Batgirl - A Night at the Club (page 24)

by RenderPretender - and

Story by Rescuer673 -

The next morning, Wolf Carmichael awakened looking forward to the day.
    Today was the day he’d pay off on the promise he’d made to himself nearly a decade ago. Today was the day that the girl who’d haunted his dreams for so long would finally be his.
            Everything was in place.
            The van, normally used as a “crash truck” by the gang on runs, was parked unobtrusively by a stone bridge adjacent to a branch of the Kitekhahki River southeast of Bazaine. He’d take her at the school, drive her in her own car to the van, then abandon the car and transfer her to the van for the hour-long trip to his farm in Adams County.
            Carmichael chuckled at the notion of the president of a biker gang being a farmer. In point of fact, he wasn’t. His uncle, who, after his parents died, had been his only living relative, had built up the farming business. He’d made a small killing in the stock market, and used it to buy up plots of land, refinancing and buying more, until eventually he had over 100,000 contiguous acres in the most agriculturally prosperous county in the state. That was more than one man could farm, obviously, so he’d carved out a two hundred acre “island” for himself in the middle of the property, built a spacious and comfortable farmhouse on that island, and rented out the rest of the property for other people to farm. He had become quite wealthy just on the rents, but when oil was discovered on part of his property, he’d made a deal that turned him from merely “quite wealthy” to “filthy rich.”
    When the uncle died, it had all come to Carmichael who, even after the payment of fairly substantial estate taxes, found himself suddenly a multi-millionaire. And, with the rents still coming in, the oil still pumping, and the investments still paying off big-time, his wealth just kept growing. Keeping what he thought of as his “farming” life separate from his biker life, he had moved into the luxurious farmhouse, and lived well. The big money even paid off in cementing his status with the other gang members. The club naturally continued its activities in drugs, gun-running, prostitution, protection, etc. But Carmichael personally no longer needed the income those activities produced.
            The thing about biker gangs is that, notwithstanding their dangerous activities and the threat they pose to law-abiding citizens, they tend, because of their overtly counter-culture lifestyle, to be the armpit of American organized crime. Traditional organized crime groups may be violent, but they try to at least appear to be part of the community. Bikers purposefully stand out, deliberately making themselves abhorrent to the rest of society, derisively referred to as “citizens.”
    Moreover, for traditional mobsters, making money is the whole point of a gang’s existence. For bikers, criminal enterprises are entered into primarily to maintain their “outlaw” lifestyle and image, and that lifestyle and image is expensive to maintain. Consequently, bikers tend to squander their ill-gotten gains indulging in drug use themselves, in sexual gratification (often forced), in maintaining their choppers, etc.
    Since Carmichael was independently wealthy, he could maintain the lifestyle on his own nickel. As president, he was entitled to the biggest cut of any profit a given criminal enterprise generated, but he always donated his share to the rest of the gang. For him, being a biker had essentially become a hobby, a hobby that he could now afford to maintain thanks to his uncle’s hard work.
    So Anne Leonard was about to marry rich.
    Whether she wanted to or not.
    Life was getting better and, once he had Anne in his power, it would be perfect.
    So he thought.
            Anne arrived at the school a little early, so she could check in at the administrative office, find out where he classroom was, get a roll list, etc.
            Bureaucratic hoops successfully jumped through, and a key to her classroom issued, Anne opened the door, and waited outside so she could greet the kids as they came in. Some of the kids were walked into the building by one or another of their parents, and she was uncomfortably aware of how some of the fathers were ogling her. Really, she liked being a pretty woman, but she wasn’t all that remarkable.
            Paperwork completed, Bishop tried to contrive some excuse to drive up to Tracy County and check in early with Anne.
            Off-hand he couldn’t think of one. He had no open cases there at the moment. Then again, he did like to keep in personal contact with local police in his four-county beat, and he hadn’t touched base with Sheriff Cordell “Whip” Bryant for awhile. Maybe he could sort of mosey on up there and shoot the breeze with ol’ Whip for a bit, then head for the school to see if he could talk Anne into leaving early today.
            Carmichael had seen Anne’s early arrival, but held off.
            When kids started filtering into school he moved a bit closer to the campus, a paper shopping bag in his hand, and waited ‘til the crowd of students got larger. Then he took a position beside a kid who was by himself and strode in confidently as if he was the kid’s parent. The kid wasn’t in Anne’s class, but Carmichael saw her standing outside the classroom entrance, greeting all her new students as they came in.
            He had a fairly clear idea of what the floor plan of the building was. It was shaped like an “L,” and the bottom part of the “L” was two stories. The classrooms on that wing were all on the second story. The first story was an auditorium, which doubled as a lunchroom on normal days, and was also used for special assemblies, school plays, etc. On the wall underneath the stage level, was a door, indicating that, below the stage floor, it was hollow, and probably used for storage. Making sure that no one else saw him, he entered the auditorium, opened the doorway beneath the stage, crawled inside, and closed it behind him.
            There was little chance that anyone would need any of the items stored in this space directly beneath the stage today, and, in the unlikely event that anything was needed and retrieved, little chance that he’d be spotted in the far corner where he was hunkered down. He was safe here.
            Now all he needed was patience.
            The day had gone well. She liked the kids and the kids seemed to like her.
            A good part of the day was spent just getting to know each other. Some of the better students in the class were able to give her some idea of what the regular daily routine was like.
            Now that school was out, she’d spend the next few hours reviewing the lesson plan, the prior work of the students, and scheduling the remaining days.
            As she sat the desk working, there was knock on the door.
            “Come in.”
            And there was Jack, looking like a successful young executive in the nicely fitting dark gray business suit.
            “Jack!” she said. “What a nice surprise. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a suit before. Sports coat and tie, but never an actual suit.”
            “This is my Sunday go-to-meeting,” he replied. “Although, come to think of it, Sunday Mass is actually one of the few times I don’twear a coat and tie. It’s my Christmas and Easter go-to-meeting.”
            “And you wore it for me?”
            “Yeah, I guess I did.” He looked at her intently and said, “You certainly look nice.”
            “If you’d’ve waited until it was time to pick me up at the motel, I’d’ve looked even nicer.”
            With that, she stood up, turned her back to him, pulled off the angora sweater, and turned back around to face him. Jack’s mouth dropped open in a very gratifying way, and all he could think of to say was, “Wow!”
            “You like it?” she asked.
            “Yeah,” he said. “I guess we both decided to dress up a little for each other, didn’t we?”
            She nodded.
            “Does that mean what I hope it means?” he asked.
            “What do you hope it means?” she said.
            “That maybe we’re coming to feel something more for each other than just friendship.”
            “Well, Jack, it’s been a year. You can’t exactly say we’ve been rushing it.”
            “If you go back to when I was ogling you in high school, it’s been almost ten years. But when we finally met, you were a widow in mourning. And I was the cop investigating your husband’s murder. It didn’t seem appropriate. Fact is that unsolved murder is still between us.”
            “It needn’t be. If he’d died of an incurable disease, and you were a doctor, would you feel that you had to find a cure before you came courting?”
            “Not the same thing.”
            “Sure it is, in essentials. We’d have our lives to live whether or not you were ever able to come up with a cure. And we have our lives to live whether or not the murder’s solved. Should we deny ourselves a chance at being happy because my husband happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?”
            “Perhaps not. That’s actually what I intended to talk to you about at dinner tonight. I have a new theory. I could be completely off-base, but at least it gives me a new direction to work.”
            “Why don’t you tell me about it now? That way, we can enjoy each other’s company at dinner without other issues impinging.”
            So Jack told her his theory. That she was at the heart of the motive behind Phil’s murder. That Phil was killed to make her available again. She felt a twinge of guilt, but only a twinge. In the first place, this was only a theory, and might never prove out. In the second, she was not responsible for the choices other persons made.
            “That’s really all there is to it. A guy from Kent County High breaking the Ninth Commandment. I got the notion from watching David and Bathsheba one night, and the three Back to the Future movies the next.”
            “Does that really seem credible, Jack?”
            “Murders have been committed for a lot less. And there’s a reason God put that particular prohibition about coveting other men’s wives on His Top Ten list. If men weren’t doing it, there’d’ve been no need to forbid it. I don’t think you’ve ever truly realized just how much of an affect you had on the male half of Kent County High’s student body. And not all of them were content just to look and think. Teen-aged boys talk to each other about girls. And not all the talk stopped at what a hottie you were.”
            And are, he thought.
            “What do you mean?”
            “Some guys made really crude, obscene remarks. That’s really not that unusual among adolescent boys, but it’s generally about fantasy women, a movie star or that month’s Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, or someone they saw on the ‘Net. Rarely about a real girl. But these were about a real girl. You. Some of those guys might not’ve outgrown those attitudes. And, if I am right, I think his next step, whatever it is, is coming pretty soon.”
            “It’s been over a year since Phil’s murder. It’s been months since the case has been actively worked. If I’m right, and someone killed Phil to get to you, he probably figures enough time has passed to make it safe. That means you’ve got to be extra careful.”
            “Careful how?”
            “Just be alert. Make sure your motel doors are locked when you’re working out of town. That the doors are locked when you’re at home. Keep an eye out for signs that you’re being stalked. Look inside your car before you get in to make sure no one’s waiting for you.  Things like that”
            Anne let out a breath, and said, “I’m glad we had this conversation now. It would have spoiled dinner.”
            “Yes, now we can talk about pleasant things. Are you ready to go?”
            “I told you, I have to stay late today. Pick me up at the motel at six like we planned. I’m already dressed. All I’ll have to do is take off my sweater and replace it with a really nice shawl I brought. Which reminds me.”
            She pulled her sweater back on.
            “No way I can tempt you to leave now?” he asked.
            “If I don’t get on top of this stuff tonight, I’ll be behind the whole week. That’s not fair to the kids.”
            “Okay,” he said. “You win. I’ll see you at six.”
            About ten minutes before five, Carmichael emerged from his hiding place, reasonably sure no one else was in the building besides him and Anne.
    He reached into the brown paper bag he’d brought with him and withdrew some coveralls which he pulled on over his street clothes, counting on her not yet being familiar with the custodial staff. They also had the effect of transforming his scraggly, bearded, deliberately threatening “outlaw biker” look into a safer, blue-collar “regular working guy” look.
    He went to the teacher’s lounge, and bought a couple of Cokes from the vending machine, one Classic and one Diet. He uncapped the Diet Coke, then reached into a pocket and pulled out a small plastic bag containing a powder that he poured into the soft drink. Then he recapped the bottle, twisting it down as hard as he could so it wouldn’t seem like it had been opened.
            He then walked nonchalantly to her classroom, knocked on the door, opened it, and said, “Hi. You must be the new sub.”
            She smiled and nodded. She looked great. Modestly dressed, but still hot. A white angora pullover sweater over a floral print skirt that extended well below her knees.
            He continued, “I’m the kinda new assistant janitor. Just got myself a pop.” He indicated the plastic bottles he was holding in each hand. “When I noticed the light on, I got you one, too. Diet Coke okay?”
            She smiled, thanked him, and said, “I’ll be out of your way soon. Shouldn’t be here more than another half-hour or so.”
            “No problem,” he said. “I’ll probably be here ‘til past eight, anyway.”
            He took a long pull on his Coke. She took several ladylike sips. It wouldn’t take more than that.
            Her eyes didn’t exactly close, but it wasn’t exactly an anesthetic. More like a muscle relaxer. Or more accurately, a muscle paralyzer. She’d be awake enough to understand what was going on, but unable to do anything about it.
            Before the drug took hold completely, she managed to put what was left of the drink (which was most of it), back on the desk, before collapsing into her chair.
            Now that she was unable to move, he walked over to her and took a closer look. His heart started beating faster. He licked his lips and started breathing heavily as the realization that she was now powerless to stop him from doing anything he wanted to her sank in.
    He focused on her angora sweater first. While quite attractive on her, it was a bit baggy, hiding her figure. He removed it, and was pleasantly surprised to find that, underneath, she wasn’t wearing a conservative skirt, but a strapless cocktail dress.
            “Kinda fancy, darlin’,” he said. “Have a date tonight? Well, it’s been over a year since your husband died. Guess that’s a reasonable mourning period. But now that you and I are engaged, you really shouldn’t be seeing other guys.”
            Discarding the sweater, he gagged her, a tight cleave gag that not only silenced her, but gathered her lovely hair attractively around her shoulders. Then he tied her wrists, elbows, ankles, and knees with white rope he’d placed in the huge pockets of his coveralls.
    Once her legs were tied, he ran his hands up and down them. She wasn’t wearing hose. Her skin was so creamy and smooth, she didn’t need to. Her shoes were strappy, high-heeled sandals, another indication she’d festive plans for the evening.
    Lastly, he secured her arms to her body, encircling ropes tightly around her upper torso, above and below her bosom. Then he hoisted her over his shoulder, exited the classroom, walked down the hallway to a storage room near the back entrance, and locked her in.
    He went back to the classroom and sat down at her desk.
    Taking a piece of paper from the top of a pile, he wrote something at the bottom. Then he fed it into the computer, which was still on, typed something, and printed it out. Folding the paper, he put it in a pocket, then retrieved her purse, and went out to the parking lot, where her car was the only one left. He got inside, and drove it around to the back entrance. Before reentering the building, he opened the trunk lid.
            She was starting to shake off the effects of the drug, which were apparently short-term. The ropes were now doing what the drug had done, holding her immobile and helpless.
            He thinks we’re engaged? As far as she knew, they’d never met.
            Was he a Kent County alum? Was Jack right about why Phil was killed?
            Was her kidnapper also Phil’s murderer?
            More importantly, was Jack smart enough to know she wouldn’t’ve stood him up? Was escape possible? If not on her own, then with Jack’s help?
            He returned. The sight of her trying to loosen her bonds set his heart racing even more than it already was.
    He stared at her. Beautiful eyes stared back with a delicious blend of anger, fear, and sleepiness as she struggled to shake the drug. She looked so fine in that strapless floral print dress! She was the sort of girl on whom any clothes looked great. Whatever she wore seemed stylish. Even the ropes and the gag, as much as she was trying to free herself from them, looked like fashion accessories.
            After nearly ten years, she was his!
    Again he hoisted her over his shoulder and took her to where he’d parked her car. He placed her inside the trunk. Before closing the lid, he pulled down the top of her dress, exposing her bosom. She screamed but the gag effectively muffled her.
    For just a moment he stared at the two firm, beautifully shaped breasts. For ten years he’d only been able to imagine what they’d look like. The reality was better than what he’d been able to imagine.
    What would they feel like?
     He suddenly grabbed one in each hand and began kneading them roughly.
    “So long!” he said. “I’ve waited so very long to do this!”
    At first she was too overcome to make a sound, but, as his bestial attentions to her dainty majesties continued, she began to moan and whimper in pain and fear. Trying to make herself understood through the gag, she begged him to stop.
    The whines of fear and pleading only fueled his desire. Nevertheless, he abruptly stopped.
            “Can’t get distracted,” he said. “Plenty of time when we get home. It’s not that long a drive. But we have one stop to make.”
            The car came to stop, but that was all Anne knew.
            The trunk lid opened. The bearded kidnapper took a firm grip on her dress below where the ropes encircled her bosom, and carefully pulled it through the bottom rope. Once it was free, he pulled it off completely, as well as her shoes. Lastly, he yanked off the small crucifix she wore around her neck, leaving her naked except for her white cotton panties. He closed the trunk lid again.
    They were by the bridge near where he had parked the van earlier. He went onto the bridge, and carefully packed the dress, shoes, and purse into a tight corner formed by the bridge wall and one of the support beams coming up from the river.
            This particular branch of the river that spanned by the bridge sometimes dried up completely, but right now, due to some heavy rainstorms the previous week, it was flowing rapidly enough to make it hazardous for swimmers and any boat not especially crafted to traverse rapids. A person who jumped into it could not expect to survive. And it was just barely possible that no body would ever be recovered.
            He took the paper on which he had typed the note in Anne’s classroom, unfolded it, and read it:

            The death of my husband has been more than I can bear. Since he’s been gone I feel as though I’m slowly going crazy.
            I hope everyone will forgive me for ending it like this, but I wish to die rather than live without him.

            Below that was the signature “Anne R. Leonard,” which he had carefully traced from an impression left from her having signed a note placed on top of the pile of paper from which he had retrieved this sheet. He folded the crucifix inside the note, then slid it under the flap of her purse, with a bit showing so it would be seen by whoever discovered it, then placed the purse and shoes over the dress and sweater to anchor them against the corner.
            He went back to her car, lifted her out, threw her over his shoulder again, and carried her over to where he had the van hidden. He opened the side door, and laid her
down on a mattress that had been placed on the floor of the storage area.
            Once again temptation overcame him and he began running his hands over her body, squeezing her breasts and caressing her thighs. He bent down and sloppily kissed her. The cleave gag left her lips uncovered, though it kept him from invading her mouth with his tongue. She tried to squirm away, but to no avail. Indeed, the squirming seemed to excite him more.
            Again, he stopped abruptly, stood up, and said, “That’ll have to hold me ‘til we get home. But that’s less than an hour from here.”
            “Home” was a spacious, attractive wood farmhouse, on what appeared to be a huge piece of acreage, though she had time for little more than an impression before being hoisted over his shoulder again.
            Once he had the front door open, he switched from an over-the shoulder carry to a cradle carry and stepped inside.
            “Proper way to carry a bride across the threshold,” he said.
            He took her downstairs to a room prepared in the basement, tossed her on a huge bed, and climbed in with her.
            For the next five hours, she lay on her side with him behind her. One of his hands snaked under her neck, reaching across her chest to find one of her breasts and begin mercilessly squeezing. The other reached over from above to slide under her panties and begin exploring her most intimate parts.
            Meanwhile, he grinded against her bottom, barely pausing, climaxing over and over, drenching her panties in his cum. She moaned in fear and misery. It made him even more excited.
            Stopping briefly, he finally pulled her panties down. Not all the way off, just as far as the ropes that secured her thighs. Then he again started grinding against her now naked bottom, not penetrating, just sliding back and forth inside the crack, timing his thrusts like a master choreographer, so that each one coincided with a painful squeeze on one of her breasts by one hand, and an invasive stroke against her femininity with the other.
            Not quite rape. But just as humiliating. Just as violating.
            A few minutes before twelve, he stopped, pulled her panties back up, threw a blanket over her, and left, locking the door behind him.
            “Can’t see the bride on our wedding day until the service starts,” he said. “And our wedding day starts at midnight.”
            Heartsick and anguished at the dreadful, frightening situation in which she found herself, she cried herself to sleep.
            She was awakened by a coarse-looking woman in tight jeans and a leather vest with a patch sewn on back that said “Property of the Heathens of Satan.” Her arms were both heavily tattooed.
            “Morning,” she said, removing her gag and giving her a few swallows of water. “I’m your bridesmaid, though I stopped bein’ a maid long ago. Name’s Sherry Marvin. Congratulations. You’re slidin’ right by ‘sheep,’ ‘mama,’ and even ‘old lady,’ and going right to ‘citizen wife.’ Married to a biker, but not part of biker life. Course, you really won’t be part of any life. Just his personal, legally married fucktoy.”
            “What do you mean ‘legally?’”
            “This is a common law state. You don’t need to get a license for a marriage to be legal here. You don’t even need a ceremony. All you need is for both of you to consent to be married to each other, consummate the marriage, and publicly put yourselves forward as a married couple.”
            “Who says I’m consenting? He kidnapped me! There’s no consent in that.”
            “You’ll consent. Let me show you why.”
            She pulled out a cell phone and showed her a picture on the screen.
            “You know what that is?” she asked.
            “It’s my parents’ house,” she said, a bit more subdued.
            “That’s right. What if I told you there’s a bomb planted in the basement of their house, radio-activated, ready to be set off the moment Wolf orders the man standing by to push the button.”
            Anne thought for a moment, then said, “I’d say you were bluffing.”
            The biker woman smiled. “Maybe I am,” she said. “But do you want to bet the lives of your folks and your little girl on that? And even if I am, it doesn’t change the fact that we know where your family lives, and the Heathens are a violent bunch. Their safety depends on your cooperation.”
            “The Heathens?”
            “The Heathens of Satan Motorcycle Club. What citizens like you call a ‘biker gang.’ Not as famous as the Hell’s Angels, but we’ve got a pretty respectable reputation in the Midwest. Wolf Carmichael, he’s your fiancé just in case he never got around to introducing himself, he’s the president. I’m not supposed to admit this to citizens like you, but you know all those true crime articles and TV documentaries that all go on about how bikers are the most violent organized crime entity?” She paused for effect, then went on. “Well, they’re all true. So your family’s safety really does depend on your going ahead with this marriage. And that starts with willingly exchanging vows at the ceremony.”
            “What ceremony? I thought you said common law marriages didn’t need a ceremony.”
            “They don’t need one. Wolf wants one. So he’s got himself a preacher upstairs, a sort of preacher, anyway, who’s going to read the words and then pronounce you man and wife.”
            “What kind of clergyman would participate in a . . . farce like this.”
            “Club meetings are generally referred to as ‘church.’ One of the Heathens, Spike Foster, got himself ordained on the ‘Net. That means the club can get tax exempt status as a religious organization, and Spike can visit members in jail or prison as their spiritual advisor. He’ll be the officiant. So when he asks you if you take Wolf as your husband, just agree. If you love your family, just agree.”
            “But even if I do agree, people will be looking for me.”
            “No they won’t. Not for awhile at least. Wolf fixed it so it looked like you committed suicide by jumping off a bridge into a river. And they’ll never find you here. And here’s where you’ll stay ‘til death do you part. Biker stuff aside, Wolf’s one of the richest men in the state, and he’s willing to pay for his privacy. Farm rentals. Oil rights. Mutual funds. He’s rolling in it. And he can afford to keep you here for the rest of your life, without anyone, outside of a small, tight group in the Club, even knowing. He did say he was going to take you into town for the wedding night, but that’ll probably be your last outing. After that, it’s life imprisonment for you, without the possibility of parole.”
            Nobody, Anne thought, who really knew her could possibly think she’d ever commit suicide. At least she hoped not. Certainly her parents would never believe it. Nor would Phil’s folks. Nor Father Connolly. And she hoped Jack would never believe it. Right now, the only hope she could hold onto was the belief that people were out there, that Jack was out there, looking for her.
            For the next hour, the biker woman prepared her. She was bathed, shampooed, and dressed. As she was being cleansed and moisturized, it seemed to Anne that the biker woman lingered just a little bit when she ran her hands over her body as she helped her bathe and apply moisturizer.
            “Sorry about that,” she said. “Your life’s going to be unpleasant enough without me making you even more uncomfortable. Most of the guys don’t know I swing both ways. Fact is, it wasn’t just the boys at Kent County who used salivate over you when you walked home. Some of us girls, those inclined a particular way, crushed on you, too.”
            Anne’s eyes widened in shock and embarrassment. She could think of nothing to say to that, and decided that nothing was the best thing to say.
            “Let’s get you dressed,” her “bridesmaid” said.
    Her “gown” was nothing but a strapless pearl-white corset, with a frilly fringe along the bottom suggesting a skirt, though it didn’t extend beyond her waist, and the pearl satin thong panties were plainly visible. For practical purposes, Anne’s bottom was completely bare, the tiny strand of satin acting as “butt floss” essentially invisible in the crack of her heart-shaped bottom. Though her legs were bare, a blue garter was slid up her right calf.
            The woman attached a pearl choker around her throat.
            “That belongs to me,” she said. “I’ll want it back after the ceremony. That’s your ‘something borrowed.’ The garter’s your ‘something blue.’ The corset and panties are brand new. Wolf did a little research to get your size. That’s why it fits so well.”
            She then fastened a chain from which a cameo was suspended around her neck, just below the pearl choker.
            “Cameo belonged to Wolf’s mom. It’s a family heirloom. Goes all the way back to the Civil War.”
            Something old, Anne thought to herself.
            A pair of white, strappy high-heeled sandals, similar to the ones Carmichael had taken from her yesterday, were the next item she donned. One of them felt like it had a bump under the sole, making it a bit uncomfortable.
            “Last line of the poem,” said Sherry Marvin. “‘Silver sixpence in her shoe.’ Wolf actually bought a British sixpence coin from a collector and had it sewn into the shoe.”
    The biker woman then tied Anne’s wrists, in front rather than behind, though her elbows were pinioned to her side by another rope tied across her back. Another cleave gag, a long white satin scarf, was tied over her mouth. Her legs were tied together, above the knees, then another rope connected her wrists to her knees so that she’d be unable to raise her wrists to her face and remove her gag. The ankles were left unbound so Anne could walk, or at least hobble. A small nosegay was placed in her hands. A veil was placed atop her head.
    The bride was ready.
·         by Rescuer673, 1 hour and 54 minutes ago

            The biker woman, Sherry Marvin, led her up the stairs to the spacious living room, where the three remaining members of the wedding party were waiting. Anne and her “bridesmaid” were the only women. Her kidnapper, the man Sherry Marvin called Wolf Carmichal, was already in the groom’s position. A second man, facing Carmichael and holding what looked like a prayerbook, was presumably the “clergyman,” Spike Foster. A third man was standing next to Carmichael. She guessed he was the best man.
    All three were wearing frayed blue jeans and leather vests, and like the biker woman, all three were heavily tattooed. Sewn on the back of all three vests were three different patches. A small arch-shaped one on top said “Heathens of Satan MC.” Another arc-shaped one on the bottom, curving up instead of down, said “Midwestern U.S.” The one in the middle depicted a particularly scary looking Satan, with enormous goat horns growing out of his forehead, riding a motorcycle.
    The fronts of the vests were decorated with dozens of smaller patches. All three had a patch that said “1%.” All three had a patch with the number “13” on it. All three had a patch that said “HFFH.” All three had at least one skull & crossbones patch, and Carmichael had four. All had a number of pairs of white wings sewn on. Foster and the so far unnamed best man each had three. Carmichael had five, plus a pair of black wings, one of brown wings, one of yellow wings, one of blue wings, one of green wings, and one of golden (distinct from yellow) wings. The unnamed best man had an eight-ball and sergeant’s stripes sewn on. Foster had a patch that said “Vice-President.” Carmichael had one that said “President.” Prominently displayed on Carmichael’s vest was a patch that said “Texas Highway Patrol,” sewn upside down.
    Anne had no idea what most of those patches meant, but if she did, the fear that was already edging closer and closer to panic would have immediately hit critical mass. The skull & crossbones patches represented a murder the wearer had committed. The wings represented acts of sexual violence perpetrated on outsider women, “citizen women” in biker parlance, by the wearer, the various colors denoting things like ethnic background, or something else distinctive about the victim. The eight-ball worn by the best man meant he had done hard time, a year or more, for the club. And the state police patch worn upside down by Carmichael meant he had taken it by force from a member of that department.
    Even without knowing the exact meaning of the various decorations, she knew, beyond any doubt, that all of these men were dangerous, violent, and evil.
            Anne started to move forward, but Sherry Marvin held her back.
            “Wait a moment,” she whispered.
            The best man took a remote device out of a pocket and hit a button. Over hidden speakers, Wagner’s “Bridal March” began to play.
            Once the music started, the biker woman guided Anne forward until she was standing next to Carmichael and in front of Foster.
            When the final notes of the familiar “Here Comes the Bride” melody had sounded, Miller began the service, which was brief and to the point.
    “Do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?”
            “I do,” her kidnapper said.
            “Do you take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?”
            Thinking of her family, she reluctantly nodded.
            “Then by the authority vested in me by the Church of Light Universal, the Church of the Heathens of Satan, and by Common Law as adopted by this state, I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”          
    With that, Carmichael roughly jerked Anne to him, pulled down her gag, and kissed her brutally on the mouth. After holding her in that position for almost a full minute, his tongue invading her mouth as deeply as it could reach, she started to choke, and Carmichael finally released her and replaced her gag.
    “Let’s complete the paperwork,” said Foster. He picked up a clipboard from a table that had a form with the words “Certificate of Marriage” across the top. The names had already been typed in. Foster signed on the officiant’s line, and handed it to Carmichael. He signed, then passed the pen to Anne, and held the clipboard in front of her so she could sign despite having her hands fettered. Carmichael then passed both the pen and the clipboard to the best man. He signed it on one of the witness’s lines, and handed it to Sherry Marvin.
    She looked at it and said, “Snake, I had no idea your real first name was ‘Felix.’”
    “Well, now you know why I don’t use it much,” said the best man.
     “And Spike, your name is ‘Gaylord?’”
    “That’s why I got tagged to be the club’s chaplain. Wolf here figured I’d be a natural on account of the second syllable.”
    The biker woman signed her name on the remaining witness line, and handed the clipboard to Carmichael, who removed the certificate from the clipboard, folded it, and put it in his pocket.
    “This’ll be placed in my safe deposit box in Rutherford,” he said.
     “And now, President Carmichael,” said Foster, “you may welcome your bride to our community in the traditional manner.”
     Carmichael dragged Anne to the nearest chair, turned her over his lap, and proceeded to paddle her bottom. He continued non-stop for three minutes. He did it barehanded, and he didn’t really slap her that hard, though neither were they love taps. The worst part wasn’t the pain inflicted. It was the humiliation of being treated with such contempt in front of the others.
    When he was finished, he stood her up, handed her over to Sherry Marvin, and said, “Here you go. Get her ready for the trip to town.”
            Sherry Marvin quickly untied Ann, removed the corset, then, now that Anne was topless retied her hands behind her, tied her elbows together, then secured her arms to her body, as Carmichael had the day before, by encircling ropes above and below and around her bosom in the same sort of degrading “breast harness,” less as a form of restrains than, apparently, as a form of decoration.  She tied a rope off at the elbows, brought it over Anne’s shoulder, threaded it through the ropes encircling her torso between her breasts, bought it back over the other shoulder to form a sort of “V,” and tied that end off at Anne’s elbows. In addition to restraining her, the ropes now gave the impression that they formed an open brassiere over her breasts. Anne felt mortified and blushed in a way that, unfortunately for her, only increased her already substantial attractiveness.
            “Don’t worry, honey,” said Sherry Marvin, chuckling at Anne’s embarrassment. “No man’ll see you like this except your lawfully wedded husband.”
            With that, she reached out and gave one of Anne’s breasts a playful squeeze.
            Chuckling some more, she said, “I know I said I wouldn’t mess with you, anymore, but you’re so pretty you’re almost impossible to resist. And on top of that you’re so sweet. My God, you can actually blush! No wonder Wolf’s got it so bad for you. He really is in love with you, you know. Well, at least as much as someone like Wolf can love. In a completely selfish way, of course, which I suppose is a contradiction in terms. But, whatever you call what he’s feeling, he’s never felt it for anyone else.”
            She continued in her preparations, helping Anne into a long blue denim skirt that would hide the ropes around her thighs, and removing the white satin gag, replacing it with a much thinner piece of fabric, flesh-toned and so sheer it was virtually transparent. Tied under Anne’s hair, rather than around it, it might be missed completely unless someone was looking for it. Finally, a long sweater poncho with a hood was pulled over Anne’s head, restoring her modesty and hiding the ropes that imprisoned her arms, wrists, and bosom. With the hood pulled over her head, the sheer gag was even more obscured. The final touch was a pair of dark glasses.
            “Very nice,” said Sherry Marvin. “Now you’re ready for your honeymoon.”
            Anne was, once again, helped upstairs by the biker woman.
            Once in the living room, Carmichael once again took charge of her. He’d changed from his biker colors to a slightly more conservative workshirt and denim jacket, though, with his huge size, his tats, and his scruffy “bad boy biker” look, he was still quite intimidating.
            Putting his arm around Anne’s waist, he walked her out the front door, across the front porch, and down the stairway, calling up as he descended the stairs, “Y’all can stay awhile, have a few beers, but clear out before nightfall, and make sure you lock up behind you.”
            He guided Anne to a mint condition, 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood convertible. He assisted Anne into the front seat. Seat belts had been installed, but they were the old-fashioned kind, that had to be tightened. He tightened one around Anne’s waist, and another across her chest, effectively immobilizing her.
            Once she was secured in the front seat, Carmichael got into the river’s side, started the car up, and drove off.
            Their destination, though Anne had no way of knowing this, was the Rutherford Emissary Hotel and Conference Center, less than a mile outside of the City of Rutherford, the seat of Adams County. Rather than parking by the front door, and then moving the car, Carmichael parked in a designated spot in the hotel lot. He pulled a rollway bag out of the back seat, and assisted Anne out of the front. He guided her, or perhaps more correctly pulled her, toward the front door, and the check-in desk.
            Once through the front door, he bent down and whispered in her ear, “Remember your little girl, and your mom and dad.”
            The elderly desk clerk, the only one working that afternoon, since it was a Tuesday, and the off season, looked up. A young couple entered the lobby. He was big, overweight but rather powerful looking, with a deliberately scruffy look. The tats and the perpetually angry expression made him look dangerous.
    She had more of an air of elegance about her, despite the home-made denim skirt that would, in his eyes, normally mark a woman as low-class and vulgar, and the baggy knit poncho that obscured most of her figure. She managed to give the undistinguished ensemble an element of class and distinction. Her dark glasses hid most of her face, but what he could see looked darned pretty.
            “Yes, folks. What can I do for you?”
            “Reservation for Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carmichael,” said the man.
            The clerk checked something on the computer, and said, “Yessir, Mr. Carmichael. Reservation for a deluxe suite. If I could see your driver’s license, and, if you have one, your Triple-A card, I’ll get you checked in. Are you paying by credit card?”
            “I’ll need to see that, too. While I’m getting the financial aspects settled, could you fill out this registration card.”
            Anne, leaning against the counter, considered running. She knew she wouldn’t get far with her legs hobbled, but she might raise enough of a stink to bring the police. Once she was out of Carmichael’s power, Sheriff Masters and his men could be sent to her family’s home to protect them.
            But what if Sherry Marvin hadn’t been bluffing about the bomb? One word that their boss was in trouble, and the bomb could be set off before the police could get there.
She decided not to take the chance.
            The biker chief filled in the names “Peter & Anne Carmichael” on the “NAMES” line, and circled the “Mr. and Mrs.” selection. Then he filled in the address of the farmhouse he used as his regular home, the same address that was on his drivers license, and the description of the car he was driving.
            He handed the completed form to the clerk, who handed him two keycards, and directed him to the elevator. When they got to their room, Carmichael opened the door, picked her up in his arms, and carried her across the threshold.
            Seconds later, Anne was alone with her captor, locked in a hotel room on what was supposedly their wedding day.
            Carmichael pulled off her poncho and shades , and stood there for a moment spellbound by her breasts. Not particularly big, but certainly not small, and so perfectly shaped. Most importantly, all his!
            “God damn!” he said. “It’s really something the way having your elbows tied together makes those jugs stand out like that. Let’s get that skirt off.
            He removed the belt that held the overly large skirt, fashioned from a pair of blue jeans, around her waist, then unbuttoned the waistband and unzipped the fly. The skirt fell to the floor cascading around her ankles. She stood there, bound, gagged, and naked except for the thong panties.
            “Goddamn, you’re gorgeous!” he said. “You were worth waiting for. I’m just sorry it was that loser Phil Leonard who popped your cherry. I always wanted to do that myself.”
            He walked her over to a chair and forced her to sit down.
            “Wait here,” he said. “I gotta get some things set up. Then we’ll get started.”
            Then, to make sure she waited there, he took off his belt, looped it around the back of the chair, and strapped her in.
            Strapping her in was almost a waste of effort. Since yesterday evening, she’d been drugged, tied up, locked in the trunk of a compact car, stripped, sexually abused if not quite raped, forced to go through a sham of a marriage ceremony, and deliberately humiliated in front of her kidnapper’s friends.
            She’d had nothing to eat, little to drink except those few sips of water when she’d been awakened. Her sleep, what there was of it, had been fitful and unpleasant, not at all restful. And she’d been tied up and gagged in a manner that was particularly restrictive and uncomfortable. She was terrified, stiff and sore, hungry, thirsty, tired, and utterly demoralized.
            An escape attempt that, quite clearly, had no hope of success, was not an undertaking she was about to attempt in her current emotional and physical state. But keeping her as helpless as possible seemed, in some depraved way, to give him pleasure.
            He quickly and efficiently tied her ankles to the spindles at either corner of the foot of the bedframe.  Then he slid two pillows under her shapely bottom so that her body arched up.  Her hands remained tied behind her.
            With a knife, Carmichael cut the tiny satin thong panties away. Now unable to close her legs, she was completely exposed and available to her captor.
            And he made the most of that availability. Quickly stripping off his garments, he almost leapt onto the bed, and plunged himself into her.
            It was awful. Far worse than the night before. Then he was behind her, and it was dark. She didn’t have to look at him. Now she could do nothing but stare at the ugly, leering face above her, a face in which the combined emotions of lust, satisfaction, and malice merged into a frightening grimace.
            This was what she had been most dreading, and, clearly, what he had most been anticipating. He had held off until the travesty of a marriage ceremony had been concluded, until they had officially registered at a hotel as “Mr. and Mrs.” Now the thing was complete. They had exchanged vows, they had publicly put themselves out as a married couple, and the final consummation of the nuptial union was in process.
            And even if the marriage were somehow declared invalid (and, inasmuch as her “consent” had been given under duress, that was not unlikely, presuming she was ever rescued; though, in her depressed state, that seemed increasingly unlikely), there was no going back from this. One can, theoretically, become unmarried.
    One cannot become unraped.
            When something has been anticipated for almost a decade, the final acquisition of the prize is almost always disappointing.
            But Carmichael found the violation of his victim better than he had ever imagined.
            Her breathtaking beauty.
            The wondrously perfect breasts that filled his hands as if they were designed with him in mind.
            The look of fear in those lovely eyes.
            The ability to do this to her over and over whenever he felt like it.
            The certainty that she would never be able to escape, that no one would ever be able to find her, and that her apparent suicide would make it unlikely anyone would even look.
            It had been a long time coming, but this first fuck made it all worth the wait. If he never got the chance to do anything else with her, this fuck would always be the fuck of fucks.
            Of course, he would get the chance to do something else with her. Much more with her. And, he believed, if it was this good the first time, it could only get better.
            This first intimate encounter may, as Carmichael thought, have been a long time coming.
            But he wasn’t.
            For the amount of time and preparation he took, this first time was a surprisingly short-lived experience.
            A small thing to be thankful for, but, at this point, Anne would take what she could get.
            He rolled off her, unstrapped her feet and ankles, lifted her off the bed, walked her to the bathroom, and untied her.
            “There’s no windows in there,” he said, “so there’s no way out. You can piss and shit if you need to. Brush you teeth, gargle, and take a shower. Don’t take longer’n a half-hour.”
            She took advantage of every moment, every blessed moment, that she had to herself. Every second of all thirty of the minutes he’d allowed, and then some. She voided her bladder and bowels. She enjoyed a hot shower, though she’d had one earlier in the day, before the “wedding.” She brushed, flossed, and gargled. Finally she emerged, a fluffy bath towel wrapped around her like a makeshift sarong.
            He was still naked. And still hard. It looked like piece of heavy artillery growing out from between his legs.
            “C’mere,” he said.
            She walked slowly over to him.
            “Turn around.”
            She turned around. With speed and efficiency, he tied her hands together.
            “Turn around,” he said again.
            She turned to face him and he roughly pulled off the towel/sarong. Again she was standing naked before him. He pulled her toward him with his left hand and began kneading her left breast with his right hand.
            “They still look great,” he said. “Not quite as good as when your elbows are forced together, but great.”
            With that he began to brutally kiss her. She tried to pull away, but he held her all the tighter. Finally he broke it off.
            “Why are you doing this?” she asked.
            “I love you.”
            “How can you love me when you’ve taken everybody I love away from me? You’ve killed my husband. You’re keeping me from my parents and my little girl. What kind of love is that?”
            “I love you like I love my hog. Before I had one, I loved it because I wanted it so much. Now I love it because it’s one of my two most prized possessions. I loved you from the time we were in high school, because I wanted you so much. Took me a lot longer to get you, but now you’re the other one of my two most prized possessions. The hog’ll always be mine. And so will you.”
            Tears started rolling down her cheeks. “Please let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone what happened. But please, please let me go. My little girl’s already lost her father. She shouldn’t have to lose her mother, too. She needs me.”
            She started to sob, not quite hysterically, but uncontrollably.
            He tenderly brushed away one of her tears, smiled at her with what almost seemed like a kind expression and said, with surprising tenderness, “You’re never going to see her again. You’ll spend the rest of your life with me. Pleasuring me. Just like my hog. You’ll be more content when you resign yourself to being my prized property.”
            Then he pushed her to her knees and said, “You’re talking too much. I think we need to fill that pretty mouth of yours with something that’ll keep you quiet.”
            “Please don’t gag me again.”
            “That wasn’t what I meant.”
            He pulled her head toward his crotch, and forced her to take his erection into her mouth.
            “Now listen, closely,” he said. “I love you, but I own you. I used to own a dog that I loved almost as much. He bit my hand once when I was feeding him. I put him down right then. If you do anything but suck me off. I’ll call the guys I got watching your folks’ house, and tell ‘em to cut your daughter’s throat. And I’ll tell ‘em to send us live pictures of her getting her throat cut, as it’s happening, over their cells. And I’ll make you watch. And then, only after seeing your daughter killed, I’ll cut your throat, too.”
            She’d never given head in her life. She and Phil had enjoyed a sexual relationship that was sincerely passionate, but also fairly vanilla. Notwithstanding her lack of experience, she serviced Carmichael as well as she could.
            When she was done, he told her that it was the best blowjob he’d ever had.
            Apparently, he thought she should take that as a compliment.
            Within minutes of completing the blowjob, Carmichael had her on the bed, only this stomach down and back up.
            When she was secured in that position, he took her anally.
            Another experience she’d never shared with Phil. And one she’d’ve given much to’ve avoided sharing with Carmichael.
            For the rest of the day, and well into the night, that was the pattern. Vaginal rape, anal rape, and oral rape. He slowed down, but never quite ran out of steam.
            Close to midnight, he undid her feet from the two spindles at the foot of the bed, tied her legs and ankles together, gagged her, and turned her on her side. With his front to her back, he told her to give him a hand job. This was, she thought to herself, about the only way he had not had her that day.
            While she was servicing him, before he actually came, he dropped off. Her first break, not counting the shower. From almost the first moment they’d entered the hotel room, he’d used her just as Sherry Marvin had predicted. As a living, breathing fucktoy.
            She knew that his going to sleep meant she was only getting was a temporary respite. Being an evil man’s fucktoy was now the only future she could look forward to. For the rest of her days, her life’s purpose would be satisfying the voracious sexual appetite of a sadistic criminal predator.
            She’d never see her parents or her daughter again. She’d never know the love of a good man again.
            She was doomed. And probably damned.


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