Denise For Dinner 

A story by TazLooking -- and 
Featuring Denise --

Taz is my OC and can only be used with my permission.
Denise is an OC of Curia-DD and is used with permission.

Denise, the exhausted teacher, has just finished a busy and hectic week of school and she is looking forward to getting home, pouring a glass of wine and soaking in a hot bath for a while to relax and unwind from this busy week! She exits the school building and heads to  the parking lot and her car. Denise notices that her car is the only one on the lot and strangely a van from a local butcher shop, “Taz’s Prime Cuts” sits just beyond her car. As she unlocks her door to enter the car someone says, “excuse me ma’am, could you give me a boost, my van doesn’t want to start!” “Um sure, but, I don’t think I have any jumper cables.” “I have a set in the van, if you would pull up on the driver’s side of the van, that’s where the battery is located.”, says the man. Denise moves her  car next to the driver’s side of  the van thus obscuring her car from view of the main road. The man has cables in his hand, and he asks her to pop her hood so he can hook up the cables to her battery. He goes to the front of the van and she is watching him. Another man comes from behind the van and up to Denise’s window. She has not seen him yet as she is watching the other guy with the cables.
Suddenly someone grabs her arms and slaps a moist strange smelling cloth over her nose and mouth as she gasps for air, the man whispers in her ear, “just breathe deeply and it will be easier, relax and breathe!” Denise is getting drowsier by the second, another couple of seconds and she is unconscious! The guy pushes her face down on the front seats, grabs her arms and pulls them behind her, wraps duct tape around her elbows and next her wrists, next is her knees wrapped together, then her ankles, then applies several strips of tape over her mouth. He then pulls a sack over Denise that covers her entire body! He then gets the other guy to help carrying her and putting her in the van. Once in the van the guys are taking their prize to their boss at his shop.

Arriving at the shop, the guys look around to be sure no one is around. The side door of the van is opened, and Denise is lifted out and carried inside. Once inside the driver says, “Hey Taz, here’s your booty where do you want her?” “Over here on the large marble slab! Undress her and do not destroy her clothes! Retie her wrists and ankles with that nylon rope and put the rope in the hooks at each end of the slab!”, says Taz. “Did you want her totally naked?”, asks the driver. “Of course, idiot!”, said Taz. Taz goes over to the slab to see his latest capture. He is looking at Denise and enjoying what he sees! “My, my, aren’t you just the most luscious shapely even comely sweet thing, we need to start this fun weekend!”, says Taz. He places Ear Buds in Denise’s ears and places a blindfold over her eyes, next is music, a soft sultry sound for relaxation for a while! Taz thinks, gag or no gag, hmmm??? Gag will be better he thinks to himself! So, he places a ball gag in her mouth and fastens it around her head, tightly. That should keep unwanted noise to a minimum he thinks.

Taz stands back from the slab and looks over his lovely guest, deciding exactly what shall be done to this voluptuous woman lying here in front of him. “Hmmm, she looks so spicy, rub her down with some Black Peppercorn Olive Oil, it has got a spicy kick to it and is so very tasty!”, he thinks to himself. He begins pouring the oil over Denise’s naked body and firmly rubbing it into her skin. Denise begins to waken as the oil is being applied and is lightly moaning signaling her early arousal! The oil is being generously applied to Denise from her neck to her toes and Taz gently flips her over so that her back and ass and legs and feet get the treatment as well. He then flips her again over to her back.

Denise has realized that she is bound, and someone is rubbing some kind of oil on her. She struggled at first but, quickly realized that there was no way she was going to get loose. Being blindfolded, she could not see, music playing in her ears was the only thing she could hear and, her hands and legs were bound and could not move them. Yet every touch she received excited her, she never knew when a touch was coming or where would it be if this was not turning her on she may have become terrified! Taz took a finger and began circling her nipples, teasing them, sucking them massaging her breasts.
She was enjoying all the attention her breasts were getting. After sucking on her nipples for quite a while, Taz clipped vibrating nipple clamps on her fully erect nipples! Denise groaned a bit but, that soon became a cooing moan because this was exciting her even more! Her hips were gyrating more rapidly as she was building to an enormous orgasm. Taz reached over to her Labia, caressed the outer lips, continued the penetration to the inner lips and inserted his two middle fingers into her vagina and his thumb on her pearl all the while stroking in and out and rubbing her pearl! Her gyrations had long orbits and the speed was increasing. She began to shake and vibrate, she was bucking and screaming “IIIII’mmmmmuuuuummmmiiiiiinnngggggg!!!!!!!!!!” Then she collapsed on the marble slab, exhausted.

Taz stopped the music she was hearing to talk with Denise for a few minutes. Using a voice simulator, he did not want his voice to be recognized, considering he lived in the same general area or, if she ever came into his Butcher Shop. “Do I have your attention?”, he asked. She shook her head, yes she was listening. “I understand you have a fantasy of becoming a meal for someone. To be butchered and roasted and ate and enjoyed by a group of people. Is that true?”, he asked. She gave a childlike nod to the affirmative. “Well, I am going to give you that experience! Up to a point! Would that turn you on?”, Taz asked. Again, she sheepishly nodded to the affirmative! “OK, the games will begin immediately!”, said Taz. Denise shook nervously in anticipation of what was about to happen! She was scared but, also turned on by not knowing what was going to happen. How far would this actually go? Taz says, “I now return you to the previous program for your listening pleasure!” Denise shivered again!

Taz left Denise listening to the music while gathering his special knives that he made just for this type of situation. He brought the knives to the marble slab and laid them out. He then began reapplying the Olive oil on Denise, only this time he was applying the Olive Oil with a 4 inch wide natural hair paint brush, so it was more like basting the meat. She was enjoying this as the sensations were very pleasant however, she did notice that the oil was not being applied by hand and the brush while a pleasant feeling made her wonder, why the change! Just as Denise thought that, a darkness set into her mind or, a realization that paint brushes are often used to baste BBQ meats being smoked and cooked low and slow and often on a spit rotisserie! Now very nervous Denise is worried that this is her fate! However, she has also become more aroused at the thought of being spit roasted!

Taz has been busy brushing more oil on Denise, giving extra attention to Denise’s breasts and nipples with the brush as he applies the olive oil. Her tummy gets plenty of caressing with the brush also and she is moaning and gyrating her hips. Taz has moved down to her Labia with the brush and is slathering oil all around that area, which has spiked her arousal to where she is trying to keep the brush over her Labia by moving with it and trying to predict where it will go. This was an easy tactic to pick up so Taz again separates the outer lips of Denise’s Labia and is caressing her inner lips and pearl which causes her to release a muted squeal due to the ball gag. He takes his middle two fingers and plunges them into her vagina, massaging her “G” spot which has really spiked her squeals and moans and cooing! Alternately he thrust his fingers in and out and massaging the “G” spot! While his thumb is rubbing her pearl. Denise is starting to shake and screaming in her best “gag speak”, “IIIIIII’mmmmmm, uuuuummmmiiiiiinnnnngggggg!!!!!” Taz never let up until she collapsed!

While Denise was out, Taz retrieved his special roasting spit and placed it near the marble slab, for easy access. Before Denise comes to, Taz wants to get her mounted on the special spit rod. He removes her hands and feet from the hooks at each end of the marble slab. Taz rolls Denise to lay on her right side while he removes the rope from her wrists and attaches the shackles on the rod to each wrist and also put shackles on her ankles. There is a steel wire cage which supports the tummy area, the ends of the wires are not covered so they will poke her tummy and sides a couple of times each revolution of the rotisserie but not pierce the skin, just provide some stimulus! With the spit rod installed around Denise, Taz can now place the rod ends into the rotisserie frames at the ends of the marble slab. There is room for other attachments for stimulation, one holds a dildo which enters her vagina and has its own extension which will rest on her clitoris, that is inserted and fastened to its holder. The dildo and clit vibrator are remote control so the intensity can be changed whenever desired. Denise is now suspended in air, not lying on the marble slab. Onto the marble slab, Taz slides what is a modified Tanning bed under Denise, who is still out since her massive orgasm. The tanning bed modification allows the bed to produce more heat from 130°F to 140°F. Denise will be rotating over this heat source not knowing if it is life threatening or not and it is not! However, she will be sweating quite a bit at about 135°F tops. Her adrenaline will be flowing from not knowing if this is her end or not, added to that is her excitement at actually becoming a food source for unknown people!

Taz had turned on the tanning bed to heat it up to temperature and it quickly was at 125°F as Denise was beginning to stir and noticing that her situation had changed. She was tied differently, her wrists and ankles were now in what felt like shackles and she was stretched out tightly, arms and legs are fully extended, and she could feel something around her tummy, her nipples were still vibrating. She feels something in her vagina and pressure on her clitoris. Yes, she is still gagged!
Taz noticed her coming around so, he turned on the dildo and clit vibe which immediately drew a reaction from Denise who released a small squeal and she started squirming. Taz smiled knowing this session was to be full of surprises for Denise who may even be wondering if she will live through this encounter! The uncertainty will have additional adrenaline flowing, which will have her mind racing from one scenario to another and that will open her up for lots of stimulation and hopefully massive orgasms!

Taz picked up one of his butcher knives, he placed the tip of the blade at the base of one of Denise’s breasts, drags the tip of the blade around the chest as it may be marked to be removed, she inhaled deeply as this startled her. The blade was not cutting her just the tip  was touching her, the cutting blade was up away from her skin. He then touched the tip to her areola on the left breast and traced it around which drew another sharp breath from her. Next the knife tip followed the centerline of her tummy from her ribs to her navel and over it to the top of her Labia, a couple of sharp breathes were drawn during this! The knife tip circled the top of each thigh and the calves were also traced as if the muscle was to be separated from the bone! The ass cheeks were circled as they were to be removed individually. Denise was almost breathless after this cutting demo was performed for her benefit, yet she became very excited and turned on!  
Taz turned the rotisserie on slow, the heat source was up to 135°F so Denise was definitely aware of a much higher temperature to one side of her, she remains blindfolded, she assumes it is under her. Taz picks up the 4 inch paint brush dips it into the Olive Oil and resumes “basting “ Denise. She made a slight whining sound when the brush touched her breast and because the brush was so heavily loaded with oil some dripped off her and when it touched the heat source it made a sizzling sound and gave off a burning smell. This was the desired reaction from Denise, she has to consider that she may actually be being roasted. She seems to have had a fear reaction however, she has increased her writhing on the spit. Not wanting to waste this reaction, Taz took this time to use the brush to pay extra attention to her Labia and around to her ass and butt cheeks and she reacted just as expected, her arousal level has increased quite a bit, her writhing on the spit is more energetic! Taz, increased the pulsations of the dildo and clit vibrator. Well, that was all that was needed to set off another monster orgasm! Denise was screaming through her gag, no words this time, just screaming  was bucking and twisting and shaking on the spit for many minutes, her breathing was labored, she was trying to suck air around the ball in her mouth. Her heavy breathing went on for a while and she finally slowed down and relaxed, the orgasm was over. Taz turned the dildo and clit vibrator back down to their low settings. He went to Denise and touched her butt, squeezed it, slapped it, moved to her thighs and repeated the same motions, next her calves then to her tummy, then her arms, breasts were last, and they were massaged and pinched!
At this point Denise is whining a bit, she gave good effort with a ball gag in her mouth. Denise is now scared that she is actually being cooked as meat for someone to eat! “I cannot believe this is happening! It was just a fantasy, I never expected it would become real! How can this be stopped?”, she thinks to herself. Internally she is now fighting her feelings! How could she be so careless to let herself be kidnapped? Yet her libido betrays her, and the thought of this happening still turns her on as she renews her squirming on the spit rod waking her arousal again!

Taz has been watching Denise’s facial expressions and body movements and lack of movement as well. He was glad to see the squirming again, he knew that her libido was back in control! He picked up the paint brush again and resumed the “Basting” of Denise and he also turned up the pulsations of the dildo and Clit vibrator! The increase of the pulsations was greeted by a squeal from Denise and her undulations again were demonstrating her level of excitement. Taz thinks, “Wow! This woman is a sexual warrior her appetite is fascinating, I would love to have more time to see what makes her tick! Amazing!” As the basting continues anything that he thinks will excite her even more is tried, and reactions noted. The sound of the oil sizzling no longer seems to give her any thought or cause to dull her excitement! Denise’s arousal continues to build as she is nearing another massive orgasm as shaking has started and her moaning is louder. Taz decides to try something, he takes the paint brush and move to the soles of Denise’s feet and her toes using a light touch. Denise immediately reacts with laughter and attempting to move her feet away from the brush, Taz only increased the brushing of her feet and also turned up the vibrators, both of them. Her reaction to the tickling continued she was writhing and moaning and laughing almost hysterically at times. The orgasm was still building. Suddenly the orgasm broke through, she was screaming and thrashing and vibrating on the spit as the rotisserie continued turning slowly. This time Denise passed out, hanging limply from the spit.
Taz turned off the rotisserie, it was time to clean Denise up, get her re-dressed and back to her car and her life. Taz bathed her and got her dressed, carried her over the shoulder and put her in the back seat of his truck, checked her purse to make sure her car keys were there. She was given a dose of chloroform just to make sure she remained asleep until after she was back in her car and Taz was out of sight.
Sunday morning, Denise woke up, a bit groggy, looked around, she was in her car, wearing the same clothes she wore on Friday. She thought, “was that a dream? Did it really happen. I do feel completely sated! Holy crap! She started the car and drove home. Arriving home, she wants to shower. Denise undresses and heads to her bathroom but, stops at her full length mirror and looks at her body. First thing she notices that her skin is very soft and that she has sunburn where her skin was very pale because those areas were not often exposed, puzzling… She gazed at her body for awhile enjoying her look and wondering how the change occurred! She shrugged and went to take her shower and go to bed as she felt exhausted and, tomorrow is Monday and another day of school.

The End…  


  1. Fantastic, thank you for posting it here, and thanks Taz for writing such an amazing story with me!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You inspired me to write this, I am glad you enjoyed the story!
    PoserHorror does not know what he started!!!! ;-) ;-)


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