The Librarian Perils - Pages 11-20

by AmazonArrow from and

Librarian Perils #11 - The High Cost of Curiosity

I woke up to the thunderous sound of someone repeatedly hammering. Each crash of the heavy tool against wood echoed painfully in my head… over… and over… and over… loud enough to make me wish that I could just pass back out again. I cracked open my eyelids, but the room started to whirl around so fast that I began to feel nauseated, so I closed them again, which was only slightly better. 
I moaned in pain and realized that I couldn’t open my mouth; a wide strip of packing tape covered my lips from cheek to cheek. I really wanted it off, but I knew that removing it was going to be painful. I tried to bring my hands up towards my face, but quickly realized that I was bound so tightly that I could barely move. Whoever had captured me was extremely good at rope work. I was hogtied, lying face down with my arms pulled straight behind my back with my wrists tied to my ankles. I could feel some sort of elaborate rope harness cinched tightly across my chest and hips to anchor the other strands. I was so disoriented and covered in so much rope that it took me a moment to realize that I was completely naked!

Panic set it and I started to thrash, straining with my legs in a futile effort to escape. That’s when I felt the tug of yet another rope between my legs. This one had a knot tied in it that served no purpose other than to rub between the lips of my exposed pussy as I moved. The more I thrashed, the deeper it seemed to sink into me.  My head was spinning with conflicting sensations of pain, fear, paralysis, vulnerability, rage, desperation and arousal. Struggling was getting me nowhere and the knot was starting to feel a bit too good, so I tried to hold still for a moment to catch my breath and come up with a new plan.

“Getting the picture yet, you stupid cunt? The more you squirm, the tighter the harness is going to get and the deeper that little knot is going to go, so by all means… keep squirming.”

The man’s voice came from my right. I turned my head towards him, tried to open my eyes again and waited for my vision to come into focus. I could see a tall, blurry figure that slowly resolved itself into the body of a muscular and sweaty man wearing a hood over his head. 


It was the same creep that had chloroformed me and tied me up the previous night. I freaked out again and couldn’t help but to struggle against my bonds. The harness gripped me tighter and that exquisite knot work its way so deep into me that I finally groaned and had to force myself to hold still again and let the pleasure subside. I was gasping and panting through my nose thanks to the tape gag, meanwhile Matteo just chuckled at me and shook his head.

I could now see that I was still in the underground library chamber, but I wasn’t lying on the floor; Matteo had me up on the surface of the large wooden table. If I rolled myself off of the table I’d have no way to catch myself due to my restraints and would likely hurt myself. I realized that Matteo was holding a large hammer menacingly in his right hand. I screamed into my tape gag, but it sounded like a muffled squeal. My movements caused the rope between my legs to glide across my clit.

“Oh, calm down… I’m not gonna bash in your pretty little head. Well… no more than I already have I should say. I’m just putting some of these wooden shipping crates back together.”

He put the hammer down on the surface of the table and then bent down out of view for a moment, reaching for something on the floor.

“I’m glad you finally woke up. You missed out on all of the fun I had with your tight little body while you were asleep... but now you can watch as I do your girlfriend here.”

I heard him grunt as he lifted something that was apparently heavy. Matteo stood back up into view... cradling a completely limp Amanda Jones in his arms.

With a rough heave, the thug dumped her beside me on the table. Amanda rolled towards me with her limbs flopping like a discarded ragdoll. She finally came to rest facing me, curled into an almost fetal position. Her lovely face seemed relaxed and peaceful, but with a hint of sadness, almost as if she were lost in a melancholy dream. Her chest rose and fell with her shallow breathing. The poor girl was unconscious, but thank goodness she was still alive!

I tried to scream her name, but I couldn’t get anything intelligible to penetrate the gag. Amanda was completely unresponsive.

“Ohhhh, yeah… This one is a sweetie! A decided to take your skanky ass first, so that I could save the best for last. Hahaha..”

Matteo slapped Amanda’s rear as he laughed, but she didn’t move. I growled at him through the gag, infuriated by his insults and the way he treated us like meat. I felt violated. Did he really rape me while i was unconscious? I felt sore and wet, but I couldn’t tell if it was from the rope or from something that had happened while I was out cold. I wanted to kill him. I had to do something to rescue Amanda before this jerk could have his way with her too!

Matteo’s hammer was out of reach so I scanned the surface of the table, looking for some sort of tool or weapon that I might be able to use to get free. I was hoping to find scissors, or a box cutter or a letter opener or anything sharp that I might use to… to… what? What could I possibly do while hogtied? There could be a loaded gun sitting right there in front of me on the table and I’d have absolutely no way of reaching it. I was helpless!

Matteo grabbed Amanda’s shoulder and gently rolled her over onto her back. He looked as if he were some sort of carnivorous beast surveying his next delectable meal.

“Mercy!! Would you look at that delicious little tummy... Hot DAYum!”

Matteo rolled up his mask to just above his nostrils. I could see that his skin was deeply tanned and his chin was scruffy with stubble. There was a dark mole located just below the right corner of his lip. He stuck his long tongue out and slowly leaned down towards Amanda without ever breaking eye contact with me. Amanda couldn’t respond, but he seemed to get some sort of sick thrill out of knowing that I was watching and couldn’t do anything to help my friend. He ran the tip of his tongue in a slow and lascivious circle around her navel. Matteo winked at me as his tongue slid up the shallow crease between her trim abdominal muscles towards her breasts. He paused right below them, savoring the view and inhaling her scent. Amanda’s white shirt was tied off just below her chest. Matteo grasped one of the shirt tails dangling from the knot with his teeth and slowly pulled on it. The shirt loosened and parted as the knot came undone, exposing the valley of bare flesh between Amanda’s soft breasts. The fabric of the shirt rested loosely and precariously over the top of each nipple, barely concealing her modesty… but the slightest movement would expose her.

I caught myself holding my breath in shock and silence as I watched him. The knot gliding between my legs seemed to twitch and became impossible to ignore. I should be terrified, but... oh fuck, why was this so damn sexy?!?!

Matteo stood up and grinned as he pulled down his mask and began to unbuckle his belt.

“Oh, yeah… She’s as tasty as she looks. You want some? Behave yourself and I’ll stick your face in there once I’m done with her. Heh, heh...”

My anger flared, but I held myself still because I was afraid of the moaning sound that I might make if that wicked, fucking knot moved even the slightest bit. I wasn’t going to let that creep know that the situation was really getting to me. My mind was enraged, but my body was flushed with unwelcome arousal. My mind was far... but I didn’t know how much longer that might last.

Matteo reached out for Amanda, slipping his forearms under her armpits and hoisting her torso up from the surface of the table. He dragged her towards him so that her back leaned against his broad chest. Amanda’s head and neck lolled around on her shoulders without resistance as the villain positioned her body to his liking. Her open shirt swished around, offering me glimpses of her exposed breasts. I closed my eyes and looked away, blushing furiously. I don’t know if I was mortified on her behalf, or if I was embarrassed because I really did want to look.

“Don’t look away, bookworm… I’m just getting to the good stuff.”

I could hear the sound of him unbuckling Amanda’s shorts and the rustling of fabric. For a long moment there was a period of complete silence, then I could just make out the soft scratching sound of his rough hands sliding over the surface of Amanda’s smooth nylon stockings. Silence again. I had to do something, but what? Amanda was about to be raped... or worse… and there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it.

I yelped as the table shifted, not much, but enough to set my knot in motion. Whatever he was doing to Amanda, it was slowly rocking the table. The gentle swaying motion transferred from the table through my body, causing me to rock slowly back and forth. It wasn’t a lot of movement, perhaps not even a full inch from side to side, but it was more than enough to force a groan from me as the knot slipped deeper and deeper into the soft flesh of my pussy.

“Oh, yeah… You like that, librarian whore? Gonna get me a two-for-one, ain’t that right you little slut?”

I gritted my teeth and shook my head, but somehow even that was enough to further tighten the harness. What was he doing to her? What was he doing to me?

I cracked open my eyelids and I could see that Matteo was expertly massaging Amanda Jones’s exposed breasts. His massive hands moved in large circles, pressing her boobs back into her chest, then pulling them from the base, letting them slip through his grasp until his fingertips reached her stiffening nipples. He was seriously working her over... and the vigorous, rhythmic massaging motion was shifting the table and stimulating me as well. I could feel my insides beginning to flutter and contract.

Matteo supported Amanda’s weight in his right hand as his left hand slithered across her torso, gliding over her hips and downwards towards her crotch. Her jean shorts were already unbuckled and unfastened, offering him easy access. Amanda’s lips parted, her closed eyelids seemed to flutter slightly and I swear that I heard her gasp as Matteo’s hands slid into her shorts.

Oh my god… was she awake?!?! How long had she been awake?!?!

That thought was enough to push me over the edge. The lips of my pussy seemed to grasp and squeeze the knot, holding it in just the perfect spot to drive me wild. I was panting furiously into the tape gag. My toes curled as my hips twitched involuntarily in time with the slow rocking of the table. My eyes clenched tightly shut.

I couldn’t stop it… I was losing it… Oh, fuck, I was about to cum!


The loud electronic chirp of a cellphone ringtone shattered the moment. Matteo froze, the table stopped moving. I was right on the brink...


“Fuck! Are you shitting me?!?! Fuck!!” Matteo was obviously angry as he jerked his left hand out of Amanda’s shorts and reached into his pocket for his ringing phone.


All I would have to do is give my ropes a good tug and the orgasm would rocket through me. I wanted it… Ohmygod, I sooooo wanted it… but I knew this might be my only chance to save us. I tried to shake it off as I turned to see Matteo flip open his phone.

“This had better be good.”

Matteo was distracted and I watched Amanda’s right hand slowly and subtly drift towards Matteo’s hammer. It was lying right beside her, almost within her grasp! Her eyes still seemed to be closed from my point of view, but she must have had them cracked open just enough to see the hammer because she was definitely reaching for it. My excitement soared! Get him, Amanda!

Matteo stepped away from the table to continue his conversation, shoving Amanda over onto her side directly on top of the hammer. Still pretending to be unconscious, Amanda allowed herself to flop over like a wet noodle. For the first time Amanda looked directly at me and winked as she quickly grasped the heavy tool, concealing it close to her body so that Matteo wouldn’t be able to see it. He was behind her and out of reach for now, but when he came closer, she could roll over and give him one Hell of a surprise. I smiled through the gag. We were going to make it!

Amanda and I eavesdropped on the conversation to discover more clues as Amanda waited to make her move.

“The bimbo found her way down here, just like you said she would... It’s a good thing you had me stay behind.”

“She’s not hurt... Humiliated maybe, but I didn’t…”

“I know I’m not supposed to kill her... What… do you think I’m stupid?”

“Hey, fuck you! I don’t have to put up with this shit.”

“Yeah, but there’s another one… younger girl, early twenties… What am I supposed to do with her?”

“You ain’t paying me enough to… Whoa, how much?!?! … Yes, ma’am... Anything you say, ma’am.”

“Istanbul? ...Ok, yeah... I can do that… I’ve got more than enough for both of them... I’ll take care of it.”

Matteo flipped the cellphone closed and began to reach for something out of my line of sight. He seemed to be rummaging through a duffle bag. Amanda tightened her grip on the hammer and nodded at me, raising her eyebrows as if to say: “Now?”

I shook my head slightly from side to side. She was facing me with her back to Matteo, so she needed me to tell her when Matteo was close enough for her to turn and attack. If she made her move too soon, he would see her coming and might overpower her. We would have to wait until he was much closer to take advantage of the element of surprise. We were only going to get one shot at this.
Matteo stood up, holding something small in his hands. Oh my God, it was a syringe! He tapped on the needle and I saw a droplet of fluid emerge from the tip and slide down the long sliver of metal. My eyes were wide with panic and Amanda could tell that something was wrong, but with the tape gag I couldn’t warn her about the syringe. She gripped the hammer tightly, preparing to attack. It was too late for a new plan. Our only hope was for Amanda to strike first.

Matteo took another step towards the table… and another… He appeared to be focused on the syringe.

Amanda chewed on her lip, watching me for any kind of a signal. She looked terrified, but determined.

Matteo took another step. I could see the attack unfold in my mind’s eye. He was close enough that Amanda could roll towards him while swinging the hammer in a wide arch. As she came around she would be able to see her target and drive the hammer directly into his skull, hopefully with enough force to knock him out cold. Matteo would never know what hit him. I looked Amanda in the eye and nodded once, and she instantly sprang into action.

Amanda rolled towards Matteo, swinging the hammer in a wide arch, aiming it directly at his head as she turned towards him, screaming to further surprise and disorient the villain…


Matteo easily intercepted and blocked Amanda’s wrist with his right hand, stopping the inbound hammer before it could connect; meanwhile his left hand drove the syringe into Amanda’s slender neck and pressed the plunger.


The hammer dropped from Amanda’s limp wrist. Whatever drug he had injected her with, it worked almost instantly. Amanda was fading fast. Her limbs were already dangling lifelessly as Matteo gently laid her back down on the table.

“Oh, common… I knew you were awake! I could feel your heart racing the whole time I was playing with your sexy tits, babe. I’m surprised you didn’t make a move then! I kept waiting for you to reach for that hammer, but now I’m thinking maybe you liked my finger magic a little too much. Hellz, yeah!”

Amanda tried to fight back, but all she could manage was to slightly roll her head from side to side…
“Ooohhh... I… cannn’t… oooohhhh....”

Amanda’s last reluctant protest escaped her parted lips as a gentle sigh. Her eyelids slid closed as she finally blacked out.

“That’s it, girl... just sleep it off.”

Matteo returned to his dufflebag to prepare another dose. I knew what was coming next, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. I panicked and tried to roll off of the desk in desperation, but once i rolled over onto my side I was completely stuck. Squirming did nothing but tighten my harness and drive the knot into me painfully. I could barely breath and I was already feeling light-headed. At this rate Matteo wouldn’t even need the drug to get me to pass out.

“Say goodbye to your sexy girlfriend. You won’t be seeing her again anytime soon. I just pumped her full of enough sedative to keep her out for about six hours. By the time she wakes up, she’ll be in a cargo bay flying over the Atlantic Ocean. The bosslady wants me to tie her up tight, stick her into one of these shipping crates and mail her snoopy ass to Istanbul. Heh, heh!”

Matteo approached the table and set the syringe down beside Amanda. I imagined her suddenly springing to life, grabbing the syringe and sticking it into Matteo to save the day… but Amanda was completely out of it. He gave Amanda’s left breast one last squeeze and then he zipped up her shorts and tied her shirt back together. I could only assume that he was under orders not to molester her any further. Matteo picked up the syringe again and turned towards me. i could tell by the look in his eyes that those orders did not extend to me. I screamed into the gag. There was nothing else that I could do.

“You on the other hand… You and me get to have a little bit more fun.”

I squealed as he stabbed the syringe into my bare ass. He took his time, slowly depressing the plunger with one hand while massaging my butt with the other. I could feel the cold fluid spreading outward from the site of the injection, leaving numbness in its wake. He was running his fingertips between the cheeks of my ass along the length of the rope that held the knot against my pussy. I whimpered as he tormented me, but within a few minutes I could no longer feel what he was doing.

“Gotta say… this was a really fun job. I’ve been working for Ms. Pryor for a very long time. Got a feeling you and me will be seeing each other again real soon... Good night, Ms. Kent..”

I couldn’t stay awake. My muscles relaxed. The drug was dragging me down into a soft, velvety darkness that just seemed to get deeper…and deeper…

...and deeper…

Librarian Perils #12 - Bound Bookworm

I woke up in a drugged stupor to find myself surrounded by library patrons who were taking cell phone pictures and videos of me while horny college students molested my naked, bound and unconscious body.  

How did I get here? What was going on? Where was Amanda Jones?

Matteo must have brought me up from the underground library and just left me here for the world to see. I screamed at the gathered crowd to untie me, but my cries were unintelligible due to the tape gag still covering my mouth.

“What was that, bookworm? I couldn’t quite make out what you just said?”

I recognized the smarmy voice of that little punk Richard Masters. God only knows what he might have done to me while I was out cold. The morning light streamed in through the windows; the library was obviously open for business. How long had I been lying here?

“Did you just say ‘Please stick it in my ass, Dick?’ … because I’m pretty sure that’s what I heard.”

Everyone laughed and pointed. I felt absolutely humiliated. How could they do this to me? Why wasn’t anyone trying to help me? Were they all a bunch of animals? I blushed feverishly from head to toe. I wanted to curl up into a ball, but I couldn’t even slightly conceal myself while hogtied.

“She’s awake now… I… I think… we should untie her…”

I could tell that was the voice of Megan Wyatt. I looked up at the gorgeous blond athlete, nodding and pleading with my eyes. She’s such a lovely young woman. Under different circumstances I might not have minded if Megan had me all tied up and helpless, but definitely not here and not now.

“Oh, look who’s chickening out now that her secret crush is wide awake!”

That was Angela Stone, head cheerleader for the neighboring college and Megan’s sorority sister. Angela was a bad influence on Megan and nothing but trouble. Secret crush? What was that supposed to mean?

Megan snarled at Angela, her face flushed with rage or embarrassment or both. “This has gone too far… You’ve turned her into a laughing stock! Help me untie her before she gets fired.”

Richard shrugged, “I think that ship has sailed. I already uploaded my cell phone video of our little ‘Bondage Bookworm’ here to the internet. Ms. Kent just went viral! I don’t think she’ll be working here for long… or anywhere else for that matter.”

Richard’s obnoxious face filled my field of view as he crouched down directly in front of me. I wanted to smack the slimy grin off of his face, but I couldn’t move.

“You’re career as a librarian is finished, Ms. Kent… Any last words?”

Richard ripped the sticky tape from my face and it felt like my lips ripped off with it. I screamed and couldn’t help but to cry as tears stung my eyes. I was embarrassed beyond belief, but my concern was for someone else at that moment.

“Uhhh… Amanda… Wh… where’s Amanda?”

Richard shrugged again and turned to the crowd: “Who the fuck is Amanda? Anybody know Amanda?”

No one said anything. The crowd was starting to disperse now that I was awake, probably afraid that I might be able to identify them later. Unfortunately my vision was still too blurry from the tears and I couldn’t clearly see their faces.

I felt the ropes slacken as Megan untied several of the knots holding my arms and legs behind my back. The rope harness began to quickly unravel and I could move again. I decided to bolt for my office, but as soon as I swung my legs off of the table I collapsed into a heap on the floor. My extremities were completely numb and couldn’t support my own weight.

Megan came to my defense again: “Let’s get her to her office. We’re not just leaving her here.”
Angela and Richard were already heading for the main entrance of the library. Richard waved to Megan on his way out.

“Do what you want, Sugar Thighs. Fun’s over. We’re gone.”

I felt Megan help me to sit up and before I realized what was happening she had scooped me up off of the floor and had me cradled in her arms. I was slightly taller than her, but Megan was very strong and seemed to handle my weight with ease.

“Let’s get you to your office. I have a bathing suit in my gym bag that might fit you. I guess that’s better than nothing”

I wanted to thank her, but as soon as Megan started to walk my head began to spin. The dizziness was overwhelming and the colors of the room seemed to swirl together and combine into a spiral of thickening blackness…


I woke up yet again, this time curled up on the couch in my office. A beach towel covered me like a blanket and I was wearing a bikini swimsuit that I didn’t recognize. As my memory returned I realized that Megan must have dressed me and left me here to recover.

I had completely lost track of time and wasn’t even sure what day of the week it was anymore. It seemed like several days had passed since I first met Amanda Jones and Rachel Fox’s gang of thugs. The view through my office window was completely dark, so it had to be nighttime again. How long had Amanda been missing? She could be anywhere by now. I remembered Matteo saying something about shipping her to Istanbul; if that was indeed his plan, then Amanda was very likely long gone.
This sleuthing adventure was way out of control. I decided to do something that I should have done from the very beginning… I had to call the police!

I stood on wobbling legs and wrapped the beach towel around my waist so that I wouldn’t feel quite so naked. Then I staggered over to my desk, flopped into my chair and reached for my phone. As I started to dial 9-1-1, I gathered my thoughts and tried to figure out how I was going to tell this incredible tale to the authorities. I never really saw Matteo or Rachel Fox’s face. Matteo seemed to be taking orders from my Regional Manager Ms. Pryor. I’d never actually met Ms. Pryor, so I couldn’t identify her either. She was obviously behind all of this, but I had no proof. I couldn’t even prove that Amanda Jones had ever been here, much less that she had been kidnapped and shipped off in a crate bound for Istanbul.

I wish Megan could have left me something more to wear than a skimpy bikini. When the police arrived, would they believe the bikini-clad “Bondage Bookworm”? I didn’t have a whole lot of credibility left… or dignity for that matter.

The underground library… maybe if I showed the police how to get to the underground library they might be able to find some kind of forensic clue or tiny sliver of evidence that could save Amanda and bring the bad guys to justice.

That didn’t seem very likely, but I had to do something.

I was just about to make the call when I heard the ‘incoming email’ chime from my computer. I glanced up at the screen and my jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

The email was from Ms. Pryor.

With trembling hands I reached for the mouse, clicked on the message to open it and read every word:

Dear Ms. Kent:It has come to my attention that you have been investigating sensitive matters that do not concern you. Please report to my office IMMEDIATELY to discuss disciplinary actions and your continued employment with this library. I am waiting.


Ms. Pryor
Regional Manager

Oh my God! She’s here! She’s right down the hall! My heart thundered rapidly in my chest! I took a deep breath and tried to get myself under control.

Ms. Pryor’s office was an empty room with the elevator leading down to the underground library full of lost literary works. I could call the police and they could arrest her on the spot. I could show them the underground library. All I had to do was call the police. I reached for the phone again. The very instant that my hand picked up the receiver, my incoming email chimed again.

A chill ran down my spine... Was she somehow watching me? Could there be hidden cameras in my office? This was insane! I slowly set down the receiver and clicked on the message.

Dear Ms. Kent:

I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Let’s talk.


Ms. Pryor
Regional Manager

I should have been scared out of my mind, but all I could feel was a rising anger! Was this bitch threatening me? If she wanted a confrontation, I would give her one! This woman was responsible for everything that had happened to me throughout the last few days! She wanted to talk… fine! I would let her talk! I would finally get to the bottom of whatever the Hell was going on! Then I would punch her right in the face and call the police!

Fueled by anger and adrenaline, I stormed out of my office and headed for hers.

After all of the public humiliation, the assault, the bondage, the kidnapping… there was certainly no need to discuss my “continued employment with this library”… I WAS GOING TO QUIT!!!

(…to be continued)

Richard Masters is the OC of Curia-DD --

Librarian Perils #13 - Meeting Ms. Pryor

Dear Ms. Kent:

It has come to my attention that you have been investigating sensitive matters that do not concern you. Please report to my office IMMEDIATELY to discuss disciplinary actions and your continued employment with this library. I am waiting.


Ms. Pryor
Regional Manager

The nerve of that woman!

Over the course of the last few days I had been assaulted, chloroformed, tied up twice, drugged, molested by college students, stripped naked, publicly humiliated, stranded at the library wearing a stupid bikini… not to mention that my friend Amanda had been kidnapped and shipped to Istanbul… and I was finally going to confront the woman responsible for all of it.

I had every intention of giving her a piece of my mind! Who did she think she was? She couldn’t just treat people like this?

I was livid! I was so angry that I was definitely not thinking clearly. Unfortunately I didn’t realize this until my hand touched the doorknob leading into Ms. Pryor’s office...

What exactly was my plan here? Was I about to commit career suicide and pick a fight with my supervisor, the library’s Regional Manager, a woman who mysteriously possessed the financial resources to construct an underground library beneath her office in secret and fill it with literary works from around the world that were believed to have been lost for all time? Was I just going to barge into her office and demand answers from a woman who was obviously not afraid to break the law and who associated with violent criminals? Was I going to intimidate her into confessing her evil plan and then have her sit patiently and wait for me to call the police?

What was I thinking?!?! I should be running for my life!!!

I heard her soft voice call out to me from within the room...

“Come in, dear... We have a lot to discuss.”

I froze. My hand was still on the knob. I should run. I should run back to my office and lock myself in and call the police.

I couldn’t seem to get myself to move. Fight or flight? I seemed to be stuck somewhere in between.
I watched my hand turn the knob, as if my hand had made the choice before my mind was fully aware of what was going on. I realized that I wanted to see Ms. Pryor. I had to see what she looked like. I wanted answers!

The door swung open and I was astonished to see that the office was now completely furnished and redecorated. This room had been completely empty the night before when Amanda and I had entered the underground library via a secret elevator that was hidden in the floor under the carpeting. Now the carpet was gone and a permanent hardwood floor had been installed. If the elevator was still intact there no longer seemed to be a visible way to access it. Ms. Pryor must have had the furniture brought in and the floor replaced to hide access to the underground library. How could she pull all of this off so quickly?

It didn't matter. It was done. Who would believe my side of the story now?

“So nice to meet you at last… Ms. Kent.”

Ms. Pryor chuckled softly to herself, as if my name somehow inspired a private joke. She rose from her desk and gestured for me to enter the office.

She was strikingly beautiful, perhaps one of the most attractive women that I had ever seen. Her voice sounded both soothing and commanding at the same time. She gazed at me with blazing green eyes that reminded me of a predator sizing up its prey. I suddenly felt vulnerable and exposed and uncomfortably aware of the fact that I was still wearing Megan’s skimpy yellow bikini. My outfit left little to the imagination, but Ms. Pryor looked at me so brazenly and lasciviously that she was obviously imagining... something...arousing? I couldn’t help but notice that the room seemed to be filled with an unexpected but undeniable sexual tension between the two of us. She seemed oddly familiar. Did I know this woman from somewhere?

Ms. Pryor flashed me a cruel and confident smile... a smile that was so suggestive and so seductive that I nearly swooned…

I was in serious trouble.

Librarian Perils #14 - Secret Desires

Every instinct told me that I was in way over my head.

Ms. Pryor was completely out of my league. She had been several steps ahead of me from the very beginning and I had no idea how to turn the situation to my advantage. She was so alluring that I couldn’t focus my thoughts enough to remember my own name, let alone come up with a good plan. For the millionth time I wished that I was wearing actual clothing instead of a skimpy yellow bikini.

“Interesting wardrobe choice.”

I could feel her eyes as they shamelessly looked me over from head to toe and back up again. Her intense gaze was almost tangible and seemed to leave a trail of goosebumps along the surface of my skin wherever she looked. I wanted to cover myself with my arms, but instead I forced myself to keep them at my sides in a vain attempt to project strength and confidence so as not to give her any more of an advantage than she already possessed. I didn’t think I was actually fooling her in the slightest, but it was worth a shot.

“I’m sure you have lots of questions for me…so… where would you like to start?”

Where would I like to start? So much had happened to me in so little time. Where did I want to start?

“I… well, uhm…I…”

Ohmygod, why was I so nervous around her? My throat was so dry that I could barely speak. I couldn’t keep eye contact with her and think at the same time. I dropped my gaze and tried to collect my thoughts, but unfortunately her body and the way that she moved was equally distracting. Focus, Chryseis! Remember why you’re here!

“What… what did you do with Amanda Jones?”

 “Who? …Ohhhh! …You mean the other girl…” Ms. Pryor waved her hand dismissively. “She is of no consequence.”

How could she be so cavalier about kidnapping someone? Was she some kind of sociopath?
“Well, she’s of consequence to me! I demand to know happened to her!”

Ms. Pryor shrugged: “My assistant Matteo drugged her, tied her up and placed her into a shipping crate bound for Istanbul.”

I couldn’t believe how casually she said this; as if it’s the kind of thing that she does all the time. This woman was clearly very dangerous… or insane… or possibly both.

“That’s horrible! Why… why would you do such a thing?!?!”

“It isn’t horrible... I did her a favor.”

I was beyond confused, but Ms. Pryor acted as if all of this was perfectly rational and reasonable. It was infuriating!

“How could that possibly be a favor?”

“Ms. Jones was looking for her associate Rachel Fox, correct? Rachel is on an assignment for me in Istanbul recovering another rare text for my archive. I sent Ms. Jones to exactly where she wanted to go. So you see… I did her a favor. I’m not the terrible villainess you seem to think I am, Ms. Kent.”
I crossed my arms defiantly over my chest as anger and outrage gave me a bust of new-found courage: “You sent Amanda to Istanbul in a shipping crate. There are friendlier ways to do someone a favor.”

“I did her a favor and sent her a message at the same time. She needed to be taught a lesson. I can’t have her or anyone else meddling in my affairs. There is far too much at stake.”

Ahhh… now we were getting somewhere. “And just what exactly are your affairs, Ms. Pryor?”

She stood up from her desk and slowly walked towards me. Her hips swayed enticingly as she approached, and I felt that brief rush of courage slip away as she invaded my personal space. I wanted to run, but I stood my ground. I realized that I was breathing fast and struggled to remain calm.

“I am a keeper of secrets, Ms. Kent. Did you not see my private collection?”

What was she saying? Oh, yes… she was answering my question. She was so ridiculously gorgeous that I had forgotten my own question.

“Your collection…Yes… It’s the most remarkable thing I’ve ever seen.”

Ms. Pryor gave me an obviously fake (but incredibly cute) frown: “Really? More remarkable than me? How disappointing…”

OhmyGod, she was flirting with me!

“Well, I…uhhh…”

I couldn’t explain the odd chemistry that sizzled between the two of us, but I could no longer deny it. She seemed to be tired of pretending to ignore it as well. Ms. Pryor took a step towards me and I had to take a step back to keep her breasts from brushing into mine. The wall was behind me so I began to move in a slow circle, working my way towards the center of the room. Ms. Pryor followed, stalking me as I feebly tried to retreat.

Ms. Pryor could tell that I was becoming nervous and agitated, so she backed off… but only a little.

 “My work is extremely important. I have agents combing the world as we speak, looking for ancient texts, scrolls and other records that should never see the light of day.”

She was implying that all of the lost books and artifacts that Amanda and I had discovered were authentic. I nearly fainted at the thought of the valuable treasure that was hidden below me feet at that very moment.

“Why not? Why not share your discoveries with the world?”

Ms. Pryor’s eyes flashed with terrifying anger: “Because there is a great deal of knowledge that Man cannot be trusted to know! Many of these ancient records contain historical references about… a group of people… that would prefer to live in peace and isolation. If the world of Men knew where to find them, and knew what they possessed, these people would inevitably be hunted and destroyed.

The things that I do, I do for the security and protection of our kind!”

She seemed very passionate and determined, but I had no idea what she was talking about. She raved like a mad woman, but I couldn’t doubt the apparent sincerity of her intentions.

“Our kind? I don’t understand… You mean… women?”

Ms. Pryor paused for a moment and seemed to regain her focus. She smiled at me softly and condescendingly, the way that one might smile at a child that had asked why the sky was blue.

“Uhm, sure… a certain kind of ‘special’ woman… but we probably shouldn’t be more specific than that for now.”

This confrontation had not at all gone as I had expected. Ms. Pryor was providing me with lots of information and answers, but I couldn’t seem to comprehend any of it. I didn’t feel like I was any closer to truly understanding this remarkable woman. Where did she acquire her resources? Ms. Pryor was obviously much more than just a library supervisor.

“What you have achieved… it must have cost a fortune! Why are you working as the Regional Manager of a library?”

Ms. Pryor smiled knowingly and shook her head: “I don’t work for the library, dear... The library works for me. This is just one of many libraries in a vast global network of libraries that belong to me. Each one possesses a hidden archive much like the one that you discovered last night. ‘Ms. Pryor the Regional Manager’ is just one of many titles and identities at my disposal.”

“You mean… Ms. Pryor isn’t your real name?”

“It’s as real as yours, Ms. Kent.”

“What is that supposed to mean? My name is....”

“Chryseis Kent, yes… I know. Let’s not pull too hard at that thread or things might start to unravel. As it turns out, I know a great deal about you Ms. Kent. In fact… you could say that I know more about you than you know yourself.”

That was a ridiculous statement. She did seem oddly familiar to me, but I was certain that I had never met her before walking into her office moments ago.

“Oh? Like what exactly?”

Ms. Pryor’s predatory look returned. She suddenly seemed to glide towards me with one smooth and rapid stride. I tried to take a step back but realized that her desk was now behind me and was blocking my retreat. I tried to stand tall and proud and hold my ground, but Ms. Pryor seemed to interpret this as permission to get even closer. Her clothing rustled softly against my body as she leaned towards the side of my head. I could feel her breath against my cheek… and then my neck. Her nostrils flared as she intimately inhaled my scent.

Ohmygod, if she kisses me…

“I know that when someone whispers in your ear it drives you wild… and if I were to kiss your neck right now your toes would curl and you probably wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from moaning.”

She was right. She was SOOOO right. I could feel myself trembling. I wanted her to do it. I wanted her to kiss my neck. I wanted her to lean me back on the desk and have her way with me. I was starting to pant and I realized that she was doing the same. We both seemed to be struggling to control ourselves and I wasn’t sure which of us was going to surrender first. I suspected it would be me.

“Ohhhhh, it’s been so very long since we‘ve been together like this…”

Another curious statement… Was she delusional?

“We… we’ve never… even met.”

Ms. Pryor pulled her head back from my ear and looked directly into my eyes: “If you say so, dear.”
I completely lost track of time as I gazed into the depths of her green eyes. They seemed to be slightly elliptical, almost like a cat. Her gaze drifted downward and she began to look over my body. I felt incredibly exposed wearing Megan’s yellow bikini. I was virtually naked as compared to Ms. Pryor in her business power suit. She had me at a distinct disadvantage, but I was starting not to mind. I gasped as her fingertips began playfully toying with the knot between my breasts that kept the bikini top in place.

“Goddess, this bikini is so very flattering on you.”

“It… it isn’t mine.”

Ms. Pryor tugged lightly at the knot and I could feel the bikini becoming slightly looser. I inhaled deeply to catch my breath, but that seemed to make the knot looser as well. She tugged at it again. I held still, afraid that the slightest movement from either of us would leave me completely exposed. Ms. Pryor admired the swell of my breasts for a moment, then she licked her lips and looked up into my eyes.

“You know, a woman usually wears a swimming suit when she’s expecting to get wet. Did you come in here tonight expecting to get wet, Ms. Kent?”


“Are you getting wet now, Ms. Kent?”


Ms. Pryor’s gaze locked with mine and I couldn’t look away from hers. I felt her tug again at the knot. The bikini top had come undone! I could tell that if she simply let go of the fabric my breasts would fall free. I waited for it to happen… I think I wanted it to happen... but she simply held onto the ends of the unraveled knot. I was completely hers to control.

Ohmygod, how had this happened? I came in here to quit my job and now I was letting this woman seduce me!

“I… I,uhmmm… I should…”

“I am very good at keeping secrets. Do you have secrets you’d like to share with me, Ms. Kent?”

I had to get control of the situation. She was manipulating me. I had to snap out of it. Oh, fuck, I just wanted her to kiss me!

“You can’t… you can’t just…”

“Tell me to stop then…”

Yes, that’s it. Just tell her to stop. That’s all I had to do. I felt her fingernails grazing the flesh of my breasts. I wanted her to keep touching me, but I had to put a stop to this. All I had to do was say the words. I gathered what little remained of my dwindling will power and forced the words from my lips.

“Please… sss…stop…”

Time seemed to stand still. My heart thundered in my chest so loudly that I was certain she could hear it. I was still looking into her glorious eyes. I watched in fear as her gaze become increasingly cruel. In that moment I realized that my will power counted for nothing. I was not the one who was in control. Ms. Pryor whispered a single word...


With a flick of her wrists, Ms. Pryor released the ends of the bikini and allowed the skimpy garment to fall free. My naked breasts spilled into view and I was so shocked that I couldn’t move.

“I get what I want, Ms. Kent. That’s the way it has always been. That’s the just the way it is… and now… I want you.”

I shivered uncontrollably as her hands glided gently over my delicate flesh. Long fingernails circled my nipples. I could feel my insides beginning to flutter and I wondered if it was possible for me to cum just from having my breasts caressed. We were still looking into each other’s eyes. She had exposed me, but she didn’t even want to look down at my naked flesh. She was looking into my soul… watching me as my arousal increased and my will power slipped away. I was helplessly submitting to her and that is what she wanted most. It was the dominance that turned her on.
My body begged me to surrender to her, but I still possessed a tiny sliver of pride that fueled my defiance. I was not going to give into this woman so easily! I clasped her hands with my own and removed them from my skin.

“No… I… no… that’s not… This isn’t why I’m here!!!”

I expected her to be disappointed, or at least surprised by my sudden outburst, but Ms. Pryor just seemed amused. She was allowing me to have this battle, but in her eyes I could see that I would lose the war.

“Oh? Tell me… why are you here, Ms. Kent?”

I gathered my fallen bikini and held it over my chest. This seemed to give me some small measure of confidence, just enough for me to summon my anger. I would not be treated this way!

“I’m here… I’m here to... to tell you that… that I QUIT!”

Ms. Pryor’s expression was inscrutable. She was either not impressed with my defiance, or she simply did not care.

“You don’t really want to quit.”

I was not expecting her to say that. What was that even supposed to mean?

“Oh yes, I do! This library… this place… it isn’t normal! Something is very wrong here and I no longer want to be a part of it!”

Ms. Pryor just shook her head. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she laid down the law.
“This is where you belong. You are right, this library is very special. Some of my uniquely talented friends have put certain… well, let’s just say ‘safeguards’ in place to make sure that our kind can come to no mortal harm within these walls. Believe me when I say that this is the safest place in the world for you, Ms. Kent. If it was up to me, you would NEVER be allowed to leave. Outside of this library, I cannot protect you.”

Once again, I had no idea what she was talking about. Talented friends? Safeguards? Our kind? What was any of that supposed to me? All I knew for certain was that I absolutely did not feel “protected” at this library. In fact, more often than not… I was terrified out of my wits!

“Protect me? Don’t you know what has happened to me since I started working here? I’ve been drugged, kidnapped, assaulted, tied up and practically raped! You call this protection?”

Ms. Pryor once again moved swiftly into my personal space, pressing her body tightly against mine. Her arm flashed over my shoulder and grabbed the back of my hair in a tight grip and she pulled me so close to her face that our lips nearly touched.

Ohmygod, was she finally going to kiss me?

My defiance dissolved. I moaned as my lips parted. I was lost. Completely lost. This woman owned me.

“It’s time for some honesty, Chryseis... Not just honesty with me, but with yourself. You’ve been sedated and it left you helpless and compliant. You’ve been tied up and it left you exposed and vulnerable. You were assaulted, but not seriously injured… only enough to keep you in your place. You are a submissive by nature and you crave all of these things. You’ve been molested and groped and manhandled… and now it’s time for you to admit that ALL OF IT turns you on.”

What? …Ohmygod… She’s… she’s so wrong… isn’t she?

I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t think of anything to say.

“I won’t let anyone actually hurt you, Chryseis… Not here. This library is a sanctuary, an erotic playground, a release from the true dangers that you encounter more often than you might realize. Everything that has happened to you here… on some secret level that perhaps you don’t like to talk about… all of it turns you on. This is where you want to be. This is where you belong. This is what you crave. If I’m wrong, then just tell me… Tell me and I’ll give you everything you’ve ever wanted… but deep down, I already know that this is it… and so do you. This is what you want, isn’t it? Just say yes… say it now… ”

I was breathless. She held me in her arms so tightly that I couldn’t move. She spoke with such authority and passion that I no longer knew if my thoughts were my own or if they had simply been overwhelmed by this formidable woman. Everything she said made perfect sense. I just wanted her to shut up and kiss me!

I managed to say the only word that I could seem to remember in that moment…

“Yes… yes…”

Ms. Pryor moaned deep in her throat as she finally pressed her lips to mine in an epic kiss that shattered my senses and sent me swooning into oblivion.

Librarian Perils #15 - You're Hired!

Thank you for taking the time to interview with me today, Ms. Jynx. I just wanted you to know that I sincerely appreciate your time and I wish you nothing but success in the future… unfortunately I’m just not sure that you’d be a good fit for this position.

Why the Hell not?

Uhm… well… for one thing, your resume appears to have been written in crayon...

Actually that’s lipstick.

And it says here that you haven’t been able to hold down a job for more than… three weeks?

Those jobs sucked.

And you have absolutely no experience working in a library…

If a dumb bitch like you can do it, how fucking hard can it be?

Uhm… and your attitude is, well… “atrocious” might be one way to say it.

You could also say that I don’t give a fuck.

Yes… well… you can see my problem. I’m afraid you just aren’t quite the kind of applicant that I am looking for to fill this particular position.

You said you were looking for a Library Assistant, right?


So all I gotta do is assist you, right?

Uhm, yes… but I’m not exactly sure what kind of assistance you might be able to provide. Librarianship is a very specific discipline that requires…

Well… I could start by assisting you with picking up this pen that you dropped under your desk.

I did? Well, thank you, but that won’t be necessary…

It’s ok, let me just crawl down here and get it for you.

No really, it’s alright. I can… uhm… what are you doing?

Nice panties.

Ms. Jynx, if you would please…

Lacey and red... Gotta hot date, Ms. Kent?

Uhm, no… young lady, if you’d please…

Here’s what I think… I think when I turned in my resume, you looked me up online...

Well, yes, that’s fairly standard, but…

And you saw a couple of pictures of me… and you liked what you saw...

Well, I must admit, you are rather…

And so I’m thinking to myself… why would you be wearing these lacey red panties unless you wanted me to see them?

That’s not… Ms. Jynx… what… what are you...  doing to my… ohhh…

MMMmmmm… Do you like that?

Oh, yessss… ohhhh, that’s… I… I mean…

Now do you understand the qualifications that I bring to this position, Ms. Kent?

Ohmygod… your tongue is so… soooo... oh… oh god… I think… I think I’m gonna…

Would you like me to contact the other applicants and let them know that the position has been filled?

YES!!! OHH!!! OH FUCK YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!

Librarian Perils #16 - Tied Up At The Moment

"I'm very sorry, but Ms. Kent can't come to the phone right now. She's a little tied up at the moment."

Librarian Perils #17 - Anime Ms. Kent vs. Sadista

This was AA's is my entry for CeeAyBee's Turning Japanese Contest on DeviantArt. For the contest she had to create an anime version of one of his characters and she chose Sadista. 

Librarian Perils #18 - My New Doll

It took me awhile, but I finally found Denise’s little pink remote control that I had stashed away in my desk. “Ok, here it is! I didn’t want to put this into the regular lost and found for fear of someone else getting ahold of it, so I’ve been keeping it in my desk. I had a feeling you’d come back for it eventually.”

Denise was visibly relieved when I produced the remote. “Oh my goodness, thank you so much for keeping this safe. I definitely wouldn’t want it falling into the wrong hands.”

My mind wandered back to the day that Denise and I first met. I accidentally sent her libido into overdrive by pushing the buttons on the device while trying to figure out what it was designed to do. “It’s hard for some people to resist pushing mysterious unlabeled buttons.”

Denise gave me a knowing grin. “Well you certainly pushed my buttons last time. In fact you were a bit too trigger happy as I recall.”

I shrugged, recalling that I might have overdone it just a bit. “It’s really fun! What can I say?”

Denise extended her hand and I was about to offer her the remote, but a mischievous idea occurred to me and I found myself once again unable to resist pushing one of the buttons on the pink device. Unfortunately nothing seemed to happen, so I pointed it below her waist and tried it again. 

Denise’s jaw dropped as she realized what I was trying to do. “Oh my gosh! Did you just turn it on! I can’t believe you just did that!”

“Like I said, it’s fun! I couldn’t resist.”

“You have a serious naughty streak in you, Ms. Kent.”

I laughed, but I was also a little disappointed that Denise wasn’t squirming as much as I had expected. She wasn’t reacting much at all for that matter. “Hmmm… you don’t seem quite as ‘enthusiastic’ as last time.”

Denise seemed to suddenly realize the same thing. I think she might have been a little turned on by the idea that I tried to use it, but the device itself didn’t seem to be activated. “You’re right… I don’t actually feel anything.”

I mashed down on all of the buttons in sequence, but nothing happened. “None of the buttons seem to work. Are you wearing the…. uhm, the other part?”

From the way she blushed, it was obvious that she was indeed wearing the vibrator that worked with the remote. Clearly I wasn’t the only one in a ‘naughty’ mood. Denise finally shrugged, looking a little annoyed and disappointed. “It probably just needs new batteries.”

“Oh,well… it was fun while it lasted. Hopefully the next lucky recipient of the remote will have as much fun with it as I had.”

I returned the remote to Denise and she tucked it into her purse. She then looked around the library, scanning the signs that labelled each section of the library by subject.“While I’m here… I was wondering if you could help me with a little research project?”

“You need help finding a book? Of course! What’s the title?”

“I don’t have a title or author. I’m not even sure if there’s a book on the topic, but if anyone can find it, then I’m sure it would be you.”

“Well, now I’m intrigued... What are we searching for?”

Denise lowered her voice to a whisper and glanced around with a deeply suspicious look on her face. “I need a book that will teach me how to ‘unhypnotize’ myself.”

I almost laughed out loud, but I didn’t want to be rude. In my opinion hypnosis was nothing but a staged and ridiculous hoax, but Denise seemed to be taking it extremely serious. I dropped my voice to match her conspiratorial tone while struggling not to giggle. “Hmmm… that’s a new one… why are you interested? Are you afraid that you might be hypnotized right now?

I waved my hand in front of her face and snapped my fingers. Denise rolled her eyes at me and lightly slapped my hand away from her face as she realized that I was teasing her, but her sincerity and concern quickly returned. Clearly this was a sensitive subject for her. “No, no… of course I’m not in a trance state right now, but I think I might be under the influence of lingering post-hypnotic suggestions and trigger phrases from previous inductions. I need to safely disarm the sublimated commands and I was hoping to do it with self-hypnosis techniques.”

My mind was whirling from trying to keep up with her string of pseudo-scientific terminology. It was a little confusing, but I think I got the general idea. “Wow... You sound like you know a lot about this already.”

“I’ve been doing a lot of research on the topic lately. It’s fascinating stuff.”

“I guess… if you believe in that sort of thing.”

“Of course I believe! Hypnosis is absolutely real!”

I was completely skeptical, but I found myself intrigued by the impression that Denise seemed to be speaking from experience. “You’re saying you’ve actually been hypnotized before?”

“Oh, yes… several times.”

“Really? Like… by a stage magician or something?”

“It’s happened to me on several different occasions... One time I was hypnotized at a parent teacher conference by the mother of one of my students. Hypnosis has gotten me into all kinds of trouble. I become more susceptible to it after each experience. Apparently that’s the way it works for most people… or so I’ve read. Trust me, hypnosis is no laughing matter.”

She seemed legitimately distressed and extremely serious. I decided to set aside the jokes and the debate and just go with the flow so that I could help to fix the problem that was disturbing her. “You said you had ‘triggers’… what does that mean?”

“A trigger is a word or a phrase that reminds the subject of a command that they were given while under hypnosis. If someone says the right word or phrase under the right circumstances, your subconscious takes over and carries out the command, even when you’re wide awake.”

My mind flashed to visions of fembots in the old science fiction movies with their arms stretched out horizontal to the ground with spiral cartoons spinning in their eyes. “Commands? Like someone can turn you into a sort of pre-programmed robot?”

“Something like that…”

I shrugged. I just couldn’t get into it. “If you say so…”

Denise seemed astonished at my apparent stubbornness. “You don’t believe me?”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong... I believe that you believe. Let’s just go see if we can find your book.”

I led the way to the psychology section of the library as Denise followed behind me. I didn’t need to turn around and see Denise’s facial expression to know that she was silently fuming. I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings, but worrying about about post-hypnotic suggestion was like worrying about being trampled by a stampede of unicorns. “This entire section is about psychology and there are lots of books on hypnotherapy. I’m sure we can… Hey! What are you doing?”

I felt Denise tug on my left ear. She quickly unfastened one of my earrings and jingled it right in front of my face. “I’m proving to you that hypnosis is real!”

“With my earring?”

“Well, I don’t have a pocket watch, but I think I can make this work.”

“You’re seriously going to try to hypnotize me?”

“I’m going to try to put you into a light trance, just so you can see for yourself that this is serious!”

For some reason, I was beginning to feel a little nervous. “You can do that?”

“Actually I’m not sure. But I have read about the basic techniques and principals involved, and I have plenty of experience being on the other end of the pocket watch, so to speak. I’m confident that I can pull it off, but only if you want me to try it. Trust and consent between the subject and the hypnotist is very important... Do you trust me?”

“We’re friends, Denise. Of course I trust you.”

“Well, that’s actually the most difficult thing to achieve, so we’re half way there. Are you ready to give it a try?” 

We were situated between tall bookshelves in a low-traffic section of the library and completely hidden from the view of the patrons. I was relieved that we had a bit of privacy… just in case Denise made me do something embarrassing. 

It occurred to me that if I was worried about being embarrassed, then that had to also mean I believed that Denise might actually have the power to hypnotize me. I wasn’t entirely convinced that I could go under, but I tried to remain open to the possibility. The entire situation was thrilling and kind of a turn on. I was already starting to imagine what Denise might do to me if she did successfully hypnotize me. “Are you going to make me quack like a duck?”

“If you don’t start taking this seriously, I just might!”

“Okay, okay… I’ll be good… Just tell me what to do.”

“Alright, just relax. This will be fun! You can start by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths...”

I decided to get into the moment and go with the flow. I drew in a slow and deep breath, held it, then slowly exhaled.

“That’s it… deep breaths… just let yourself relax… in… and out…”

I repeated the deep breaths several times. I was starting to feel relaxed and after several breaths I found myself waiting for my next instruction.

“Very good, Chryseis… now… I want you to open your eyes… and focus your attention on your earring.”

I opened my eyes to see that Denise was holding my earring in front of my face, positioning it slightly above my eye level so that I had to slightly gaze upwards to see it. She twirled it slowly with her fingertips so that the reflected ceiling lights flashed along the polished surface as the earring spun. 

Flash… flash… flash… 

I didn’t look away, but I couldn’t keep myself from grinning. “Yessss…. I can feeeeeel it already…. I am ssssssuccumbing to the pooooower of my earring…”

“Very funny... Keep looking… see how the earring flashes as it catches the light? Focus on the earring, Chryseis… focus… on the earring…”

I noticed that my field of vision seemed to be narrowing as I studied the earring. The earring and the flashing seemed to be the only thing that I could see. I was only vaguely aware of Denise and the rest of the library in the background of my field of focus. I tried to decipher a pattern in the seemingly random light reflections… 

Flash… flash… flash…

“Do you see the way it sparkles in the light?”

“Yes.” My voice sounded strangely hollow and thick, which took me a little by surprise. 

“Very good... Now… I want you to make sure that your eyes stay focused on the earring. It’s important that you do not close your eyes until I tell you to do so. Keep looking at the way the earring sparkles in the light as it turns sooooo slowly.”

I realized how easy it had become to lock onto the earring to the exclusion of everything else. How long had I been starring at it? Was I starting to go under?

“Taking deep breathes…. Feeling so good… and so relaxed.... Can you feel it?” Denise’s voice sounded strange also. It seemed to be softer, as if it had travelled a great distance before reaching me. Her voice sounded slow and thick like mine.


Did I just say that? Or did she?

Flash… flash… flash…

After a long pause and a great deal of flashing, Denise continued to drone on with her induction. “It’s becoming so hard to keep your eyes open now… and you are feeling soooo relaxed… and that’s perfectly normal… perfectly safe... Just keep listening to my voice as the earring slowly takes you down into a deep hypnotic trance.”

My eyes blinked slowly… slowly…It was a strain to look upwards at the earring for so long. It would definitely feel better to close my eyes. I hoped she would tell me to do that soon.

Denise’s voice now seemed extremely slow and husky. “You’re doing so good now, Chryseis… so good… just focus and allow the earring to take you deeper… and deeper… and deep… er…”

Flash… flash… flash…

Flash… flash… flash…

A long time seemed to pass. I really wanted to close my eyes, but I struggled to obey. Finally Denise spoke again. “See how it sparkles… you don’t want to look away… as it… takes me deeper… takes me deeper…”

Wait, what did she just say? That wasn’t right at all!

I blinked my eyes rapidly and shook my head from side to side as I snapped myself out of it. When my vision finally cleared, I found myself looking at a very hypnotized Denise! Her eyes were glassy and wide open in a look of awe and surprise, as if the earring had somehow transformed itself into the most fascinating object in the entire universe. Her jaw was slack and her right arm hung limply at her side. Her left arm rigidly held the earring suspended in place directly in front of her field of view. She must have been looking at the earring herself, instead of looking at me. Her hypnotic induction had backfired!

Denise continued to drone on in a soft and slightly slurred voice. She didn’t even seem to be aware of the words that were escaping her lips. “Feeling… so sleepy now… so sleepy… as the earring… takes me… deeper…”

While it didn’t entirely work on me, I was now convinced that hypnosis was real and that Denise was slipping deeper into a trance right before my eyes. I remembered her saying something about subjects becoming easier to hypnotize after multiple sessions. 

Apparently Denise gets herself hypnotized quite a bit! 

Mischievous thoughts raced through my head and I decided to have a little fun of my own.  Time for me to take over the induction! “Deeper and deeper now, Denise… falling deeper for me as your eyes begin to close... as you listen to my voice… as you obey… feeling so sleepy…”

“…so… sleepy…”

Ohmygod! It was working! I tried not to giggle or squeal and accidentally snap her out of it. Her eyelids fluttered slowly as she struggled to keep them open and her jaw was so slack that I thought she might start to drool. I decided to see if I could completely put her under. “In just a moment I will count backwards from three to one… and when I say ‘one’ you will close your sleepy eyes and settle into a deep hypnotic trance for me. Feeling so good and so obedient… willing to follow my every command…isn’t that right Denise?”

There was a long pause and I thought maybe I had pushed my luck a little too far. I had no idea what I was doing. I was just trying to work from my memories of bad TV shows and circus acts… but eventually Denise responded….


“Good girl, Denise… such a good girl… listen and obey as I count backwards now from three...”



Denise’s eyes slammed shut the instant that I completed the countdown. Her arm holding the earring dropped limply to her side and the earring slipped from her limp fingers to land on the floor. Somehow she remained standing upright, but otherwise she appeared to be completely asleep! Holy shit! I had to cover my mouth to keep from squealing with delight as Denise stood before me in what appeared to be a deep hypnotic trance. If she was faking it, she was doing an incredible job. She looked so helpless and vulnerable… and irresistible…

I felt like someone had given me the world’s best doll… and it was time to have some fun playing with her!

“Can you hear me, Denise?”


“Are you awake?”


“How do you feel?”

“Ready to obey.”

“Ohmygod… seriously?”


“No, that wasn’t really a question… I mean… never mind... I guess I need to be careful what I say...”


“What do you mean you are ready to obey?”

“I am ready to obey.”

“You mean you’ll do whatever I say?”


“Ok, then… Quack like a duck!”

“Quack… quack… quack…”


“Quack… quack… quack…”

“Okay, okay… stop quacking… sheesh.”

This was so amazing! I decided to see if I could implant a post-hypnotic suggestion of my own, just to see if it would work… but what kind of suggestion should it be? That’s when I remembered her little pink remote with the dead batteries. Oh, yes…

“OK, Denise… I want you to think about the day that we first met. Can you remember how you felt that day?”


She smiled lasciviously in her sleep and her fingertips began to brush slowly against her thighs. She shifted her weight slightly to allow her thighs to rub together.

“Wow, uhm… ok... Would you like me to be able to make you feel that way again at any time, Denise?”

“… yesss…”

She started to breathe a little faster, her splendid breasts rising and falling faster and faster. I tried not to let her heaving chest distract me. It would be so easy to just stare at her rising and falling breasts as she panted… to just let myself slip into a trance right along with her… but then who would wake us up? I shook my head to snap myself out of it and returned my attention back to paying with my doll.

“Good… ok then… Whenever you hear someone say ‘REMOTE ON DENISE’ I want you to experience that feeling… just as you did that day when the remote would first turn on, can you do that?”

Her body seemed to quiver. She sighed and her eyelids fluttered but did not open.

“….uhhhh… yy… yess…”

“Are you feeling it now, Denise?”

“…oooohhh… yesss…”

“Wow, uhm… ok… and when you hear someone say ‘REMOTE UP DENISE’ you will feel that sensation double in intensity every time you hear it, do you understand?”



She was positively vibrating now and I could see sweat beginning to glisten on her skin. Her breath came in ragged gasps and her arms twitched at her side as if she wanted to touch herself but couldn’t. Her eyes were clenched tightly shut and her lips formed a perfect circle as she silently whispered ”Oh… oh… ohhh…”

“Very good, Denise… and when you hear someone say ‘REMOTE DOWN DENISE’ you will feel that sensation decrease by half every time you hear it, do you understand?”

“….ssss…. uhhhhh…. yessss….”


She let out an extremely long sigh of relief and the tension in her body seemed to melt away as she exhaled. Her clothes were now soaked with sweat. I imagined that her panties must be drenched as well. Her nipples seemed to be straining to escape her thin cotton blouse. I really wanted to touch her, but this was not the right time or place. 

Denise was still shivering with arousal, though not as intensely as before. It took me a moment to realize that she must still be in her REMOTE ON DENISE state. 

“Ok… when you hear someone say ‘REMOTE OFF DENISE’ you will instantly feel the arousing sensation disappear and you will feel wonderful and refreshed, do you understand?”



Immediately she became still, her arms limp, her breathing regular, her jaw slack. 

“Denise, I want you to remember these special phrases... Lock them into your mind... Remember how they made you feel... In a few moments I will wake you up, but your body will still respond to these special phrases whenever you hear them… even when you are not in trance. You will be unable to resist. Do you understand?”


I bent down and retrieved my earring from the floor and placed it in Denise’s hand.

“Good... Now Denise I need you to take the earring and hold it up in front of your face.”

With her eyes still closed, Denise mechanically raised her arm, holding the earring at her eye level.

“I will now count up from one to three… When I say ‘three’ you will open your eyes and be wide awake. You will feel wonderful and refreshed, but disappointed that you failed to hypnotize me. You will not remember hypnotizing yourself, and you will forget everything that has happened to you while you were under hypnotized… but your subconscious will remember your special phrases and respond to them whenever you hear them, do you understand?”


It occurred to me that I was supposed to be helping her to get rid of triggers, not giving her new ones. But Denise was SUCH a good doll and I wasn’t ready to stop playing with her just yet!

I turned to the bookshelf and found one called “Correcting Coercive Persuasion”. I pulled it from the shelf, along with a few others that looked like they might describe how to remove hypnotic triggers or to overcome brainwashing… then reshelved all of them in the anthropology section where Denise would never think to look for them..




Denise blinked her eyes rapidly as they regained focus. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs and looked at me sadly as she realized that I was not even remotely hypnotized. “Oh, well… it was worth a shot. I guess I’m not much of a hypnotist.”

“I wouldn’t say that... I think your technique would work wonderfully on the right person.”

“Thanks! I’ll get you eventually. I just need to keep practicing.”

“Well, just be careful you don’t accidentally hypnotize yourself.”

“Oh, right… like that could happen. By the way… were you able to find a book that might help me to remove my triggers?”

I shrugged innocently and shook my head. “Sorry, they appear to be all check out right now.”

She was clearly disappointed and it was all I could do to suppress a mischievous grin. Denise looked down at her watch; a look of complete shock and panic spread across her face. “Ohmygosh!!! Is that the time?!?!? I’m late for class!!! I completely lost track of time!! Thank you for trying to help me, but I really have to run!!!”

Denise returned my earring and started to run for the front entrance. As she exited the library, I finally allowed myself to smile. My mind was already dreaming up wonderful, exciting and erotic things to do to her. 

I can’t wait to play with my doll again!

Librarian Perils #19 - The Talented Ms. Kent

Ms. Pryor completely underestimated my skills. She isn't the only woman in this library that knows a few tricks between the sheets.

Librarian Perils #20 - S.W.A.T. Techniques

"Right this way, sir... The book that you're looking for is shelved with our other law enforcement resources."

"Excellent! Thank you so much, Ms. Kent."

"Here it is... S.W.A.T. Techniques & Procedures."

"Ah, yes... this will work just fine."

"Are you a police officer? I must say... I do love a man in uniform."

"Me? Oh, no... quite the opposite."

"Hmmm... then why the interest in a book about S.W.A.T. techniques?"

"Oh, I couldn't care less about the subject matter... I just like the heft of the book itself."

"I don't understand."

"Books can be used for much more than just reading, Ms. Kent. This one has a good weight to it... Just enough to deliver a sharp blow, but not so heavy that it will do any serious damage."

"Damage? Damage to what?"

"To your backside, of course."

"What?!?! Hey!!!... Let me go!"

"This book isn't for me... it's for you."

"No, please!!!"

"Like it or not, you're about to learn a great deal about 'swat' techniques, Ms. Kent..."


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