The Librarian Perils (pages 71, 73-80)

by AmazonArrow and

Librarian Perils #71 - Excuse Me, Pardon Me

"Oops! Pardon me, young man. Some of these shelves are a bit too close together."

"That's quite alright, Ms. Kent. Definitely no problem whatsoever. "

"I'll let you go first. You can just, uhm... go ahead and squeeze on through now."

"Oh, yeah... I'm definitely going to squeeze on something."

Librarian Perils #73 - Risky Reporting

“Thank you so much for meeting with me, Ms. Kent.”
“It’s my pleasure, Ms. Reed. It's so nice to see you again! I understand that you’re conducting some sort of investigation involving the local college?”

“Please, call me Dina. And yes… As you might have heard, two girls from the college have gone missing in the last two weeks. I’m a reporter and I’ve been assigned to cover the story.”

“I’ve heard about that... In fact, one of the missing girls works for me as an assistant through the college’s work study program. She helps me close up at night.”
“That’s actually why I’m here. My understanding is that the other girl was a straight A student. Her roommate told me that she would often put in late nights here at the library also.”

“You think there’s some sort of connection between the disappearances and the library?”
“I don’t really know yet, but it’s the only thing that I’ve been able to dig up that the two women have in common. It isn’t much to go on… but for now, it’s all I’ve got.”
“Well, I’ll be happy to help you with your investigation in any way that I can, especially if it means finding those missing girls! But, uhm… what do you need from me exactly?”
“I’m planning to use myself as bait, Ms. Kent, and I need someone to watch my back.”
“Oh, my! That sounds extremely dangerous!”

“Cracking the story often means taking risks, Ms. Kent, but in this case I’m not expecting much trouble. My plan is to pose as a student and stick around until you close for the next few days. I just want to get a look at the patrons that stay here late, because it’s possible that one of them could be responsible for the missing girls. I want you to help me keep an eye out for anyone that might seem suspicious, or that might be checking me out a little too closely.”
“Ok, but… What if we do find someone suspicious?”

“Then we play it cool and call for the police and let them know that we might have found a potential suspect. I’m just a reporter and I have no intention of tangling with someone that might be a kidnapper.”

“Well, that’s a relief. If you get yourself into trouble, I certainly won't be of much use.”

“That’s ok, Ms. Kent. I can take care of myself. Like I said, this is a long shot and it might not lead to much of anything. I’ll begin my undercover work tomorrow night and we’ll see what turns up from there.”

Dina Reed is the OC of :icondemiter3d:

Librarian Perils #74 - Sorority Girl Stakeout

“Hi, Dina! How’s the undercover stakeout going?”

“Pretty boring. I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary. One of the college football players gave me his number though.”

“I’ll bet he did. You look adorable in that sorority girl outfit. I’m tempted to kidnap you myself!”
“Ha! Thanks! I’ve taken some cellphone pictures of most of the patrons that have come and gone for the last few hours so I can review them later, but I’m pretty sure tonight was a bust. Except for the football player, no one really approached me or seemed to be stalking me.”

“Maybe there’s no connection between the abductions and the library after all?”

“I’m starting to think that also. I’m going to come back tomorrow night and give it one more shot... I just have this weird hunch that the answers are here.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, I haven’t seen anything suspicious either. I just locked all of the doors and you and I are the last ones here. I have a little more work to do before I can head home, but you’re welcome to stick around while I close up.”

“Thanks! I think I’ll organize my photos and write down a few notes before I take off.”

“Sure! I’ll be in my office. Just yell when you want me to let you out.”
“Ok, thanks again for all of your help, Ms. Kent.”

Librarian Perils #75 - Lost in the Aisles

"OK, Ms. Kent! I'm finished with my notes and ready to go home now!"

"Ms. Kent?"


"Oh, crap... which way was it to her office? It's so dark in here, I can hardly see a thing..."

Librarian Perils #76 - Looking the Wrong Way

"Oh, no! I hope Ms. Kent isn't in any sort of trouble... "

Librarian Perils #77 - Novel Knock Out


Librarian Perils #78 - Dina Down

"Excellent.... now tie her up and put her with the others."

Librarian Perils #79 - Secured For Transport

"Drug all three of them and secure them for transport. We have another client..."

Librarian Perils #80 - Missing Reporter

“Ok, Dina… I’m done for the day! Would you like to go get a cup of coffee or maybe a… Dina? Uhm… Dina?”

“Hmmm…  I’m absolutely certain that I locked the doors, so there's no way she could have left. And surely she wouldn’t leave behind her cell phone with all of the stakeout photos that she just took. Dina must still be around here somewhere and I guess it's up to me to find her...


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