Rewire: The Magic of Mystique 6

by DarkStalker1 -- 

Rewire belongs to SuburbanQueen95 --

Rewire had been manouevered into a bizarre position by her tormentress. She was in a squatting posture with her legs spread obscenely wide apart by means of notched bars on either side of her body. Her wide-spread thighs were resting in two of these notches with her ankles secured to metal posts so that there was no way for her to lessen the aching pain the posture engendered.

Her arms were also in an extreme, pain inducing situation, arms raised high then doubled at the elbows so that her wrists crossed and were secured behind her neck and thence attached to a ring at the back of the vocal inhibitor collar she was forced to wear. She'd twitched, twisted and turned as Mystique had bound her in this weird stance, trying to relieve the aching in her arms and legs.

'I highly recommend that you practice remaining motionless!' Declared Mystique. 'It might prove highly profitable for you soon!'

Rewire's trepidation moved up a notch... and with it, her excitement! There was no way to queery what was going to be done to her, she'd just have to wait for Mystique to tell her.

More equipment was set up in front of and behind her.

'Keep looking forward!' Mystique demanded. 'You'll find out what's going to happen to you soon enough!'

She waited impatiently as the blue-skinned mutant did things behind her that made strange, unidentifiable noises. She didn't fear for her life... Mystique needed her alive... but she wondered how much further the pain/pleasure torture methods were going to go. How far before her tolerance levels were reached and then surpassed?

A soft hissing sound started behind her and then Mystique was reacing around her secured body and attaching suction devices to her breasts. The pressure was just enough to seal the pumps in position over her nipples and she found it surprisingly pleasant. Pipes hung from the suction devices and snaked around behind her attached there, no doubt, to the pumping device. Her pussy throbbed and she felt her nipples hardening beneath the clear glass of the lactation inducers.

More movement and then Mystique was reaching around her again, this time pushing a length of plastic tubing into her mouth. An attached leather pad was strapped tightly in place sealing the two or three inches of tube in her mouth.

'Almost finished!'

Mystique appeared in front of her with two lengths of adjustable metal tubing. One of these she slotted upright into a hole in the thick metal base of the leg-spreader. The second piece was attached to the first and then the familiar shape of a powerful vibrator was attached to the end of the conjoined metal structure. The length of the second piece was extended until the bulb at the end of the vibrator pressed against Rewire's crotch.

'There now! How does that feel?'

Rewire stared at her pleadingly. The bondage and the attachment of the various devices had turned her on... she couldn't deny it... but she needed something more and the ache in her legs and arms wasn't enough!

'I have to leave you for a few hours!' Mystique stated simply.'But I'm not going to leave you without a little something to keep you entertained!

'I'm going to visit a few of your mutant victims... the ones from Xavier's band of fools! I've pleaded for them to join me in the past and they've refused but this time... I have an extra advantage!'

As Rewire watched, Mystique's body began to change! The blue skin tones became a more regular caucasian hue and the face began to alter subtly.

As the change continued, Mystique bent over and donned a short black skirt then pulled on long black boots. She turned her head towards Rewire and looked at her captive with her own face!

'What do you think? I never picked your shoes up in the alley and I ruined your skirt getting it off you so do you think these will suffice?

The change continued with Rewire's familiar blonde hairstyle replacing Mystique's bright red style. The skin colour also continued to change, sliding down the evil mutant's body from top to bottom, the caucasian hues washing away the blue. The telling takes longer than the action so that in moments Rewire was looking at an exact duplicate of herself, standing bare-breasted and smiling down at 'herself'!

'Now then! Your entertainment!'

The shape-shifter turned and bent over to press a switch on the vibrator... but nothing happened!

Moving behind Rewire, Mystique operated another switch and then returned to look down on the confused Rewire.

'Remember how I told you to practice keeping still?' She laughed. 'Every device attached to or even just touching you is motion sensitive! But not quite in the same way! For instance... the breast pumps will activate with any detectable movement you make, whereas the vibrator will only activate if you remain motionless for two minutes so... if you want to stop those pumps from sucking you dry you must remain as still as possible! But if you manage that then the vibrator will switch on... and we both know how much you squirm when you're being stimulated down there! Oh... Just one other thing! Since I'll be gone for so long I won't be here to feed you so I've arranged it so that thirty minutes after the breast pumps start... and they will start... a second pump will cut in and feed everything extracted by the first pump back through this pipe and straight into your mouth. I can see the look of distaste in your eyes so it's a good job I thought to add that rather fetching panel to your gag. It's there to prevent you from letting your milk trickle out past the pipe! Now... where's that blouse of yours? Ah, there it is!'

The false Rewire plucked the garment from the floor and shrugged it on.

'I shouldn't be more than four or five hours! Your insistence on making your victims respond to anything you tell them means I just need to find them and give my orders in your guise! But I still need you for all the others... the ones you haven't crossed paths with before... so don't worry your pretty little head! This exercise won't kill you! We still have a lot to do together! Besides... I'm enjoying having you as a fuck slave to play with! Enjoy yourself!'

To be continued...?


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