by AmazonArrow from and

Librarian Perils #31 - What Would You Do?

I was sitting there in the library, minding my own business, when I heard the approaching click of her high heels on the hardwood floor. I caught a faint whiff of her floral perfume and heard the swish of her skirt as she walked right past the table where I was working on my research project.

Of course I looked up at her… What would you do?

She had already passed me by, so all that I could really see of her was the rear view…. and a very nice rear it was. Her heels were deep red, the same color as her tight sweater. She wasn’t wearing pantyhose; she was obviously aware that her legs looked fabulous even without them. Her skirt was dark and a little short, but nothing too outrageous. Her hair was long and jet black and a little wavy. She looked professional, but at the same time very sexy. She was carrying a stack of books and deftly slipping them one by one onto the shelves. She seemed to be familiar with where each of the books belonged, so I assumed that she must be one of the librarians. Her hips swayed from side to side as she walked and I couldn’t help but to admire her curves.

I was just about to return to my research when she suddenly turned around and shot me an angry glare. I guess she must have somehow sensed that I was looking at her. I immediately made eye contact with her and shrugged while attempting to give her a friendly smile to show her that I was harmless. I could see it in her expression… she had already concluded that I was either a pervert or a jackass or both.

Somehow I went from innocent library patron to offensive asshole in a matter of seconds… all because I had the nerve to find myself attracted to a beautiful woman. What the fuck?

She snapped her head back around and continued on her way without saying a word. Thank god for that, because for a minute there I thought she might make a scene. I really do try to be a nice guy and it wasn’t my intention to objectify her. It was too bad that she had jumped to such a harsh conclusion so quickly.

But, oh well… can’t win them all.

I had just returned to my research when I heard a crash. I glanced up just in time to see the librarian topple backwards off of a step ladder. It looked like one of her heels had turned on the ladder rung and she pitched backwards quickly. The books that she was carrying went flying everywhere and I watched her collide with the shelf behind her. I could hear the back of her head smack into the wooden shelf and she went down hard without making so much as a peep.

 It was all over in a fraction of a second... I looked around, expecting someone to come rushing to her aid, but no one seemed to have noticed her accident. It was a large building and we were the only two people in this section of the library. The shelves obscured her from the view of anyone else that might happen to pass by.

I decided that I should go check on her to make sure that she was ok, but as I approached I realized that she had managed to knock herself out. She was sprawled face down on the floor with her limbs pointing in every possible direction. Her skirt was now riding high enough on her hips that she was giving me a generous flash of her panties, but she made no move to cover herself. I knelt down beside her and gently rolled her over onto her back. Her eyes were closed, her jaw was slack and her lips were parted. She appeared to be sound asleep. Her body was as limp as a ragdoll and she didn’t respond when I lightly slapped her cheek.

She was completely out of it… vulnerable… gorgeous… helpless…

I really do try to be a nice guy, but as I watched the rise and fall of her chest I couldn’t help but to imagine what she would look like without that tight red sweater, or what the warmth of her thighs might feel like underneath that short skirt. In fact, I was starting to imagine a whole host of devious things that I could get away with... and the judgmental little bitch would never even know what had happened to her.

I glanced around one last time… No one was coming… No one would know…

What would you do?

Librarian Perils #32 - Mistaken Identity

 "Ah, ha! I knew it! This explains everything!"

"Uhm… it does?"

"Of course! Believe me, I completely understand… Juggling a dual life is complicated!"

"I suppose it would be, but…"

"I can’t believe you never told me that you have a secret identity…but I suppose if you did then it wouldn’t be much of a secret, right?"

"Uhmm… I’m afraid I don’t…"

"This is so exciting! You’ve been around for most of recorded history, so it makes perfect sense that you’d be a librarian. I’m sure you’re really great at this!"

"Well, uhh, I’m not quite that old, but… thank you?"

"I heard one of the patrons calling you “Ms. Kent” …Is that an homage to the Big Blue Boy Scout?"

"I’m not sure what you mean…. It’s just my name."

"Of course it is. Not the most original choice, but I guess it gets the job done."

"Is there… is there something that I can help you find?"

"Oh, there’s no one else in this section of the library, so don’t worry about maintaining your cover. I’ve been here for quite a while actually. I didn’t want to approach you until I knew we could talk in private."

"So… you’ve… been following me?"

"I was worried about you! You’ve been acting so strange lately and I had to make sure that you were ok. I’ll bet you’re curious to know how I tracked you down."

"To be honest, I’m having a very hard time keeping up with this entire conversation…"

"One night I tried to just follow you home, but you were zigzagging all over the rooftops and I eventually lost you. Nice work, by the way… Eventually I realized that you didn’t always head in the direction of your apartment at the end of our patrols, so I started to keep track of the general direction that you would take when we separated. After doing that for several nights, all I had to do was get a map, pin point where our patrols ended and draw lines to trace your path. The point of intersection for all of those lines was this library!"

"That’s… that’s quite a story…"

"You might want to be more careful. If I can figure it out, then some of your enemies might be able to do the same."

"I don’t have any “enemies” that I’m aware of… but I must admit that I’m starting to find your behavior rather alarming!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?!?!? You claim to know where I live and you’ve obviously been following me for quite some time! I don’t know who you think you are, young lady, or who you think I am… but in about two seconds I’m going to call for security, so I would leave now if I were you!"

"Chryseis… I don’t understand…"

"See!!! How do you know my name?!?!? You act like we know each other… but I have no idea who you are!!!"

"Chrys… It’s me… My name is Athena Nikos… You don’t… You seriously don’t recognize me?"

"I’m afraid I don’t, Ms. Nikos… but at least now I know what name to have the police put on the restraining order once I’ve reported you for stalking me!"

"You don't even seem to know who you really are..."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"This is… this is insane…"

"Well, at least we agree on something!"

"Now I really do need to track down Tabitha…"

"Tabitha? Do you mean Tabitha Jones? My assistant? Have you been stalking her as well?"

"Your assistant? Ms. Kent, are you saying that Tabitha Jones is an employee here at the library also? Can you tell me where I can find her? It’s imperative that I speak to her immediately!"

"Ms. Jones has been on personal leave for several weeks now."

"Well, that can’t be good… Something strange is definitely going on and clearly you are both involved. I hope Tabitha isn’t in any kind of trouble."

"Ms. Nikos… your two seconds are now up. It’s time for you to…"

"Ms. Kent… I am extremely sorry and it was never my intention to upset you.  I must… I must have you confused with someone else... I think maybe my friends are in trouble and I’m just trying to get to the bottom of it."

"Well, I want no part of… whatever this is, Ms. Nikos… Now… Will you be leaving? Or will I be calling the police?"

"I’m leaving for now, Ms. Kent, but I hope we get a chance to meet again under… better circumstances."

"I am not so certain that I agree, Ms. Nikos... Good day!"

Librarian Perils #33 - The Mazona Mistake

 “Your collection here is truly impressive, Ms. Kent. Thank you so much for your help this evening.”

I smiled politely and nodded and tried not to blush. I always try my best to keep a professional demeanor around the patrons of the library, but there was something special about Tania Mazona that made me feel a little star struck. She possessed a certain charisma and intelligence that I found to be extremely attractive, not to mention that she was absolutely gorgeous. Not only was she strikingly beautiful, she was also very tall. I am nearly six feet tall myself, but this woman was practically an Amazon.

“I’m just sorry to have kept you here so late, Ms. Mazona. Many of our more obscure titles are not very well indexed I’m afraid.”

Tania was looking for very specific information and it took me a while to track down an appropriate resource. We had been chatting and getting to know each other throughout the search and I had completely lost track of the time. I realized that it was about an hour after the library’s usual closing time. Most of the lights were off and the rest of the library staff seemed to be long gone. The main doors were probably locked, but I had the master key in my pocket. We casually made our way towards the main entrance so that I could let Tania out.

“I’m just grateful that you managed to find this book on Homeric potsherds, Ms. Kent. My antiquities shop recently acquired a collection of broken clayware from an archeological site in Thessaly. I’m hoping that the illustrations in this book will help me to classify some of those items.”

I couldn’t help but wonder how many people tried to trick antiquities dealers like Ms. Mazona into buying worthless junk. I was extremely pleased to be helping her with research that might ultimately impact her livelihood. “Well, I just hope that your source is reputable. I suspect that you see lots of scams and attempted forgeries in your line of work.”

“Actually, the person brokering this particular deal is a very close friend of mine and I trust her completely. Her name is Athena Nikos and she’s an archeologist.”

My jaw dropped when I heard the name of the strange young woman that I had recently accused of stalking me. “I’m sorry, did you just say… Athena Nikos?”

“Yes, do you know her?” Tania gave me a curious expression. She seemed to be waiting for me to provide a specific reply, but I had no idea what she expected me to say.

“Not really. We met yesterday, but only briefly. Ms. Nikos seemed to be rather distraught and… confused.”

Tania seemed slightly disappointed by my response, but I had no idea why. “Oh, uhm… well… Athena has been deeply concerned about a friend of hers recently.”

I was starting to feel a bit guilty about the way that I had treated Ms. Nikos. Perhaps I had jumped to the wrong conclusion about her. “I believe she mentioned something about that yesterday... Is her friend sick or something?”

Tania paused and gave a bit of thought to her reply. “Hmmm… You could say that her friend definitely hasn’t been acting like herself lately.”

“Is there anything that I might do to help?’

“Don’t worry, Ms. Kent... Athena and I will get to the bottom of this particular mystery very soon.”

This was yet another very nebulous conversation, but I decided that it was really none of my business and that I shouldn’t be prying into the affairs of others. “Well, please pass along my apologies to Ms. Nikos if you see her. We had a very odd conversation and I, well… I thought she was a little crazy to be completely honest.”

Tania smiled. “Ha! It’s ok… I’m sure Athena will understand.”

As Tania and I made our way through the endless aisles of books, my mind wandered to Ms. Pryor’s private collection of ancient literature stashed beneath our very feet. I was pleased to have found the book that Tania requested, but I also suspected that I could find even better antiquities resources in the underground collection. Tania was an expert in Homeric relics and I was certain that she would be fascinated by the translation of the Lost Diary of Astynome and some of the other scrolls and artifacts that were down there. Unfortunately I had no way to access the hidden chamber and I had been warned by Ms. Pryor herself to never speak of its existence to anyone.

It was difficult to keep a secret of that magnitude to myself, especially in the presence of someone who could really appreciate the value of the collection like Ms. Mazona. Given her expertise as an antiquities dealer, she would no doubt be overjoyed to explore the many works of lost art and ancient resources locked away in the subterranean archive. As an archeologist, Ms. Nikos would probably also find it fascinating.

I wondered if Tania or Athena would be interested in helping me to find a way to get down there. 
“Ms. Mazona… Does your antiquities knowledge extend to ancient books?”

Tania paused and I could tell from her expression that she was obviously intrigued. “It does to some extent… How ancient are we talking about?”

I glanced around. The library was closed. We were all alone.

I stepped closer to Ms. Mazona and dropped my voice to a whisper. “Are you familiar with the Lost Diary of Astynome?”

Tania looked at me curiously, wondering why I was suddenly being so conspiratorial. “I’m familiar with the name ‘Astynome’ from my studies of the Trojan War… but I’ve never heard of any lost diary… why do you ask?”

I took a deep breath as I tried to figure out how to tell Tania about the hidden chamber filled with forgotten books without her thinking that I was making the whole thing up. “What if… what if I told you that I knew of a place… wait… did you hear something?”

We both froze and cocked our heads to the side as we instinctively held our breath and listened. I could hear the sound of approaching footsteps coming from between the rows of bookshelves.

“Hello? Who’s there? …The library is now closed!”

I started to get a little nervous when no one replied. Tania’s posture changed dramatically and I could see that she was instantly on high alert. Her hands clenched into fists and she seemed ready for action. “Ms. Kent, are you expecting anyone to be here at this hour?”

I shook my head no. It sounded like a group of several people moving through the library and they were making no effort to be stealthy. In fact, the footsteps seemed to be getting much louder.

Whoever it was… they seemed to be coming straight towards us.

Tania grabbed my forearm and suddenly bolted towards the main entrance, practically dragging me behind her. I could hear the footsteps approaching behind us and they were running faster now also. I could make out the low murmur of male voices and the squawk of a walkie-talkie, but I couldn’t tell what they were saying.

Tania was moving swiftly despite her high heels and we were almost to the main entrance. All we had to do was sprint across the main lobby and we were home free. I didn’t know who was chasing us, but I didn’t want to find out. I was struggling to get my keys out of my pockets without slowing our pace. Tania shouted instructions in my ear.

“Ms. Kent, listen to me very carefully… When we get to the door, I want you to exit the library and shut the door behind you. I’ll be staying inside. I want you to keep moving until you reach the security phone under the telephone poll on the south side of the parking lot. Call for security and then hide… Do not look back!”

Was she crazy? Did she seriously just tell me to leave her in here alone with the guys that were obviously chasing us?

“But… but what about you?”

Tania Mazona smiled and rolled up her sleeves...

“Don’t worry about me… I’ll be just fine.”

Librarian Perils #34 - The Storm Before The Calm

Tania Mazona and I sprinted for the main exit as the footsteps of our pursuers thundered right behind us. Tania hit the door first and slammed into the latching bar, but unfortunately it was locked.

“The key! They’re coming!” Tania shouted.

My master key was already in hand and I struggled to steady my trembling fingers enough to get the tiny sliver of metal into the locking mechanism. I glanced over my shoulder and saw two men wearing dark suits and shades running towards us from the opposite side of the main lobby. I didn’t have much time. As I returned my attention to the lock I noticed that the mechanism was already rotating… and I had yet to insert the key! Someone was trying to enter the library from the outside. I had no way of knowing who or what was on the other side of that door, but it seemed far more likely that it would turn out to be a foe instead of a friend.

“We’re trapped! Run!”

I grabbed Tania’s arm and dragged her after me as I sprinted towards one of the side exits. I zigged and zagged between the bookshelves to take the shortest possible path. The library was dark, but I knew the arrangement of the shelves well enough to run through the maze of books blindfolded. I could only hope that my familiarity with the environment provided us with some small advantage.
We were no longer in the line of sight of our pursuers. Tania slowed her pace and tried to shake her arm loose from my grip. “Ms. Kent! Let me go! We need to separate!”

“What?!?!? Are you crazy? That’s a terrible idea! Follow me and I’ll lead us out!”

Tania planted her feet and stood her ground. “Trust me! There’s something I need to do now while we’re out of sight... Just go!”

I didn’t know what Tania was planning to do, but I couldn’t just leave her behind. Ms. Mazona was caught in the middle of a situation that she knew nothing about and getting her out of the library safely was my responsibility. I was fairly certain that those men were chasing us because I had tried to tell Tania about the Lost Diary of Astynome. Ms. Pryor had warned me not to mention the Lost Diary to anyone, and now here we were being chased by goons that had full access to the library.

That couldn’t be a coincidence. They had to be working for her. I had no idea what the men might do with us if they caught us, or what Ms. Pryor might do if the men took us to her… and I certainly didn’t want to find out.

I grabbed Tania’s arm and pointed up at the vaulted ceiling three stories above our heads. “I don’t think we are out of sight! Those cameras up there see everything!”

Tania looked up at the dozens of black domes spaced evenly across the ceiling. The realization that our every move was being observed and recorded shattered her confidence and seemed to fill her with dread.

“Hera help us, they’re everywhere… my secret will be exposed if I… I... oh, no...”

I didn’t know what she was talking about and we didn’t have time to discuss it. “Ms. Mazon, we have to keep moving! Our only chance is to make it to one of the side exits before they can cut us off again!”

We dashed between the shelves as our pursuers closed in around us. I could hear more heavy footsteps coming from at least three different directions and I charted a path through the books that kept us moving towards the exit while also keeping us angled away from the bad guys. Between the empty spaces on the shelves I caught occasional glimpses of the men in suits racing towards us. They were so close that I didn’t know if I’d have time to unlock the side exit when we reached it.

I heard the clacking of Tania’s heels suddenly stop and I turned back to see if she was ok. Tania was throwing all of her weight into a nearby bookcase. She planted her feet and she gave a tremendous and desperate yell as Tania extended her legs and shoved the heavy case over far enough to make it begin to topple. Tania took off running again and waved for me to do the same as the bookcase fell over behind her. I watched in horror as shelves started to fall like dominoes in a chain reaction of destruction and flying books. Our pursuers were momentarily cut off and they would have to find a new path to get to us. Tania had bought us some time and I could only hope that it would be enough.
We rounded a corner, ducked between another set of shelves, sprinted across a large aisle and raced for the side exit. We were almost there, but I could hear the footsteps of the men closing in once more. I practically crashed into the door as I scrambled for my master key, jammed it into the lock, twisted the mechanism and pulled open the handle.

The light from the setting sun streamed through the doorway and I could see the parking lot, the sky, the campus... We were out!

“Ms. Kent! Look out!”

I had only taken three or four steps outside when I saw a blur of motion coming towards me from my left. A very large man in a dark suit and shades was just about to tackle me when Tania threw herself into his path to intercept him. Both of them went down in a tangle of rolling limbs on the grass and I had no idea who might come out on top.

It was Tania!

Somehow she had managed to flip the man over onto his back and she straddled his chest. He was trying to punch her from below with one of his fists and it took the combined strength of both of her arms to block his flailing attacks. As the man kept Tania busy with one arm, he swiftly reached into his pocket with his free arm, yanked out a white cotton cloth and pressed it firmly over Tania’s mouth and nose.

“Oh, nooommmMMFFF!!!”

All of this occurred in a matter of moments, but as soon as I saw the white cloth appear I instinctively dove at the man’s arm. He was stronger than Tania, but he couldn’t overcome both of us. As I plowed into his elbow, the white cloth was knocked away from Tania’s face and I heard her gasping for fresh air. I could smell the faint chloroform fumes still lingering in the air, but Tania was still fighting furiously and seemed unaffected. She struggled to control his arms while I raked my fingernails across the man’s cheek.

“OW! You little bitches! I’m gonnaammmMMFFFFF!”

As he cursed at us, Tania reached for the chloroform-soaked cloth and jammed it into the man’s mouth. He went wild and began to buck his body violently in a frantic effort to shake us both off. Tania and I used our combined weight to keep him pinned. The smell of the fumes was getting even stronger and I hoped that the man would pass out quickly before it started to affect me as well. Within a matter of seconds I could tell that his thrashing was becoming more sluggish.

“That’s it, Tania! I think we’ve got himmmMMMMFFFFF!!!!!!!”

A white rag was clamped over my face from behind me.  My attacker grabbed me by the back of my hair and yanked me to my feet. The pain and surprise caused me to gasp instinctively and I inhaled a dose of the anesthetic before I could remember to hold my breath.

Our pursuers from inside the building had finally caught up to us. One man stood behind me with one of his arms around my waist while his other hand held the white rag over my face. A second man grabbed my wrists to prevent me from fighting back. I began flailing my legs like a wildcat in an effort to knee the second man in the crotch or to stab him with my high heels. I was slowing him down and making him angry, but I couldn’t prevent the two men from dragging me back towards the door of the library.

As I struggled I could see two more men converge on Tania. One of them slapped yet another rag over her face and the other grabbed her wrists and pulled her off the man that we had chloroformed. The man on the ground didn’t get up. We had taken out one of them, but Ms. Mazona and I were severely outnumbered. I watched as Tania managed to elbow one of her assailants in the nose. He cursed and I could see a spray of blood. Tania seemed to be trying to cross her forearms together, perhaps in an effort to break the man’s grip on her wrists. Whatever she was trying to do, it didn’t seem to be working. Her fight continued, but then I found myself dragged back inside the library and I could no longer see what was happening outside.

Lack of oxygen was making my chest burn and I desperately wanted to take a breath. I was fighting my own instincts as well as the two men that were trying to keep me under control while the chloroform did its work. The fear, the running and the fighting had already taxed my endurance and I didn’t think I could hold my breath for much longer. Suddenly the man in front of me released one of my wrists. I immediately tried to claw the back of the hand of the man holding the rag over my face, hoping to get him to drop the cloth so that I could get some air.

A sudden blow to the stomach caught me completely by surprise. The man in front of me had released my wrist so that he would have an arm free so that he could punch me! What little air I had left whooshed from my lungs and when I tried to inhale my lungs were flooded with the anesthetic.

My ears began to ring, my eyes were watering and I could feel warmth and numbness spreading across my face. I knew I had to hold my breath, but I couldn’t stop myself from gasping desperately for air.

“You idiot! I can’t believe you just punched her! Do you have any idea what Ms. Pryor is going to do to you?!?!?

“Fuck, Ms. Pryor... Once this Kent bitch is out, her ass is mine.”

I glared at the man as he slipped his hand up my thigh and under my skirt. It was probably a waste of my strength but I put everything that I had into a defiant kick that drove the heel of my shoe directly into his testicles. He crumpled to the ground at my feet and I was about to kick him again when I felt the man behind me reach around and roughly squeeze one of my breasts. I squealed into the rag as the man on the ground tried to wrap his arms around my ankles.

Two figures suddenly came flying through the side door of the library and tumbled across the hardwood floor. Tania was grappling with one of the men from outside. The man was holding a white rag and Tania was doing her best to keep it away from her face, but I could tell that her movements had become slower and less coordinated. I waited for Tania’s other opponent to come crashing through the door, but he never did. Maybe Tania had managed to take him out. Unfortunately it didn’t look like it was going to matter. We were still outnumbered. I was slipping under quickly and Tania didn’t look like she could hold out much longer either. Tania had both of her hands locked around her opponent’s wrist that held the rag, but her enemy was overpowering her. Tania watched in horror as the rag seemed to creep towards her face in slow motion.

“No… no… not again...”

Tania whimpered as the white rag was shoved into her face. She was too exhausted and winded to keep herself from gasping and breathing in the fumes, but her body still had a bit of fight left in it. She released her grip on the man’s wrist and went directly for his eyes. The man screamed like an animal and I saw blood roll out from under his mirrored shades. I couldn’t see his injury, but I suspected that he would never forget this battle with Tania Mazona.


Tania was screaming into the rag as she fought desperately against the man that had her pinned to the floor. Finally the man could take no more and he rolled off of her. He scrambled off to the side and sobbed in pain while covering his wounded face with his hands.

Tania was free!

It was now two against two again. If Tania could get the man holding my legs to let go of me, I fantasized that we might have a chance to fight the two remaining men off.

Unfortunately my arms were now dangling uselessly at my sides. I realized that the man who was sedating me now had his hand under my blouse and that I should probably try to do something about it, but my body couldn’t be bothered to respond. My ears were ringing, my head throbbed and despite the chaos of the battle I found that the whole situation was oddly relaxing. Every squeeze of my breast sent a soothing wave of pleasure throughout my body that made me feel as if I were floating.

Holding my breath no longer felt necessary and I breathed steadily into the rag as my attacker whispered soothing things into my ear… telling me that it was ok to relax… ok to sleep… he was such a nice man…

Tania couldn’t stand. No one was chloroforming her at that moment, but the repeated doses had taken their toll. She was going out. I watched as Tania desperately used what little strength she had left to slowly… ever so slowly… cross her forearms in front of her chest. Her eyes closed peacefully and for a moment I thought that she might be saying a silent prayer.

There was a moment of silence…

When Tania finally opened her glassy eyes and looked up at me apologetically, I could tell from her defeated expression that her prayer had gone unanswered. The man that had been holding my legs released me and crawled over towards Tania as he pulled a white rag from one of his pockets.

“No use… toooo… dizzy… can’t… concennnnmmmmmfffff… mmmnnn… nn…”

This time there was no struggle.The man placed the white rag gently over her face and Tania was too weak to resist. She melted helplessly into his arms as the chloroform finally put her to sleep.

She looked so peaceful like that...

I couldn’t wait to sleep too...

Librarian Perils #35 - Strictly Confidential

Oh, DO stop whining Ms. Kent... You brought this on yourself! We agreed that there are certain aspects of my business operations that are to remain strictly confidential. It’s not MY fault that you decided to test your boundaries. Now your new friend here must pay the price for your insubordination right along with you.

And as for you…“Ms. Mazona”… we have never been formally introduced, but since we’re all sharing made-up names today you may call me “Ms. Pryor”. Let me assure you that I know EXACTLY who you are. I have separated your wrists deliberately to ensure that you remain helpless… and to minimize property damage. I have no interest in confronting your “better half” at this time.

I am a very private person, Ms. Mazona. I value my secrets, just as I am sure that you value yours.

No doubt all of this excitement has aroused your curiosity, but I do not want you to waste any more of your precious time investigating my affairs or anything else that occurs in this library. It is simply none of your business and I want you to do your best to forget that you were ever here. It is extremely important that you abide by my terms, or I will ensure that your secret is revealed to every media outlet in the free world, along with photos and videos of your current predicament. One might say that it is “ULTRA” important that you obey all of my instructions… if you catch my meaning, dear.

Once you have been properly disciplined for the damage that you did to my library… along with a few additional swats for my own personal amusement… I shall chloroform you and leave you sleeping on a park bench outside the library. You will then be free to go… and I NEVER want to see you in this library again.

Ms. Kent… you will be receiving a bit of additional training to ensure that incidents like this do not occur in the future. I suspect that you will be reminded about the importance of keeping secrets every time that you sit down for the next week at the very least.

Now… are we ready to have a bit of fun? I know I most certainly plan to enjoy myself... Hahahaha…

Librarian Perils #36 - Hypnotic Replay

"See how the earring flashes as it catches the light? Focus on the earring, Chryseis… focus… on the earring…”

I noticed that my field of vision seemed to be narrowing as I studied the earring. The earring and the flashing seemed to be the only thing that I could see. I was only vaguely aware of Denise and the rest of the library in the background of my field of focus. I tried to decipher a pattern in the seemingly random light reflections… 

Flash… flash… flash…

“Do you see the way it sparkles in the light?”

“Yes.” My voice sounded strangely hollow and thick, which took me a little by surprise. 

“Very good... Now… I want you to make sure that your eyes stay focused on the earring. It’s important that you do not close your eyes until I tell you to do so. Keep looking at the way the earring sparkles in the light as it turns sooooo slowly.”

I realized how easy it had become to lock onto the earring to the exclusion of everything else. How long had I been starring at it? Was I starting to go under?

“Taking deep breathes… Feeling so good… and so relaxed.... Can you feel it?” Denise’s voice sounded strange. It seemed to be softer, as if it had travelled a great distance before reaching me.


Was that my voice? ...Oh, my... I sounded so... so... hypnotized...

Flash… flash… flash…

“It’s becoming so hard to keep your eyes open now, Chryseis… and you are feeling soooo relaxed… and that’s perfectly normal… perfectly safe... Just keep listening to my voice as the earring slowly takes you down into a deep hypnotic trance.”

My eyes blinked slowly… slowly… It was a strain to look upwards at the earring for so long. It would definitely feel better to close my eyes. I hoped she would tell me to do that soon.

“You’re doing so good now, Chryseis… so good… just focus and allow the earring to take you deeper… and deeper… and deeper…”

Denise was a natural at this. Her voice was so soothing. She continued to talk to me, telling me what to do so that I could feel even better, even safer, even deeper... but at some point I entirely lost track of what she was saying. It seemed like she had been trying to hypnotize me for a very long time, but I didn't mind at all. Everything that she said felt exactly right. She knew just what to say. She knew exactly what I should do.

Flash… flash… flash

"It's ok for you to remove your blouse now, Chryseis. In fact, you would feel much more comfortable if you just took off ALL of your clothes."
Denise was right, of course. I would feel much more comfortable if I took off all of my clothes. I could hear her giggling about something, but I was far too focused on my flashing earring to wonder what she might be laughing about.

"Do you believe in hypnosis now, Ms. Kent?"

Librarian Perils #37 - Hypnotic Backfire

"I can't believe you actually took off your clothes! You're seriously going to do anything that I tell you to do?"


"Really? Let's see... Grab your boobs, flap your elbows, and quack like a duck."

"Quack, quack, quack..."

"Ha! Oh my god! That is hilarious!"

"Quack, quack, quack..."

"Ok, stop quacking. This is just too much fun! I can't believe how deep you went so quickly... This isn't the first time you've been hypnotized, is it?"


"Interesting... But then why did you tell me you didn't believe in hypnosis? Did your other hypnotist tell you to forget ever thing that happens while you are in trance?"


"Does that mean you are going to forget everything that happens to you while you are in trance now?"


"Well, then... I think maybe it's payback time for what you did to me when you found my remote... Hmmm... It feels good to obey me, doesn't it Chryseis?"


"Allow yourself to feel even better... You feel warm and safe, Chryseis... as you listen to my voice... focusing on your earring as it flashes in the light...."

Flash… flash… flash…

"Feel yourself becoming aroused now, Chryseis... as you go deeper... allowing the earring to... to make you feel... aroused..."
Flash… flash… flash…

"Oh, wow... It is... rather hypnotic.... isn't it?"


"The way it catches the light... is so... pretty..."


Flash… flash… flash…
"I... I forgot... I forgot what I was saying... something about... going deeper..."


Flash… flash… flash…

"...and deeper..."


Flash… flash… flash…

"...oh... oh, no..."

Librarian Perils #38 - Hypnotic Opportunist

“Well, well, well… What do we have here?”

“…oh… oh, no…”

“Oh, yes, you stupid cunt. I see that you remember me, and I most definitely remember you.”

“…Richard… stay… stay away… from…”

“Shhhh... It’s ok, Denise. Don’t let me distract you. Just keep watching the sparkling earring. Good girls obey… remember? Remember your collar? Remember your cage?”

“…good girls… obey… I… remember…”

“That’s right, Denise... Good girls enjoy being hypnotized… and clearly you are still a very good girl…”


“And how about your friend over there? Is Ms. Kent a good girl, too?”

“... leave… leave her… alone…”

“Ha! That’s so cute. Are still trying to look out for other women, Ms. Miller? After what I put you through when I was your student, you’d think you’d have learned to mind your own fucking business! Trying to help others never works out well for you.”

“…have to… wake up…”

“Oh, please… We both know you don’t really want to... It’s sooooo much easier if you just stay in trance.”

“…stay… in trance…”

“That’s right, Denise… you just stay in trance while I bang the shit out of your librarian friend here.”

“…no… I… I can’t…”

“Can’t think? Can’t stop me? Can’t wait for your turn?”

“…I… I… have to… protect…”

“She doesn’t look like she wants to be protected. In fact, Ms. Kent looks pretty wet and ready to me. It looks like you got her all hot and bothered before I even showed up. Were you being naughty, Denise? Maybe I’m the one protecting Ms. Kent from you?”

“…no… that’s… not…”

“Oh, stop trying to think. You aren’t very good at it. If you really want to keep me from fucking Ms. Kent’s brains out, then I think I know a way for you to stop me... Would you like to hear it?”


“All you have to do, Denise, is let me have my way with you… right here… right now…”

“… no… I… I can’t…”

“Of course you can! In fact I won’t even take off your skirt. I’ll just slide off your panties and slip into you from behind, and you won’t even have to take your eyes off the pretty earring. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

“…yes… I… I mean…”

“Shhh… I know what you mean. The body wants what it wants. It’s not your fault. You were made for sex, Denise… and nothing more. Good girls are made for sex. Are you a good girl, Denise?”


“Of course you are… and it’s all for a good cause. Don’t you want to protect your friend?”


“Then take off your blouse, Denise. Show me those glorious tits and I’ll know that you want me to take you right here… right now…”

“…right here… right now…”

“Good girl, Denise… Let me just hold onto that earring for a minute while we get started…”

Librarian Perils #39 - Hypnotic Harem

"I'm guessing from what you've done to poor Ms. Kent here, that you must know a thing or two about hypnosis, isn't that right Denise?"


"And did you also know that you can't get someone to do something while in a trance state that they wouldn't normally do while they are awake?"


"So that means, on some level, perhaps even on a level that she isn't consciously aware of, Ms. Kent must like the idea of taking off all of her clothes for you in public. I think she must like to obey your commands. Isn't that something?"


"Look how horny she is, Denise. You did that to her. She must be attracted to you, don't you think?"


"You hypnotized her... and one of the first things you asked her to do was to get naked. That must mean you are also attracted to her, don't you think?"

"...No... I... I'm not..."

"She is very pretty, right?"

"...yes... but..."

"I think Ms. Kent must also be very grateful. After all, you rescued her from me. I was going to fuck the living shit out of her... but now I'm going to do that to you instead. You're a hero, right Denise?"


"Ms. Kent... Come over here now and show Denise how much you appreciate her sacrifice."

"No... You... you said..."

"Oh, hush, Denise... I said I wouldn't touch Ms. Kent and I meant it. I'm a man of my word after all.... but I didn't say that Ms. Kent wouldn't be touching you."

"...But... I... I... ohhhh..."

Librarian Perils #40 - Hung For The Holidays

Twas two days before Christmas, I was feeling carefree,
I'd just finished my rounds and what did I see?

Suspended and naked and floating like a bubble,
To no one's surprise, it was Ms. Kent in trouble!

The stockinged librarian was strung up with care,
On display for the patrons that soon would be there.

I rushed to untie her! I started to worry!
Then I thought, "Wait a second... What's the big hurry?"

She was out cold and helpless, my ideal Christmas present,
And I had to admit that the view was quite pleasant.

She was limp as a noodle from her head to her toe,
I could have my way with her and she'd never know.

Taking advantage might lack some finesse,
But I don't really care... I'm a villainess!

My mind is made up! I'll torment her with pleasure!
Her orgasmic screams will each be a treasure!

I think you should leave now before things get loud.
I'm not into sharing and three is a crowd.

The library is closed for the rest of the night.
Merry Christmas to you... now get out of my sight!


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