Taboo Confessionals: Cat's Away, Cocks Will Play by Jyger85 -- In hindsight, why I even bothered making myself all that presentable that afternoon, I have no idea. I showered, got myself dressed in nice clothes, I even trimmed my beard a little. And I honest to God have no idea why. Yeah, I was having company over, but it was my brother-in-law. I knew he wasn't gonna give a shit what I looked like. After I was finished getting ready, I heard a knock on my door that let me know he was at my house at exactly when I expected him to be: One full hour AFTER he said he would be. Yeah, he's kinda notorious for his chronic lateness. Ask anyone who has known him for a really long time, and they will tell you, when you make plans with him, do so as if he's operating out of another time zone. "Hey, sorry I'm late!" my wife's twin brother greeted when I opened the door for him. I rolled my eyes, gesturing for him to come in. "It...