Shayla's Fate

by DarkStalker1 --

She refused to let her tears fall. She wouldn't give these Kara'San raiders that satisfaction.

She had awoken with a start to find herself pinned to the floor by the weight of a man who knelt astride her body pinning her arms to her side with his legs whilst one hand pressed down firmly over her mouth and the other held a sharp bladed dagger to her throat. She couldn't cry out for help and there was no one to call out to anyway. She was out here totally alone... or at least she thought she had been alone. Her eyes flicked to the left. Her fire hadn't burned down very far since she'd stoked it before turning in for the night. They hadn't waited long before launching their attack.

The second raider loomed above her and then knelt by her head, leering down at her. He nodded at his companion who removed the blade from it's threatening position at her throat, and then he reached forward with one hand to maul at her breasts through the soft fabric of her top, grunting appreciatively at what he found.

Shayla closed her eyes trying to steel herself for the ordeal that was to come but failing as the first raider thrust his newly unoccupied hand between her legs and groped roughly at her most sensitive parts through the soft leather of her leggings. She tried to squeeze her thighs together to deny him but only succeeded in trapping the hand in position, the fingers wriggling and squirming against her.

The second man now drew his own knife from it's sheath and gently inserted it into the neckline of Shayla's top, angling the razor sharp blade upwards and then slicing through the material and the cord that tied it shut. Re-sheathing his blade, the man now took hold of the loose edges of the severed neckline with both hands and ripped the garment assunder to expose Shayla's breasts. A gutteral laughter erupted from his throat as both hands now squeezed roughly at the firm but pliant flesh.

The first raider now pulled his hand from between her legs and moved it in front of her face, wiggling his fingers and then slowly curling them, one by one, until he'd formed a fist. Abruptly he struck downwards, his knuckles impacting forcefully with her temple, stunning her. A second blow in the same spot overcame her feeble efforts to retain some form of awareness as a blanket of darkness engulfed her.

Some time later she awoke to the realization that things had changed whilst she was unconscious. The first thing to register was the pain in her neck, back and shoulders then, when she tried to move her arms to relieve the pain, she found that they were immovable. Slowly, memory and comprehension returned. Despite the pain and fear she kept her eyes closed and tried to learn what she could about her situation with the other senses available to her.

Her arms were stretched upwards, bound together at wrists and elbows so tightly that they were like a single limb. Because her arms were drawn so closely together by their bonds her head was pushed forward, stretching her neck and causing a knot of pain. The other pains were caused by the fact that she was hanging from her wrists, her entire body mass a dead weight that pulled enexorably downwards. Her legs had been bent so that straps could be applied binding her shins to her thighs. And finally there was the gag. An enormous rubber ball that had been forced into her mouth and strapped in place so that the only vocalisations she could make were incoherrant gurglings and moans. However, she was surprised to realize that they hadn't yet violated her in any way other than the groping at the campsite.Tentatively she opened her eyes and looked around.

She'd already deduced that they had moved her. There was nowhere at her campsite that would have allowed them to suspend her in this way. There were plenty of trees over to the east of her camp where the forest ended and the plains she'd been crossing began but they were many miles distant and they couldn't have transported her so far in the short time she sensed she'd been unconscious.

Her first glimpse revealed a stone flagged floor and confirmed for her that she was now naked. Raising her gaze slightly she saw a wall of heavy stone blocks and, crouching before her, the raider who'd destroyed her upper garment. It had obviously remained on her, draped from her shoulders, as they'd brought her here and secured her because she could see the tattered remnants spread on the floor. Her leggings were there too, the soft leather perforated by a number of short slits. Anxiously she looked at her bare legs but was relieved to see that there were no matching cuts in her flesh.

The man barked out a short sentence in his unintelligable language and beckoned his companion over to his side. They stood together grinning at her lasciviously, a sharply contrasted pair.

The one who'd knelt astride her at the camp was tall and athletically muscular, smooth skinned and ruggedly handsome his hair cropped to an extreme closeness that left little more than a downy fuzz across his scalp. His companion was a swarthy, hirsute man with long straggly hair, his belly protruding grotesquely over the top of his pants.

They moved towards her, one to either side, and crouched alongside her dangling, helpless form. The one on her left, the swarthy one, ran a hard, calloused hand down her thigh and then tugged at something moving her leg.

With a start Shayla noticed that a chain was hanging down from her knee. A loop that went around the back of the joint, trapped there by the position of her foreleg. The loop was closed by a larger ring of metal from which depended a further length of chain. It was this chain that the raider was now pulling at, dragging her leg to the left and parting her thighs. On her right the other raider was pulling at a similar chain, spreading her legs even further apart. Each of them affixed their respective chain to a fastening in the stone floor leaving her more exposed and vulnerable than she'd ever been before.

The men stood examining her, each of them reaching out on occassion to run their hands over her bare flesh as if they had to touch her to be sure she was really there. Abruptly the swarthy one gave his partner a sharp shove and growled something in a commanding tone. Turning back to Shayla he began fumbling with the waistband of his pants, his eyes filled with a look of burning, feral lust.

Shayla knew what would come next... had known since the first awareness of her capture. She was resigned to it, maybe even longed for it, because afterwards would surely come the sweet, merciful embrace of death.

Unexpectedly, the swarthy one spun around with a shocked gasp.

The other raider was stood there, a dark smile on his face. A hand shot out and grasped 'Swarthy' by the shoulder, pulling him forward.

'Swarthy' gasped again, this time in pain, and then staggered back a step or two as his shoulder was released. Slowly he turned towards Shayla, his eyes wide with shock whilst both hands plucked at the hilt of the dagger that protruded from the centre of his chest, never quite able to take a firm enough hold to dislodge it. He staggered backwards until he collided with the wall and then slid down it ending in a crumpled heap. His breathing became a laboured, wheeze as his fingers continued to weakly grasp at the weapon.

Totally ignoring the last moments of his victim the other raider proceeded with unfastening his own pants, having already deposited his tunic atop Shayla's ruined clothes. He moved towards her and reached out for her body. His hands grasped her waist and pulled her towards himself, wrenching a scream from behind her gag, her eyes gaping wide as her shoulders were stretched even further and more pain than she'd ever experienced before exploded through her body.

Breathing in short, sobbing gasps she realized that he was easing his hips back and forth and then she felt his rigid manhood sliding along the length of the slit between her thighs. She also felt an unexpected tremor in her groin and then whimpered as she felt her treacherous body responding, trying to grasp the solid length of her raper's cock.

He bent his knees slightly, lowering his hips so that his erection angled upwards a little more and then he straightened up, thrusting into her.

Shayla groaned uncontrollably as he drove himself deep into her, a groan of pure relief as her body was lifted by the raper's penetration and the unendurable strain on her shoulders was relieved. Her body was awash with alternating waves of relief and then pain as, for several minutes, he contented himself with fucking her in this way, penetrating her to the maximum and then letting her body down as he bent his knees and withdrew only to thrust upwards again.

As he continued, she found herself hoping that he wouldn't climax too soon. Not because she was getting any kind of pleasure from the fucking but because, as the end drew nearer, she found that despite everything she wanted to live. She could feel it approaching, feel his cock expanding even more within her with each thrust and withdrawal and then, with a final gasp, she felt his explosion deep inside her!

It was over!

With a soft moan of pleasure he slid out of her and stepped back, one hand rubbing his semi-erect cock. He looked down for the first time at the body of his former partner then swiftly bent and pulled his dagger free from the lifeless flesh.

Shayla could only watch as he glanced from the blood stained blade to his rapidly re-energized and hardening member.

'Kill or keep?' he said aloud in her own language.

His eyes locked with hers and saw the fear within them. With a smile he moved towards her again...


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