The Adventurers
Episode 1
The Slave Market of Vaarna

Chapter 6 Oasis Ordeal
Cat watched as the fourth woman was attached to the end of the line, but like her other two companions she made no comment.  She had learned the penalty for speaking out of turn and bore the marks to prove it.  By now she had learned the names of their captors.  Sehved seemed to be the one in charge and he carried a crop made of braided leather.  She’d already felt it several times.  The others were called Durnon, Havall, and Thrug and so far as she could determine from their appearance they were all blood relatives.  They were also very good at what they did, assuming capturing women was their trade.  They had certainly captured her with great efficiency and they had dealt with the last two arrivals with practiced ease.

She was still in a bit of a daze.  Everything had happened so quickly and her forced march across the desert had been both painful and exhausting.  She stifled a groan.  Her arms and shoulders were on fire due to the painful way her arms were shackled.  It made breathing and walking difficult.  The entire situation had the earmarks of classic brainwashing although she knew that none of their captors had probably thought through their techniques in so scientific a manner. 

She had expected them to stop at the oasis, but they hadn’t yet.  Instead they were following a trail around the water and greenery to the other side.  Already pushed to the edge of her endurance, she wondered how much longer she could last.  Her captors had not given her any water and being forced to walk next to the blue waters of the oasis was agonizing. 

Up ahead the greenery of the oasis suddenly changed, revealing itself to be buildings constructed of sun-baked brick.  Their captors immediately quickened their pace, forcing their four captives into an awkward jog.  Havall, who was last in line turned in the saddle and grinned lasciviously as he watched the four women struggle to keep up.  Dammit!  What if one of us falls? Cat thought.  She had visions of all of them being dragged the last few yards into the village.  However, none of the women did fall, and they staggered into the main street of the village where they became the immediate centre of attention.

A number of villagers including raggedly dressed children swarmed around them.  Sehved immediately laid about him with his crop, driving most of them away.  Eventually some semblance of order was restored and he and the other three slavers got off their horses and spoke to one of the men who had emerged from one of the buildings.  The discussion was short and Cat found herself and the other three women herded into the largest of the buildings in the village.  They passed through a doorway and into an inner courtyard.  The courtyard was almost exactly square and was centered on an ornamental pool some ten feet in diameter.  The ground was covered with colourful tiles and decorated with palms and other ornamental shrubs.  It would have been a most pleasant place except for one feature.  Bolted to one of the walls were iron chains fixed with metal collars.  They lay in a heap, but were soon put to good use.  In short order the four captives found themselves collared.  Following that their captors removed their boots and the remainder of their clothing.  Only when they were completely nude were the painful arm bindings removed. 

Cat gasped in relief as her arms were freed.  For the first time in hours she was able to move freely, but that feeling was quickly died when the heavy weight of the collar and chain pushed home the new reality of her captivity.  The length of the chain was just long enough that she could almost reach the pool in the middle; almost, but not quite.  Burning with thirst, the inability to get to the water was almost maddening.  She could feel the eyes of the slavers watching her and the other women.  Another test; another attempt to break their will.  She hazarded a quick look at her fellow captives.  Without exception they were calm, almost disconcertingly so. 

Cat kept herself composed as she tried to make sense of the situation.  It was almost like a dream, an annoyingly bad dream.  Somehow she had been transported from the comfortable surroundings of her New York hotel and dumped into the middle of some mysterious desert.  It seemed that she had been sent back in time, but she couldn’t be sure of that given that she couldn’t identify the dress and armour and the spoken language did not resemble any that she knew.  Another world perhaps?  But that seemed preposterous. 

By now the sky was beginning to darken as the tropical night descended.  She looked up at the sky and caught her breath.  A tiny moon was rising over the dark horizon; a moon that was much too small and moving much too fast to be the familiar moon of her world. 

To her right she heard a murmured “Geeezus,” from the tall blonde.  All three of her companions were looking with amazement at the moonrise and then they got another shock.  Right behind the first moon was one that was ten times the diameter.  Cat felt her heartbeat quicken in wonder.  They were on another world!

Her astonishment was quickly tempered by what seemed more important.  Several older women entered the compound, one carrying a wooden bucket filled with water and the others carrying some sort of fruit and what appeared to be bread.  They set the bucket and the food where all of the women could reach it and then retreated. 

Cat willed herself not to be the first to dash forward.  She’d be damned if she would put on a disgraceful show for the watching slavers.  To her surprise none of the other women moved either.  Several seconds went by and then the brunette who had been third in line stepped forward.  “Would anyone care to join me?” she asked coolly, speaking in an upper class British accent.

“I’m glad you asked,” replied the auburn-haired woman who had been the last one captured. 

Cat gasped.  That accent and voice was unmistakable.  She’d heard it before in numerous lectures.  “Larra Court!” she exclaimed. 

“Well, I see you know me,” the woman replied, “but I don’t know you.”

“I’m Cat…,”

At that moment Sehved stepped forward brandishing his crop.  It was obvious that he intended to enforce the no talking rule.  However, he had overlooked the fact that his four warrior captives no longer had their arms restrained.  The tall blonde got to him first, delivering a punch that knocked him sideways and the other dark-haired women got there second.  She delivered two more blows that sent him to the ground.

Unfortunately, the chains around their neck meant that they were still pretty much at the mercy of their captors.  Sehved might have been down and out, but his three cohorts were still active and they were smart enough to stay out of range. 

“You were saying, Cat…,” Larra continued, almost as if nothing had happened. 

“I’m Cat Lancaster, and I wish we were meeting under better circumstances.”

“Enough chat,” the tall blonde interjected.  “Anybody got any ideas how to get this damned collar off?”

“I think I have the solution,” the dark-haired woman said.  She was bending over Sehved and had come up with a set of keys.  “These should do the trick.”  She quickly unlocked her own collar and then tossed the keys to the blonde.

“Thanks,” the blonde said.  “I guess introductions are in order after all.  “I’m Barb, Barb Wire.”

“Interesting appellation,” the dark-haired woman replied.  “And I am Modesty Blaise.”  She tossed the keys to Cat who quickly unlocked her and Larra.

“Well, we are free, sort of,” Cat said.  “But we better deal with the rest of these Yahoos.”

The semi-escape of the four women had attracted more than the attention of Sehved’s companions.  Most of the small town had rushed to see what had happened and that included a number of armed men.  It was obvious that if they wanted to complete their freedom they were going to have to fight their way free.

“First things first,” Barb said.  She picked up the bucket of water and took a long drink before passing it on to Cat who in return passed it to Modesty and then to Larra.  By this time they were enclosed in a semicircle of armed men, but none of them had the least interest in surrendering.  What they had all noticed was that none of their potential attackers had a missile weapon.  Barb picked up the length of chain that had been around her neck.  “Come and get it, assholes.”

It was a sentiment shared by all of them, although they might not all have put it that way, however, events were to take a strange twist that rendered their willingness to fight completely irrelevant.  From the edge of the village came horrendous howls followed by screams and shouts.  Suddenly all of the men confronting them turned and charged off in the direction of the commotion.  “What the hell…,” Barb asked.

“I think the village is under attack,” Larra said.  “Perhaps we should make ourselves scarce.”

That suggestion met with general approval although deciding which way to run was a bit of a quandary, however, heading away from the sounds of screams and fighting seemed like a generally good idea.  They headed toward the far side of the village and back into the oasis, but they had hardly gone a score of steps before they spotted a group of armed horsemen.  It was obvious that there really was no place to run, and more to the point the horsemen spotted them at the same time.  There was nothing to do but run for it and all four women headed toward the pool at the centre of the oasis.  However, women on foot were no match for the speed of men on horseback.  Several horsemen surged past them and then turned, heading them off and when they halted they found themselves confronting another dozen or so riders.  Completely surrounded there was nothing they could do except stand and fight.  However, their resistance did not last long. 

Skillfully thrown ropes flicked out from the surrounding riders.  At least one or more encircled each of the women.  Cat found herself fighting a rope around her neck.  Larra had her arms pinned to her sides; Barb was lassoed by the waist and ankles; and Modesty was pulled down by a rope around her thighs.  While they struggled with the ropes several men dismounted and quickly forced each of the women to the ground.  Once there their arms were forced behind their backs and ropes were tightened about their wrists and elbows.  They were hauled to their feet where several of the men eyed them speculatively.  One of the men said something and the others laughed.  It was all too obvious what their intentions were. 

“Shit,” Barb muttered.  “Talk about out of the fricking frying pan and into the goddamned fire.”

By now the screaming and shouting in the village had died down.  The raiders had struck with overwhelming force and with the element of surprise.  In short order every man, woman, and child in the village had either been killed or captured.

Captives seemed to be preferred over killing and the four women soon found themselves herded together with about sixty or seventy villagers of all ages.  It was then that the raiders began to systematically winnow their herd of captives.  They singled out the badly wounded first, finishing them off by cutting their throats.  Then they went on to the older villagers killing anyone who appeared unlikely to be able to keep up with the rest of the captives.  They finally ended up with around six dozen captives.  Most of them were young and a few were even mothers carrying infant children.  There was a shortage of men of fighting age, including the four that had captured Larra, Modesty, Barb, and Cat.  No doubt they had died in the fighting.  In any case all of the captives were at the mercy of the desert raiders.  They directed the captives into the middle of the village and into a couple of the larger buildings; all except four of them. 

Larra, Modesty, Barb, and Cat found themselves marched down to the edge of the pool at the centre of the oasis.  There they found that a celebration of sorts was underway.  A fire had been lit and a couple of spitted sheep were already roasting over it.  In addition, a large number of earthen wine jars had been gathered and several of them were already open.  Several men were drinking greedily and all of them eyed the captives as they arrived.  “Just what I’ve always wanted,” Barb said.  “To be the guest of honour at a drunken orgy.”

It was obvious that was exactly what the four women were.  Several blankets had been spread on the ground and each of the women was ushered to one of them.  “Bastards,” Cat said as she was forced to her knees, “You’ve no right to do this.”

A couple of the men looked at her but said nothing.  Instead they simply grinned as if they knew what she had said and were secure in the knowledge that she could do nothing about it. 

A discussion began among the raiders.  It was obvious from the glances that they directed toward the four women what the topic of their conversation was.  It was quickly resolved by the leader of the raiders.  He was tall and strongly built, with a short beard and dark hair and eyes.  His eyes swept over each of the women as he decided on his choice.  Not one of the women flinched; all of them meeting his gaze with one of their own.  He smiled slightly, and then pointed to Cat.  “Verg gua,” he said.  Almost certainly it was “This one” in his language.

Cat tried to stand up, but there were two men on either side of her.  She could only watch as the bandit leader kicked off his boots, set aside his weapons, and then removed his clothing.  He was already almost fully erect and Cat found her eyes fixed on his manhood.  He was more impressive than any lover she had ever had.  She swallowed hard, knowing that she was in for something of an ordeal.  Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed that each of her companions had also been selected, but after that she was much too occupied to pay any attention to their separate torments.

The desert bandit stood over her, slowly stroking his erection.  To Cat’s horror it seemed to grow even larger, however, it turned out that he wanted to play with her a bit first.  He knelt in front of her and clasped one of her thighs with each of his hands.  He first squeezed the firm muscle and then moved his right hand to her inner thigh, caressing her velvet skin until he reached the apex of her thighs.  He paused there, and then cupped her mound of Venus before slowly pushing one thick finger between her labia.  Cat gasped as he entered her.  It felt huge, but it was nowhere near the size of his throbbing phallus.  She gritted her teeth.  “Stop, touching me, you bastard.”

As if obeying her he withdrew his finger and then slowly stuck it in his mouth and ran his tongue over it as if savouring the juices.  “Sonofabitch,” Cat spat.  From the tone of her voice it was an obvious insult, but the bandit leader ignored her and moved on to other interesting areas of her body, fondling the tight muscles of her buttocks, and then running his hands over her flat belly before proceeding to squeeze her breasts.

He nodded his appreciation of their firmness, slowly squeezing them and then flicking his thumbs over her taut nipples.  To Cat’s chagrin they stiffened even more, standing out like two thimbles from the circle of her dark areolas.  She had to force herself to show no reaction as he took each of them in his mouth, stimulating them with his tongue and sucking them fully erect.  It was an act that gave her the one chance to show any resistance.  With a sudden jerk she managed to free herself enough that she was able to snap her head forward.  Her timing was a bit off and the bandit leader saved himself by pulling back at the last split second, so instead of slamming her forehead into his nose she made contact with his mouth.  However, it made an impressive sound as she mashed his lips against his cheek. 

The bandit chieftain shook his head and spat away blood.  His face dark with anger he reacted violently, smashing his fist into the side of her head.  Cat’s senses reeled.  For a few seconds lights flashed in front of her eyes and she almost blacked out and then she felt her legs pulled violently apart.  “No,” she gasped, but he spread her with ease and then violently thrust into her.

There was no preparation, no foreplay only violent entry.  It felt as if she was being torn apart as his huge phallus forced apart her labia and then drove deep between the pink walls of her vagina.  “Uhn!” she gasped.  “Stop!  Stop! Sto…, UHHHNN!”

Her cries were ignored.  Instead her assailant punished her with repeated and violent plunges that took him deep within her.  The shock and degradation of the rape was intense.  Try as she might Cat could not stop herself from crying out in pain and fear at her utter helplessness.  Again and again he hammered her, quickening his pace as he moved toward climax until finally he erupted inside her, spilling his seed into her womb. 

Cat fought back tears as the chieftain pulled out of her.  She had been utterly degraded and the shock and pain of the assault had her senses reeling.  But her ordeal was far from over.  As the chieftain got to his feet another man took his place.  “NO!” Cat screamed.  “NO!  NO!  NO!”

Modesty did not flinch as the man who had chosen her stripped off his clothing.  She knew she was in for a brutal ordeal and for her forced sexual servitude was the most horrifying of experiences.  It was so terrifying that when threatened she lapsed into a semi-conscious state, offering no resistance and very little satisfaction to her assailant; however, that is not what she did at first.  Instead she pretended to be terrified, jerking her arms uselessly in a feigned but weak effort to escape, and then she suddenly unleashed all of her strength.  As she had hoped it caught the men holding her off guard, allowing her to get to her feet.  It was a desperate effort as her wrists were still bound, but she was not going down without a fight.  Striking hard she drove her foot into the belly of the man who intended to rape her, and then finished him off by driving her instep into his manhood.  He went down howling with pain and then she turned on the men whose hold she had broken.

However, she never got the chance.  Before she could do any more damage several other men grabbed hold of her.  She went down kicking, but she went down nevertheless.  Immediately she found her legs spread and a different assailant forcing himself on her.  She could not possibly fight him off and she resorted to a tactic she only used in absolute desperation.  As her legs were spread, she went limp and allowed her senses to fade, leaving her completely unaware of what was happening to her.  It was a trick she had used before, but this time it did not work.  She awoke suddenly, gasping for air.  As her senses returned she realized that one of the men holding her had clamped his hand over her mouth and nose, cutting off her air.  She twisted her head and gulped in air and at that moment the man between her legs thrust into her.

“No!  Ahhh!  Uuuhhn!  Uhhnn!  Uhhhnnn!”  It was pain and humiliation that she could not ignore.  His first thrust took him deep within her and then he drove into her unmercifully as if punishing her for her short-lived act of defiance.  She gasped, forcing back the cries that rose to her lips.  No matter what she would show no fear to her assailant or the fact that he was causing her pain and utter humiliation.  Still, it was hard as she endured the continued thrusts of her assailant and her breasts were fondled, pinched and twisted by the men holding her.  She bit back a moan as he pulled out of her and waited for the next part of her ordeal.  It came soon enough as a second man forced his way between her legs.  She braced for the first thrust and then grunted in pain as it came, clenching her teeth to keep from crying out and praying for the torment to end.  Unfortunately, it didn’t; not for a very long time.

Barb watched as the man who had chosen her approached.  She was still on her knees, held there by two men who pinioned her arms.  It was an impossible position from which to defend herself, but she waited until her potential rapist laid his hands on her knees before she reacted. 

She did not try to lurch to her feet.  Inside she shifted her weight to her right.  As she expected the man on her left compensated by gripping her more firmly and leaning slightly toward her.  Then she suddenly snapped her head to the side slamming it into his nose.  There was a satisfying crunch that let her know she had done some damage, but more to the point it he released his grip on her and clutched at his bleeding nose.  It gave her a small degree of freedom and she was able to leap to her feet.  Unfortunately, that was as far as she got.  She was surrounded by other men, all of whom seemed to have been expecting her reaction.  With her wrists bound she was an easy target for adversaries who seemed to want to teach her a lesson.

A fist slammed into her stomach.  It would have finished her had she not had the time to tighten her muscles.  Even so it knocked her back, leaving her open to several other blows.  One grazed he cheek, another struck full between her breasts, and a third slammed into the side of her head.  Dazed she went to her knees once more and then she was pounced on by several men.  They forced her to the ground and then wrenched her legs apart.  “Bastards,” she spat, but the words couldn’t stop the man who had chosen her from forcing himself between her thighs. 

He took his time, first fondling her breasts and tweaking the erect buds of her nipples.  He lowered his head, taking each pink rosette between his teeth and teasing them painfully.  He finished by biting her hard, his teeth marking the flesh on either side of her areolas.  Then he forced himself into her.

The man who had chosen her was about as large as any man she had experienced.  Since she was not fully aroused it took a bit of effort for him to enter her and she grunted in pain as his first thrusts penetrated her.  “Bastards,” she repeated, “I’ll get you for…  Ahhhh!  Ahhh!  Oh god!”

For a few seconds the pain was intense and then he was into her, stroking deeper and deeper until his gonads slapped against her backside.  She held back her pain even as sweat trickled down her body and her rocked her with every thrust.  Again and again he thrust into her, hammering her mercilessly until he finally climaxed.  And then it was the turn of his friends.  She moaned as her legs were wrenched further apart.  “Bastards,” she said.  “Bast…  Ugghh!  Uggh!”

The situation was one that Larra had found herself in far too often.  Four men were lined up to take her and she was held by two others.  Resistance seemed futile, but she resisted nonetheless.  A disturbance to her right caused a slight distraction.  The sounds told her that it was the tall blonde and she took as much advantage of it as she could.  She knew her efforts were probably useless, but she had never given in to rape without a fight and she had no intention of doing so now. 

No doubt her captors thought her pretty much helpless.  After all, she was on her knees and her wrists were bound behind her.  But they had never encountered anyone as proficient in the martial arts as Larra Court.  She suddenly lunged upward, almost breaking away from the two men that were trying to hold her.  The movement gave her the space she needed.  Displaying incredible flexibility she shifted her weight onto left foot and then struck straight up with her right.  The attack was not only unexpected, it was brutally effective.  Her foot caught the man on her right just under the jaw and sent him reeling.  Then before he even had a chance to fall she reversed the technique, using her left foot to slam her toes into the head of the man on her left.  But she still wasn’t finished.  Her would-be rapist stood in front of her.  She struck him three times in just a second. 

Around her a shout went up as the remaining bandits stared at her in wonder.  But their state of paralysis did not last long.  Almost as one they rushed toward her and there were simply too many for her to handle with just her feet.  She took down a couple, but then the rest were on her.  She received several heavy punches to the body and two to her head.  She went down with several men on top of her and it took them only moments to grab each of her ankles and spread her. 

The man who had chosen her had lost his chance, but there were plenty of others to take his place.  The first of these wasted little time.  Before Larra had a chance to prepare herself he drove into her.  “Unnhh!” she grunted as she was penetrated.  Her assailant was deliberately brutal, no doubt punishing her for her act of defiance.  “Damned blighter,” she gasped through clenched teeth and then she cried out as he forced his way even deeper into her, hammering her with deep, hard, painful thrusts that had her grunting in pain.  It was as harsh an ordeal as she had ever experienced and it did not end with just one man.  Hardly had the first man finished with her than another took his place, and then a third, and a fourth. 

The violent attack on the four helpless women went on through most of the night.  Partway through one of the raiders thought it would be amusing to pour wine over the bodies of their helpless victims.  Another man picked up on that and grabbed Cat’s hair.  Forcing her head back he poured liquor into her mouth even as she was being raped.  It was an idea that was so popular that the other three women received the same treatment.  It was a vile act, but it had the unintended effect of rendering the four victims numb as to what was being done to them.  However, they were more than aware of it as the sun rose.

Cat felt as if someone had driven a truck over her and then into her for good measure.  She tried to get up, but couldn’t make her body obey her.  Her loins were on fire and even the slightest movement sent a wave of pain through her.  To her right she heard a moan and turned her head to see Modesty just awakening.  The woman opened her eyes and tried to sit up and immediately her face creased in agony.  Then it was gone and she pushed herself to a sitting position and looked at Cat.  “Good morning,” she said.  “I expect you feel like I do.”

Cat nodded, unable to reply at the moment.  She felt a bit ashamed at her own reaction.  Modesty had certainly suffered at least as much as she did but was concealing her discomfort admirably. 

Another moan alerted her to the fact that Larra was coming to.  For some reason or another the desert bandits had treated her especially harshly.  A few seconds later there was a muffled curse as Barb sat up.  “Jeesus, I feel like someone shoved a posthole digger into me and I stink like a rotting fish that’s been doused with cheap wine.”

“That’s an apt description,” Larra commented.  It was obvious that both she and Barb were forcing themselves to be as blasé as possible about what had happened to them.

The sound of their awakening attracted the attention of the bandits and they were immediately surrounded by several armed men, including the bandit leader.  Cat saw to her satisfaction that his lower lip was badly swollen, but she didn’t stare at it.  The bandit chief said something and pointed to the water of the oasis.  The deep pool was only a few yards away and looked incredibly inviting. 

“I think that’s an invitation to bathe,” Larra chirped.  Somehow she had managed to make it to her feet, although Cat noticed that she walked rather stiffly. 

With a grunt Cat emulated her, using her hands to help push herself up.  Oh God it hurts, she thought, although she forced herself to reflect nothing.  If she can tough it out so can I.

By this time all of the women were on their feet and moving down to the water.  Larra reached it first, wading carefully out until it covered her breasts.  The rest followed her example although Barb dove in head first rather than wading.  She surfaced a few feet past Larra.  “I’m damned if I’m going to let these assholes think they’ve beaten me.”

Cat wondered about that.  What if their captors repeated the events of last night?  It would surely break every one of them.


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