Happy Birthday, Denise! courtesy of The RenderPretender Archives -- http://renderpretender.deviantart.com AND, if you want to wish Denise a happy birthday, you can do so at http://curia-dd.deviantart.com
Permanent Changes by DarkStalker1 -- http://darkstalker1.deviantart.com 'Is it really that painful, my sweet?' she chuckled, 'Or are those moans of pleasure I'm hearing? Your cock keeps throbbing and twitching whenever I touch it and it looks so big and hard in my hand...! No!! The way you react to my touch surely means you're enjoying these new sensations... don't they? Never mind. I'm delighted with your progress! This is the first time I've ever managed to advance my experiments to such a delightful stage without the subject expiring... which is why I'm convinced that this time I've got it right! This time the change will be permanent and we'll have soooo much fun together afterwards that any unpleasantness you've endured will be insignificant in comparison!'
SHE IS BACK!!!! Yesterday, after several months away from DeviantArt, YCBatgirl returned to DA, so it's only fitting that she appear here on the Blog today too!!! courtesy of YCBatgirl whose gallery at DA can be seen at http://ycbatgirl.deviantart.com
Fairy Dreams by DarkStalker1 -- http://darkstalker1.deviantart.com Despite their obvious differences, fairies are much like us. They have dreams... and they have nightmares too! So... what does your average, pervy little fairy with tendencies towards the more masochistic side of S&M dream about?
Base(ment) Desires by DarkStalker1 -- http://darkstalker1.deviantart.com When looking to buy a new property you should be sure to communicate openly with the seller and express your desires concerning the property in question. This should hopefully get the seller in tune with you and make it easier to broach the subect of any concerns you might have... such as damp spots... which are, admitedly, fairly common in older buildings that have basements! With the co-operation of the seller it should be simple to get the thumbs up for negotiations to continue and with due dilligence it should be possible to fill any cracks in the contract that might be exposed. Happy house hunting!
Hellfire!!! (1 of 2) Tune in tomorrow for another version of this image by RenderPretender! And you can see more of his work at http://renderpretender.deviantart.com