by AmazonArrow from and

Librarian Perils #21 - Customer Service Conflict

"I’m sorry, miss… but the book you are looking for appears to be checked out at the moment.

"What?!?! That’s bullshit! I called earlier and you told me that you’d be keeping it on reserve for me?

"I did?  What was your name again?

"Sarah… Sarah Brigade…

"Hmmm… no… I’m not seeing anything on reserve under that name... Do you know who you spoke with when you called in to reserve your book?

"Kent… She said her name was Kent."Oh… well, that’s me... but I don’t remember taking any reservation calls today.

"It wasn’t today, you dumb bitch.

"I see… uhm, when did you call and have the book reserved?

"At the start of the semester… about four months ago…

"Four MONTHS? …I’m sorry, Sarah, but we don’t reserve books for more than two weeks."

"What?!?! That’s a bunch of crap!!"
"I’m really very sorry, but after two weeks all reserved books go back into circulation. It’s our policy to…"

"FUCK YOUR POLICY!!! I need that book to complete my final research paper!!!"

"Well, I completely understand… I can try to order it from another library…"

"How long would that take?"

"No more than two to three days…"

"FUCK! …I have to turn in my paper in 45 minutes!"

"Oh… uhm, well… I’m afraid there’s no way for me to acquire that book in such a short amount of time."

"Short amount of time?!?!? I called ahead four months ago!!!! How much more fucking time do you need?!?!?"

"Young lady, please keep your voice down. You’re disturbing the other patrons…"

"FUCK the other patrons! ...And fuck you! This library sucks!"

"Now listen, Ms. Brigade… I understand that you’re upset, but it’s not the library’s fault that another patron has checked out the book that you need. Now… if you’d like, I can help you to locate another resource and…"

"I didn’t say it was “the library’s fault”… It’s YOUR fault!"

"I beg your pardon?"
"You heard me! You’re the one that was supposed to be holding the book for me! I want to talk to your supervisor!"

"Ms. Brigade… I am the supervisor in charge during this shift… and it is most certainly not my fault that you waited until the last possible minute to complete your research paper... Now… if you please lower your voice I will help you to…"

"You’re going to get the book that I need RIGHT NOW… or I’m going to knock you on your prissy little ass!"
"Ms. Brigade… I am only trying to help..."

"And don’t think for one second that I won’t do it! Have you ever heard of Underground Sex Wrestling? I’m a fucking three time USW champion!"

"Ms. Brigade… There is no need to make threats…"

"Threats? You think I’m making threats? Does this feel like a threat to you?"
Sarah’s right hook caught me completely off-guard and connected with my jaw. The blow spun me around three hundred and sixty degrees as I lost my balance and collapsed to the floor. I was indeed knocked on my ass… not to mention in a state of complete shock! I couldn’t believe that someone actually punched me in the face! Nothing like that had ever happened to me in my entire life! I barely had time to register the pain and the taste of blood in my mouth as I looked up to see Sarah Brigade leaping high into the air with her elbow raised.

This was really going to hurt...

Librarian Perils #22 - Brawling Brigade

I was learning the hard way that actual fighting has absolutely nothing in common with the fighting that you see in TV shows, movies, comic books and professional sports. Real fights have no choreography and no graceful, fancy moves. They have no plan of attack. They have no structured series of moves and countermoves and evasions.

Real fights are crazy!

Sarah Brigade was all over me as we rolled around on the hardwood floor of the library. She was wildly scratching and kicking and slapping and pulling and ripping my clothes and somehow doing it all at once. I had no idea where the next blow might land, and by the time I registered one impact she was already moving on to the next and the next and the next. It wasn’t like fighting a professional boxer or a trained wrestler… it was more like fighting the Tasmanian Devil!

I tried to roll out from under her, but she was heavier than me and she had better traction with her boots, while my high heels were absolutely useless and offered no way for me to brace myself. My fancy shoes just squeaked uselessly as I flailed around while trying to make it at least slightly more difficult for Sarah to beat the crap out of me. I was struggling like mad, but going nowhere fast.

I wasn’t dressed for a fight, and why would I be? What sane person expects to find herself catfighting in a library in the middle of the afternoon?

My skirt was certainly no help and restricted the movement of my legs. The more I kicked, the more it rode up. This was beneficial because it meant that I had greater mobility, but I’m sure that I was starting to give everyone in the library a good look at my panties.  It didn’t take very many slaps to the face for me to completely forget about my modesty and focus on trying to get away from this crazy woman.

People were surrounding us, taking photos and videos with their cell phones, but no one made a move to break up the fight. I’m not sure it’s fair to call it a “fight”… I was basically just getting my ass kicked.

“Betcha wish you had kept that book on reserve now, don’tcha Ms. Kent?!?”

I could hear my clothes ripping and my buttons clatter across the hardwood floor as they flew off into the distance. I could taste blood in my mouth and I could barely see through the stinging of my tears. Sarah’s sweat was all over me. Beating someone to a pulp must provide a good workout... I could certainly vouch that being beaten to a pulp was exhausting.

I felt her fingernails dig into the flesh of one of my breasts. I didn’t realize that one of them was exposed until she grabbed it, scratching at me and twisting my nipple until I couldn’t help but to scream.

“Oh, yeah!! You LIKE that titty-twister, don’tcha?!?! Found my book yet, you stupid slut?”

I tried to knock her hand away from my breast, but doing so exposed my face… which is exactly what Sarah was expecting. I was punched in the nose for my mistake and decided that letting her maul my breast was preferable. I tried to cover my face again, so I didn’t see her next move and it took me completely by surprise.

Sarah reached back and grabbed the hem of my skirt, pulling the front of it up to my waist. I didn’t figure out what she was trying to do until her fingertips slipped under the waist band of my panties. I immediately panicked and began to thrash even faster and more furiously, but I was too late.

“Welcome to the USM, Ms. Kent!! You’re going to love it!!”

Sarah said she was a three-time Underground Sex Wrestling champion right before she started to clobber me. I didn’t really think about what that might mean at the time, but I was beginning to get the picture. Unfortunately there seemed to be nothing I could do to defend myself. Even as she savagely attacked my breast with one hand, her other handed glided gently over my pussy. I squeezed my thighs together as tightly as I could, but that just locked her hand in place. She had me right where she wanted me.

“You’re gonna give it to me, Ms. Kent… The good girls always do!! ”

There was no way that I could possibly become aroused… I was too busy fighting for my life!

 I grabbed at her shirt and tried to yank her off of me or throw her off baalnce. She let go of my breast long enough to grab one of my arms and pin it alongside my body with her thigh. I only had one arm free remaining. She was immobilizing me step by step and I finally realized that her fighting style had more technique than I had at first assumed. She was skillfully overwhelming me and I was playing right into her hands.

She began to massage the lips of my pussy in a rhythmic pattern that I might have appreciated more under entirely different circumstances. She wasn’t turning me on, but I was grateful that at least one of her hands wasn’t hitting me and inflicting even more damage. It was astonishing that she was able to be so violent and destructive with one hand, while keeping the other hand relaxed and gentle… so gentle…

I don’t know what it takes to be a talented “sex wrestler” but I suspect this is probably one ingredient.
With my remaining free hand I decided to fight back. I balled up my fist and pulled back as far as I could so that I could get in a good swing. She was taller than me and her arms were longer than mine, so I couldn’t reach her face, so I swung for the only other target within range…

I punched her as hard as I could right in the boob.


My blow definitely seemed to hurt her, but it also made her mad. I was already “paying” quite a bit, so I couldn’t imagine how it could get much worse. I should have known better. My opponent was both experienced and cruel… I was completely outmatched.

Sarah Brigade’s counterattack was to grab my throat with one hand and cut off my air supply. Meanwhile she slipped a finger past the lips of my pussy and buried it inside of me, curling it in an effort to seek out my G-spot. I gasped with surprise and it was the last breath that I was able to draw for the remainder of the fight.

“OHHHH, yeah! Now you’re getting wet!!! It was always just a matter of time!”

What?!?! How was that possible?!?! But yes, as soon as she said it out loud I realized that she was right… I wasn’t just getting a little wet, I was absolutely dripping! And suddenly I couldn’t stop thinking about it! Hearing her words seemed to focus all of my attention… right… THERE!

“That’s it, baby girl!!! Cum for Sarah!!”

She was as talented with her fingers as she was with her fighting skills. Now that she had me revved up, she wasted no time driving me straight to the edge. My insides were fluttering as my orgasm started to build up steam and I knew that if she kept it up I would inevitably cum. The exertion was also burning through my air supply and I wouldn’t be able to stay conscious for much longer either. I didn’t know which would happen first.

This woman was completely dominating me!

No doubt that was the reason that my arousal had slipped up on me so quickly. It wasn’t actually her fingers that had fired me up… it was the realization that there wasn’t anything that I could do about it. She would have her way with me and I was along for the ride.

I realized that my legs were no longer kicking and I had stopped thrashing. Resistance was useless and my body had already submitted to the inevitable. I wanted to fight back, but I was just too sleepy. I wanted to close my eyes and let it all fade away. I watched as my free arm grew heavier and seemed to succumb to the pull of gravity. My vision began to tunnel as my eyes glazed over and started to roll up into my head. I could dimly hear Sarah laughing as the pistoning of her fingers increased…

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a slender figure push back the gathered crowd and rush towards Sarah and I where we wrestled on the floor. I didn’t know if this person would turn out to be friend or foe, but with my luck the former didn’t seem as likely as the latter.

It didn’t really matter… I was finished.

Sarah Brigade was ravishing me… I was about to pass out… I was about to cum…

Librarian Perils #23 - My Savior

Sarah Brigade’s hand suddenly jerked free from my panties as the hand around my throat released its grip. Air rushed into my lungs just in time to prevent me from blacking out… but at that point nothing could stop me from cumming. The orgasm that ripped through me was magnificent, but my body was completely exhausted and I couldn’t do much more than lie there and twitch slightly as I gasped and panted.

As my awareness returned I realized that I was being straddled by two women locked in combat. Sarah Brigade didn’t seem very happy about the interruption.


A young woman in a denim jacket and white dress had her arms locked under Sarah Brigade’s chin and she seemed to be trying to pull Sarah off of me. Sarah was trying to hold her position, but I could see that the new girl was beginning to pull her off balance. I wanted to buck Sarah off and help to gang up on her alongside my brave rescuer, but I was too spent to even move. It was taking all of my focus just to remain conscious.

I heard the young woman grunt with exertion as she threw all of her weight backwards, pulling Sarah along with her. For a moment my mysterious ally ended up on her back with Sarah on top of her, but she continued to roll and used her momentum to send Sarah crashing into a nearby bookcase. Both women got to their feet and squared off, preparing for another round.

“Well, well, well… If it isn’t Kitty Savior herself... Shouldn’t you be hugging a tree or saving the whales?’

Kitty remained calm and alert as she slowly circled the larger woman. “Leave her alone, Sarah... I don’t want to fight you. .. Just walk away.”

Sarah flexed and balled up her fists. “I wouldn’t want to fight me either! I’m one scary bitch! Why don’t you just go recycle something… and let me get back to showing Ms. Kent here a good time.”

“I’m not going to let you do that, Sarah.”

Despite her smaller stature, Kitty Savior didn’t seem to be intimidated, and Sarah didn’t seem very enthusiastic about fighting someone that was prepared to fight back. For a moment, Sarah’s bravado faded and I thought that this might all be over... then Sarah glanced around at the crowd that was surrounding us. The realization that she was still in the spotlight seemed to strengthen Sarah’s resolve.

“What’s it to you, Savior? This is none of your damn business!”

Kitty shrugged. “I don’t like bullies.”

“Oh, you’re gonna LOOOOOVE me, green freak… The good girls always do!”

Sarah lunged at Kitty, but Kitty was prepared and sidestepped the attack, using Sarah’s momentum to send the larger woman crashing into another bookcase. Kitty moved gracefully and with purpose. She wasn’t using martial arts or wrestling moves, but she seemed to be trained in self-defense at the very least.

Sarah started pulling heavy books from the shelves and hurled them at Kitty’s face. Kitty danced backwards, but she had little room to maneuver between the shelves. She raised her arms in front of her face to block the incoming books, but this obscured her view of Sarah. This was what Sarah had intended and she launched herself at Kitty, driving her shoulder into Kitty’s stomach and sending them both flying backwards. This time Kitty was the one to slam into a bookshelf and I heard the air whoosh from her lungs as she had the wind knocked out of her. Sarah tried to keep her opponent pinned in the corner, but Kitty locked her ankle behind Sarah’s calf and gave the big girl a solid shove that sent Sarah toppling backwards.

Sarah landed hard on her ass right beside me and our eyes met. She seemed surprised to suddenly find herself on the ground and worried that perhaps she had bitten off more than she could chew by fighting with Kitty Savior. I was still struggling to focus and recover. My strength was slowly returning and I wanted to help Kitty, but at that moment Sarah realized that fighting both of us would be an even bigger problem… so she slammed her elbow into my nose. Blazing white stars exploded before my eyes and what little strength I had recovered slipped away in a fog of pain.

“Sit tight, Ms. Kent… I’ll give you some more in a second.”

Kitty once again rushed to my aid, but this time Sarah was faster… and more ruthless. As Kitty stepped over me to get to Sarah, Sarah lashed out with her heavy boots and kicked Kitty directly in the crotch. Kitty grunted and clutched herself with both hands as she staggered backwards; then her heel tripped over one of my calves and she lost her balance. Kitty fell backwards and the back of her head slammed into a bookcase with a dull thud. Her eyes slowly rolled up into her head and Kitty Savior let out a helpless groan as she slowly slid to the floor.

Sarah scrambled to her feet and dusted herself off, standing victoriously over Kitty and I. She nudged my naked breast with the toe of her boot to get my attention, and then Sarah Brigade gestured at the fallen young woman that had tried to rescue me.

“Take a good look, Ms. Kent… So much for your ‘Savior’…”

Librarian Perils #24 - Book Bashing

Kitty Savior was unconscious and I wasn’t in much better shape. Sarah Brigade had us right where she wanted us and she knew it. I had to do something to put an end to this pointless violence, but I was still writhing on the floor in a bizarre mix of ecstasy and pain that my brain was having difficulty processing.

Sarah grabbed Kitty by the collar of her jacket and hauled her to her feet. I noticed that Kitty’s eyelids fluttered and her legs could still support some of her weight. She seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness, but she was heavily stunned and her arms hung limply at her sides. Kitty flopped around like a ragdoll in Sarah’s arms and she was definitely in no condition to retaliate. The crowd was too busy taking pictures and videos with their cell phones to come to our aid. I realized that if anyone was going to save us, it would have to be me.

Sarah slapped Kitty across the face, but my ally didn’t respond. “Awww… What’s wrong, tree hugger? Ready to tap out already? You might be big and famous for saving the whales and the rainforests and rescuing puppies and blahblahblah… but I’m going to be famous for setting YOUR puppies loose!!!”

Sarah grabbed Kitty’s dress and yanked her top down, exposing Kitty’s breasts for all to see. Flashes went off from dozens of cell phone cameras at once as the crowd giggled and laughed. Sarah turned to the assembled crowd to display her victim, putting on quite a show as she swung Kitty around as if she were a wet noodle. Sarah held Kitty’s arms behind her back and turned Kitty’s chest toward the crowd of onlookers so that they could get an unobstructed view of her naked breasts.

“That’s right, people… NOBODY fucks with Sarah Brigade! Not even so called big shots like Kitty Savior!”

I managed to roll over onto my side and saw a very large hardback book laying nearby. I remembered something that a recent library patron had told me:  Books could be used for more than just reading. I decided right then and there that I would turn THIS heavy book into a weapon!

Sarah reached around and pulled on Kitty’s nipples and then jiggled one of them violently as she laughed. The crowd cheered and more camera flashes went off, which made Sarah even more aggressive. She was playing to the crowd and posturing, seeking approval from the masses the way that one might expect to observe from a professional wrestler on TV. Fortunately for me, Sarah was too engrossed with the response of the crowd to pay much attention to what I was trying to do.
I grabbed the hardback book and managed to get to my knees. The room seemed to be spinning dizzily and for a moment I thought that I might pass out, but I shook it off and continued slowly getting to me feet. Kitty had tried to save me; the least that I could do was attempt to rescue her in return. I just hoped that Sarah wouldn’t realize what I was about to do until it was too late.

Sarah reached under the hem of Kitty’s skirt, hooked the helpless girl’s panties and yank them down to her calves. Kitty whimpered slightly, but her body was still completely limp and unresponsive. If it weren’t for Sarah’s support, Kitty Savior would have collapsed into a helpless puddle on the floor.
I finally managed to stand, clutching the heavy book in my hands. With all of my strength, I drew back and took aim for Sarah’s head. I was going to knock that crazy bitch into next week!

Sarah continued to play to the crowd. “That’s right people! Who’s the champion? You got that right! Sarah Brigade!!! … and don’t you forget it!”

I put everything that I had into swinging my heavy hardback book at the back of Sarah’s head… but at the last possible moment she lashed backwards with her elbow and smacked me square in the face and interrupted my swing.

My world exploded into blazing white as the pain in my face overwhelmed my senses. Starlight seemed to flash behind my eyes and I could swear that I heard birds chirping and tweeting like some sort of psychedelic cartoon. The floor suddenly rushed up and smacked me in the cheek. I realized that I was on the floor and looked up at Sarah Brigade as she towered over me.

“You think I’m stupid, little girl? You can’t sneak up on me!”

For Kitty’s sake, I struggled to remain conscious, but it was a losing battle. Sarah was victorious and I could do nothing but wait until Sarah decided to finish me off.

“I already gave you the fingerbang, Ms. Kent… now you just get the BANG!”

Sarah picked up the book that I had intended to hit her with and experimented with its weight. I knew what was coming next, but I was too dazed to do anything about it. Satisfied with the capabilities of her newly acquired weapon, Sarah Brigade finally gave it a swing aimed directly at my face. The heavy book rocketed towards me and filled my field of vision and the impact knocked my lights out.

Librarian Perils #25 - Pleasure Without End

Kitty Savior’s voice eventually penetrated the fog of my Tolstoy-induced slumber.

“Ms. Kent, wake up… Can you hear me? …Ms. Kent? ...Please, I need you to wake up… Ms. Kent…”

As I started to come around I could immediately tell that something was very, very wrong. My head was throbbing, every muscle ached and I could barely move. You’d think that after winding up in so many strange imperilments over the last few weeks that I would eventually get used to waking up in bizarre bondage contraptions… but alas... the bad guys always seemed to find new ways to keep me on my toes… or on my back in this particular case.

I took some small measure of comfort in the fact that this time I didn’t have a gag in my mouth, and then promptly realized how low my standards had fallen to find relief in such a thing.

Kitty continued to call out to me, so I struggled to shake off the cobwebs so that I could reply and figure out exactly what all of the fuss was about. I groaned with discomfort as I tried to test my restraints and open my bleary eyes. Kitty groaned also, but for a much different reason…

“Ohhhh! …Ms. Kent, oh… oh my goodness… I’m so glad you’re awake, but please… please… you have to try to hold still…”

Hold still? I felt like I couldn’t have moved even if I had wanted to! What was she talking about? 
I finally managed to clear my vision just as I became alert enough to comprehend the nature of my situation. Predictably, I panicked and started to thrash against my restraints. “OHMYGOD!!! WHAT IS THIS?!? LET ME OUT!!!”

Thrashing did very little to provide for my escape, but it did have other consequences. My every movement pulled Kitty Savior’s body more tightly against my own. Kitty pulled back to maintain her equilibrium and this pulled my body towards hers. Our limbs were intertwined such that every possible movement from one of us would result in a movement from the other.

Kitty’s voice was breathless and thick with arousal. “OHH! Ms. Kent, please… you…  you must, uhnn… not… mmm… move…”

She must have been struggling to escape for quite a while before I woke up. Kitty already seemed to be struggling to contain herself as our exposed flesh pressed together. It required absolute concentration to hold still, and the realization that both of us were completely naked and becoming increasingly aroused only made it that much harder to concentrate.

“Kitty… ohmygod… I’m so sorry! These ropes are so tight! I hope I’m not hurting you…”

Kitty groaned and closed her eyes, trying to remain focused. “Hurting me? No… ohhh… definitely not… hurting me...”

I could tell from the silence and from the darkness outside the windows that the library was closed. I must have been unconscious for hours. I very slowly raised my head and tried to get a look at the elaborate bondage harness that ensnared us both. I had to admit that it was an impressive display of engineering.

“There’s no way that Sarah constructed this thing all by herself. In fact, since she had a final exam to turn in, Sarah probably just left us lying there after she knocked us out. It was probably a couple of random library patrons that took advantage of the situation and stripped us of our clothes and…”

Kitty shuddered and I could feel her exquisite movements reverberating through me.

“MMMmmmmsss. Kent… mmmaybe we… should… should talk about something else?”

Kitty’s body was drenched with sweat. In fact, so was I. It was the middle of summer and it felt like someone had cranked up the thermostat in the library. I imagined that’s exactly what must have happened. Someone was clearly getting off on the idea of two sweaty, naked women tied together while they grind into each other and… ohmygod… I was getting off on it myself!

“You… you’re right… maybe we should talk about baseball or something… Uhm… How ‘bout them Cubbies?”

“Do you… do you even know anything… about baseball, Ms. Kent?”

“Uhm, actually no... that was pretty much all I had... I was hoping you might take over from there.”
Kitty laughed softly, creating just enough movement to start a ripple of pleasure that took my breath away.

“Ohhhh… ohmy… so much for baseball… Maybe you should… tell me about yourself? I don’t actually know anything about you?”

Kitty closed her eyes and tried to relax. “Well, let’s see… My name is Kitty Savior and I’m, well, you could say I’m a kind of environmentalist.”

I nodded, then thought better of it and reminded myself to hold still. “I see, so that’s why Sarah kept calling you ‘tree hugger’… I was wondering about that.”

“Some of my exploits have made international news. I am actually what is known as an Environmental Troubleshooter. I travel all over the world and investigate environmental disasters… and stop them when I can.”

“Oh, my… that sounds so exciting! I would love to travel and help people like that.”

“It can be very dangerous at times… Some of my enemies are very rich and powerful people.”

“How thrilling! My job is so mundane. I’m no globetrotter, but I try to do what I can to help people also.”

Kitty started to laugh “Librarianship doesn’t seem all that safe from where I’m sitting… and obviously you’ve made a few enemies. I think your life might be more thrilling than you realize, Ms. Kent.”

This made me giggle slightly and the movement seemed to catch Kitty by surprise. She gasped and arched her back appreciatively… and this time I couldn’t keep my hips from twitching in response. For several minutes, we bucked and squirmed against each other while struggling to regain our self-control. Kitty eventually pulled her ropes taught, keeping her body rigid even as she panted heavily. I thought she might lose it, but she somehow managed to keep still. My insiders continued to flutter long after Kitty stopped moving. I looked up at her and saw that she was trying to keep perfectly still, but her eyes were squeezed tightly shut and her mouth formed a perfect “O”. It wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge… and I have to admit, there was a part of me that really wanted to see that. Kitty finally exhaled a long and ragged breath, releasing some of the tension from her body…

That’s when I saw it… One of the knots nestled between her breasts slipped nearly half an inch!

 “Oh my goodness… Kitty… the ropes!”

“What about them, Ms. Kent? Are you… OHHH... Ohmygod…what… what are you doing?!?!”

I had a theory, but I had to be sure. I yanked on the ropes with my arms and pulled Kitty towards me. Kitty couldn’t help but to arch her back yet again. This time I paid closer attention to the knots of her harness… and as she writhed I once again saw one of the knots slip a little further. I also discovered that I had a little more mobility in my right calf, and I could swing my left arm a little bit further than I could a few moments ago. It wasn’t a lot, but it was something.

Or was I just imagining it?

“Soooo… uhnnnn… so good... Can’t take… much… much more…” Kitty was now bucking her hips wildly into mine. She was way ahead of me, but I was catching up fast.

“Kitty… I… I think…uhhh… I think the ropes are getting… ohh…looser!” Her movements were driving me insane, grinding against me in just the perfect way.

Was it possible that I was only seeing what I wanted to see?

If we kept going, I didn’t think we’d be able to stop. I knew that her orgasm would trigger mine, and then mine would drive her to another, and so and so on without end. I could just imagine the two of us grinding against each other for the rest of the night, only to be found still bound, drenched and exhausted by the library’s morning staff.

The knots were getting looser… weren’t they?

Kitty Savior’s eyes smoldered at me and in a husky voice she said, “Oh, please… don’t stop…”

The way she said it… the way she looked at me…

I honestly didn’t care if my plan would work or not.

I didn’t stop.

Librarian Perils #26 - Surveillance Seduction

Folks call me Sloppy Joe. Wanna know why? Well jus’ keep readin’ an I reckon I’ll tell ya.

See, what I do is run the security cameras in this here library… only this ain’t no reglar library and this ain’t no reglar security gig. Most times, when you’re in charge of security and you see somethin’ bad goin’ down, you put a stop to it or you call the cops or somethin’ like that… but allz I gotta do is jus’ keep the cameras rollin’. I don’t stop nothin’… I don’t call nobody… I just make sure everythin’ gets recorded. The only thing my bosslady Ms. Pryor really cares about is makin’ sure that nothin’ happens in this here library without her knowin’ about it and gettin’ it all on tape.

Why? Hell if I know... She pays me so much money it ain’t even funny. I ain’t askin’ no questions. That’s the other thing I gotta do: Keep my trap shut and don’t tell nobody what I done seen.

And believe you me, I done seen plenty!

Fact is, if I’da known all the crazy stuff I’d be seein’ and sometimes doin’ in this here library I’da let Ms. Pryor hire me for nothin’.

See, I got microcameras planted all over this here library. Half the pictures you been lookin’ at come from my little toys. I got’em everwhere… and I do mean EVERWHERE… Got thirty-two of ‘em in the downstairs ladies room alone. You wouldn’t believe the stuff that people will do when they think there ain’t nobody lookin’.

Well I’m lookin’ everwhere and I’m lookin’ all the time.

This job ain’t all jus’ one big peep show neither… Ever now and then I like to gets my hands dirty, if’n you know what I’m sayin’. A feller can’t look at pie all day and not wanna cut off a slice or two fer his self.

Now I know I might not look like much to you… and maybe I don’t dress all fancy or drive no souped up racin’ car or nothin’, but lookie hear… ever since I done took this job I been gettin’ more ass than a toilet seat! I don’t know what it is ‘bout this place, but somethin’ shor does get the ladies all hot an’ bothered. Must be somethin’ in the water. I don’t know and I don’t care… all I know is that I ain’t never seen so many wet panties in my entire life as I seen in a week workin’ here.

You know, once most gals get their engines revved up, they ain’t so picky about whose meat pole they want to take fer a ride. That’s why they call me Sloppy Joe... I always know how to get ‘em when they’re wet an’ ready.

Oh, and my name is Joe, too... so there's that.

See, the trick to any feller gettin’ a fine piece of ass is waitin’ until he’s in the right place at the right time… An’ since up here in the control room I can see pretty much everthin’ as it goes down, I always know exactly where and when the right time and place is…

Take these two gals fer instance… they been goin’ at it for almost three hours and them ropes ain’t gettin’ any looser.  Now if I know Ms. Kent, I’m sure she was havin’ a grand ol’ time at first… but after three whole hours of slippin’ and bumpin’ and grindin’ those girls gotta be gettin’ pretty sore.

What do you think them two would be willin’ to do right ‘bout now if I were to happen along at this very moment and offer to save the day… if they’d be kind enough to do a little somethin’ fer me in return?

As soppin’ wet as them two are, I’ll bet they both end up just a beggin’ to slob on my knob… an’ I reckon ol’ Sloppy Joe won’t be sayin’ no to that!

Like I says… right place, right time…

Yessir, this here’s the best job ever!

Librarian Perils #27 - Ms. Kent's Profile and Bio

A lot of people have been asking me if I have a biography or a profile page of some kind, so I thought I’d set aside a little time to tell you a bit more about myself… so… here we go!

My full name is Chryseis Astynome Kent and I am the Head Librarian of the Acquisitions Department and the author of an erotic anthology series that I am writing called The Librarian Perils. Most of the patrons at the library call me “Ms. Kent” while my friends usually call me “Chrys”. My eyes are very blue and I think they are one of my best attributes. My hair is long, slightly wavy and black. My features appear to be somewhat Mediterranean, possibly Greek, but I can’t say for certain. I have no memory of my parents or my childhood. My age and my measurements are none of your business, but feel free to imagine them to be whatever your heart desires. I enjoy reading and writing and movies of all kinds. I do not have a girlfriend or a boyfriend at the moment, but I have no shortage of exciting and erotic encounters with people of both sexes that I meet at the library. Librarianship is normally very quiet and dull, so I have developed a deep appreciation for adventure and mystery. Nothing excites me more than the thrill of discovering something or someone new, and I find ‘the unknown’ to be irresistibly fascinating.

I have always wanted to write a novel, but unfortunately I don’t have the attention span or the discipline to sit down and write one big story all at once, so instead I am writing a series of vignettes and short stories that are collectively called The Librarian Perils. Some of the stories are autobiographical and describe events that actually happened to me, while others are just personal fantasies that I have decided to explore via my writing and my imagination. I’ll let you decide for yourself which stories are which. A few other talented people have contributed their own fantasies about me in various works of art and literature and they have been incorporated into The Librarian Perils as well. It’s turning into a kind of social experiment and I can’t wait to see how it continues to evolve.

You might be wondering about the name of my library, or where it might be located since I never mention this information in my writings. I could give you a definitive answer, but I prefer to think of it like this: No matter where in the world you should happen to live, I could be working at your local library right down the street from you at this very moment.

Here are a few answers to sexy questions submitted by fans. If you have others, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below!

Do you like it rough or sensual?    

Do you prefer to be with the opposite sex or the same sex? or both? 


How often do you get drunk and have wild, crazy sexy with a complete stranger? 

Not much for getting drunk. Sex with strangers? Possibly a little too often.

Are you dominant or submissive?                 

Submissive... but I have a dominant streak that occasionally sneaks out.

Where's your favorite place to have sex? 

The library!

Do you prefer to make love or f*uck?

Hmmm... Honestly? Let’s go with f*uck.

Do you get off first or do they?        

Do you like kissing during sex?            
Oh, yes!

Do you moan? If so, are you loud or quite? 

Yes, and I am loud.

Does size matter?        
Yes… yes it does.

Have you ever have sex for money?      

Does extortion count? Then maybe yes.

Do you like to perform oral sex? 


Do you like to receive oral sex?         
Even more definitely.

Have you ever had a 3-some? 4-some? 5-some? 

Not yet… but I am curious.

Have you ever had sex while at work? 

All the time!

What is something that you would never consider doing?          

Anything related to death, animals or children

What's your biggest turn on?     


Do you like to be completely naked or half-assed?         


Do you prefer to sleep with someone older or younger than you? 

No preference if we are compatible (and you are of legal age).

Are you on Second Life?

I'm actually working on setting that up now.

Can you remember who gave you the best sex of your life?       

Yes, my boss… Ms. Pryor

Librarian Perils #28 - Mesmerizing Photo Shoot

Wow, Denise, that last set looked amazing! The apple was a great touch!

Because it makes me look like a teacher?

No, because it makes you look like you’re about to take a bite out of forbidden fruit. It makes you look a little naughty.

Uhm… if you say so…

Trust me, it’s hot… but let’s try something even sexier…

I don’t know, Chryseis… what did you have in mind?

Well, I think you’re a little overdressed considering that you’ll be posting this on DeviantArt. If you want people to really be drawn to your new profile, you’re going to need to show your fans a LOT more skin. Maybe you should unbutton your blouse a bit… or better yet… just take it off.

Uhm, no… That’s… that’s not really my thing.

Oh, don’t be so shy… I just let you take nude pictures of me for my profile page, so it’s only fair that I get to take some of you… and I promise to keep it very tasteful.

Chrys, I’m a teacher! I can’t do stuff like that or I’ll get myself fired! And what if one of my students gets ahold of a picture of me naked? I’d be mortified!

You worry too much… I’ll post them with age verification! Students won’t be able to get to them, and if any of your administrators find them, then you can always ask your bosses why they were surfing for pervy adult pictures in the first place… You’re completely covered!

Give it up, Chrys… It’s not going to happen.

What if we just take a few that are, uhm… just for me?

Chryseis!!! There’s NO WAY I’m ever going to do that! I realize that your sexuality is a little more, uhm… “versatile” than mine… but we’re just friends and I don’t feel comfortable...

Hmmm… What if I could make you feel comfortable?

What’s that supposed to mean?

Well, for example… I could hypnotize you again.

Again? What do you mean again? You’ve never hypnotized me! You don’t even believe in hypnosis!

No, but you do… and that’s enough...

Please stop… stop looking at me like that… and even if you could, uhm… hypnotize me… it still wouldn’t work... People under hypnosis can’t be compelled to do something that they wouldn’t normally do.

So then you have absolutely nothing to worry about… unless there’s some part of you that real DOES want to do it.

Chryseis… this isn’t… this isn’t funny…

I can tell that you’re already thinking about letting me put you into a deep hypnotic trance…

I am not.

Because you know that if it works… you’re going to do whatever I ask you to do…

No… I won’t…

Because you trust me, Denise … and it’s important that you trust the person that is hypnotizing you.

You’re not… hypnotizing me…

I’m your friend… and friends trust one another, don’t they Denise?

Uh huh…

I trust you too, Denise… Do you remember trying to hypnotize me with my earring the other day?


You’re starring at my earring right now, aren’t you Denise?

…no… I… yes…

And do you remember the way that my earring flashed… and flashed… and flashed…


And how did that make you feel, Denise?

…sleepy… so… sssleepy…

And are you feeling sleepy now, Denise?


Feeling soooo sleepy now… as you listen to the sound of my voice… as you begin to relax… trusting your friend… listening… feeling relaxed… comfortable… as you slip deeper… and deeper…


Knowing that at any moment… you will be so deep for me… soooo deep… that you will once again become my beautiful doll… and dolls have no worries… dolls don’t need to think… or make decisions… dolls are meant to be adored and played with… dolls do whatever their owner wants them to do… Would you like to be my beautiful doll now, Denise?


Good girl, Denise… slipping deeper and deeper… into hypnosis… into my control… becoming my beautiful doll as I count backwards from three… 



How do you feel, Denise?

Ready to obey.

Of course you are… because beautiful dolls are ready to obey… and you’re my beautiful doll now, aren’t you Denise?


Excellent… now… let’s take some real pictures!

Librarian Perils #29 - Supporting The Arts

Every year the university's Performance Art Club puts on an avante-garde modern art festival on the main lawn just outside of the library. Thousands of students and their parents show up for the annual event. This year's theme was "strategy board games" and I was extremely flattered when the students asked me if I would like to be a participant in the chess display. They told me that they expected it to be one of their most popular and talked-about exhibits. As a huge supporter of the arts, I eagerly volunteered. 

In retrospect, I probably should have asked for more specific details.

(This was AA's submission for a Board Game Distress Challenge.The Challenge rules required clothing, but below is the "nude variant" that she originally created before she read the fine print.  

Librarian Perils #30 - Suspending A Rival

"I'm telling you, Angela, I think Ms. Kent is in some kind of trouble... No one has seen her all day!"

"You worry too much, Megan. She probably just took the day off. After what the art club did to her yesterday, who could blame her?"

"I don't think so... I had a research consultation scheduled with her this afternoon. She would have called and cancelled if she couldn't make it."

"Oh, I get it... You're just upset because your girlfriend stood you up..."

"What? It's... it's not like that at all! Ms. Kent is not my girlfriend. She's just helping me with an assignment!"

"Oh, right, Megan.... just an assignment. I always forget to wear a bra when I'm just doing my assignments also."

"I just... I was trying to catch her attention."

"You look amazing, Megan... Like... really amazing! Seriously, I think it's cute that you have a crush... but I don't think Ms. Kent feels the same way about you."

"You're probably right..."

"You can do better, Megan. You deserve to be with someone that really appreciates how special you are... someone that would do anything to be with you... and who wouldn't let anyone get in her way."

"Oh, uhm... that's so sweet of you to say Angela."

"And hey, since, uhm... since Ms. Kent stood you up... would you... like to maybe have dinner with me tonight?"

"Are you... are you asking me out? ...Like... on a date?"

"Well, that depends... are you going to say yes?"

"Hmmm... I think I just might."

"Great! Then yes! I'm definitely asking you out! Do you want to get going?"

"Sure, yeah... Hopefully Ms. Kent is okay..."

"Listen, I think you should just forget about Ms. Kent. I'm sure she'll be fine. In fact I can pretty much guarantee that she's hanging around here someplace."


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