Jen-Der Bender - Part 9
by DarkStalker1 --

He didn't resist much as I pulled at his clothing. We continued walking towards the med-bay with me tugging his uniform open from the neck down. His hands feebly tried to stop me but I continued until I could pull the garment from his shoulders and partly down his arms, trapping them so that his resistance faltered completely. When the med-bay door slid open automatically I shoved him inside and pushed him face down across the nearest exam table, bent over with his feet still on the floor and his ass sticking out.

Throughout all of this he'd kept his head turned so that he couldn't see me. This was another reason his attempts to resist me had been so weak. He never knew where I was going to pull at his costume next. Now, with his arms fettered in the sleeves of his uniform, I was able to take a scalpel from a tray beside the table and cut the lower half of the outfit away, exposing his ass so temptingly that I just had to put the scalpel down and slap it with my open palm. He yelped with pained surprise as I struck him but that was the only reaction I detected. My other hand was holding him down on the table, pressing between his shoulder blades but his resistance was virtually non-existent now.

I stepped away from the table but he remained where he was.

'Restrain the subject and finish stripping him!' I said out loud.

As expected, tentacular arms snaked out of the floor and ceiling to grasp him... this was a slaver ship after all.. then another arm swept over him spraying a fine mist. He barely flinched as the mist touched him but the tattered remains of his uniform miraculously dissolved and left him totally naked.

The flesh of his ass was still slightly reddened where I'd slapped him. I stepped closer again and stroked a hand over his butt, then slid a finger into the crevasse between his cheeks. The muscles tightened instantly, grasping my finger tightly. I pulled it free and stepped back again.

'Hygiene scan!' I commanded.

An arm, maybe the same one that had dissolved his clothing, dropped down from overhead and once again swept across his pinioned figure, this time accompanied by an amber light.

'Subject is clean.' Intoned a mechanical voice as the arm retracted back into the ceiling. 'Evidence indicates recent enema application.'

'Oh, you naughty boy! So that's how you get your jollies!'

I could hear his groans of humiliation.

'No wonder your companion seemed so eager to be left alone with my brother's cock!'

I slapped his butt again a couple of times and then moved around the table so that I was in front of him. He was still trying to avoid looking at me... at my cock!

'Oh my...! You're actually in denial, aren't you?' I exclaimed. 'You know what you are but you're trying to deny it to yourself! You pleasure yourself like that but you don't want to believe there's something more that you want! Something like this!'

I swung my hips and slapped my rigid cock against his face.

'Feel that!' I said. 'It's big and hard... and it's going in your ass! I suggest you get it good and wet to make it easier on yourself!'

I stepped back slightly, watching as he slowly turned his head towards me... his eyes squeezed tightly shut and his lips pursed together. I nudged my hot, throbbing glans against those lips and waited.

Eventually the lips parted a fraction and the tip of his tongue brushed softly against my hot flesh before withdrawing. After a few seconds it emerged again to lick more positively at my throbbing cock head, leaving a slick sheen of moisture in it's wake.

'Oh, yes!' I groaned appreciatively. 'But you need to get it wetter than this... much wetter!'

His eyes opened at last to gaze at my long, thick shaft pointing at his face. He whimpered softly but his mouth opened accomodatingly and he watched as I eased forward and pushed the head of my cock past his teeth, stretching his jaw wider apart than anytime before.

As I continued to ease myself into his moist oral orifice, his lips closed around my shaft and he started to suck on the massive intruder. His saliva soon filled every open space left in his mouth and began to dribble past his lips to tricke down his chin and drip to the floor.

He groaned as I pulled away from him, pulling my cock from his mouth. I moved back around the table, slapped his ass again and and listened to his less than convincing groans of protest as I spread his butt cheeks and aimed at his tight, puckered anus. He whimpered delightfully as I pressed against him and then screamed as I forced my way past his resistance and thrust myself deep within.

I lay myself down, draped across his back with my cock pulsing in his ass, my tits pressed into his back, and I whispered in his ear,

'I'm gonna fuck your ass raw, my little cock slut, and when I'm done you'll beg me to do it to you again! But by then you might have started to change so we'll wait and see what happens!'

He whimpered softly for a few seconds, confused about what I meant, but then he started groaning with lust as I started to thrust in and out of his tight hole. I managed to get a hand down between the edge of the table and his thighs so that I could wrap my fingers around his own stiff member and rub it as I fucked him. It wouldn't be long now...!

I was still rampantly hard as I examined my newly transformed fuck toy half an hour later. The results were somewhat of a disappointment to me but I could see opportunities and an there was always the possibility of further improvement.

She was fully restrained by now... that's right, SHE! Though she still had a cock it was diminished to a fraction of its former size. The testes had all but disappeared and a new, virginal pussy had developed in the space between ass and cock. She was held upright on the table, arms stretched up above her surprisingly attractive bald head and secured with cuffs attached to two of the tentacular arms. Her legs were bent double and cuffed, shins to thighs. Her short cropped hair had simply fallen from her scalp as I fucked her ass for the second time.

I slid into her much easier the second time with her ass still gaping and slick wih my cum.

I stood glowering at her inadequately transformed figure and ran a finger along the stiff shaft of her shrunken member. It wasn't even as long as my thumb!

'We'll give this a bit longer... no pun intended... and see what happens! But it might be just as good to slice it off! I mean, there isn't even enough there to satisfy a horny rabbit!'

Her alarmed but gag-muffled squeel and wide-eyed, pleading gaze brought a smile to my lips.

'It could be handy for other things though!' I stated enigmaticly.

'As for these...' My hand rose to stroke the small bumps that were her tits, '...there's more than one way to enlarge them! And anyway... there are plenty who likesmall breasts and they're plenty sensitive as they are too!'

I delighted in her plaintive whimpers as I stroked her tiny tits and felt her nipples engorging beneath my palm.

'I think it's time to go check on the others and see what's happened to your companion, don't you?'

Her eyes showed concern and her cock actually twitched.

'Oh I'm sure she's had her wicked way with my trussed up brother... just as we planned! Though I'm not sure Jayce will like what have planned for him next!'

To be continued...


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