The Librarian Perils - Intermission!

Pinups and One-Shots by Amazon Arrow and

Librarian Pinups #1: Ms. Kent

This is the first test render that I created of Ms. Kent when I was designing the character. 

(I was originally planning to have her wear glasses... until I realized that she shares a body with a certain Amazon archer with superior vision.)

I might do a few pinups of some of the other Librarian Perils characters from time to time if there is interest.

Librarian Pinups #2: Ecstasy

I had originally planned to post "Librarian Pinups" along with the Librarian Perils, but I got sucked into telling the Perils story and setting up that world and I never really got back around to posting more pinups. So far the Librarian Pinups is just this one and Librarian Pinups #1: Ms. Kent but I'll have to fix that going forward. 

This one wasn't actually intended to be a standalone pinup either. It was rendered to be incorporated into Librarian Perils #26 - Surveillance Seduction but I thought I'd go ahead and post the raw image since I've been busy with other projects recently. I am currently putting the finishing touches on the AA/FearGirl digital comic and completing the final editing on FearGirl: Along Came An Arrow... both of which should be going out to IndieGoGo contributors next month. 

I might also post a new set of playable Environment Cards featuring :iconsinistermarauder:'s Cat's Meow nightclub, since those are quick and easy for me to create.

Librarian Pinups #3: Writer's Block

I like to write Librarian Peril stories in the nude for inspiration, but sometimes even that is not enough to get me going.
If I can't think of something to make up, then I guess I'll have to writing about something that actually happened instead!

Librarian Pinups #4: Inspiration

Sometimes inspiration can be hard to find... and sometimes inspiration sneaks up behind you and knocks you out

Librarian Perils Pinup #5 - Unexpected Epilogue

Librarian Pinups #5: How NOT To Vote!

Greetings, Perverted Voyeurs! 

My name is Ms. Pryor and it has come to my attention that a so-called "artist" named :iconrenderpretender: is holding some sort of contest that I have become involved in without my consent. Apparently this wretched fiend has somehow acquired an image of myself and Amazon Arr... uhm, I mean... Ms. Kent in a bunny suit sharing a very private moment. It is my understanding that there is currently some sort of contest going on right now, and if that image were to "win" this contest then Mr. Pretender intends to craft another image featuring ME being put into some sort of peril at the hands of Ms. Kent! This is COMPLETELY unacceptable!

Let me be perfectly clear... I HAVE NEVER BEEN... AND WILL NEVER BE... IN PERIL!!!!

The very idea of Ms. Kent getting the better of me is preposterous! I'm certain that none of you want to see that anyway, so it is to your benefit to visit the poll that can be found here (…) and vote for the image of Duster in peril. That will ensure that the bunny suit image does not "win" this contest and put an end to this nonsense about ME ending up in peril!!!


In the event that you FAIL to do as I ask and I DO end up in some sort of peril... then let me assure you that I will do FAR WORSE to Ms. Kent and her pathetic friend Denise! That's right! If the image of Ms. Kent and I wins this poll, then I will take out my frustration on these two innocent young women! What I intend to do to them will be so erotically torturous that it will make YOU go blind just from watching!

So... to ensure that I do NOT end up in peril and to ensure the SAFETY of Ms. Kent and Denise, go now and vote immediately for the image of Duster in peril. If you've already voted for the image of Ms. Kent and I, then please apologize to Mr. Pretender for your stupidity and tell him that you accidentally cast your vote in error. 


Go, you pathetic fools! ...VOTE NOW!!!

Librarian Pinups #6: VOTE FOR THE BUNNY GIRLS NOW!

We've made it to the finals! YAY! But our competition is FIERCE and we need your votes!!! The bunny girls are up against Denise!

If we win, :iconrenderpretender: will make the first ever picture of Ms. Pryor in peril... and she's not happy about it!

And if Ms. Pryor ends up in peril then I'll post a picture of Ms. Pryor taking her revenge on Denise and I here in the Librarian Perils gallery! 

Amazon Arrow's Secret Identity

I look ridiculous. This is a complete waste of time Spellbound!
Chryseis, you look perfect! I wish there was some other solution, but your headaches are only going to get worse if you continue to suppress your alter ego. You have to let “Ms. Kent” take over from time time.
Secret identities are a pain in the butt. If I had my choice I’d be out there on the streets looking for bad guys! What if something terrible happens while I’m stuck here flipping through the card catalog?!?!
Ms. Kent is the Head Librarian of the Acquisitions Department, so she can come and go as she pleases and she’s only required to spend 20 hours per week on campus. That’s more than enough time to restore your mental balance and alleviate your headaches. And you aren’t the only superhero you know. I’m sure the rest of us can handle things for 20 hours per week. In fact, that’s 20 hours that I won’t have to worry about needing to come rescue you from some horrible death trap.
Ha, ha… You won’t be cracking jokes the next time you’re the one stuck in a trap and you realize that I’m not coming because I’m too busy shelving books and cleaning up after college students. Ugghhh… I think I’d rather be in the death trap myself.
You aren’t going to remember anything that happens to you while you’re Chrys Kent. Just think of it as a nice afternoon nap, and when you wake up you’ll be ready for battle and your headaches will be gone.
Alright, let’s just get this over with… what do I need to do?
I’ve already cast the area enchantments and defined the perimeter. Ms. Kent is in control while you are in the library, as well as anywhere in the entire neighboring college campus… and the rest of the world belongs to the Amazon Arrow. All you have to do is step over this sidewalk and you’ll instantly be happy-go-lucky Ms. Kent strolling her way into work. You’ll forget this entire conversation and everything else that you do as the Amazon Arrow.
Ms. Kent sounds like a moron. What does she think she does when she’s not here?

The mind is very elastic and creative. When I spoke with Ms. Kent previously she didn’t seem too concerned about such things, and she was very good about deflecting inquiries into her personal life. I’m sure she’ll be fine. Also she’s not a moron… In fact she’s highly intelligent and really very sweet and personable. She and I get along quite well.
So… all I have to do is step over the sidewalk? No spinning transformations or magic words?
Nope. Sorry. It’s all fairly unimpressive and mundane. I considered a magic word tied to a summoning spell for your costume and weaponry, but…
You mean like…”SHAZAM!”
Yes… but, uhm… it wasn’t going to be SHAZAM…
Rats. That would have been cool!
But, as I was saying… Ms. Kent doesn’t know that she’s the Amazon Arrow and she has no knowledge of the existence of magic, so she would have no reason to ever say a magic word. The trigger has to be something that we know for certain that she will say or do… and we know for certain that at some point she will leave the library and go home. When that happens, you’ll be back in control the moment she steps off of the campus. Honestly, Chryseis, we’ve already been over all of this and you’re just stalling.
Alright, alright…This is such a mess, Spellbound.
This close to the campus you should probably call me Tabitha. Remember I still have my part-time job here as your Assistant Librarian and we don’t want to blow my cover… or yours. I won’t be here every day, but I’ll stop in to check on Ms. Kent from time to time to make sure that you’re safe and doing OK.
Oh, I’m not worried… It’s just a library... What could possibly go wrong in a place like this?

Spellbound (aka Tabitha Jones) is the OC of :iconsinistermarauder:

Heroine Appreciation Day - Librarian Perils

Celebrating :iconwhite0wlsuperheroine:'s Heroine Appreciation Day 2016!!!


  1. i love them. any chance of you posting the images where ms. kent is being seduced by the mirror, a secret admirer had sent her?

  2. I don't think those were by AmazonArrow, but if you can describe a little more of what it is you're asking for, I might be able to find it. I know RenderPretender did one with hands reaching out of a mirror and grabbing Ms. Kent. I probably have that one if it's the one you mean. Please let me know.


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