Enjoy Your Breakfast
by DarkStalker1 -- http://darkstalker1.deviantart.com

He opens the metal door and stands for a while looking down into the dark depths of the stairwell. He’s lost count of the number of girls he’s carried down these stairs into his secret hideaway. Down there they can be hidden away from the regular world above and subjected to any and every depraved act he sees fit to perpetrate upon them. After a week of degradation, humiliation and sexual torture he drugs them and takes them to the docklands where there’s always a ship that’s happy to take them off his hands and use them as entertainment for the crew before selling them into slavery somewhere along the ships route.

He takes the first few steps down then turns and closes the door behind him making sure to lock it. It wouldn’t do for some tramp or homeless person to stumble into his lair and think to set up a home in the network of tunnels the stairs led to.

The bulb above the door is the only source of light and he’s soon swallowed up by the darkness. He takes the small LED flashlight from his pocket and switches it on. He’s travelled this route so many times that he’s sure he could do it in the darkness but one of his maxims is ‘better safe than sorry’ so he directs the beam down the stairway and presses onwards.

Soon he can hear her muted sobs reverberate up the shaft of the stairwell. He smiles to himself contentedly, knowing he’ll soon be with her and that her sobs will become wails of disbelief and then horror once he tells her what’s going to happen to her over the following days. Then he’ll tell her it could all go much easier for her if she just co-operates with the training process... a lie of course but it usually seems to calm them down for a while before he gets down to business and determines how much ‘training’ they need.

This one should be a good one. A pretty little blonde that he caught walking home on her own after a party. By the time she realized she was in trouble it was too late and the tazer was pumping current into her twitching body.

Now it was twenty-four hours later and he was going to have the little bitch begging for mercy before the sun came up... not that it ever would down here.

The stairs ended in a short passageway that ran forwards some ten feet and ended in a blank wall. There were, however, doorways to both the right and left. He turned into the room on the right and prepared for a vigorous session beginning with a shower in the small, self-built cubicle. It had been easy to find the water pipes and plumb in his own feed straight from the mains, same with the electric supply that heated the water and supplied power for any other needs he had.

After the shower he spent the next fifteen minutes making several slices of toast and brewing coffee. He poured the coffee into two mugs and separated the toast into two equal piles on two chipped plates then put the assemblage onto a tray and moved across to the room on the other side from the stairwell. Having unlocked the door and entered he flicked a switch to the left of the door and waited as the lighting sprang to life above him.

On the other side of the room a near naked girl huddled in the corner trying to shield her eyes from the sudden illumination... a hard thing to do when your arms are securely bound behind you. All she could really do was close her eyes and turn her head away from the light source. A heavy metal collar was around her throat with a chain attached that hung loosely down the front of her body.

He stood watching her for a few moments, nodding with satisfaction now that he saw her again. Long-legged and with curves in all the right places, blonde hair that fell around her shoulders framing a classically beautiful, blue-eyed face. All she wore was a skimpy, see through garment that he’d dressed her unconscious body in the night before. Black lace that fell from her shoulders, barely covering her breasts and so see-through it might as well not have been there. The vee of the neckline plunged down between her tits and only stopped fractions of an inch above her shaved pubis.

He crossed the room in three easy strides and stood in front of her.

‘Look at me!’ he commanded.

Slowly she rose to her feet, her head turned towards him and her eyes blinked cautiously open. What she saw made her step back so that she was pressed up against the wall, pinning her arms as much as the ropes that bound them.

He hadn’t re-dressed after the shower so he stood before her naked and bearing the tray with the toast and coffee on it.

She hadn’t eaten for a day and she could obviously smell the beverage and the food. He stepped to one side and lowered the tray to the floor then moved back in front of her. Her eyes were still on the tray.

‘Look at me!’ he commanded again.

Her eyes moved directly to his face and he could see the fear in them. Her more-or-less naked and bound condition was sending very clear messages to her troubled mind.

‘Look at me!’ he ordered for a third time.

This time the meaning got through and with a gentle sob she let her eyes slide down his body to his erect manhood.

He took a half-step closer and listened with pleasure to her whimper of despair.

He raised his hands and stroked them through her blonde hair, brushing it away from her face, and then he held her head still whilst he gazed silently into her terrorised eyes. He let his fingers trail down the sides of her face to examine the tightness of the strap that held her gag in place. Satisfied, he let his hands fall to her chest where he stroked and massaged her tit flesh, delighting in their firmness.

His cock was pressing against her belly in the gap down the front of the flimsy garment.

‘What are you willing to do to get a chance of some food and drink?’ he asked simply.

She glanced at the tray again and then looked into his eyes, shaking her head. He stooped down and plucked a piece of toast from one of the plates then slowly ate it staring into her tear-filled eyes.

He bent and took a second piece then held it under her nose before moving it to his mouth and taking a bite out of it.

‘Are you sure I can’t tempt you?’ he asked after he’d swallowed.

Tears began to roll from her eyes and her shoulders slumped in defeat. Moments later she’d dropped awkwardly to her knees and was rubbing her face and hair against his rigid member.

He finished the second piece of toast, letting crumbs fall down onto her face and into her hair.

‘I think it will take a bit more than that!’ 

He stepped away from her then leant down and fumbled behind her head. The gag straps loosened and then he was pulling it from her mouth. At the same time as the gag slipped from between her lips he took hold of the loose end of the chain from her collar, stepping over it with his right leg so that he straddled the chain.

She manoeuvred herself so that she was sitting on the floor with her legs bent and splayed in front of her. Leaning forwards slightly, she tipped her head back and reached for his cock with her tongue.

‘That’s more like it!’

She licked slowly at his shaft a few times, trailing her tongue along the vein ridged surface, and then she felt a hand on the top of her head, holding it still whilst the other hand guided his cock into her mouth. It wasn’t the first but it was certainly the biggest she’d ever had to accommodate in this manner.

‘Make me come in your mouth within two minutes and you can eat!’ he stated simply.

TWO MINUTES?! Without the use of her hands to assist the actions of her mouth and tongue? She couldn’t do it... could she?

Maybe! Maybe! He’d already been aroused when he entered the room! Perhaps he was already close!

She moved her head back and forth, sucking vigorously at the meat in her mouth, stroking its surface with her tongue and lips, hoping that she could finish him off within the space of 120 seconds. Within 40 seconds he was grunting and pushing forcefully into her mouth as his hand on her head pulled her towards his thrusting crotch.

She’d been counting the seconds off in her head as well as she could so when she first felt his cock begin to twitch she knew there were no more than eighteen seconds to go. With a surge of desperation she took the deepest breath she could and threw herself forward into him, literally swallowing his cock and sucking as hard as she could. He backed away from her slightly, pulling the chain taut and his glans free of her throat and letting his shaft slide across her tongue as he began to ejaculate.

He was still filling her mouth so the semen began to seep past his cock and her lips and run down her face whilst her tears of humiliation and degradation smeared her eye make-up and streaked her face.

She leant forward and spat out as much of his ejaculate as she could.

‘You’d better swallow next time!’ he said, ‘It might be the only protein you get!’

He turned his back on her and walked to the door, pausing on the threshold.

‘Enjoy your breakfast!’ he said as he stepped out, flicking the light switch off and slamming the door behind him, plunging her into total darkness once again.

Breakfast! Food! But... where was the tray? Could she reach it? And how was she supposed to pick up toast and eat it with her arms still tied behind her back?

He stood on the other side of the door drinking from the coffee he’d picked up from the tray as he left and listened to her angry screams as she struggled to find the tray in the darkness.


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