just use you… that would be bad…”

“Then return the favour,” Scatterbrain whispered, “you’d enjoy it, I’d enjoy it, everyone’s happy.”


“How about this, I’ll start by licking your pussy, if you want to lick mine too it’ll be there for you, no pressure.”

Quiver still wasn’t sure about that, but she didn’t have the strength to resist at that moment. She nodded her head and Scatterbrain yelped in joy. She dropped to her knees at the side of the bed and pushed her tongue deep inside Quiver. She instantly started moaning, she was still so sensitive from the vibing she’d received. She wasn’t entirely sure when Scatterbrain moved onto the bunk, the first she realised that her cellmate had done so was when she realised she was kissing her pussy. She couldn’t believe she was doing it and hesitated for a moment, but she was feeling so good that she couldn’t help herself. She carried on kissing it until they both reached climax. 


Over the next two months this is how it went. Once a day Quiver was dragged from her cell to feel the Blue Queen’s touch. Sometimes it was on her breasts, sometimes her ass, often it was her pussy, that’s the one that drove her the most crazy. Sometimes it was in Blue Queen’s cell, sometimes it was the shower, sometimes it was somewhere else entirely. Sometimes she was cuffed, tied up or tied down, but by the end of the first month that was more for Blue Queen’s amusement than to stop Quiver resisting, she tended to look forward to the sessions now. A lot of the time, after the sessions she got the sexual frustration she was feeling out with Scatterbrain, but sometimes others would offer first and she found it hard to refuse them. Even a few guards had taken advantage of her in this lust-filled stupor. She was now wearing her gag almost at all times, like a badge of her training, she would take it out to lick pussy or suck cock, other than that and to eat, she always wore it.

It was at the end of those first two months that the first test of Quiver’s conditioning came. It would also be the first time that the Blue Queen offered to let her cum. There was a special inspection of the prison by a couple of members of HM6. It was mostly a PR stunt, but if they discovered one of their own there, they’d never let her stay, all the work the Blue Queen had done would be for naught. That was why she was called into the Blue Queen’s cell in the middle of the night. She didn’t know what was happening to her when she was rudely awakened by the two female thugs grabbing her from her bed and carrying her to the Blue Queen, but she didn’t resist this time. She looked up to the Blue Queen, a puzzled look on her face, asking why she’d been summoned. To begin with the only answer offered was the Blue Queen reaching for Quiver’s pussy. Quiver became wet, even before being touched and spread her legs to make it easier. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling. It was taken away too quickly. She looked over at the Blue Queen again, wondering why she’d stop so soon.

“You are becoming such a good girl for your Queen,” she smugly told her muted companion, “now comes your first true test. A pair of girls from HM6 are visiting today.”

A look of hope crossed Quiver’s face. She then blushed and looked at her feet, knowing she shouldn’t have done that.

“I want to lock you in the escape tunnel so they don’t see you,” she instructed, “you will remain there until one of my agents comes to get you and you will not even try to let them know you are there.”

Quiver looked like she wanted to refuse but she didn’t have the confidence to admit it anymore.

“If you do that successfully I will reward you.”

She touched her pussy for a moment, and only a moment, with a stronger vibration than Quiver had ever felt, she nearly orgasmed instantly.

“I’ll allow you to cum for me.”

This statement seemed to convince Quiver to do it, especially after the feeling she’d just had. She began nodding quickly. The Blue Queen smiled, she knew she had her now. She nodded to one of her guards who picked Quiver up and carried her to the entrance to the tunnel. It was behind a bookcase in the library and had been there a long time. It never got used now that Blue Queen ran the prison. 

Quiver waited in there all day. She hardly even moved from the spot she was placed in at all. She would hear voices and occasionally see people through gaps in the books. Early in the afternoon, two costumed crime fighters, one of them clearly the new Britannia, the other looked like that Irish singer that had had a few hits, she wondered did they let pop stars in now? She watched them, heard them chatting with the governor, she even heard them talk to Scatterbrain.

“Books are like super important in here,” Scatterbrain tried to explain, “they, like, teached us to talk proper and that.”

Quiver couldn’t help but giggle at this. She was glad she was wearing her gag, the heroines might have heard her otherwise. Soon they were gone from the library, but no one came to get Quiver, she figured they must still be at the facility. She willingly waited, right into the middle of the night. She was slumped by the bookcase, starting to doze off. She wondered if she’d been forgotten but didn’t say anything or try to move, she didn’t want to miss out on getting to cum for those vibrations, for the Blue Queen. That was why she was so happy when finally it was opened and one of the Blue Queen’s guards grabbed Quiver. She smiled happily as she was taken back to the Blue Queen’s cell. 

She was dumped on the bed but she didn’t mind. She could see other prisoners watching her, this would have made her blush when she first came here, now all she cared about was the touch she was promised. That’s why she was so pleased when she saw the Blue Queen with her on the bed. She barely resisted the urge to hug her. 

“You did well today,” the Blue Queen told her, much to Quiver’s happiness, “you make a very good slave. As such, a good slave gets rewarded by being allowed to cum. Are you a good slave? Should I reward you.”

Quiver knew exactly what was being said to her. If she agreed to this she was admitting that she was a slave of the Blue Queen. If she admitted that in front of all these people she knew she’d never be able to deny it again. Slowly she nodded her head. 

“That’s not good enough,” the Blue Queen told her, “you will have to take off your gag and say you are a good slave and I should let you cum. After you do I’ll put that mouth of yours to good use.”

Quiver blinked, could she do that? For that touch, for that release, she could. She slowly untied the gag and smiled to the Blue Queen.

“I am your good slave,” she whispered, “please let me cum.”


“I am your good slave. Please let me cum.”



She touched her hand to Quiver’s pussy, letting the vibration pass into her. Almost imediately she collapsed, cumming and cumming and cumming as orgasm after orgasm hit her. While this was still going on the crowd began to be shuffled out by the Blue Queen’s guards, they had seen what they had been promised. As soon as they were all gone the Blue Queen took her hand away from her latest loyal subject’s pussy, licking the cum from it. She then smiled to Quiver.

“Now it’s time to make me cum.”

“Yes my queen,” Quiver said as she crawled over to the Blue Queen’s pussy.


That night Quiver spent with the Blue Queen. The next day she walked back to her cell naked. She had been ordered not to wear clothes again in prison unless she was ordered to by a superior. She hated the order, but she knew it was the only way she’d feel the Blue Queen’s touch again. Scatterbrain made her tell everything that had happened and she seemed so thrilled with it.

“You really are one of us now you know,” Scatterbrain told her.

Quiver nodded.

“I know I am Scatt, I’m just another of the Blue Queen’s toys.”

“I’ve heard she’s only the front for the real person running this place. Does that mean you have to serve her faithfully too?”

“I…” she sighed, “I guess it does.”

She put her gag back on and then it was then time to go shower. Quiver was disappointed to be being led back to the nearest shower block, she wanted the Blue Queen to tie her up and shower with her again. Instead she found herself with that same prisoner she had shared her first shower with. The older woman smiled coyly. 

“The Blue Queen said you were ready to play now.”

Quiver looked at her feet, even if she wasn’t wearing her gag she still wouldn’t be saying anything. 

“You owe me after you nearly broke my nose last time. Get on your knees.”

The woman sounded so dominant to Quiver, she couldn’t help it, she sank to her knees.

“Come here and kiss my feet.”

She crawled over to her and pulled down the gag. She leaned in and kissed one of her feet. She closed her eyes as she did it. They stayed closed as she moved over and kissed the other foot. She sighed and kept kissing them until this dominant woman told her to stop. She was then ordered to kiss up her long leg. Quiver complied, slowly kissing up from the ankle. She was taking her time, making sure the woman enjoyed every kiss, until, finally she was inches from the woman’s pussy. A firm hand pushed her into it. Quiver new exactly what she had to do. Her tongue slowly pushed out of her mouth and into the womanhood in front of her just like Scatterbrain taught her. She closed her eyes and pretended it was her queen’s pussy, this thought made her wet. She nearly orgasmed before the woman she was eating. After that the woman laid her out and locked her in a sensual 69 until the both reached orgasm again. 

When the guards came in to break them up Quiver was dazed and so horny still. She was more than willing to suck off the guard that came for her at the slightest urging. Once he’d sprayed his load all over her chest he took her from the shower block and back to the Blue Queen’s cell. He left her outside and ordered her to go in. Knowing her place, Quiver crawled through the door. She smiled as she saw the Blue Queen on the bed.

“Hello slut,” the Blue Queen smiled, “I see you have made it up to my first friend in this place. You have become such a good slave that I think it’s time you knew the truth. You see I act like I run this place, and in many ways I do, but I take orders from a higher power. I am your queen, but she is your goddess. Do you understand.”

Quiver nodded her head as she crawled closer. 

“You obey her, love her, more than you even obey my touch.”

Again Quiver nodded, if the Blue Queen was saying this it must be true.

“Would you like to meet her?”

Quiver nodded eagerly. She was still feeling drunk on lust and was ready to dedicate herself to her new goddess. 

“I knew you would be,” came a familiar voice from behind. 

The Blue Queen looked over to her adoringly. Quiver slowly turned her head to see who it was, though in her heart she already knew. Scatterbrain stood there.

“I may have told you a teensy bit of a fib,” Scatterbrain told Quiver, a big smile on her face, “I do, kinda know why I took the name Scatterbrain. You see I’m a psychic. A powerful one, I can see everyone of your dirty thoughts, and I can break people’s minds, bend them to my will. If I want to rewrite them without wiping out other important stuff like memories and personalities though it takes time to make real changes. But if you’re my cellmate that licks me out every night… Well let’s just say you’re pretty much easy pickings for me now. Isn’t that great though? You love being my slave, you’ve already admitted that, you should be thanking me. In fact I’ve got a little leash here that we can make you wear like a good little puppy and I’ll take you back to our cell and you can thank me all night long. Won’t that be fun.”

Quiver looked up at Scatterbrain, taking in every word she said but not caring. She nodded her head. It would be such fun serving her goddess, in jail for as long as she’d been sentenced, and even after she got out. 

She would be a good slave for her goddess forever.


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