Babystitting Gone Wrong (Part 4)

by BondageFictionTales -- Tales

Babysitting Gone Wrong Part 4


It was late in the afternoon. Rachel was still bound, gagged, and sitting on the floor beside the couch in Maggie's living room. The younger girl casually laid on the couch above her, occasionally reaching down to stroke Rachel's hair and pet her. Maggie had spent the last few hours on Rachel's phone, maliciously prodding in every aspect of her life. Maggie had scoured through all of her social media, deleted all of her dating apps, and was now blocking contacts of anyone she suspected of being a boy in close age to Rachel, in other words, a potential dating threat. The younger girl browsed emails, read entire text and message conversations, and reviewed all of Rachel's recent social media activity. Rachel felt completely violated. As she sat there helpless, her privacy was being overruled. She was powerless to stop this younger and obsessive girl from extending her reach directly into her personal life. Maggie was free to craft and tailor Rachel's life anyway she wanted to. Rachel knew that she was in a very compromising position. What if Maggie was actively texting people she knew pretending to be her? What if she was sending incriminating messages to people online? Rachel was horrified at the thought. She knew that whenever she was released, she would have an exhausting amount of damage control to do. The damage Maggie was doing to her life would not be easily undone, but the worst part was knowing that Maggie could continue using her for the foreseeable future. She still had all of those embarrassing pictures of Rachel from the previous night, and now she was learning all kinds of new secrets about Rachel's personal life. Maggie would read some texts out loud and laugh as Rachel squirmed and protested, but the ball gag kept her silent apart from disgruntled grunts and moans. There was nothing Rachel could do to stop Maggie.

Rachel wrestled with the ropes that secured her wrists together. Even now, hours after being tied up by the younger girl, she still tried to break free. It was as if she could make herself feel better by pretending she had a chance at freedom, but the ropes that held her wrists together were just as tight now as they were hours before.


"It's no use, Rachel." taunted Maggie. "You're not getting out."


"MPHHH!!" snorted Rachel in response.


"By the way," continued Maggie. "I've been texting your mom for you."


"MPH?!" grunted Rachel.

"Yeah," said Maggie. "I've been telling her that you're having a really good time babysitting me, and that you hope my parents let you do it again."


Rachel's phone made a *ding* sound as another text came in.


"Awww..." teased Maggie. "Your mommy loves you! I'll text her back...'I love you too mom!'"


Rachel was disgusted. Maggie leaned down and held the phone out in front of them with the camera on.


"Say cheese!" the young girl jeered as she snapped a selfie of the two of them.


"You're so hot!" said Maggie as she reviewed the picture. "I think this will be the new background on your phone. You can change it later of course, but I think this is fitting. That new underwear set really suits you. Aren't you glad I got it for you?"

"Mph...." protested Rachel into her shiny red ball gag.

"I know you are." said Maggie. "I'll always take good care of my princess."


Rachel looked down at her body...her arms were tied behind her, ankles tied in front of her, and the only garments she was allowed to wear was the bright pink thong and bra hand-selected by Maggie at the store. Rachel looked down on her breasts, heaving up and down with her heavy breathing, as if desperate to escape the pink bra Maggie had them in.


"I own you now..." teased Maggie. "Don't ever forget that. You and your sexy body belong to me and me alone!"


Rachel turned her head in disgust looking down at the floor. Maggie slid off the couch and maneuvered in front of her captive. The young girl cupped Rachel's chin in her hand and pulled her forwards so they could face one another.


"You're mine." declared Maggie.

In that moment, the door bell rang.


"MPH?!" squeaked Rachel from behind the ball gag.


"Don't worry," said Maggie. "My parents are still not coming home for a while. That's just the delivery guy I think. I have a package coming in today. I think you're gonna like it!"


Maggie ran to the door and answered it after the delivery man had safely walked back into his truck and started pulling out of the driveway. She opened the door and pulled a large box inside.


"I ordered all this about a week ago. I thought it was going to come in yesterday in time for your visit, but today is good too! Let me show you what I bought!"


Maggie brought the box and tossed it down in front of Rachel. She peeled the tape off the box and opened the flaps to reveal various smaller packages, all from different kink stores online.


"Oh yes," continued Maggie. "This is going to be A LOT of fun!"


Maggie opened the packages one by one, and each new product revealed brought a new sense of terror in Rachel. The young girl had bought just about every kind of bondage toy in existence, including some that Rachel didn't even know existed. There were vibrators, cuffs, whips, riding crops, an assortment of gags, and other items. Rachel pleaded into Maggie's eyes with her own. It was one thing to be tied up by the girl who she was meant to babysit as part of a game. It was another for her to pretend that they're girlfriends with kisses and body massages. It was still another thing for Maggie to strip Rachel down to nothing but a skimpy bikini and hold her as some kind of beauty hostage. But this...all of this was something else. This wasn't good. This young girl was perverted, and Rachel realized that she was the full target of those perversions. If Rachel couldn't find a way to convince Maggie to set her free, she would have to endure the full force of Maggie's lust for her. Rachel's voice had been taken from her though, as had her freedom of movement. Maggie held it all, and she gave no indication that she'd be willing to restore it to poor Rachel. So the older girl bargained with what little agency she had remaining. She begged with her eyes, letting a tear flow down her cheek.


"Don't be sad, Rachel." said Maggie. "I'll always be gentle with you, my love."


It didn't work. Maggie was going to spend the remainder of the weekend treating Rachel as some kind of sexual slave.


"And when you go home tomorrow," continued Maggie. "You'll be begging to come back next time..."


Rachel continued watching Maggie unpack the boxes and bags of bondage toys. Maggie laid them out in front of Rachel as if to taunt her, as the older girl could see them and know what's coming. Maggie reached into the main box and pulled out a smaller, feminine box.


"Oh good." said Maggie. "I was worried they forgot this, but it was just hidden in the bottom."


Maggie opened the little box in front of Rachel to reveal a pink leather strap.


"This is for you. You'll wear this as proof that you belong to me." Maggie declared.


It was a cute little pink collar, complete with a metal ring in the center. Maggie put her hand on top of Rachel's head.


"Look down." she ordered.


Maggie forced Rachel's head down, and then she brushed her hair aside to reveal the bare skin of her captive's neck. Rachel felt shivers go down her spine, forcing her neck hair to stand up on ends as Maggie slowly brought the pink collar around Rachel's neck. The young girl tightened and buckled it, securing it firmly on her pet. The collar was tight and uncomfortable for Rachel, but Maggie didn't seem to care. The young dominating girl knew Rachel would grow accustomed to it. Maggie straightened Rachel's hair out behind her, and then placed a finger underneath Rachel's chin. She raised Rachel's head upright.


"Lemme see..." cooed Maggie.


The fashionable pink collar contrasted superbly with Rachel's delicate and slender neck.


"Beautiful..." confirmed Maggie.


Maggie unboxed another item: a thin, black leather leash. She snapped it to the metal ring in the collar and held the other end of it in her hand.


"Now you're officially my pet!" teased Maggie.


Maggie untied Rachel's ankles.

"I'm going to walk you now."

Maggie stood up above Rachel and tugged on the leash. Rachel instinctively stood up as the leash grew tight, and she was pulled by her collar in whichever direction Maggie wanted. The tall brunette didn't resist her younger mistress for fear of reprisals. Maggie could become quite feisty and terrifying if she didn't get exactly what she wanted. Instead, Rachel just bowed her head in submission as the shorter girl walked her through the house, retracing the steps of the original tour Rachel got when she first entered the home. "Come along my sweet peach!" teased Maggie as she playfully tugged on the leash dragging a reluctant Rachel behind her. Rachel followed along with her hands still tied behind her and her head lowered in defeat. Maggie pulled Rachel through the house and led her into her parents' bedroom. Inside, there was a large, full-sized standing vanity mirror. Maggie led Rachel over to the mirror and positioned her in front of it. With one hand holding the leash, Maggie stood beside her hostage and coiled her other arm through Rachel's, grabbing her arm above the elbow while she stood beside her.

"You're a doll." said Maggie.

"mph..." Rachel said, still protesting her position.


Maggie held Rachel in front of the mirror for several minutes. The lustful girl stared at their reflection, eyeing Rachel's toned and athletic body up and down. Rachel looked at Maggie's face, and their eyes met in the mirror. Maggie smiled at her reluctant new girlfriend as she released her arm, bring her hand behind Rachel and placing it on her back. Maggie lowered her hand, tracing the bottom half of Rachel's spine with her fingers. Suddenly, the young girl grabbed a fist full of Rachel's ass. The pink thong Rachel was forced to wear offered no protection from Maggie's aggressive hands.


"MPH!" quipped Rachel as she jumped forward.


"Behave!" demanded Maggie. "I can touch you where I want!"


"NMMPHH!!" yelled Rachel through her gag as she turned away from Maggie, backing away from the young girl and pressing her back into the wall behind her for protection.


The leash grew tight again as Rachel retreated from Maggie.


"No!" cried Maggie. "You're my pet and your body is mine! Come over here!"

Maggie tugged at the leash, but Rachel held firm.


"That does it!" yelled Maggie as she stormed over to Rachel.

Rachel cowered as Maggie angrily approached her. The older girl crouched in fear as Maggie grabbed her by the hair.

"Get over there!" Maggie yelled as she pulled Rachel towards the bed.

"OWWWPHM!" screamed Rachel as Maggie pulled her by her hair.


She had no choice but to follow behind Rachel, hunched over because of the height difference between the two girls. "Bend down!" commanded Maggie as they reached her parents' bed. The bed was a large, king-sized four-post bed. Rachel obeyed Maggie's order and knelt down by the bed post. Maggie tied her leash around the bed post several times, drawing her in close to it. Rachel's cheek was pressed against the post by the time Maggie decided to tie it off in a tight knot. Rachel was in great discomfort as her head was fastened to the bedpost.

"MPH!" she yelled.


"Wait right here!" said Maggie. "And don't even think about trying to escape."


Maggie left the room as Rachel furiously tried to pull herself free from the bedpost, but the leash had been tied way too tight. She tugged at her wrists again. If she could free her hands, she could untie the leash and set herself free before Maggie returned, but it was no use. Rachel's hands were still trapped behind her back. Maggie's rope work still had not loosened. After a moment or two, Maggie returned to her struggling captive. Rachel strained her neck to see Maggie come through the doorway holding a wooden paddle and more rope.

"NOOMPH!" screamed Rachel.

Maggie knelt behind her fearful plaything and tied her ankles together once more. Afterwards, she grabbed Rachel's hands and lifted them up, exposing her vulnerable backside. Rachel's arms instantly ached from being forced upwards behind her back. She naturally wanted to bend over to relieve the stress her arms felt, but being tied to the bedpost by the neck prevented her from doing so. Rachel was in considerable discomfort.

"Owwwph!" she moaned as Maggie hoisted her hands higher.

"You don't even know pain." said Maggie.


The young girl brought the paddle against Rachel's thong-clad bottom. It made a loud *smack* sound as Rachel cried out in pain. Maggie repeatedly spanked the poor brunette without giving her a moment to collect herself between each paddling. The pain mounted as one strike landed right after another. Rachel's bum turned cherry red as Maggie continued the onslaught.


"You belong to me!" she cried out as she kept paddling the poor, older girl. "You'll obey me at all times!!!"


Rachel cried in terror and pain as Maggie spanked her into oblivion. She couldn't even fathom the embarrassment of being spanked by a girl so much younger than her due to the overwhelming pain that flooded her senses. All she could think about was the searing pain left in the wake of Maggie's torture. Finally, after several barrages of the paddle, Maggie stopped and let go of Rachel's hands. Rachel sobbed into her ball gag as tears flowed freely down her face.

"There there..." said Maggie softly as she stroked her babysitter's hair. "It's over now. Did you learn your lesson?"

Rachel said nothing. She just continued sobbing with occasional grunts as her breathing was now stressed.

"I said..." continued Maggie as she raised the paddle in view of Rachel. "Did you learn your lesson?!"

"MMPH HMMPH!!!!" moaned Rachel. "mmph hmmph, mmph hmmph, mmph hmmph..."


Rachel moaned in affirmation several times while nodding her head quickly, begging Maggie to show her mercy. She had learned quite well. She was to obey her younger mistress always, or suffer terrible consequences.


"Good..." said Maggie as she lowered the paddle.

The young girl loosened the leash from the bedpost, and then immediately retied it, allowing Rachel the full length as slack.

"I'll let you rest a bit, my sweet princess. And then I have a fun idea!"

Maggie kissed Rachel's upper lip separated by the ball gag and then scurried out of the room, leaving Rachel alone. Rachel relaxed herself against the side of the bed and started crying again. She had just been subjected to painful and humiliating torment at the hands of a girl much younger than her, and she had been completely powerless to stop it. No doubt, even now as Rachel cried, Maggie would be conjuring up some new sick and perverted activity for them. Rachel tried not to think about Maggie or what devious schemes she had planned for her. Instead, Rachel just sat there and cried. Her bottom still stung from the paddling, and every time Rachel saw the paddle laying there in the floor beside her, she was reminded that she had no control over her situation. She was nothing more than an object, a plaything, a pet... Rachel looked around the room for something she could use to aid her escape. Within reach, there was only the paddle. Beside the head of the bed was a small nightstand. A digital alarm clock and a picture of Maggie's mom and dad sat on top of it. Rachel looked at Maggie's parents. Her dad was dashing and her mom was beautiful. Rachel wondered if they had any idea about the perverted nature of the little monster they called their daughter. Rachel slid down the side of the bed in an attempt to reach the nightstand. The chest had two drawers, and if Rachel could access them, maybe she could find something she could use. Just before she reached it, the leash got tight. She had used all its length and still had not reached her goal.

"mph!" Rachel grunted as she tugged against the leash.

If she could pull hard and fast enough, may she could snap it from her collar or yank it off the bed post.

"MPH!" she tried again, harder.

It was no use. Neither side of the leash gave way. Rachel gave up and laid down in the floor. With her ankles tied together and her arms tied behind her, she had nothing to do but await the return of her alleged "girlfriend." Maggie came back for her shortly thereafter. Rachel looked up at her with big, doe eyes.

"You're so pretty." said Maggie. "You really do belong down there. But come on! I have a fun idea for us."

Maggie untied Rachel's ankles and unfastened the leash from the bedpost. She pulled Rachel along behind her as she led her pet through the house again. Walking Rachel down the hallway, Maggie stopped at the door that led to the basement area.

"We're going down here." she said.

Maggie opened the door and turned on the lights.

"Be careful going down the stairs." Maggie warned.

Rachel followed Maggie into the basement. Maggie's dad appeared to be in charge of the living space down there. It was a typical "man cave," complete with a big screen T.V., mini bar, pool table, and lots of sports decor on the walls. Adjustable lights let Maggie turn the brightness of the room to a low dim. It really was a luxurious living space, and the basement was huge too. Rachel's bare feet felt the fibers of the carpet as Maggie walked her to the middle of the room. The basement living space was large, and in the middle of the room there was a line of support beams evenly spaced that held the weight of the floor above them. Maggie tied the end of the leash to the support beam, and then reached into her pocket to pull out a very small padlock. She locked it over the knot in the leash tied to the pole. She went back into her pockets a second time and produced another small lock, identical to the first.

"Hold still, buttercup." she commanded.


Rachel stood patiently as Maggie reached up to lock the leash to the collar. Once secured, she stepped back.

"I have the keys." she told Rachel. "I'm going to untie you now, but that doesn't mean you can just go or do whatever you want. As long as I have these keys, you're stuck. Got it?"


"Mph hmph." Rachel nodded.


Maggie walked back up to her beautiful captive and removed her ball gag, and then finally untied her wrists. Rachel's wrists had visible line marks in them from being tied for so long, and she was very relieved to flex her jaw again after hours of holding the ball gag in place. Maggie went over to a stereo sound system that belonged to her father. She put on a mix of sensual songs that are common in gentleman clubs and other places.

"Dance." said Maggie.

"Wh...what?" replied a confused Rachel.

"You're tied to the pole...and I want you to dance for me. You're my new entertainment girl, and I want a show!" Maggie cheered.

"You want me to dance for you?" repeated Rachel.

"Is there an echo in here?!" Maggie said angrily. "Don't make me tell you again."

Rachel hesitated as Maggie crossed her arms in front of her.

"Alright." said Maggie. "The paddle will teach you how to dance."

Maggie started walking towards the stairs.

"No!" cried Rachel. "Please! Wait!"

Rachel started dancing in place. Maggie stopped and turned around to watch as Rachel put on the best sexy dance she could. She went down low to the floor and came up again. She slid her hands down her waist to trace her feminine features. She reached her hands up high and pulled them back down, stroking her hair. She gave Maggie a sexy 'come-and-get-me' look as she continued dancing. Maggie smiled at her girl and moved over to her dad's large recliner chair that was not far off. With some difficulty, she pulled the recliner closer to Rachel and sat in the chair, facing her showgirl.

Maggie watched as Rachel danced. Sexual energy poured out of Rachel's movements as she danced as provocatively as she could. She spun around and bent over, giving Maggie a full view of her ass, the pink thong string pulling tight as she bent over. She swung around again and pulled her hands behind her back, bending over forward as she did so. She gave Maggie a view of her breasts, tucked in nicely by the matching bikini top. Rachel's breasts begged to be set free so their mistress could come have a feel, but Rachel pulled them back again as she turned to her side. She bent her knees low as she ran her hand down her thigh. Maggie enjoyed the sight of her babysitter putting on such a sensual show for her.

"That's right!" said Maggie triumphantly. "Dance for me!"

Rachel cringed at the sound of a teenager ordering her to perform, but she carried on with her dance. She did the best she could for Maggie, putting on a wonderful show for her. Eventually Maggie grew disinterested and started texting on her phone. Noting that Maggie was no longer paying attention, Rachel's movements grew slower as she put less effort into them. She finally came to a complete stop and rested her arms on her hips.

"You have to dance!" yelled Maggie looking up from her phone.

"You're not even watching." retorted Rachel. "It doesn't matter!" screamed Maggie at her captive. "I didn't say you could stop!"

Rachel continued dancing knowing what would happen if she stopped. Maggie smiled and went back to her phone, completely ignoring Rachel. Despite this, Rachel gave it her full effort. She repeated the sexy moves she started with, accented her feminine body with her hands, displayed her breasts and other womanly features...all for nothing. Maggie was in another world. She laughed and giggled at her phone while Rachel danced in vain. The older girl felt even more humiliated than before. She felt dehumanized, forced to behave like a slave. And now, she wasn't even appreciated. Her status was already taken for granted. By not focusing on Rachel, Maggie was signaling her dominance. Rachel's status as a slave to the younger girl was affirmed and solidified. Maggie didn't have to focus on Rachel's dance, because the dance would always be available for her viewing pleasure. Maggie didn't have to worry about wasting Rachel's time, because it all belonged to her anyways. All she had to do was look up, and see that her "girlfriend" was still right there in front of her, doing exactly as she had been ordered to do. Rachel danced in frustration. Once again, her pace slowed. Maggie looked up from her phone.

"I won't warn you again..." she said.


Rachel's efforts became reinvigorated. She danced for Maggie as best she could, while Maggie's eyes went back to the phone. The music continued playing in the background as Rachel danced to it. Maggie seemed to ignore both. Oddly, Rachel felt anger at being ignored. Like the music, she was just background noise as well. Her status had been reduced from Maggie's girlfriend to Maggie's object. It was a humiliating demotion. Rachel wanted to scream at Maggie. She wanted to demand that her efforts be appreciated by the younger girl. If she was to be forced to humiliate herself by dancing, she at least wanted Maggie to watch her. But no...Maggie would not. The young girl sat there in the chair ignoring the dance that was put on exclusively for her enjoyment. Rachel seethed in resentment. A tear flowed down her cheek as she accepted her fate. Wearing nothing but a skimpy pink bikini and tethered to a pole by a leash attached to her collar, and with no one in the world watching, she danced on...


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