An Interview with Eve Perry (with 5 pics)

This is the first interview I've posted at the Blog and it is also being posted over at DeviantArt, but with different (and more tame pictures). As you may know, Eve was a regular on dA for a good while till she was banned earlier this year by the DA admins without any warning. Thankfully, she has sent me pics to share here at the Blog.  I hope you enjoy her interview and the images!

When and how did you develop your interest in bondage?
In college, with my ex-boyfriend in Australia.
When I first saw the pictures you posted on deviantArt, I thought they were screenshots from one of several sites owned by It was only much later that I realized the pictures were taken from private photoshoots and featured you as the anonymous girl in hardcore scenes. How did your interest in bondage evolve into shooting content involving yourself, often outdoors, with multiple male sex partners?
Again, my ex-boyfriend. He was an airline pilot and knew people who knew people.
How do you arrange these sessions and choose the people who will be with you in the scenes?
Again, my ex-boyfriend knew the scene and made all the arrangements. I simply show up.
What was it like for you the first time you did a recorded bondage and bondage sex scene? Did you have any trepidation about shooting such content outdoors for the first time?
My ex made it comfortable for me.
Has shooting your sessions outdoors ever resulted in people not involved in the scene seeing you and complaining?
No. As long as the right locations were picked.
What excites you most about the outdoor and multi-partner sessions?
The lack of control and the perceived danger.
Have any of your sessions been particularly memorable and/or challenging for you?
All of them were.
Earlier this year, you were banned from DeviantArt. Had you been issued any warnings or suspensions before you were banned?
No, it came out of the blue.
In her interview with me, I asked Aletessa how she became interested in writing on deviantArt and she responded with, “As a writer on DA... I became a fan of eveperry1's gallery . . . she encouraged me to write proper stories. . . Pretty much as simple as that. I'm confident in saying I never would have worked up the courage without her.” How does it feel knowing you made such an impact on another person?
It is awesome to know I could impact Aletessa's life.
What do you want people to know about you?
I'm the complete package.


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