Rey's Education (12)       

Text and Picture by Samsa23 --

 The handy part of the Organization's nanotech suits was that virtually any part of it was retractable. Most often the crotchpieces when it came to those men working at the Organization's secret headquarters.

    The guard put that benefit to good use with Rey, sheathing his erection in her tight pink palace, savoring the feeling of her long legs on either side of him.

    Rey's muffled moans filled the room, her sore pussy having already endured the feral passion of the guard in the maintenance tunnel, she had no defiance for being taken a second time. She was even surprised by how fast the heat in her body built up, she realized she was going to orgasm far before her captor even got close.

    Her worry mounted...if this was the result of their current training regimen...just what would this 'Re-Education Module' do to her?


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