by DarkStalker1 -- http://darkstalker1.deviantart.com

My arms were aching where I’d tried to pull them free of the ropes that bound them tightly together in a U shape, right wrist to left elbow and vice versa. I knew after the first few seconds that it was, at best, a futile gesture but my stubborn nature demanded that I keep trying. As I struggled to free myself I looked around.

There wasn’t much to see! Nothing but the cloaking blackness that surrounded the pool of light in which I’d woken.

I appeared to be in some sort of passageway. Ancient, rugged stonework walls on either side of me, the light cast by a pair of burning torches attached to the bulkier blocks of a pair of columns that, presumably, held up the heavy stone slabs that formed the ceiling. The floor beneath me was littered with broken masonry, stone chippings and dust. A little way down the passageway I could make out a small heap of rubble that seemed to include some shattered and splintered woodwork. Looking the other way I saw a heavy metal chain hanging against the wall, traversing the stonework until it disappeared into the darkness.

My total lack of clothing hadn’t surprised me, the fact that I hadn’t been fucked whilst unconscious did though it also gave me a certain sense of hope for my future. I tried to remember what had happened... how I’d ended up here... thinking that if I had that knowledge I would be more prepared for what might come next.

My heart skipped a beat when I first heard the sound of a mewling whimper coming down the passageway from my left. It was followed soon after by a trickle of laughter but I couldn’t determine whether the laugh and the whimper were uttered by the same voice.

Several minutes passed, I think, before I began to see movement in the darkness. Slowly two figures moved into the light.

The first was as naked as I and she too was bound and gagged, though the device that muffled her voice was different. Whereas my lower face was covered by a large pad of leather behind which my mouth was filled with a large rubber ball, her jaws were spread obscenely wide by a large metal ring.

The second figure was also female but she was completely unfettered, walking with a lithe grace as she approached, her face suffused with a smile of unconcealed glee. Her eyes swept over me appraisingly, lingering at my breasts before moving up to my eyes where her piercing gaze pinned me.

‘Hello, pumpkin!’ she said simply. ‘I’ve come to expand your horizons... whether you like it or not!’

I gazed back into her eyes and felt a shiver of apprehension run down my spine. Her voice and smile may have intimated a playful manner but her eyes were another matter. I broke the eye contact and looked her over a little more closely.

Long legs, full thighs, a slender waistline and ample bosom all accentuated by the leather outfit that hugged her torso and the slim strap that squeezed her upper chest and pushed her bare breasts to prominence.

The other bound girl groaned despairingly, squirming on the spot. They were standing close together so it didn’t take much to imagine what the free girl might be doing to her captive with the right hand that I couldn’t see. And now the left hand beckoned to me, urging me to rise from the floor and approach her.

I saw little point in testing her temper at this point so I did as she bid me. As I drew level with my fellow captive she had me turn my back to her. I felt fingers between my shoulder blades pushing me forward so I started to take a step. I yelped with pain as her hand grabbed hold of my hair and yanked me back.

She released my hair and her fingers pressed between my shoulders again.

This time I leant forward at the waist with the full knowledge that I was proffering my ass to her.

Her fingers slid down my back, tracing the course of my spine until they came to the point where my arms were folded and bound together. She checked the knots and I wondered if it had been she who tied them or if there were others involved. For the moment it didn’t matter... I was helpless and totally at her mercy.

Her fingers now caressed my ass cheeks, stroking, soothing and then...


I yelped again and stumbled forward but she grabbed me by the hair once more and tugged me back. A soft whimper escaped as her fingers returned to my ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh this time. And then they began to explore the valley between my thighs. I couldn’t help but shudder as the edge of her hand slid along my crack, couldn’t help the groan that escaped as she twisted her palm upwards and slipped two fingers inside me and couldn’t fail to realise what would happen next as her thumb teased at my anal opening. As she forced the digit into me I threw back my head and groaned wantonly, pushing back against her hand and trying to swallow her thumb with my ass. And then she moved the digits within me and I was lost in the sheer pleasure she was generating in my body.

As I stood there, trembling under her assault, I managed to glance across at the other captive girl, more specifically towards her ass. As I suspected she too was impaled on fingers and thumb, quivering orgasmically as her bound body was toyed and teased with. I looked to her face and realised that the confused, terrified, pleading expression was probably a mirror of my own.

I didn’t know where I was, didn’t know what might happen to me, didn’t know how I could be enjoying what was being done to my helpless body... but right at that moment... I didn’t fucking care!


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