
Showing posts from 2018
THE LIBRARIAN PERILS (PAGES 21-30) by AmazonArrow from and Librarian Perils #21 - Customer Service Conflict "I’m sorry, miss… but the book you are looking for appears to be checked out at the moment. "What?!?! That’s bullshit! I called earlier and you told me that you’d be keeping it on reserve for me? "I did?    What was your name again? "Sarah… Sarah Brigade… "Hmmm… no… I’m not seeing anything on reserve under that name... Do you know who you spoke with when you called in to reserve your book? "Kent… She said her name was Kent. "Oh… well, that’s me... but I don’t remember taking any reservation calls today. "It wasn’t today, you dumb bitch. "I see… uhm, when did you call and have the book reserved? "At the start of the semester… about four months ago… "Four MONTHS? …I’m sorry, Sarah, but we don’t reserve books for more than two ...