Sunburst's Dark Horror (7 pics and text)

by Rachel-Bridges -

In her time as a super heroine, Sunburst had never fought a magical villain - a true magic user - and her lack of experience showed. Sunburst had been accustomed when defeated by being overpowered, drugged, or simply physically outfought, but this strange being never laid a finger on her, yet it seemed in a matter of moments Sunburst was prone face down at this villain's feet, her toned body twitching and spasming as the familiar sensation of a foot being placed on the back of her head in triumph. As she passed out, she wondered "Who is this strange being....".

Sunburst's eyes fluttered open as she tried to move. Immediately she felt her arms and legs folded behind her. A quick tug confirmed she had been chained. But as she tried to move, she realized she was held in place, immobile, and she felt a heavy weight in her mouth...a gag - sure...but was her eyes opened fully and saw a metal tip like a spear head out in front of her - she tried to gasp but couldn't. It took moments for her to fully comprehend what this all meant - that the metal rod was coming <OUT> of her. A brief panic ensured as she could still barely struggle - each moment of realization told her this was a different form of captivity.... She could feel the rod inside her...her pussy puckered as she felt it between her inner horror she realized she was impaled from end to end....but somehow alive....

She had been accustomed to being captured - she could tick off a list of the ways she had been held - upside down in chains like a trophy, encased in latex, posed like a mannequin on display, folded so only her torso was showing inside a maniacal iron maiden, suspended in chains, mind controlled countless times and manipulated like a many ways.. - at one point she had spent a better part of a year in one form of captivity or another....but this was different.....this felt...permanent.

As her panic faded, she felt another sensation, there was another rod, and it was directly in her rear - it was what was ensuring she didn't slide down the shaft. A muffled groan escaped her mouth as her pussy lips puckered reflexively on the pole, her mind struggling with the dark submissive urges all superheroines tried to suppress except this time, the strange shaft running through her seemed to stimulate them...... "This's taming me....." as she tried to resist orgasming and failing - a defeated moan echoing in the room.....

Sunburst groaned once more as her body shuddered and then held taunt by her chains, held her in place - part of her wanted to escape.. but part of her was deeply aroused by her predicament. And her body spasmed in response.. again...and again...

"I'm mounted like a trophy.." she finally comprehended. While she could not see others around her, she wondered if others would soon join. She knew was not going anywhere. Without any sunlight in the room, she knew she was at the complete mercy of her captor. With the shaft driven through her, she knew it was only a matter of time before both her mind and body surrendered and accepted her fate...her fear was that she would embrace it.

To be continued?


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