Living Centerpiece

Story by TazLooking (
Taz is My OC (TazLooking) and cannot be used without my permission

Featuring Denise, an OC of Curia-DD who is used with her permission (

Artwork by By RenderPretender --  and 

There were several folks sitting around on a Friday evening after a busy day at the Madagascar Sun building just chatting about the week. Denise had stopped by to see if she could get some time with our beautiful carnivorous flower. No luck for Denise as we were booked solid through closing with appointments at the flower so, she joined us at the bar. She was asking if I had heard how Pepe (a large Python) was doing. I said that I had talked to his keeper and he has grown even more since he was here. Denise said that she did not believe he had grown at all. Seeing an opportunity, I challenged her that he had grown. She said it was not possible. So, I proposed a bet; If I was right, she had to serve at my party next weekend and do anything and everything I wanted her to do, no argument! She, to my surprise agreed! I in turn would fly her to the island where Pepe lived, round trip so, I agreed! I called Miguel, Pepe’s keeper, put him on speaker so Denise could hear his answer. Her opinion is that Pepe is still at 16 feet in length. I asked Manuel how long was Pepe now? He answered that Pepe was now at 22 feet long! I thanked him and said that I would talk with him later!

Denise was very disappointed at the news. She was pouting a bit, probably due to seeing another South Pacific vacation disappear so quickly! Be at our new house next Saturday at 11 AM. We are doing an Open House and Pool Party to celebrate our new house, there will be lots of people, lots of food. Bring swim wear and comfortable clothes and plan to spend the night. That way you can relax and have fun after your service time. Now to plan all the things to do to Denise next weekend! I know this will be fun, I just hope she enjoys all the sensations she will experience, plus all the different roles she will play as part of the feast! I need to order all the provisions and check with the caterer about the menu and refreshments! Worst case, everyone gets so shitfaced that they all can sleep in the Pool House after we pass out blankets! Better than turning a bunch of drunks loose on the highway!

A week passes and Saturday arrives, Party Day! I am so looking forward to Denise being my servant for the weekend, I have a lot of tasks for her to perform! Ah! I see she is coming down the driveway, even a bit early. I wave her towards me and direct her to park her car in the garage. She pops out of the car, her normal bubbly self and struts towards me. “Hey Denise! You look excited, I’m glad, I have a lot of things planned for you. I know you will have fun!”, I said. “Where can I put my clothes and things Taz? Yes, I am excited and curious about what you will have me doing.”, she says. “Follow me, I have a room all set up for you in the Guest House. Let me carry something for you.”, I said. She followed me there and, I will show her where everything is inside. “This is the V.I.P. Room, King size bed with a animal print cover on the bed, huge walk-in shower with full body spray heads and a huge Rain Shower head at the center. You can put your clothes in the closet here and hang them up if you like.”, I say. She does hang her clothes and set out her other items in the bathroom. I did notice that she has her “barely there” bikinis with her! I’m thinking, maybe this is a great time to even the score a bit for the times that she and Tawny teased me with their moaning and undulations a while back.

“Hey Denise!”, I said. She answers, “yes?” I continue, “I have an awesome idea! You strip all of your clothes off and lay at this lower corner of the bed, on the cover!” 

“What? You want me to do what? Now?”, she asks. I answer, “Yes, now! Remember, no questions asked, just do exactly as I say, all weekend!”, I answer. Denise walks over to the bed, removes all her clothes, lays on the animal print cover at the lower corner on her back and waits for my next instruction. “By the way, you look so sexy lying on the animal print! Now I am lifting this corner of the fur cover and laying it on your tummy, put your arms at your sides and I am going to roll you up in the cover! Here we go!”, I say. “Ooooh!”, she replies. I slowly roll her until the entire cover is around her body. I begin to gently rub her body with the covering. She is squirming, moaning and trying to get her hands to her crotch. This is not possible due to the many wraps of the cover that are blocking her and increasing her frustration! I keep up the stimulation knowing that she will soon have an earth moving orgasm and she will probably be screaming! Denise began trashing and bucking and screaming as her orgasm crested, when finished she collapsed and seemed comatose. I took this opportunity insert a wireless remote-control vibrator into her vagina, she didn’t really seem to notice, and I was not going to draw attention to the fact!

I unwrapped her and had her laying at the center of the cover, Denise was still comatose and smiling and she did look amazing on that big animal print cover! I had to take pictures of her reposing on the bed, I probably won’t share them, I will give her a set and, she will wonder if I have given them to anyone else! Her nipples were still erect which made me think that I should adorn them with nipple clamps, but I decided to wait for later. I needed to wake her for her next task as other guests will be arriving very soon and Denise needs to be prepared! I sat on the bed next to her looking at her scrumptious body, no, I need to wake her up. I tap lightly on her cheek calling her, “Denise, DeeDee! Wake up beautiful, we have things to do!”, I say and repeat this a few times. She is gradually is coming around. “What? Oh my, I’m naked! Can’t I take a nap?”, she pleads. “Yes, you are naked and, you look fabulous as such! There are tasks that need to be done to get ready for all our guests that will be here soon! We need to get over to the kitchen for your next task!”, I say to her. “Uh, OK.”, she replies. “You need to jump in the shower and wash off thoroughly but quickly! When finished, put on that short robe hanging by the shower!”, I said. Denise showers, comes out wearing the robe I selected for her. It is a very colorful print on silk ¾ sleeve and length about mid-thigh. Fits her very well and shows her body off perfectly! “What did you do to me?”, she asks. “I wrapped you in the fur cover that is on the bed and gave you a long massage, which you seemed to thoroughly enjoy based on how big your orgasm was!”, I said. Trying to be as nonchalant as possible! “Ooooh!”, Denise answered.

We arrive at the kitchen. I see the Chef and he comes over to us. “Andre, this is Denise, your centerpiece for the feast! Denise, meet Andre, he will be preparing you to be the Centerpiece of the feast!”, I said. “Ooooh? Really?”, she asks. “I did not tell you ahead of time so as not to ruin the surprise for you! I want you to relax, you will be covered with a pate like ham salad for guests to dip or scrape off however much they feel like eating! No one will be carving you, maybe craving though!”, I said teasing her a little. She relaxed a bit! Andre asked Denise to follow him, I tagged along just to see how Denise is taking this situation. We got in the dining room to the long table that will contain most of the food. The table has a marble slab as a top, in the center are some vinyl covered twisted wire cables looped through the marble. Denise notices them and asks what purpose they serve. “These are to secure you to the table so that you do not move too much. You will be released once the meal is finished! I promise you my dear Denise!”, says Andre.

I took the robe from Denise as the staff stared at her with gaping mouths, then they lifted her up on the table and locked her ankles, knees, waist and crossed wrists to the table. Satisfied that she was secure Andre told the Prep Staff to cover Denise with a 1-inch cover of the pate from her neck to her ankles. They eagerly began covering her. Denise was squirming some, I took this as a signal that she was beginning to get turned on! I noticed there was careful molding over her breasts and Labia, the thighs received gentle touches also. Andre came over to the table and installed a ball gag into Denise’s mouth, which surprised her but, there was not much she could do about it! The newly placed ball gag had muffled her moaning quite a bit.

I could not resist any longer, I activated the remote vibrator, Denise’s eyes became very wide and a quiet squeal was heard! I was standing next to the table so she could see me. Her eyes were fixed on me and I thought I heard “PLEASE NO!!” in her best gag speak! I turned up the power on the vibrator a couple of notches, another squeal and more squirming, then I turned it off and walked away. I came back a few minutes later and put a pair of opaque black contact lens in Denise’s eyes. She is now effectively totally blind, much better than a blindfold. I got this idea from my friend Tawny Tomsen. The beauty of this is she can see nothing but darkness yet when people look at her, they will not realize that she cannot see anything! I whispered in Denise’s ear that this was more comfortable than being blindfolded and because her eyes are open people will not know that she cannot see! She smiled and gave me a gag speak “hank ou”! The Prep staff was finishing up with Denise and placing large bowls of different types of chips and crackers around her display. The shapeliest pate serving I have ever seen! Bound to be a favorite!

Andre opened the doors into the dining area greeting everyone and welcoming them to the party. I greeted everyone as they passed by welcoming them to my new home! I pointed to the refreshment and food areas encouraging them to eat and drink. I was kind of hovering around Denise’s display, very curious how this “sculpture” would be received. After 45 minutes no one has tasted the pate on Denise, looks like I need to get this ball rolling! I approach the table and look over the job the Prep folks have done covering Denise and inserting randomly cucumber slices into the pate, amazing, and her eyes are closed, maybe she is asleep? I will surely wake her in a minute or so. She looks so peaceful lying here.

I move to her left breast; I grab a couple of crackers and scoop where I expect to locate her left nipple. I did not get quite deep enough, so this time I use my finger and circle the areola and lift the pate off, put it on a cracker and eat it, it is very tasty! Denise’s eyes are open now. I reach over and pull her nipple and pinch it, to which she issued a gag speak squeal and moan. Denise is turning her head trying to see but she has the black contacts in her eyes, and she cannot see anything except a tiny bit of light at the edge of the lens. I lean over and suck and nibble on her nipple. She tries to squirm but, due to the cables holding her down she cannot move. A woman approaches the other side of the table, grabs a few crackers and scoops several crackers full of pate and hands them to some of the spectators that have gathered. The woman has exposed the top of the right breast, she leans over and begins licking Denise’s right breast, sucking it and the nipple and nibbling the nipple. Denise is moaning and moving her head back and forth and releasing a squeal occasionally. I catch the eye of the woman across from me, holding the remote control in my hand for the vibrator that is in Denise. She points to Denise’s crotch with a questioning look, I nod my head in the affirmative, she raises her eyebrow and licks her lips. I turn the vibrator up to about 1/3 power, immediately Denise squeals and her moaning becomes louder, I go to ½ power, the moaning increased. The woman is giving me the “you are naughty” look. I simply nod my head. After a few more minutes and people sucking and nibbling on both breasts plus the vibrator, Denise erupts from an enormous orgasm, thrashing her head back and forth and vibrating. Denise eventually stops and is just breathing heavily.

After the show, more people are eating the pate off Denise’s body, touching her, caressing her, kissing her, licking her and, sucking on all parts of her body. She, in turn continues having orgasms off and on for a few more hours. I feel Denise needs a break after all this excitement. I get one of the Prep guys to unlock the cables that are restraining her, I grab her robe and a wheeled cart to put Denise on. I figure she is not able to walk to the guest house. We scrape what is left of the pate off Denise and I put the robe on her, the Prep guy helps me lift her onto the cart. I roll her back to the Guest House and into her room, I close the door and lock it. I roll her into the bathroom. I turn the shower on in order that Denise can get any residue from the pate and people’s saliva off her body. I lift her off the cart to take the robe off her, she is unable to stand on her own. I take the robe off her and put her back on the cart. I take my clothes off so I can go in the shower and wash her off and get her to bed and rest for a while. I was enjoying rubbing Denise down with soap and scrubbing her, she does have an amazing body after all!

Once Denise was dried off, I wheeled her to the bed so she could rest before her next activity. I turned the bed covers down. Denise asked if she could lay on the bed cover. “Sure!”, I answered. I moved the cover so she could lay on it. I lifted her off the cart and placed her in the center of the animal print cover, grabbed a pillow and put it under her head and folded the fur over her. Denise whined and threw the cover off her, opened her legs, pointed to her pussy, patted it and said, “take this out, please!” The vibrator! I had completely forgotten about it. “Um, OK.”, I answered. So, I place 2 of my fingers in her to get hold of the vibrator, she is very moist, I lingered finding and removing the vibrator. “There, it is out.”, I said. “You rest and I will be back to get you after a while.”, I said. Denise says, “Taz…” I answer, “yes?” “Kiss me… PLEASE!”, she asks. Well my libido is in Hyper Drive after being around her naked most of the day! I lay next to her, wrap my arms around her, our lips meet followed immediately by our tongues entwinning for several minutes. I am massaging her breasts, pulling and nibbling all over her breasts, rubbing her tummy, we are both very hungry! I feel Denise reaching for my engorged member, she takes it and inserts me anxiously into her and wraps her legs around me and we both thrust and grind for what seemed like quite a while until we both exploded with loud abandon and we collapsed embracing and kissing contentedly sharing this amazing time together! “OMG that was amazing!”, we said almost in unison!

“OK gorgeous, get some rest, you are not finished for today yet! I’ll come get you when it is time.”, I said to Denise. “What am I going to be doing?”, she asked. “You’re not expecting an answer, are you?”, I reply. Denise pouts! “Later!”, I say as I walk out, locking the door as I leave, so no one walks in on her while she is sleeping as I am remembering how HOT she looks laying naked on that big bed cover!

Next chore is to get the pool area and bar ready for guests. I checked with Andre to see where we were with getting the pool area set up. My special table will have pitchers of mixed cocktails, iced tea, fresh slices of lemons and limes and a big bucket of ice cubes! Denise will be the base of this table and she will be holding all those items on a piece of glass and she will be naked, not covered with pate! If (when) anything falls or breaks, she will be punished, and I will carry out that punishment. There are 2 bars and the bartenders on duty and the Prep staff will be tending to keep the snacks coming for the next several hours.

Hey gang, if I can have your attention for a minute! We have set up in the pool area, refreshments, and snacks. There are bartenders to fix drinks if you desire, just ask. If you would like to swim or hang out in the water, there are changing rooms in the Guest House which is located over near the trees. Ladies’ and Men’s rooms are marked on the right side as you enter the house. There should be plenty of hangers and space to hang your clothes as well. The bars are open, have fun!

A couple of hours have past, time to wake Denise for her next assignment! I go to the guest house to wake her. As I enter the guest house, I see all the girls that work for me at the Madagascar Sun building. “Hey ladies are you all having a good time?”, I ask. “Hey Taz! We love your new place! We saw what you did to Denise! Why did you do that to her?”, they asked. “We made a bet about something, she lost. This weekend, she has to do whatever I tell her to do, no questions asked!”, I told them. “In fact, I am about to wake her for the next task. We will be at the pool in a few minutes! See you all there.” I said. The girls head for the pool and 3 of my favorites flash their tits at me and giggle. “They just love to tease me!”, I think to myself.

I enter Denise’s room and lock the door behind me. There lies Denise stretched out across the bed. She looks so amazing laying there! OK, got to wake her and get her to the pool for Phase 2! I pulled on a nipple and said, “Denise, time to wake up, you have 1 more task to complete today!” No eyes opening only some moaning. I put a hand on each side of her face, I shake her cheeks and again say, “Denise, time to wake up! Come on Dede, WAKE UP!” No reaction! I straddle her hips sitting across her, one hand on her mons and the other is massaging her breasts! I increase the tempo, finally she starts to move her eyes open, I am still massaging her sensitive nerve centers. She looks at me, then says, “Hi Taz! Fuck me again please!” I now grab her shoulders and give her a pretty good shake! “DENISE WAKE UP! IT IS TIME TO GO!”, I loudly say. “Oh, I was having a great dream! You wanna here about it?”, she asks. “Not now, it is time to go!”, I sternly say. I grab her hands as I bend over and lift her onto my shoulder and carry her into the shower, where I turn Hot water first then temper it with some Cold water and carry Denise under the Rainfall shower head to wake her! “Oh!”, she says as the feel of the water snapped her awake!  “Taz! What are you doing?”, she asks. “Waking you up Sleepy Head!”, I answer. “I am sorry the first part of today was so taxing on you but, this next part is easy, and we need to get to it, now!”, I add.

You were the one that wore me out Taz, 1st with that vibrator then we fucked our brains out!”, she added. “OK, we can discuss all that later, let’s get you dried off and to the pool area!”, I said. Ooooh, I can wear my little yellow bikini, you remember that one, don’t you Taz?”, she asks. “Oh yes DeeDee! I remember that suit very well! But you won’t need that one today, let’s put this silk robe on again.”, I said as I am putting the robe on her and almost shoving her out the door and locking it. We exit the Guest House and run right into all the girls from work! “Taz, you are all wet!” says Darlene. “Oh, thanks, I had not noticed!” I said as we continued to the pool enclosure! So, I am thinking that the girls from the office are speculating about me and Denise. That ought to keep their minds busy for a while!

Once inside the pool enclosure we head for the bar nearest the diving board. I ask the bartender there if he has the pieces I need. He says he does and hands me a rubber pad. “OK Denise, come over here. She walks over and is waiting for instructions. “You have 2 choices for which shape you are going to take. You may lie on your back with your knees bent and arms up where your knees and hands will carry the load of the refreshments or, you may be on all four with your back parallel with the ground and the glass will be on your back carrying the refreshments. So, what is your choice?”, I ask. “All fours!”, she answers. “OK, which direction would you want to face?”, I ask. “The main house.”, she says. I put the rubber mat down angled so she can see the main house. I take the robe off her as she kneels on the pad. The bartender and I put the glass on Denise’s back, get it squared up and then begin loading the pitchers of drinks and the bucket of ice. “OK, all loaded. Remember, no talking and if something spills, falls off, you will be punished, by me! Clear?”, I said. Denise says, “yes.” “Yes what?”, I sternly ask. “Yes Master!”, she says humbly. “I’ll return after a while to see if you are OK!”, I say.

I am off mingling with friends, co-workers and partners, everyone had something to say about Denise and the pate display and all of them tasted the pate and touched and stroked or prodded her! So, I showed them where she was now and what she is doing. I had walked away from the pool almost an hour earlier but, I hear a commotion coming from the pool enclosure. “I guess I better go see what is going on.”. I think to myself.

When I get to the pool, I see Denise all upset and beginning to cry. I walk over to her to see what happened. She is still in position however, 2 of the pitchers were off and on the ground. “What happened Denise?”, I asked. “Someone walked by and stepped on my hand, I jerked my hand away but, caused the load to be unbalanced, then these two pitchers fell off and, now I have disappointed you yet I will be still punished for the damage!”, says Denise a bit scared. “Well dear Deedee, are those not the rules?”, I ask. “Yes Master! They are.”, she says sadly. I take a collar and leash from my pocket, the collar goes around her neck, I attach the leash to the collar, put the robe on her but I do not tie the belt. I pull on the collar and tell her to walk ahead of me. I pull from under my belt, a riding crop. I snap the crop on her right ass cheek, which is responded to with an “Ooooh!”, from Denise. This tells me that she likes this type of attention. So, I snap the left ass cheek, and that also receives a response of, “Ooooh!” I comment, “I would rather be slapping your bare ass than with it covered by the robe!” She says, “Master, you may as soon as we reach your destination! “Very soon my gorgeous treasure, very soon!”, I said. Just for grins I lifted the robe as we were very close to the house and slapped each cheek of her lovely ass and she responded with 2 more “Ooooh’s”!

We enter the house; Denise is looking around as this is the first time she has been to my new abode. “Taz, uh, Master, this house is amazing!” she said. “It was really run down when I first saw it but, I loved the location and I decided that even if I had to tear down the original house, I would build a new version of it. Which is about what was done. We have other business, let’s go downstairs.”, I said. We head across the house until we approach what looks like a 1920’s era bank vault. I touch a spot on the stainless-steel trim around the vault door. Suddenly the door slides to the left and we step into an elevator. We are dropping down below the house. Before we got all the way down, I instructed Denise to close her eyes and put a hand on my shoulder and just walk behind me when I exit the elevator. It stops and the door opens. “Walking out.”, I say, and she follows me perfectly. “OK, open your eyes. She is standing there, mouth open looking around and speechless. “This looks like a Dungeon!”, she exclaims. “Exactly my dear! It is not complete yet and Tawny has been helping me with what type of equipment to get! This has been quite an effort! 8 months ago, this was not here, it was an empty hole in the ground! We are going to start the “Break-in process today! “Ooooh! Says Denise. “Now for your punishment!”, I said.

“Where do I want you?”, I said. “There is the exact spot I want for you!”, I said. “Over here slave, now!”, I loudly said. Denise scurried over her boobs swaying back and forth! “Yes Master, at your pleasure!”, said so sweetly. “Let’s lose that robe, it is just in the way!”, I said. I take her arms and raise them straight over her head into shackles, close and lock them around her wrists, then I take her right foot, move it to her right and close and lock the shackle around her ankle and repeat this action for her left leg. She is just a couple of inches suspended above the floor; all her support is coming from her shoulders. I spray Denise with some oil and briskly rub it all over her, every inch and nook and cranny! She looks so amazing glistening from the oil in the Dungeon lights. She was moaning a bit while I was rubbing her down with the oil! I am walking around her deciding where to slap her with the riding crop. Where else, her amazing ass, WHACK, WHACK! One strike on each ass cheek! WHACK, WHACK! Each inner thigh received a strike from the crop! I did hear a whimper from the thigh strikes. Now some time with a cane, nice and thin and flexible! Her breasts were first, a few taps under, then to the top and finally the nipple area! Oh, she flinched from the taps on the nipples! Moved to that marvelous ass again and, I noticed moaning while tapping the nipples. Her ass is irresistible, I must have tapped on her ass 50 times, she moaned and groaned some but, those hips were undulating! She was getting more aroused! The temptation was to continue with the caning but, I did not want to mark Denise’s body with a lot of nasty red welts that would take too long to heal. This is supposed to be fun, not sadistic punishment, some pain, yes, just not over done! I decided to continue the caning on her back, a bit more for that lovely ass and a few strokes to her tummy and hips. After I completed the caning, I unlocked her feet from the shackles, then I released her hands and I had positioned myself so that the release of her hands, would allow her to lay over my shoulder and I would carry her to the next apparatus.

Since the way Denise landed on my right shoulder, I had my right arm at about her knees to keep her centered on my shoulder. However, with my left hand I was rubbing her ass and in response she was emitting pleasant sounds so, I slapped her on the ass and heard “Ooooh!” from Denise. That let me know she is still alert, and she is still game! I continue just rubbing her ass mainly because she seems to enjoy it!  At the next station, I get her situated, arms shackled straight out from the shoulders, legs shackled to side posts and she must be seated on this machine, a Sybian. There is an accurate replica of a penis standing straight up and a silicone pad that lands on her clitoris, I gently slide her down on the Penis/Dildo.

Denise is now ready for the last “task” for today. I ask, “Denise, are you OK and ready for this last task of the day?” She responds, “Definitely! Let’s do it!” I twist the control to start the penis rotating. Denise responds with a moan. Next, I twist the vibration control and, she responds with, “Ooooh!” That is followed by a couple of squeals and more moaning. I tell her that should she want to squeal, yell, scream, to have at it! We are completely soundproof down here! Denise asks me, “Taz, please suck on my nipples and boobs and please nibble too!” “Sure thing, it would be my pleasure!”, I answer. I joyfully begin my task! I slowly increase the intensity of the vibration and notice with each tweak Denise is enjoying the intense sensations from this machine! I keep up my task of taking care of her breasts. After a time, I notice Denise is shaking and shaking and screaming, “IIIIIIII aaaaammmm cccccccuuuuummmmmmiiiiiiinnnngggggg!” I turn off the machine as Denise hangs limply from her shackles and has a huge smile on her face!




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