The Queen is Caught - 02

Story and Pic by Samsa23 --

The Queen is Caught- 02

General Red had not been lying, nor did she pull any punches. After a couple of days testing what restraints Astra Queen might be able to break out of, they settled on one that kept the beautiful queen on her knees.

    The men followed not long after that.

    It started when the redheaded captive had been left with a dental gag made of metal that resisted her attempts to snap it, and spread her mouth wide. Her guards, seeing that she couldn't literally bite their dicks off, decided to indulge themselves. After all she wasn't going anywhere and they weren't being paid anything insane. Why not enjoy one of the perks of the job.

    As it turned out she had a knack for giving head, something her 'guards' were more than verbal about at the cafeteria apparently because soon she was recieving more than just her two guards every day.

    At first Astra Queen had protested and fought like hell, she'd growled muffled threats and insults at her abusers. Promising bloody revenge once she was freed. However once it became apparent not even the wayward Quaran she'd come to this planet to find was showing up...that rage began to break. How could a warrior...a queen like herself with near godlike power fall this far?!

    What was wrong with her?


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