The Librarian Perils (pages 81-91)

This concludes the compilation of The Librarian Perils series by AmazonArrow, who I graciously want to thank for letting me host the series here on the Blog!  Be sure to check out all of her work at these two links: and

Librarian Perils #81 - On The Case

“Excuse me, Ms. Kent. My name is Penelope D’arcy and I was wondering if I might have a word with you.”

“Of course, Ms. D’arcy. How may I help you?”

“My understanding is that you were the last person to speak with Dina Reed before she went missing, is that correct?”
“Uhmmm… yes, but… I’m sorry, why are you asking, Ms. D’arcy?”

“I’m an attorney and I’ve been hired to represent the network that employs Ms. Reed. Since this library was her last known location and you were the last person to speak with her, I thought I’d drop by and take a look around.”

“Oh… well, you’re welcome to explore as much as you’d like, but please try not to disturb our patrons. We’ll still be open for a few more hours.”
“Of course, Ms. Kent. I’ll be absolutely discreet. I’ve already requested a copy of your official statement that you gave to the police, but do you mind telling me exactly what you can recall from the night that Ms. Reed went missing?”

“Well, uhm…like I told the police… Dina was here a few nights ago conducting an informal investigation. She thought that there might be some connection between the two girls that went missing at the local college and this library. I offered to let her stay until after our regular hours so that she could review the materials from her investigation while I locked up for the evening. I was in my office checking my emails for a bit, and when I finished I went looking for Ms. Reed… but to my surprise she had already left!”

“You say Ms. Reed left the premises… but my understanding is that you also claim to have locked all of the entrances and exits to the building?”

“That’s correct. Or at least I thought I had. It’s possible that I missed one, I suppose. Or one of the doors might have been ajar. Or she could have left via a fire exit perhaps… but then the fire alarm should have gone off. We’ve tested all of the doors and the alarms, and everything seems to be working properly. Honestly, I’m not sure how she got out! Even more curious was the fact that she left behind her cell phone.”
“That is very curious. And you’re certain that there was no sign of a struggle? Or forced entry?”
“No, nothing out of the ordinary. I looked around for Ms. Reed for several hours… the library is very large… but it’s as if she simply vanished! Eventually I decided to call the police. A couple of officers came out that evening and they took my statement, but they also concluded that Ms. Reed must have discovered an unlocked exit and let herself out. Unfortunately, Ms. Reed hasn’t been seen or heard from again since that night. The police were just here yesterday also, but they didn’t seem to have any additional information. They did ask me to stay in contact with them until Ms. Reed has been located, but I was planning to do that anyway. Do you have any idea what might have happened to her?”

“Ms. Reed has made many enemies throughout her career as an investigative reporter, which leaves me with a great deal of research to do, but I promise I'll let you know if anything turns up, Ms. Kent. Please… take my card and don’t hesitate to contact me if you think of something that might help me to locate Ms. Reed.”

“Oh, yes, of course… but, if the police are already looking into this matter, what makes you think that you’ll be able to find something that they won’t?”
“Let’s just say that I have… unconventional methods… that have yielded excellent results in the past...”

The missing Dina Reed is the OC of :icondemiter3d:

Penelope D’arcy is the OC of :icontorqual3d: ...though you might know her best as "Black Arrow"

Librarian Perils #82 - Impasse

"I appreciate the offer Denise, but I just don’t think it’s a good idea."
"But you need someone watching your back, Chryseis! Do you seriously want to be here all alone at night while people are disappearing? You could be next!"
"That’s exactly why I don’t want you getting involved. I already feel bad about not being able to prevent whatever it is that happened to poor Dina Reed. The best thing you can do is to just stay away from here until the cops find whoever did this."
"This library isn’t safe! Can’t you hire more security or something?"
"I submitted that request to Ms. Pryor already, but she hasn’t replied to me yet. Besides… we still don’t even know if Dina was actually kidnapped from within the library. It’s entirely possible that she left and was later abducted from someplace else."
"I don’t think so, and I’ll bet you don’t really believe that either! You’re just trying to stop me from helping you."
"Denise, what I’m trying to do is to keep you safe. I won’t let you become the kidnapper’s next victim!"
"Well, Ms. Kent… I won’t just stand by and let you become the kidnapper’s next victim either!"

Librarian Perils #83 - Adventurous Attorney

"Mmmm... I still shiver every time I put on this costume. This should be an exciting night! The library will be closing in a few minutes. Thanks to the maintenance key that I swiped from one of the custodial workers this afternoon, sneaking in should be fairly easy. I can't shake the feeling that Ms. Kent is somehow connected to the disappearance of Dina Reed. I might not be able to get to the bottom of this mystery as Penelope D'Arcy, but perhaps I'll have better luck as Black Arrow! "

Librarian Perils #84 - The Coast is Clear

This is perfect. Re-shelving that huge stack of books should keep Ms. Kent busy for awhile. I should have plenty of time to pick the lock on her office door and take a look around. She'll never even know that I was here...

Librarian Perils #85 - Dangerous Discovery

"OH MY GOD! It's even worse than I thought... and it's all right here in Ms. Kent's email! This is... it's.... it's UNBELIEVABLE! How could she seriously not know about this? Is that even possible? I have to copy this data to my thumbdrive and turn this over to the police! These women MUST be found before it's too late!"

Librarian Perils #86 - Busted!

"Hey! The library is closed! And that's my office! I'm... I'm calling the police!!!"

Librarian Perils #87 - Shadow Attacker

"That's close enough, Ms. Kent! I don't want to have to hurt you..."

Librarian Perils #88 - Black Arrow Blacks Out


Librarian Perils #89 - Coldcocked Counselor

"Oh my gosh, we did it! The kidnapper is out! Hit the lights, Chryseis and let's see who... uhmmm... uh, oh..."

Librarian Perils #90 - Good Intentions

"Oops! Uhm... That's definitely NOT the kidnapper..."

"Denise?!?! What are you doing here?!?!?"

"I'm watching your back! Just like I said I would..."

"I told you NOT to get involved and here you are sneaking around the library and smacking people with chairs!"

"It was dark! I thought Penelope was our bad guy! How was I supposed to know that she'd be sneaking around here tonight?"

"Penelope? Penelope D'arcy? Oh my God... You just assaulted a lawyer!"

"I'm pretty sure she's not here as an officer of the court right now. We'll figure all of this out when she wakes up, I'm sure."

"I locked all of the doors myself! How does everyone keep getting in and out of the library so easily!"

"I never left. I just hid in the men's bathroom until after you locked up and I've been keeping an eye on you ever since. I'm guessing that Penelope probably picked the locks. I thought she was going to attack you, so I bonked her with that chair. I couldn't tell who it was in the dark... Is she ok?"

"Her pulse is strong... I think she's ok, but she's completely knocked out. What the heck is she wearing?"

"She calls it her 'Black Arrow' outfit. Penelope only dresses like this when she's covertly investigating bad people."

"You seem to know a lot about her."

"We met in Europe a few years ago... it's a long story, but I can tell you that she's definitely one of the good guys. I hope she forgives me."

"I caught her coming out of my office. Do you think Penelope is really investigating me?"

"It sure looks that way... Let's go take a look around in there and see if we can't figure out what she was looking for."

"Good idea. I have a couch in my office also. Help me pick her up and let's get this poor woman up off of the floor."

Librarian Perils #91 - Awkward Carry Scene

"Turn, turn, turn and... STOP!"

"Oh my gosh, she's so heavy! I didn't think this would be so difficult!"

"What are you complaining about? I'm the one with the heavy end!"

"Be careful with her head!"

"I'm trying, but she's like a giant noodle!"

"This isn't working... I think I should be facing the other direction."

"Well, you should have thought of that before we started! Keep going before I drop her!"

"Oh, crap..."

"What now?"

"Uhm... Who's going to open the door?"


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